Volume 17, Issue 1 • Summer 20182018

GeogSU18Newsletter24pp.indd 1 8/8/18 10:59 AM GEOGRAPH Volume 17, Issue 1, Summer 2018 This newsletter is a publication of the Department of Geography in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences at Penn State.

Designer/editor: Angela Rogers Cover illustration: Tara Mazurczyk Additional editors: Cynthia Brewer, Patricia Craig

For inquiries about this newsletter, contact the Department of Geography, 302 Walker Building, The State University, University Park, PA 16802-5011. Phone: 814-865-3433 Fax: 814-863-7943

Send your news and updates to [email protected] website: www.geog.psu.edu/ blog: sites.psu.edu/dogblog/ www.facebook.com/pennstategeography/ twitter.com/psugeography/ www.linkedin.com/groups/731847

IN THIS ISSUE 3 • From the department head 4 • Students and colleagues remember Peirce Lewis 8 • Cracking the code for sustainable energy 10 • Female firefighters defy old ideas of who can be an American hero 12 • Seed grant supports collaborative research in immersive technologies for research and teaching 14 • Q&A with Robert Brooks 16 • Community updates 17 • MGIS students study abroad while studying online

This publication is available in alternative media on request.

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U Ed. EMS 19-03

2 Department of Geography Summer 2018

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Chalking Up Clusters

ne of the many pleasures access to employment, education, of leading a department health care, and food that are of geographers is the wide accentuated as urban areas grow rangeO of topics we study and are and lower income regions become passionate about. This year we integrated into global economic all got into a room together and systems. brainstormed about the research Geospatial Big Data Analytics uses themes that draw us together and a rapidly expanding array of sources make us distinctive (a.k.a. faculty that include sensors, GPS-enabled meeting—not your usual source of devices, volunteered geospatial data, fun). It got loud. We laughed. We public health records, and geoparsed complemented and contradicted one place references in text and speech. another and threw a mix of brilliant and silly ideas onto the wall, literally. Justice, Ethics, and Diversity There was an old-fashioned aspect to explores how power and difference it, with me wildly scribbling in chalk operate from the local to the global, on our wall-size blackboard to keep asking how different groups envision up with the storm of interrelated alternative futures and transform the ideas. world around them in more just and sustainable ways. We arrived at a set of research clusters that are inviting to students Population, Environment, and and to collaborators looking for the Governance examines the spatial emphases that resonate with their organization of cultural, political, interests. In conversations with and economic relationships, as well visitors and administrators, the as how these social systems interact clusters elicit surprised interest: “Oh, with the natural environment. I didn’t know that is geography.” The Spatial Modeling and Remote department continues to use the Sensing includes developing tools traditional four subfields of geography and models to understand, detect, to structure our hiring, teaching, and predict interactions within and and curriculum planning—Human, between ecosystems, the atmosphere, Physical, Environment and Society, and the critical zone across scales and GIScience. The six new clusters that range from local to global. show how we are connected across As we’ve built these research the four-field breadth. clusters into our public presence and What are these research and recruiting, an added bit of fun has specialization clusters for Penn State been choosing scalable glyphicons Geography? that are graphic identifiers for each Environmental Change cluster—kind of like nerdy emojis. and Prediction emphasizes Check out how we have used them understanding the biophysical on the department home page and linkages and feedbacks in threading through the images in the environmental systems that sustain research clusters section of our new biodiversity, livelihoods, and website at www.geog.psu.edu. ecosystems services. Food Security and Human Health focuses on spatial disparities in

Summer 2018 Department of Geography 3

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Geography professor emeritus Peirce F. Lewis (pictured above) died at Medical Center, State College, on February 18, 2018.

The following article Lewis fit everybody’s I had always thought of is an excerpt from, idea of a geography geography as nothing “Classroom Masters,” professor. more than maps of originally published in “I’m going to show you places; I had never the May/June 1992 issue the cultural landscape considered the impact of The Penn Stater. of the United States and of people on those give you the tools to places or of the places understand why things on people. are where they are, and Lewis handed us how they got to be that a five-page list of By Jodi Vender way,” Lewis continued. important dates in n energetic “Then you will show the history of North man in his late yourselves and me America, along with fifties greeted what you have learned the basic geographical usA by switching off the by going out there features of the United lights and switching on and reading the local States and Canada. a slide projector. landscape yourselves. “Your first assignment “As we plunge into This first slide ... ” is to identify all of these intellectual darkness, let The lights snapped places and features me assure you that after on again. I blinked, not on a blank map and this class, you will never just because my eyes to commit all of these be able to look at the rebelled against the dates to memory.” world in the same way sudden brightness, but We all looked at each again. At least, I hope also because my mind other and groaned. not.” In spectacles and a reeled at the revelations “Before you can khaki field jacket, Peirce I had just encountered. begin to understand 4 Department of Geography Summer 2018

GeogSU18Newsletter24pp.indd 4 8/8/18 10:59 AM Peirce was an inspiration, a mentor, a friend, a window on the world and a giant presence in so many ways. I’m grateful for having had the opportunity to spend as much time with him as I did at Penn State and through our correspondence and occasional visits in the years after. I last saw Peirce when I visited in 2008 for the fortieth anniversary of Coffee Hour. A bunch of us went out for dinner that evening, a group that included Wilbur Zelinsky and Greg Knight, who are now also missed. I also stopped by Peirce and Felicia’s house the next day before leaving town to return to Toronto and spent a couple of hours visiting there, too. It was right before the first Obama election and I know we talked politics. As was his wont, Peirce sent me home with a couple final mementos which I now hold dear along with all the other memories.

—Brian Banks ’84g

Students and colleagues remember Peirce Lewis

why things are,” he talking about. Three: teacher must come to a explained, “You must you have to like the common ground.” know what, when, and students. The question He says the most where they are.” is whether you can successful experiences Chris Gazze ‘91 was a make an impact on occur when students fellow student in that somebody’s mind and teach themselves. soul.” geography course. “I A great example is the was surprised when he He believes that State College walk we started the first class by teaching is a two­ had to take for GEOG showing a picture of a way street, that both 102: The American barn and insisting that students and teacher Scene. It consisted of a it was an interesting must provide positive nine-mile trek through cultural artifact,” Gazze reinforcement. “In the streets and alleys of commented. “Come on, some classes “ he the town, after which what could be remotely noted, “students behave we had to write a interesting about a as if they’re brain- twenty- to thirty-page barn? But Lewis’s dead, but even these paper about what we enthusiasm really rubs can sometimes be saw. The amount of off on everyone, so I stimulated.” effort I put into that was willing to suspend Lewis claims to be project was almost my disbelief for a while. “somewhat resentful” as tremendous as the And pretty soon I saw of students who don’t blisters on my feet, but his point.” want to be there, those I learned to see things Lewis himself sees who cross their arms about my environment three prerequisites for and say, “I gotta be here. I had never noticed good teaching: “One: Learn me.” before. you have to love your “‘Learn me’ ain’t a subject. Two: you have transitive verb!’’ Lewis to know what you’re insists. “Students and See LEWIS, p. 22

Summer 2018 Department of Geography 5

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Making good geographical sense By Ron Abler dominated the last decades of his I have just spent a poignant professional life—his love affair afternoon browsing my with New Orleans. In 1971 the AAG’s correspondence with Peirce; Comparative Metropolitan Analysis hours sweet with nostalgia for an Project needed someone to write acquaintanceship that began when the vignette on New Orleans, one I joined the Penn State geography of the twenty metropolitan regions faculty in 1967 and grew into the project embraced. Nobody local comradery, hours of sadness that his could or would write it, a problem death brought that relationship to the I mentioned to Peirce one day. He definitive end. tentatively volunteered, saying that he had long wondered whether he As this collection of recollections could go to a new place cold and attests, Peirce was many things make good geographical sense of it. to many individuals, all of them Project Director John S. Adams and wonderful—except for his driving I put the suggestion to the project’s when conducting field trips. Such was Steering Committee (Brian J. L. Berry, his exuberance for what he was seeing John R. Borchert, Frank E. Horton, and explaining that he generally J. Warren Nystrom, James E. Vance, neglected to watch the road or other and David Ward) who, familiar with traffic. We soon developed elaborate Peirce’s capabilities, approved. The conspiracies to keep the car keys out resulting 1976 vignette New Orleans— of his hands. The Making of an Urban Landscape In retrospect, among our many (Ballinger Press), became an instant interactions as colleagues, neighbors, classic, to be followed (after repeated and friends, I am especially happy requests) in 2003 by an updated and to have aroused a passion that expanded version with the same title

I attended college and graduate school during a national division driven by racial tensions, gender roles, and an unpopular war. Within the Penn State Department of Geography, there was a civil war over qualitative versus quantitative methods students had to navigate. Interesting times, indeed. My love of place (going out in the field with open eyes) led me to Penn State. Peirce Lewis spoke his mind, even when it was painful. I needed to rewrite my master’s thesis as it wasn’t up to his standards. This prepared me for a career doing research motivating people to do the work to change. Dealing with the world as it is gives a great life lesson. I learned from him that anywhere you go, you really need to see what is there. The best class I have ever had was field methods with a sixteen-day trip throughout the eastern United States. Everyone used a topographic map to plan a local field trip. Mine was in Virginia tobacco country, another Harlem. Traveling in a large van, we covered a lot of country, most where tourists seldom go. In a van with your professor for that long—an awesome and rare experience. For a geographer or anyone loves travel, I cannot think of a better experience. I did not use my geography for my career, but his love of the field made me someone eager to see what is over the next hill.

—Joel Stegner ’74g

6 Department of Geography Summer 2018

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(Center for American Places), that Among the many things I cherish was subsequently reissued in 2010 about Peirce, foremost is the and 2018 by the University of Virginia delightful yet erudite banter of most Press. Good geographical sense of his letters and emails over the indeed! years, as in this from 1999: Sorry to have missed you and Barbara at the Dean’s bash, but the sweet Felicia and I were off tarryhooting around the West Country and Wales. I wish to discover where the poet Browning is buried so that I can go dance on his grave. We took his advice on being in England now that April’s here, and the advice is bad—constant rain, and even some snow: we crossed Exmoor in a howling blizzard, although it may have been the hound that was howling. I later learned that Chaucer had some nice things to say about English Mays. So much for the romantics. But egad, sir, rural England remains SUCH a civilized place with SUCH nice people! And I may have discovered the best beverage in the United Kingdom: Ruddles Strong Ale. Comes in half-liter cans—sorry, tins, and my goodness . . . English food, alas, still suffers from the falling damps, despite propaganda to the contrary. I can’t begin to imagine how the British population manages to ingest that volume of boiled potatoes. I supposed they produced the carbohydrate that fueled the Building of Empire. Btw, if you and Barbara haven’t visited the north Welsh city of Conwy, with its Edward I castle and crenellated walls and a Telford cast-iron suspension bridge, run, do not walk . . . And just to the south is Bodnant Garden, which is worth a trans-Atlantic trip just on its own. When are you coming next to the Happy Valley? F & I would like to slay a fatted calf for you and shew you our new Park Avenue digs. The azaleas are in bloom as I speak . . .

What do I recall about Peirce Lewis? For one, he was a strong disciple of William Morris Davis, whose theory of erosion cycles predicted ancient erosion surfaces dubbed peneplains. Peirce saw several of them in the Ridge and Valley area around State College. By contrast, Larry Lattman, the geologist who was my other M.S. thesis adviser, saw only local broad uplands responding naturally to geologic structure and denudational processes, as predicted by John Hack’s theory of dynamic equilibrium, with which I agreed, much to Peirce’s dismay/ disgust. My thesis was approved for defense after much back and forth, until Peirce and Larry agreed to disagree—provided I carefully qualified what I wrote. A useful experience, to be sure.

I also recall Peirce’s fondness for Erwin Raisz’s “Physiographic Diagram of the United States,” which I used as the primary text when I taught his landforms course when he was on leave during my final year at Penn State. Aside from an appreciation of careful discourse, the most valuable thing I learned from Peirce is that one can shift gears among research foci: I caught him well after he had shifted from political geography (which he still taught) to physical geography, which he was jettisoning to focus on cultural/historical/landscape geography, for which he is best known. That one need not feel locked into a subfield in which you’ve made a heavy investment was a useful lesson.

—Mark Monmonier ’69g

Summer 2018 Department of Geography 7

GeogSU18Newsletter24pp.indd 7 8/8/18 10:59 AM FACULTY PROFILE Cracking the code for sustainable energy ennifer Baka joined the “I’m a former northeastern Department of Geography in Pennsylvania coal mining town Jthe summer of 2016. She is an resident. I grew up in a town that assistant professor of geography who still has a mine fire—Mayfield, studies energy using the emerging Pennsylvania, outside of Scranton. subfield of political-industrial I had several respiratory issues ecology. growing up due to the mine fire, “Political-industrial ecology is the including asthma, which regularly integration of two kinds of systems kept me out of school for thirty days thinking,” Baka said. “From an a year, so I was always interested in industrial ecology perspective, we how government decides what to think through the whole supply remediate and what to leave and chain for a particular resource. For let burn. I graduated from college example, from the extraction of crude in 2000 when energy deregulation oil, to transportation, to refining it was happening in the United States into gasoline (and other products), to and energy privatization was an distribution, to the exhaust coming interesting problem to study.” out of your car.” In her teaching, research, and “From a political ecology service, Baka tries to debunk myths perspective, we think about the about energy. One of the most political and economic processes common, she said, is that renewable shaping that supply chain,” she or green energies are unquestionably added. “How are regulations better for the environment. created? Who decides? What are the “If you take a political-industrial implications?” ecology perspective, looking at solar Bringing the two areas of thinking panels for example, you’ll discover together, Baka considers the that manufacturing solar panels metabolism along the whole supply requires a lot of energy and uses chain and how those systems are numerous chemicals and rare earth governed in a systematic way. “We elements. It’s also difficult to recycle can identify where power exists. We solar panels. You can see that we might just be trading one type of environmental impact for “ ... people need to know where another, shifting the costs their energy comes from, to use without a net gain. Another just what they need for their daily example is the biofuels program in India, which I activities, and to be aware of the studied extensively for over environmental impacts of energy a decade. In that case, public lands were taken away from consumption.” poor rural communities that had been using them for can think about the way an energy grazing. In Pennsylvania, hydraulic system is regulated. We can ask: Is fracturing, commonly referred it fit for purpose? For example, does to as fracking, brings up another it provide adequate environmental interesting case, to see firsthand the protections?” potential impacts to ground water and risks to worker health and safety.” Baka’s interest in studying energy and asking those kinds of questions Fracking is a topic Baka studies was kindled by her experiences extensively. “I am really struck by growing up. the parallels between the biofuels 8 Department of Geography Summer 2018

GeogSU18Newsletter24pp.indd 8 8/8/18 10:59 AM Jennifer Baka, seated at the left end of the table, participates in a League of Women Voters’ panel on the methane cracker plant. program in India and fracking in extraction to manufacture plastics. Pennsylvania. Biofuels development Pennsylvania wooed Shell to build in India was framed as an effort the cracker plant in Pennsylvania by to improve the country’s energy giving a $1.65 billion tax break—the security and also create new jobs largest in state history. We have been for rural communities, but we conducting preliminary research on found that was not the case. The the plant for the last year with seed new biofuels program provided funding from Penn State’s Institutes jobs only seasonally compared to of Energy and Environment and the previously existing agricultural jobs John T. Ryan EMS Faculty Fellowship. that provided work year-round. I am currently working with an That same rationale in Pennsylvania interdisciplinary team of geography has positioned fracking as a way to and law students to set up a political- revitalize rural communities. (As industrial ecology analysis of the an interesting aside, it is unique to plant,” Baka said. the United States, that landowners Over the past year, they have hold the mineral rights to their mapped out the system of the plant, property; in most other countries, from the shale gas wells, to the the government holds the mineral pipelines to the cracker plant, to the rights.) Biofuels in India was a bust. consumer end-use, and finally to the We are going back to see how it’s plastic pollution. “We are using this going now and interview those data to ask: What are the material involved.” and energy flows through the whole “Countries like China, South system? What are the environmental Africa, and Germany commissioned impacts of the system and how do scientific councils to investigate the these impacts vary across time and environmental impacts compared space? How are those flows regulated to the economic benefits before across different political scales— going ahead with fracking, and what federal, state, county, municipal?” she protections were needed. They were said. proactive. In the United States, we Going forward, Baka is applying usually let these projects go live for additional grants “to evaluate and then we backfill, which makes the fitness of the current regulatory it challenging to address the issues structure, specifically whether the later. Ideally, we would conduct regulatory structure adequately prospective analysis of costs and addresses community concerns and benefits, so we can mitigate possible helps to mitigate environmental negative outcomes.” impacts.” To better inform her work That’s what Baka is trying to do with in the Pittsburgh area, she also wants her next big project; looking at the to evaluate similar plants that are emerging petrochemicals industry already operating in Kentucky, Texas, outside of Pittsburgh which may and Louisiana. affect an area as large as the entirety “One key area of concern that we of Appalachian rural America. have observed in our preliminary “The ethane cracker plant will research is the potential public health use byproducts from shale gas See BAKA, p. 22 Summer 2018 Department of Geography 9

GeogSU18Newsletter24pp.indd 9 8/8/18 10:59 AM Female firefighters defy old ideas of who can be an American hero

By Lorraine Dowler San Francisco, Seattle, Two centuries of Originally published in and Miami, where in service The Conversation. recent years fire squads Women have been have been more than putting out fires in the 10 percent female. The United States for 200 ive women national average hovers years. graduated from around 5 percent. In 1815, Molly Williams New York City’s Approximately 10,300 FireF Academy on April joined New York women nationwide City’s Oceanus Engine 18, bringing the number worked as full-time of women serving in the Company 11. Williams firefighters in 2016, was a black woman Fire Department of New according to the most York (FDNY) to seventy- enslaved by a wealthy recent data available New York merchant two—the highest in its from the Department of history. who volunteered at Labor. In 1983, there were the firehouse. Williams The FDNY’s 2018 just 1,700. would accompany the graduating class also These women are on merchant to the station includes the first son to the front lines, fighting to cook and clean for the follow his mother into fires, helping victims of all-white, all-male crew. the profession. She was natural disasters, and One evening, the one of the forty-one combating terrorism. women hired in 1982 alarm rang at Oceanus after the department lost I interviewed more 11. The men were a gender discrimination than one hundred incapacitated by the flu, lawsuit and was ordered female firefighters for so Williams grabbed to add qualified women an academic study of the hand-pumped hose to the force. women in traditionally and answered the call male industries. alone. Her strength so Despite these My research reveals impressed the men that milestones, women they offered her a job. still make up less than how women are 1 percent of New York’s changing firehouse In 1926, 50-year-old 11,000 firefighters. The culture and transforming Emma Vernell became city trails Minneapolis, how Americans see New Jersey’s first female heroism. firefighter when her 10 Department of Geography Summer 2018

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husband, Harry, a Even my liberal more female firefighters volunteer fireman in the colleagues have asked because women are town of Red Bank, died in me whether women not interested in such a the line of duty. can really carry an dangerous and “dirty” Many more women unconscious victim out job. took their husbands’ of a fire while wearing Yet women are in places in America’s one hundred pounds of fields that require a volunteer fire service gear. comparable level of during World War II. The answer is yes. In strength and stamina, By the mid-1940s, two 2008, almost 70 percent including drywall Illinois military fire of all aspiring female installation, logging and departments were firefighters passed the welding—though they “manned” entirely by national Candidate remain minorities. women. Physical Abilities Women have also But the profession Test, which tests for made more inroads in really opened up to endurance, strength, other historically male- women after the passage and cardiovascular dominated careers like of the 1964 Civil Rights health. The same year, aerospace engineering Act, which made it 75 percent of male and medicine. illegal for employers to applicants passed. discriminate against Female success rates Fear of change applicants based on rise when departments sex, race, religion, or offer specialized So why are just 5 nationality. preparation programs percent of firefighters Strong, brave, and for women to work out female? invisible together, get hands- Based on research on on experience with Despite this history, gender integration in the firefighting equipment, U.S. military, I believe I still hear claims that and follow individualized affirmative action for the main obstacle facing strength-training women in firefighting is female firefighters is routines. diluting standards and its traditional culture. putting communities at Critics have suggested risk. to me that there aren’t See FIRE, p. 21 Summer 2018 Department of Geography 11

GeogSU18Newsletter24pp.indd 11 8/8/18 10:59 AM Seed grant supports collaborative research in (xR) immersive technologies transdisciplinary research team, led by Alexander Klippel, “xR” Virtuality Continuum professorA of geography and Gosnell Senior Faculty Scholar, received one of ten seed grants to pilot programs that support Penn State’s 2016–2020 Strategic Plan. The proposal is titled, “Digital Innovation through Immersive Technologies: Establishing New Paradigms for Environmental Decision Support.” The project primarily supports the thematic priority, Driving Digital Innovation, and also addresses three other themes: Advancing the Arts and Humanities, Stewarding context. Through expanding physical our Planet’s Resources, and reality to open people‘s minds, we Transforming Education. The goal can facilitate adopting critical, is to demonstrate the potential that previously impossible, perspectives.” immersive technologies offer for all Klippel said that his lab has academic disciplines, but with a focus been using virtual reality (VR) on environmental communication. for a long time for behavioral Klippel has been working with experiments because it allows for immersive technologies for several controlling critical environmental years, launching projects within characteristics. ChoroPhronesis, his research “In 2014 it became clear that VR laboratory, and collaborating with would become a medium for mass faculty across Penn State and other communications,” Klippel said. institutions. S. Shyam Sundar, distinguished “There is a network of faculty here professor and co-director of the at Penn State who are enthusiastic Media Effects Research Laboratory about immersive technologies. And in the Donald P. Bellisario College that fits nicely with the University’s of Communications, has also strategic plan,” Klippel said. been conducting research along “Just take a moment to realize that these lines. “I see this modality of we can provide access to any place communication growing by leaps on earth at any point in time from and bounds in the next decade. the bottom of the ocean to boreal It will soon dominate the way we forest in central Asia, from the height experience media. Just like television of Mayan civilization to the future ushered in a new way of experiencing of Centre County under various the real world compared to simply climate change scenarios,” Klippel reading about it via newspapers or said. “We‘ll be able to deliver fully hearing about it on the radio, VR will immersive, embodied experiences change the game.” that interactively allow for accessing The term “xR” is now being used all information available about to represent the continuum of the a place, and understanding it in concepts and technologies, from 12 Department of Geography Summer 2018

GeogSU18Newsletter24pp.indd 12 8/8/18 10:59 AM Seed grant supports collaborative research in (xR) immersive technologies more powerful and empirically proven to foster understanding “xR” Virtuality Continuum and learning,” Klippel said. “It is a medium that allows almost a full sensory immersion. It also allows for exploring at completely different scales yet still with all the benefits of an embodied experience. Think of the films, Fantastic Voyage (1966) or Ant- man (2015), an xR lesson can allow the student to shrink to the size of a molecule or become a giant who lifts the top off a mountain to see the geologic structure inside.” Sundar’s research on VR has shown the implications of this. “Immersive technologies are changing the nature of augmented reality to mixed reality to media by introducing a new virtuality, Klippel said. modality of communication, namely “xR is not new. What is new is the a virtual space to which users can be fact that every technology company transported and allowed to explore (e.g., Google, Apple, Samsung) is on their own. Unlike moving a investing heavily in it and creating keyboard button or joystick, users are a new industry that will transform able to explore the space by turning every aspect of human life.” their heads and waving their arms. “Immersive virtual technology Our research has found this to be an has developed in lightning speed effective way of telling stories about in the past five years, partly due distant lands and peoples, by giving to advances in understanding the users a greater of sense of ‘presence’ important spatial visual features and a feeling of ‘being there’ in the in the environment and the portrayed environment. We found industry’s ability to implement this that VR also increases empathy for understanding into their technology,” characters in the stories,” said Sundar. said Ping Li, professor of psychology Immersive technologies are not only and linguistics, co-director, Center improving education and research, for Brain, Behavior, and Cognition, they are also becoming a critical part and associate director, Institute for of any kind of training from fork lifts CyberScience. to submarines, Klippel said. They Klippel describes how xR can allow for reducing stage fright and be used for teaching. “If you want treating PTSD. to teach your students about the “Ultimately they will be able to structure inside a volcano, or the permeate our daily lives, allowing ecology on the bottom of the ocean, for better decision-making from or the gravity on the surface of selecting furniture to hairstyles, but Mars, you can assign a reading or also for planning for sustainable show a video; but now, you can also communities and understanding take them on a virtual field trip and climate change at the very local level,” give them an immersive, embodied said Klippel. experience that is tremendously See VIRTUAL, p. 20 Summer 2018 Department of Geography 13

GeogSU18Newsletter24pp.indd 13 8/8/18 10:59 AM During the early 1980s, I was a master’s student at East Stroudsburg University and also coordinating a project to restore Q&A with Robert Brooks river otters in Pennsylvania. On a cold fall night in 1982, a large, somewhat contentious, local audience had gathered at the Cross Fork fire station in northcentral Pennsylvania to hear me review controversial aspects of the project. In the back of the room was a tall, thin, young man with black hair and a mustache, who stood out as not “typical” for this audience. After my presentation, this young man approached me, thoughtfully indicated that he appreciated the way I handled the meeting, and asked me to contact him to be my adviser if I was ever considering a Ph.D. program. At the time, I had never given thought to pursuing a Ph.D. or a career in academia. The kind and considerate young man offering me such a wonderful opportunity was Rob Brooks, and, in 1986 I became Rob’s Ph.D. student. Ultimately, my first meeting with Rob, at a fire station in remote northcentral Pennsylvania, positively changed the entire focus of my professional life. I am forever grateful for that first, unexpected meeting with Rob and the wonderful interactions we have since shared.—Thomas L. Serfass ‘94g Wildlife and Fisheries Science

It’s rare to meet someone as remarkably accomplished as Rob who is also so approachable and grounded. His kind “It’s time to let go.” Robert Brooks wrestling with a beaver (statue) in Duluth, encouragement and genuine, unwavering Minnesota, while attending a Society of Wetland Scientists conference. optimism were vital to pushing me through even the most overwhelming of research challenges. During Riparia obert Brooks retires lab meetings, I always appreciated how at the end of August forthright he was with the fact that he 2018 after thirty-eight Ryears of service at Penn State still grappled with concepts and projects too. It taught me that the process of (Twenty-five years as founder working through a problem is universal, and director of Riparia and from the greenest of graduate students up fifteen years in geography). to the most distinguished of professors, and I will always be grateful for the way Q: What made you want to in which Rob has embraced that as just become a geographer/ecologist? another part of the job. I am so fortunate to have been under his wing during my A: Ever since I was about 5 time at Penn State and to have been able years old I’ve been fascinated to work with the family he has built within by the natural world— Riparia—what a wonderful legacy he learning the names of animals leaves in his place as he moves onto this and plants; exploring small next part of his career! —Claire Hirt ‘16 streams and wetlands; and Geography reading tales from wilderness experiences. My friends and I would look at picture books of

14 Department of Geography Summer 2018

GeogSU18Newsletter24pp.indd 14 8/8/18 10:59 AM Rob is a thought leader in wetland science on several topics, but what has Q&A with Robert Brooks resonated most with me are his views on integrated riparian ecosystems. In the worlds of regulation, assessment, and still to a high degree, in research—three worlds that Rob has straddled throughout his career—wetlands, streams, and floodplains are typically treated as discrete entities. Trying to understand them as interacting parts of an integrated system in the landscape with sometimes crisp and sometimes blurry boundaries is a continuing challenge in our field, and Rob has pushed the boundaries of this dialogue and continually directed the field’s attention to advancing this integration and line of inquiry. But beyond his intellectual contributions and his deep dedication to the field, Rob is just a good, decent person. He treats people with respect. He’s a good listener. When given the chance to say something negative about someone, and it doesn’t serve a bigger purpose, he generally keeps his mouth shut. Kids flock to him. Whenever I go to meetings and mention Rob’s name peoples’ faces light up, and they earnestly ask, “How’s Rob?” He’s consistently genuine, fair, deeply kind, fun, and warm no matter the setting—doing field work, hosting parties, teaching, directing multi- institution research projects, advising. He handles himself with integrity and enthusiasm and inspires his students and others to do the same. —Kristen Hychka ‘04 Wildlife and Fisheries Science, ‘10g “It’s time to let go.” Robert Brooks wrestling with a beaver (statue) in Duluth, Geography Minnesota, while attending a Society of Wetland Scientists conference.

animals with maps of far off places, in the College of Earth and Mineral such as Australia and Africa, and Sciences where we could learn more memorize the species that lived about landscape ecology and spatial there. It wasn’t until high school and thinking. my camping experiences in Scouting Q: Why did the study and protection that I learned about ecology as a of wetlands appeal to you? profession. In graduate school at the University of Massachusetts, I A: I believe the dynamics of water transitioned into the applied field of fascinates most people—the flow wildlife biology and management, of a river, the concentric rings of a working with aquatic mammals water drop on a pond’s surface, or (beaver, muskrat, otter) that the patterns formed by water and eventually led me to combine wildlife aquatic plants—think Monet. Water biology and wetlands science for my in its many forms certainly drew me career. At Penn State, I spent three in, to damming up small streams, years at Penn State DuBois in wildlife to scooping out crazy critters from technology, moved to University the water, to paddling canoes, then Park in wildlife and fisheries science kayaks, on rivers, lakes, and seas. for another twenty years, and then So in the 1960s and 1970s when it joined the Department of Geography See BROOKS, p. 20

Summer 2018 Department of Geography 15

GeogSU18Newsletter24pp.indd 15 8/8/18 10:59 AM Community updates UNDERGRADUATE May in Costa Rica. Her Earth Sciences The Penn State GIS paper is titled, “Living a at Shippensburg Coalition was accepted Callejera Methodology: University, where he as a YouthMappers Grounding Lugones’ will also be serving chapter. Streetwalker Theorizing as the University’s in a Feminist Decolonial sustainability Courtney Rome won Praxis.” coordinator. first place in the College of Earth and Mineral Megan Baumann Mikael Hiestand and Sciences Undergraduate and Kelsey Brain Andrew Yoder passed Poster Exhibition with organized a panel the FAA Aeronautical her poster, “Food for on “Intersectionality Knowledge Test, Thought: Differences of and Coloniality in receiving their FAA Geographic Food Habits Human-Environment Part 107 Remote Pilot between Alaska and Geography: Empirical Certificates, and are the Lower 48.” Project Contributions to now able to legally advisers: Michael Nassry Feminist Theory from fly small unmanned and Denice Wardrop. Latin America,” at the aircraft under Section CLAG in May in Costa 107 rules. Luba Hristova, Rica. Danielle Ruffe, and Eun-Kyeong Kim Sabrina Yu Zhong Kelsey Brain started her postdoctoral won third place in was awarded a fellowship at the the College of Earth Fulbright-Hays University of Zurich, and Mineral Sciences Doctoral Dissertation Switzerland in spring Undergraduate Poster Research Abroad 2018. Exhibition with grant to continue her Eden Kinkaid and their poster, “Fresno, dissertation research in Lise Nelson have California: Drought Costa Rica. a book chapter Impacts on Agriculture.” Carolyn Fish received forthcoming in The Project adviser: Guido a U.S. Geospatial Routledge International Cervone. Intelligence Foundation Handbook of Gender and GRADUATE Graduate Scholarship. Feminist Geographies. The chapter is titled Roxanne Ahmadi, Jace Carolyn Fish accepted a tenure-track assistant “On the Subject of Ebben, and Travis Performativity: Judith Meyer were awarded professor position in the Department Butler’s Influence in U.S. Geospatial Geography.” Intelligence Foundation of Geography at the (USGIF) scholarships. University of Oregon. Adrienne Kramer (nee Tucker) accepted a job Cary Anderson Zach Goldberg received a research as a senior GIS analyst won the American at the International Association of grant from Penn State’s Africana Research Association of Fire Geographers (AAG) Fighters. Cartography Specialty Center for his project, Group’s Illustrated “Organic Certification Tara Mazurczyk won Paper Award for her of Fig Production in Best in Show at the work on assessing Ouezzane Province, Bellefonte Arts & Crafts emotional reactions to Morocco: Assessing Fair held August 12–13, different map designs. Social and Cultural 2017. Impact.” Megan Baumann Elli Nasr Azadani was received a Global Russell Hedberg recognized by the North Programs Travel Grant accepted a tenure- American Association to present research track assistant for Environmental at the Conference of professor position Education as one of Latin Americanist in sustainability in their “Environmental Geographers (CLAG) in the Department of Geography- See COMMUNITY p. 18

16 Department of Geography Summer 2018

GeogSU18Newsletter24pp.indd 16 8/8/18 10:59 AM MGIS students study abroad while studying online

By Adrienne Goldsberry solving research for complex global When you think of online challenges (www.itc.nl/about- education, do you think of study itc/#education). abroad programs? Probably not. The final four weeks of the course But this summer, for the second take place online, where student time, graduate students in Penn collaboration groups finalize project State’s online Master of Geographic proposals and present them to each Information Systems (MGIS) program other for peer review. This year’s offered by research project involved mapping in collaboration with the Department spatial patterns in refugee data, of Geography studied abroad in recognizing that refugee issues are Europe. consistently at the forefront of world The course, GEOG 597G: Challenges news and events. in Global Geospatial Analytics, is “It’s been amazing to meet and work the first Penn State World Campus with other MGIS students in person online graduate course that includes while traveling across Europe,” said a travel component embedded into GEOG 597G graduate student Tim the curriculum. Faculty members Ultee. “The tremendous diversity Beth King and Fritz Kessler were the of backgrounds and perspectives instructors. has been invaluable to my learning So how does it work? During the experience, and spending lots of time first two weeks of the eight-week traveling together has afforded me the course, students collaborate online opportunity to build professional and and perform background research. personal connections.” Then they travel to Europe, where this GEOG 597G provides an opportunity year’s group spent one week visiting to create a new model for teaching various universities and mapping and performing research in the online agencies in Luxembourg, France, learning environment at the graduate Belgium, and the Netherlands, level. It will be offered every other and a second week collaborating year, and with each offering faculty with researchers at ITC, part of members in the online geospatial the University of Twente in the education program will continue to Netherlands. refine the curriculum to improve this ITC is an internationally recognized model. This course is an important research group in the geospatial feature of what makes Penn State’s sciences that focuses on problem- online geospatial education program unique and impactful. Summer 2018 Department of Geography 17

GeogSU18Newsletter24pp.indd 17 8/8/18 10:59 AM COMMUNITY from p. 16 Education 30 Under 30” Competition awarded the National Academy for 2017. The program by Environmental of Sciences. recognizes individuals Perception and Sarah Chamberlain’s in the United States and Behavioral Geography book, Field Guide to around the globe, 30 (EPBG) Specialty Group Grasses of the Mid- years of age or younger, at the 2018 AAG annual Atlantic, has been who are game changers meeting. published by Penn State in their communities. University Press. Aparna Parikh FACULTY and STAFF William Easterling III, accepted a Mellon Clio Andris won the professor of geography Postdoctoral Fellowship 2017–18 Emerging and former dean of from the Leslie Center Scholar Award from the the College of Earth for the Humanities at Regional Development and Mineral Sciences, Dartmouth College and Planning Specialty was elected a 2018 and will be housed in Group of AAG. Fellow of the American their Department of Meteorological Society. Geography. Jennifer Baka was awarded the Ryan Chris Fowler was Aparna Parikh Faculty Fellowship by promoted to associate has a chapter titled the College of Earth and professor. “Gendered Household Mineral Sciences for Joshua Inwood Expectations: Neoliberal 2017–20. delivered the inaugural Policies, Graveyard Liberal Arts First-Year Shifts, and Women’s Justine Blanford Valedictory Address at Responsibilities in was elected to serve Penn State. Mumbai, India” in the as a director for the recently published University Consortium Joshua Inwood book, Modernity, Space, of Geographic participated in the first- and Gender. Information Science ever “Rock the News” (UCGIS). podcast about everyday Julie Sanchez won ethics. the Best Student Paper Justine Blanford was Award from the Polar selected as a member Brian King’s book, Geography Specialty of the inaugural cohort States of Disease: Group at the 2018 AAG for TRELIS (Training Political Environments annual meeting in New and Retaining Leaders and Human Health, Orleans. in STEM-Geospatial received the Julian Sciences), professional Minghi Distinguished Julie Sanchez received development for women Book Award from the a Graduate Research in the geospatial Political Geography Fellowship from the sciences in higher Specialty Group of AAG. Pennsylvania Space education. Grant Consortium. Lise Nelson was Guido Cervone and selected as a Resident Nari Senanayake Penn State colleagues Fellow for the accepted a tenure- received a seed grant Humanities Institute at track assistant for “Multi-Scale Penn State for fall 2018. professor position Estimates of Solar in the Department Danielle Oprean, Power Water Stress by of Geography at the postdoctoral researcher Integrating Process- University of Kentucky. in ChoroPhronesis, Based Descriptions accepted a position Sam Stehle started with Deep-Learning- at the University of a position as a Based Mapping of Missouri in the School postdoctoral researcher Solar Farms” from of Information and in the National Centre Penn State’s Institutes Learning Technologies. for Geocomputation at of Energy and the She began her tenure- Maynooth University Environment. track faculty position in near Dublin, Ireland. Guido Cervone was August 2018. Jiayan Zhao won named to the Board on Hari Osofsky’s Emory first place in the Behavioral, Cognitive, Law Journal article, Saarinen Student Paper and Sensory Sciences at 18 Department of Geography Summer 2018

GeogSU18Newsletter24pp.indd 18 8/8/18 10:59 AM We always want to know where you are in life. Send your news to [email protected].

“Energy Partisanship,” granted a sabbatical for Mallory Henig ’12 (with University of fall 2017, and embarked started a career Melbourne’s Jacqueline on a long road trip. with Conservation Peel) was awarded the Tony Greulich ’96 was International at their 2018 Morrison Prize, recently promoted to headquarters in which recognizes the position of planner Arlington, Virginia the most impactful IV in the Development as a development sustainability-related Review and Design coordinator. legal academic article Division of the Peter Howe ’12g published in North Department of Planning was awarded an NSF America during the for Henrico County, CAREER grant from the previous year. Virginia. He credits Geography and Spatial Erica Smithwick Roger Downs with Sciences program. The participated in two of setting him on the right five-year project is titled four WPSU-TV projects career path. “CAREER: Location- that received Telly Frank Boscoe ’00g was Aware Social Science for Awards: “Managing Risk interviewed for the AAG Adaptation: Modeling in a Changing Climate,” career profiles page. Dynamic Patterns in which received a bronze Public Perceptions and in the Television - Public Mark Read ’02g, ’14g Behavior.” assumed duties as the Interest/Awareness Loren Pfau ’13g and category and “Women head of the Department of Geography and Justine Blanford in Science Profiles,” have published “Use which received a bronze Environmental Engineering, one of of Geospatial Data in the Online – General and Technology for Education category. the thirteen academic departments at the U.S. Wilderness Search and Erica Smithwick was Military Academy. Rescue by Non-Profit promoted to professor. Organizations” in The Sterling Quinn ’09g, Professional Geographer. Emily Rosenman won ’16g and undergraduate the best dissertation student Doran Tucker Siddharth Pandey award from the Urban co-authored an article ’14 was selected to be Geography Specialty “How Geopolitical in xyHT Magazine’s Group in 2018. Conflict Shapes the “40 under 40 list for Missy Weaver is back Mass-Produced Online Remarkable Geospatial as the undergraduate Map,” appearing in the Professionals” in their administrative open access journal, January 2018 edition. assistant. She returned First Monday. Joshua Stevens on Monday, November After nearly eight @jscarto was 6, 2017. years with Esri, Mark recognized as one Smithgall ’09 started of fifty Must-Follow Twitter Accounts ALUMNI a new position as a GIS administrator for for Geospatial, Mark Monmonier Anadarko Petroleum Data Science, and ’67g, ’69g published a Corporation. Visualization. new book, Patents and Jase Bernhardt ’16g, Cartographic Inventions: Tim Yuskavage ’11 received his master now an assistant A New Perspective for professor in the Map History. of arts degree from the Security Studies Department of Geology, Wayne Brew ’81, Program at Georgetown Environment and assistant professor University in May 2018. Sustainability at Hofstra of geography at He continues to work University, was elected Montgomery County for the U.S. government director of the AAG Community College as an analyst. Climate Specialty in Pennsylvania, was Group.

Summer 2018 Department of Geography 19

GeogSU18Newsletter24pp.indd 19 8/8/18 10:59 AM BROOKS, from p. 15 communication outlets. Another dramatic change has VIRTUAL, from p. 13 became apparent we been the digitization Klaus Keller, professor were polluting our life- of both professional of geosciences, sees giving waters, and all and personal lives. this application in that depended upon Information flows his research as well. them, I was upset, and faster and faster. This “Immersive technology began in small ways has benefitted aspects has already made doing what I could to of geography, and important differences learn about them and related fields, such as in my research. For protect them. landscape ecology, example, I have used it Q: What would you say habitat mapping, use with high dimensional is your most gratifying of remote-sensing data sets that project or achievement imagery. Knowledge, characterize trade- during your career? however, I believe stems offs between different A: There are many from deeper thinking objectives in the aspects of my career and reflection, both design of climate risk of which I am proud— of which are in short management strategies. continuity and focus supply these days. Understanding and on a diversity of Q: How have your communicating these conservation science research interests trade-offs is very studies researching evolved or changed over challenging when many aspects of your career? using the standard wetlands and wildlife A: I began my graduate two-dimensional for four decades; work as a wildlife biolo- projections. Using reintroducing species gist focused on applied immersive technology, such as river otters field studies in natural in collaboration with and fishers back resources. The emphasis researchers from Dr. into Pennsylvania; was on populations, Klippel’s research group, building trust among habitats, and environ- enabled important a network of working mental issues. Since I new insights that have professionals—but was working on aquatic informed new research the singular, most and wetland species, I directions and the gratifying achievement was invited to volunteer design of decision is recruiting, advising, on a local conservation support systems,” said and watching all commission and be Keller. of the graduate in charge of wetland Some of the pilot students (forty-six and permitting. That led to project goals include counting!) complete further understanding creating a prototype their degrees and move of environmental laws, immersive VR theater; into exciting careers regulations, and policies and lives making a at local, state, federal, difference. and eventually, inter- Q: What are some of the national levels. To fully most important changes comprehend wetlands you’ve seen in either the from scientific and poli- discipline of geography cy perspectives requires or in higher education? an interdisciplinary Robert Brooks is the A: Over my career, approach, so learning Ruby S. and E. Willard academia has about hydrology, soils, Miller Professor of moved toward more water chemistry, resto- Geography and Ecology, specialization. Not ration ecology, agency as well as a Fellow of that everyone was a missions, and other top- the Society of Wetland generalist, but there ics was necessary. I find Scientists, Certified has been growth in exploring the bound- Professional Wetland subdisciplines, blending aries between disci- Scientist, and Certified of disciplines, and most plines stimulating, and Wildlife Biologist. He will notably, a proliferation geography has plenty of be Professor Emeritus of journals and other boundaries to explore. beginning August 2018.

20 Department of Geography Summer 2018

GeogSU18Newsletter24pp.indd 20 8/8/18 10:59 AM women to its ranks in joined New York City’s 1948. In December 2015, fire department, the developing a repository Secretary of Defense city boasted that all of of knowledge on imm- Ash Carter lifted the ban its 214 active firehouses ersive technologies; on women in combat finally had gender- and investigating and roles—as long as they separated facilities. For disseminating research- qualify and meet the three decades, some based best practices for standards—despite of New Yorks bravest using xR in research, opposition from the went to the bathroom education, and service. Marines. in neighborhood diners. “I think this project Today, women still Many others just went will help the University account for just 15 ahead and used the men’s see the potential of this percent of active military room. technology and will personnel. Women winning indeed change every Firefighting too is a Female firefighters are aspect of academic life traditional field. Over the succeeding anyway. from teaching to service past decade, numerous to outreach,” Klippel Several hundred have departments have risen to the level of said. “As a seed grant, it been found guilty of is meant to bring people lieutenant or captain. discriminating against Another 150 hold together with the goal applicants of color to write bigger and the highest rank, fire and ordered to retool chief. That includes bigger grants, and that entrance testing that had is already happening. Chief JoAnne Hayes- a disparate impact based White, whose historic There are a lot of on race. funding opportunities.” 2004 hiring made San Women are in some Francisco the world’s What is the future of ways even more largest urban fire immersive technologies disruptive newcomers to department led by a or “xR”? Keller and Li firefighting because they woman. said they anticipate entirely upend societal Meanwhile, these combining it with gender norms. big data to transform women are transforming teaching, learning, Workplace harassment how Americans imagine research, and decision- Interviewees have heroism. making. told me they face severe One Wisconsin More information harassment on the job. firefighter said people are about all the funded One found her oxygen surprised when her all- proposals and their tank drained. Another female crew pulls up to authors is available at confided that her male a blaze. But, she told me, http://strategicplan.psu. colleagues are so hostile “No one cares if you’re a edu/funded-initiatives. she fears they’ll leave her woman when their house alone in a fire. is on fire.” Female firefighters also A woman in San contend with ill-fitting Francisco said she FIRE, from p. 11 gear. The long fingers of intentionally stands male gloves affect their outside the station Like soldiers, firefight- grip, they report. Boots during down time so that ers are viewed as proud and coats are too large. neighborhood children warriors working on Oversized breathing realize that black women dangerous front lines. masks push their can be firefighters. That image comes with loose helmets forward, “You have to see it to be powerful stereotypes blocking their vision it,” she said. about who’s best suited during fires. to do the work. Female Station houses often soldiers and firefighters Read the original lack private spaces article online at https:// both challenge a cultural for women, including standard that men are theconversation.com/ bathrooms, changing female-firefighters-defy- heroes and women are areas and dormitories. onlookers, even victims. old-ideas-of-who-can-be- In 2016, thirty-four an-american-hero-95342. The military first added years after women Summer 2018 Department of Geography 21

GeogSU18Newsletter24pp.indd 21 8/8/18 10:59 AM BAKA, from p. 9 impacts from the cracker plant. The geographies by looking at the plant will release volatile organic fracking and biofuels space and compounds (VOCs) as a waste other energy systems domestically product of the refining process. These and internationally. I am interested toxins will be locally concentrated in in students who are deeply the area surrounding the plant, which interested in studying energy already suffers from poor air quality systems in different parts of the due to the industrial history of the world and in trying to unravel the region. Yet, supporters of the plant different connections among our argue that the plant is necessary different resource systems. Energy because it will help bring much touches so many parts of our lives,” needed jobs to the region,” Baka Baka said. said, adding, “the Shell cracker plant “There is no such thing as a silver presents the opportunity to evaluate bullet answer for a sustainable how to weigh environmental costs energy future, but I think that a and economic benefits of energy diverse energy supply is the best development. This is perhaps one of approach. It would reduce supply the longest standing challenges and shocks as well as the impact on controversies in environmental policy individual stakeholders. We need making and I’m looking forward to to have both fossil fuels as well as shedding new light on the topic.” renewables in the mix,” Baka said. She’s also looking forward to “And people need to know where involving graduate students in her their energy comes from, to use research project. just what they need for their daily “I am seeking students who are activities, and to be aware of the interested in helping to develop environmental impacts of energy this (re) emergent field of energy consumption.” LEWIS, from p. 5 “Of course,” remarked Stacy Nestleroth agreed. go out to California and Professor Lewis when I ‘”Look!’ I’d exclaim to actually look at the stuff told him how much I’d my bewildered parents, I was studying. That gained from that. “You ‘it’s another Sears made a huge difference discovered the world Roebuck cube! And in what I could on your own. It’s the there’s a mansard roof produce.” same deal with maps in on that building!’ I’m “The atmosphere of class—when students sure they got pretty sick every class is different,” have a map in hand, of it. I don’t do that as the professor admits. own it, mark on it, they much any more, but the discover that a map principles of looking “Some are perfectly isn’t just something beyond the surface have wretched, while out there behind Dan stayed with me. I see the others are a fabulous Rather’s head; the best world a lot differently success. In one of the thing is when they can n ow.” first couple of classes get out there in the I taught— back in the Gazze was particularly Ice Age, that is— I gave world and see what impressed that Lewis it is they’re learning the students my own was more concerned course evaluation. Their about. That’s why I like with the quality of geography. I like to do general reaction was, your work than the ‘You’re O.K., Lewis, but what’s called ‘guided mere processing of discovery’—showing you’re far too sarcastic.’ information to meet a So I started listening to them how to learn deadline. “In GEOG 404: about things.” myself, and I realized The American Scene they were right. I “It took me a couple II, I really struggled wouldn’t want to do of months after the getting my final paper anything else,” Lewis class ended not to done. Professor Lewis said, grinning. “And constantly analyze the deferred my grade the Commonwealth of architectural styles of through the summer, Pennsylvania is even every house we passed,” when I had a chance to paying me to do this!” 22 Department of Geography Summer 2018

GeogSU18Newsletter24pp.indd 22 8/8/18 10:59 AM An opportunity to give

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GeogSU18Newsletter24pp.indd 23 8/8/18 10:59 AM GeogSU18Newsletter24pp.indd 24

The Pennsylvania State University Department of Geography Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage 302 Walker Building PAID University Park, PA 16802-5011 State College, PA Permit No. 1 8/8/18 10:59 AM