Shu News Published by the Head Office of Nichiren Shu & NOPPA

No. 211 December 1, 2015 1 San Jose Myokakuji Betsuin Celebrates 35th Anniversary Text and Photographs by Jan Deputy-Louy

On October 23-24, 2015, the San Jose Myokakuji Betsuin celebrated its 35th anniversary in conjunction with the unveiling of the results of the completed restoration process on their statues of Nichiren Shonin and Itto Ryoson: One and two world-honored ones. Te event began with a banquet dinner at the Dynasty Restaurant in Cupertino, California. The highlight of the evening was the guest speaker Dr. Naomi Sasaoka, a representative Rev. Ryusho Matsuda planting a new cherry tree. of the conserva- tors at R issho the Mayfower came to America. Te University. Dr. Sasaoka made a Dr. Naomi Sasaoka (pictured left) of the Rissho University Restoration Team spoke about the process of statues were brought to San Jose by restoring the 400-year-old statue of Nichiren Shonin for the altar of the San Jose Temple (pictured above). presentation entitled “Sculpture Bishop Nisshu Oikawa’s father, Bishop Conservation.” She outlined the Shingaku Oikawa, when he founded complicated process of artifact and dedication of his new book by Rev. Ryuei of Tomoyo Nosaka and Dr. Sasaoka. and dedicated the temple 35 years ago. sculpture restoration. McCormick, the eye opening prayer The plaque expresses appreciation At that first dedication, Bishop Te anniversary ceremony began the of a new gohonzon donated by Bishop for the preservation and restoration Shingaku Oikawa planted a cherry following morning and was ofciated by Nisshu Oikawa, chanting of Chapter 16 of the Gohonzon and Nichiren tree in front of the temple. Since that Bishop Nisshu Oikawa, from Honzan of the Lotus , Shonin statue. time, Bishop Nisshu Oikawa has steadily Myokakuji in Kyoto. He was assisted by and a message In the closing address, Bishop Nisshu returned to this temple every fve years. Rev. Ryusho Matsuda, Rev. Kanshun by Rev. Ryuken Oikawa spoke of the wonderful restora- He was disappointed to learn that the Tanigawa, Rev. Ryuken Akahoshi, Rev. Akahoshi. Rev. tion work of the Nichiren Shonin statue tree had recently succumbed to the Shinko Matsuda, and other priests who Shinko Matsuda and also the stupa, Itto Ryoson. Te abnormal California drought. A new have been devoted to the statues of this presented Dr. statue is actually a copy of the original cherry tree was presented and planted temple over the last 35 years. About 50 Naomi Sasaoka that resides in the head temple, Honzan at the ceremony. young children presented oferings of w it h a plaque Myokakuji in Kyoto. The team from Te day’s events were well attended by candles, fowers and singing. honoring the Buddhist sculpture Rissho University were surprised when many people from Japan, all over North Highlights of the ceremony included conservators of Rissho University. they learned that the Itto Ryoson statues America, and Hawaii. It concluded with the opening message delivered by emcee Te team was comprised of Professor were made in the 15th century during a group photo and luncheon provided Noriko Rose, the presentation and Takahiro Akita along with his staff the Edo period, or about the time by the temple.

Bishop Nisshu Oikawa addresses the gathering. Rev. Ryuei McCormick ofers copies of his book. Celebration attendees gather for a group picture.


The historical Buddha, Siddhartha Outside the palace, he saw so much sufering time, he was confronted by , the many candles or lights to symbolize Gautama, is said in some stories to have and sadness among the common people. God of Desire, and many other demons. the many pathways to Enlightenment. attained Enlightenment under the Bodhi After six years of living as an ascetic But he did not give in. One morning, he Some decorate a fiscus tree with multi- tree on the eighth day of the twelfh lunar under diferent teachers, he still could not came to several realizations. Tese were colored lights strung with beads to month in 596 B.C. Te word Bodhi in fnd answers to the questions he had about the basis of the and symbolize how all things are united. means “enlightenment.” life. Although he fasted and went through , the principles from They also hang three ornaments to Siddhartha was the frst born son of severe practices, he was still which Buddhism was born. represent the Three Jewels: the Buddha, King Suddhodana of Kapilavastu in north- lost. He went into a forest From this day on, he was the and the . ern India, present-day Nepal. He had been in , northeastern referred to as the Buddha: In Nichiren Shu, Jodo-e is not as widely brought up inside the palace and kept India and sat under a Bodhi the Enlightened One. celebrated. However, since it is one of the away from any sufering, such as sickness, tree, also called a peepal For Buddhists all over important events in Buddha’s life, some old age and death. Some stories say that, tree, which is a special type the world, Bodhi Day is a temples carry out a special candlelight at the age of 29, the Prince lef his wife, of Banyan fg. day of remembrance and ceremony to celebrate and commemorate his infant son, and the rest of his family He fasted and meditated meditation. Some temples the Buddha’s Enlightenment. to search for the true meaning of life. for 49 days. During this decorate their altars with —Compiled by Sandra Seki 2 Nichiren Shu News No. 211, December 1, 2015


From the Nichiren Shu Shimbun Translated and Compiled by Rev. Sensho Komukai We continue our virtual pilgrimage of the 57 Honzan, or Main Temples, of Nichiren Shu. By visiting these Honzan, you can better understand the lives and hardships faced by Nichiren Shonin and his disciples. In this second installment, we visit the temples most directly connected with his birth and early life: Tanjoji, Seichoji and Kyoninji.

TANJOJI TEMPLE: Five minutes by bus SEICHOJI TEMPLE: 20 minutes by taxi eliminates all darkness and the lotus fower is not falling like rain, and their swords were attacking from JR Awa-Kamogawa Station from JR Awa-Kamogawa Station defled by muddy water.” us like lightning.” The army was commanded by Nichiren Shonin was born on February 16, 1222 Seichoji Temple was founded in 771, when a His master, Dozen-bo, passed away in 1276. Tojo Kagenobu, governor of the area. Tojo was a at the village of Kominato in the Province of Awa, monk carved and enshrined a wooden statue of When Nichiren Shonin heard of his master’s believer in Amida and angry with Nichiren Shonin present-day Chiba Prefecture. It is said that at the Kokuzo, or Boundless Wisdom . In death, he wrote an essay called “Hoon-jo” or “Essay for rejecting the nembutsu practice. Tojo struck moment of his birth, lotus fowers blossomed, 1237, Nichiren Shonin was ordained here at age on Gratitude” and sent one of his disciples, Niko, Nichiren Shonin’s forehead with a sword, causing schools of porgy fsh splashed on the surface 15. His master, Dozen-bo, gave him the name to read the essay in front of Dozen-bo’s grave: him to bleed heavily. As Tojo tried to strike again, of the sea, and spring water gushed out of the ‘Rencho,’ meaning Eternal Lotus. Determined “Flowers will return to their roots. The true taste he saw Hariti, also called Kishimojin, appear on a ground in the garden of his parents’ house. He to learn why social conditions in Japan were of fruits remains in the earth. To my late Master yew plum pine. This frightened Tojo so much he lived in Kominato until he was 11 years old, so chaotic, Nichiren Shonin prayed to Kokuzo Dozen, I have now dedicated all the merits I have fell of his horse and was mortally injured. when he entered Seichoji Temple to begin his Bodhisattva to become the wisest man in Japan. accumulated in spreading the True Dharma.” The Kudo Yoshitaka and Kyonin-bo were killed in formal education. tomb of Dozen-bo is on the way to Asahigamori. the ambush. In 1281, Yoshitaka’s son established Tanjoji Temple was originally built at the the Kyoninji Temple to pray for the souls of KYONINJI TEMPLE: Six minutes by bus Yoshitaka and Kyonin-bo. site of his parents’ house. It was moved to its from JR Awa-Kamogawa Station current location after two great earthquakes and On the night of the attack, Nichiren Shonin hid tsunamis in 1498 and 1703. In 1264, Nichiren Shonin left Kamakura and himself in a cave. The following morning, an old A grand celebration and ceremony at Tanjoji returned to his home town of Kominato. On woman found him. She gave him her cotton hood is planned for 2021 to commemorate Nichiren November 11, he was walking towards the to stop the bleeding wound on his forehead. For Shonin’s 800th birthday. home of one of his followers, Kudo Yoshitaka, the rest of his life, Nichiren Shonin put a cotton Lord of Amatsu. As he and some of his disciples, hood on his head during winter to reduce the including Kyonin-bo, were passing through pain on his forehead. Still today, every Nichiren Komatsubara Grove in the evening, they found Shu temple places a cotton hood on the head armed men waiting in ambush. Nichiren Shonin of Nichiren Shonin’s statue from late autumn wrote, “Arrows shot by nembutsu followers were through the following spring.

Seichoji Dai-do (Main Hall) where the statue of Kokuzo Bodhisattva is enshrined.

After studying in Kamakura, Kyoto, and Nara for about 15 years, he concluded that the Lotus Kyoninji Temple Sutra was the true intent of Shakyamuni Buddha. was founded In 1253, he returned to Seichoji. On the morning by the son of of April 28, standing atop a steep hill called Kudo Yoshitaka, Asahigamori, he chanted Namu Myoho Renge one of the people Tanjoji Shoshi-do (Founder’s Hall) Kyo toward the rising sun for the first time. He who was killed in where Nichiren Shonin’s 800th birthday changed his name to Nichiren, or Sun-Lotus, the Komatsubara ceremony will be celebrated in 2021. since the Lotus Sutra says, “the light of the sun Persecution.

REVEREND KANNO PREACHES (39) Sodoji Temple Rededicated “ Tey are not defled by worldliness in China Just as the lotus-fower From the Nichiren Shu Shimbun Is not defled by water.” On September 10, as construction the statues of ‘Isson-Yonshi,’ the Buddha — Lotus Sutra, Chapter XV, was being completed, a rededication accompanied by four . Te Appearance of Bodhisattvas ceremony was held at Sodoji Temple in Te ceremony began by setting of from Underground Xian, China. It took about ten years to about 50,000 frecrackers. Te service build a repository hall to store Buddhist was then started by Chinese priests. scriptures. Sodoji is known as the holy Nichiren Shu ministers then conducted place where Kumarajiva translated the eye-opening ceremony for the ‘Isson- the Lotus Sutra from Sanskrit into Yonshi’ statues. Te chanting voices classical Chinese. Around 1,000 of Jigage, the verse section of chapter “Lotus-Flower” people, with 88 people coming from 16 of the Lotus Sutra, and Odaimoku, Many readers of the Nichiren Shu News may know this popular Japan, participated in the ceremony combined with a powerful kito blessing to honor Kumarajiva for his great echoed throughout the brand-new hall. phrase from the “Bodhisattvas from Underground Chapter.” achievement and to promote friendly Rev. Di Xing and the president of Tis is my understanding of this phrase of the Lotus Sutra: “Te relations between Japan and China. Xian Buddhist Association expressed lotus-fower grows in muddy water. However, the mud does not When a Nichiren Shu tourist group their gratitude for all the contributions. stain the plant. It blooms with clean and beautiful petals. We live visited Sodoji for the frst time in 1980, Rev. Nichiyu Mochida, chief priest of they found the temple ruined and Sogenji Temple in Chiba Prefecture in in a world that can be compared to the muddy water of the lotus devastated by China’s Great Cultural Japan stated, “I truly wish that we can pond. We should not be stained by worldly evils. Don’t succumb Revolution. Tey established the Xian collect all the scriptures translated by to them! Try to live beautifully and strongly like the lotus-fower. Buddhist Association in Japan to help Kumarajiva and store them here in We should know this.” reconstruct the temple. Part of the this repository hall. I also hope that project included a life-sized statue of younger generations of Nichiren Shu I will show you another signifcant lesson this phrase gives us: Kumarajiva and a Kumarajiva Memo- will strengthen more ties with Sodoji “Te lotus-fower bears seeds at the same time as it blooms. In rial Hall. Rev. Di Xing, chief priest of in the future.” this phrase, the Buddha tells us we should realize that the lotus- Sodoji, ofen visited the Head Ofce of —Translated by Rev. Sensho Komukai fower is a tangible example that we are born naturally possessing Nichiren Shu during the project to meet with Association members and deepen Buddha-nature, the seed to become a Buddha, so that we attain the friendship they were forming with complete peace of mind.” each other. Tis “seed” to become a Buddha, which you have from birth, you Te repository hall consists of fve should keep it from being stained by the mud of this world and let stories with a frontage of 54 meters, a depth of 30 meters, and a height of 23 it grow into a beautiful lotus-fower. So the Buddha addresses us. meters. It will be used to archive collected from all over the world and as Rev. Nisso Kanno, Bishop of Ikegami Honmonji Temple, Tokyo a lecture hall. Enshrined in the hall are No. 211, December 1, 2015 Nichiren Shu News 3 Temples Afliated with Nichiren Shonin in the Izu Peninsula Oiwaya Soshido (Renkeiji Temple)

By Rev. Kanshu Naito just before dusk, but the men escorting Nichiren Shonin would drown before Nichiren Shonin, threatening to swallow him did not leave Nichiren Shonin on reaching shore. him into the Pacifc Ocean. Yasaburo In July of the first year of Bun’o, 1260 the shore. Instead they placed him on Yasaburo was then a fsherman living was wondering why his fishing was CE, Nichiren Shonin wrote the Rissho a rock, later named the chopping board in Kawana in Ito. He passed by on a not successful that day. He thought Ankoku-ron. He presented it to the rock, which barely broke the surface small boat near the rock and heard maybe it was Buddha’s intention not ex-regent and supreme authority, Hojo of the water and was quite a distance Nichiren Shonin chanting the Lotus to let him catch any fsh since it was the Tokiyori. In it, he stated that Tokiyori from the shore. Ten they turned back Sutra ardently. The tide was getting eve of the thirteenth anniversary of his should bring about peace in the nation for Kamakura, perhaps thinking that higher, and the waves seemed to engulf mother’s death. by supporting the Lotus Sutra, as the Yasaburo faintly heard Nichiren true Buddhist teaching. On the other Shonin’s sutra-chanting and followed hand, major temples in Kamakura, the sound to fnd a priest in danger of thinking that their teachings were drowning. Even though he wondered being denied, bore more and more why this priest was standing alone in the hatred towards Nichiren Shonin and sea, he was impressed by the energetic began to slander, libel and take hostile chanting despite the risk to his life. actions against him. Based on this So Yasaburo drew nearer and brought defamation, on May 5 of the first year Nichiren Shonin into his boat, thus of Kocho, 1261 CE, he was exiled to saving Nichiren Shonin’s life. Ito on the Izu Peninsula by the High Yasaburo invited Nichiren Shonin Court with no discussion or defense to his home. He and his wife cared of Nichiren Shonin’s actions. This fondly for Nichiren Shonin. However, exile was deemed necessary because their neighbors were alarmed by their it was a capital crime to slander the providing for Nichiren Shonin, shogunate government and disturb the who had been exiled for committing a social peace. Traditionally Buddhist serious crime. Yasaburo decided to take priests were not executed. So Nichiren Nichiren Shonin to a small cave near Shonin was exiled instead. However, their home so that he would be out of this exile was almost the same as a the public eye. Tis cave is now called death sentence. “Oiwaya Soshido.” It enshrines a statue He was taken from Yuigahama, Kama- of Nichiren Shonin and is maintained kura by sea, arriving at the shore of Ito Oferings at the altar in the cave of Oiwaya Soshido, adjacent to Renkeiji Temple. by Renkeiji Temple.


By Rev. Ryuoh Faulconer end, all of us were exhausted from so much interaction and discussion, but Te frst Parliament of World Religions we were still very happy that we had was organized in 1893 as part of the come. I particularly enjoyed the building Chicago Columbian Exposition. Tis of a Tibetan Sand to Kanzeon was one of the frst introductions of as a prayer for peace, meeting other Buddhism to the west from Japan. Of Buddhists from many traditions, and the four Japanese ministers present at a discussion on evangelical Christi- the event, one was Zitsuzen Ashitsu, a anity and the LGBTQ community. Hokke school minister. Rev. Ikenaga participated in a lively The Parliament has been held six discussion on ISIS, and NONA Bishop times since its centennial in 1993. Te Caine-Barrett participated in a dialogue most recent was this year, October of feminine spirituality. 15-19 in Salt Lake City, Utah. NONA America is a diverse society with many Bishop Myokei Caine-Barrett, Rev. diferent religions. Understanding these Kanjin Cederman, Rev. Shoda Kanai, religions lets us help those who come to Rev. Eisei Ikenaga, the manager of us with questions about our religion and the NBIC, and I attended. A few lay a desire to follow the Buddhist path. At members from North American temples the next Parliament of World Religions, also participated. Ministers dressed we would like to have a booth ourselves in our traditional robes, which set us and participate in more events. Maybe apart from the crowd. Many people we could have a parade of mando, fower approached us, asked questions, and Smiles, putting the palms together in the Sikh community, this is a form of lanterns, through the halls or just march we made several new friends. Our goal gassho, and warm greetings abided. giving to all. Te food was delicious with uchiwa-daiko, hand drums. Tis was to learn more about other faith Tere were over 9,500 participants and vegetarian. would attract attention from other traditions, what is being done on social from all over the world representing Tere were many booths on culture participants and give us a chance to issues by faith communities and to many faith traditions. Over 600 and religious traditions, including a introduce the Wonderful Dharma to introduce Nichiren Shu Buddhism to formal talks and demonstrations took museum display on Mahatma Gandhi them. Te world needs Odaimoku, the other participants. Everyone there was place, with many more discussions on and his legacy. A market area ofered Wonderful Dharma of the Lotus Sutra happy to talk and learn about each other. important topics such faith, injustice, religious items, books, and information and the teachings of Nichiren Shonin. war, hatred, inequality, peace, and on diferent faith groups. Displays in compassion. As you walked the the halls included a Jain temple and a halls, sounds of chanting, singing, Tibetan Sand Mandala. Churches and and diferent groups discussing their temples of the Salt Lake area created faith bombarded your senses. On the sacred spaces within the convention last day, the Nichiren Shu delegation center for different faith traditions demonstrated Shodaigyo meditation to practice refection and prayer. Te and held a question and answer session, Jodo Shinshu’s temple in Salt Lake both of which were well attended. City, located next to the convention Te Sikh community ofered Langar center, opened its doors for talks and to all participants each day for lunch. demonstrations in the Jodo tradition. Te word Langar actually means “open Other churches and temples near the kitchen.” Tis was a free ofering. In convention center did the same. By the 4 Nichiren Shu News No. 211, December 1, 2015

activities consumed the entire day, leaving thorough apologies, we respectfully cut the participants little time for themselves down the tree. Since the trees have been until afer 9:00 in the evening. around longer than we have, we must Various lectures were ofered through- never destroy them and nature through Nichiren Buddhist out the day by the instructors who are our selfsh decisions. International Center noted experts in their felds. Tis year, Rev. Rev. Eisei Ikenaga Shokai Kanai of Nevada Kannon Temple Tampa Bay, Florida gave extensive lectures on the Lotus Sutra. Rev. Shinkyo Warner 2015 Shami Seminar Two accomplished Shomyo-shi masters Nichiren Mission of Hawaii Interfaith Week This year’s NBIC Shami Seminar was from Japan, Rev. Tsumyo Murakami Rev. Chishin Hirai held from August 26-30. Te seminar is of Kujoji Temple of Minami Alps, and As part of the second annual “Interfaith Ema Design patterned afer the Sodo-rin, a fve-day Rev. Kosho Ohara of Koyoji Temple of Week” celebration in St. Petersburg, practice for prospective Nichiren Shu Nagoya, explained many of the finer We have started the annual design contest Florida, Rev. Shinkyo Warner conducted priests. The Sodo-rin is a required points of Nichiren Shu ceremonies to for Ema, or votive picture plaques. Ideas a session entitled “Meditation, Tea and prerequisite to the Shingyo Dojo, the participants. Rev. Hosho Sugawara of Hilo from members, relatives, friends and Dharma” at a restaurant owned by a fnal step in the Nichiren Shu ordina- Nichiren Mission provided instruction in supporters of all the Hawaii Nichiren member of the Tampa Bay Sangha. tion process. chanting the sutra and shodaigyo. Rev. Missions are welcome. Next year, 2016, The daily schedule of the seminar Kyokei Ono from Tokyo provided expert is the Year of the Monkey. was rigorous. Everyone woke up at 5:00 translation for the entire seminar. Rev. Special prizes will be awarded to the in the morning to begin the day with Eisei Ikenaga was responsible for lectures best designs and displayed on the 2016 suigyo, a practice of purification that on the life and teachings of Nichiren Ema. So please send in your artistic talent! involves chanting and splashing oneself Shonin, as well as instruction in shakyo, with cold water. Suigyo was immediately or sutra copying. Ms. Asayo Kawasaki, Honolulu Myohoji followed by a solemn morning prayer led a nutritionist certifed by Athlete Food Rev. Takamasa Yamamura by the instructors. As soon as morning Meister, exquisitely prepared authentic Spirit of the Tree prayers were done, everyone pitched in Japanese dishes for each meal during the to clean up. Breakfast was at 7:40. Meals busy fve-day seminar. In Hawaii, there is a tendency to cut down were also a formal practice. Tey began Four novices attended the seminar. trees without much thought. Nearly 40 people showed up to practice with chanting grace, and there was no Elizabeth Christina Drewello and Charles In Japan, unless there is a considerable Shodaigyo led by Rev. Warner, receive an conversation while eating. Te prospective Joseph Griggs are disciples of Rev. Ryuoh problem, trees are not cut down. Tis is ofering of tea from the restaurant, and shami were responsible for washing the Faulconer of the Greater New England because trees are alive just like us. Don’t participate in a discussion of Buddhism dishes and cleaning up as quickly and Sangha. Chad Grohman and James we feel sad when someone kills a dog or and the Lotus Sutra. Participants ofered efciently as possible, as the day’s frst Cody Kroll are disciples of Rev. Kanjin a cat? Why do we not feel the same way thoughtful questions on Buddha Nature, lecture began at 8:30. Lectures and other Cederman of Enkyoji Temple in Seattle. when someone cuts down a tree? Is this what it means to be a Bodhisattva, and because it is silent? how the Buddha intends for us to conduct In Japan, we do not cut down trees our lives in this world of sufering and around the home or temple premises at conflict. Rev. Warner received several random because the head of the household invitations to speak at other churches or related persons may meet misfortune, and temples in the Tampa Bay area and illness or even death by doing so. We prefer many expressions of gratitude for his to prune the trees rather than cutting sharing the Wonderful Dharma with them down. When there is a tree that has them. Everyone lef happy in what they to be cut down, the area surrounding it had learned and with a new assurance of is purifed. Afer transferring the spirit their Buddha Nature and their capacity of the tree to a new seedling, and giving to reach enlightenment.


I am studying En- Te last week, I visited a hospice, a mortu- I am a sophomore at and two mortuaries from August 31 to glish L i t e r a t u r e ary, and a nursing home. At the hospice, I Rissho University, September 3. a nd Budd hism at learned how to care for people at the end of majoring in philo- At the Hosoi Mortuary, I met Ai Saito, a Rissho University. their lives and to grieve for my own loved sophy and religion. mortuary staff member. She is a Japanese From August 19 to ones when they pass away. Coming to Hawaii was woman who grew up in Hawaii, 27 years September 9, I stayed At the mortuary, I learned that each a valuable experience. old and a Buddhist. I asked her, “Are you at the Nichiren Mis- religion conducts funeral services difer- At the Nichiren scared of death?” She said “I’m not scared sion of Hawaii as part ently. I asked myself, “What is religion? Mission Temple, my of death, rather I accept that I will one of the university volunteer program. What is faith? What is god?” Now I want days started at 5:30 in the morning and day die, so I appreciate living every day. Each day at the Mission starts with to study more about religion. ended at 11:00 at night. First, I chanted When I die, I die. When I’m alive, I will a hoyo, or prayer service. Then we had In the nursing home, one patient said, the sutras for about an hour, then I helped enjoy.” But she said ghosts are scary. I breakfast and chores. My first weekend “You are so much fun to talk with.” Tis with breakfast. Work started at 9:00 and think it’s brilliant to think this way. It’s was preparing for the Bon Dance Festival. I made my visit very rewarding. ended at 5:00. Aferwards, I helped with been a good lesson for me. I was able to learned that decisions for temple activities I thank Hirai-sensei, his wife, and the dinner, took a bath, did the laundry and see the difference between the Japanese were by mutual consent from both Rev. members of the Nichiren Mission of Hawaii went to bed. and Hawaiian points of view about life Hirai, Bishop of Hawaii, and the members. I for this wonderful opportunity. I missed When I arrived on August 19, I helped and death. would like to see events like the Bon Festival my family and friends, but now I miss the with preparations for the Bon Dance. From I will try to come back to Hawaii in three at my temple in Japan. The next week, people I met in Hawaii. One day, I want the 24-28, I attended an English language years. I hope to see you all again soon. I attended an English language school. to return to Hawaii. —Mizuki Yoshimura school. I then visited nursing homes —Riho Komaki

Calendar for December 2015–January 2016

DEC 8 Jodo-e (Enlightenment Day) commemorating the day JAN 1 Memorial for Nichiji Shonin when the Buddha attained Enlightenment. JAN 13 Minobusan Opening Ceremony for the New Year, Kuonji Temple DEC 8 Hilo Nichiren Mission 50th Anniversary Ceremony JAN 23 Memorial for Nichiro Shonin DEC 31 Joya-no-Kane: Bell ringing ceremony to wish for good fortune in the New Year

Nichiren Shu News c/o Te Head Ofce of Nichiren Shu, 1-32-15 Ikegami, Ota-ku, Tokyo 146-8544, Japan; Tel. +81-3-3751-7181, E-mail: [email protected] Board of Trustees Junko Kobayashi, Chief Administrator, Te Head Ofce of Nichiren Shu; Bungyo Yoshida, President, NOPPA; Kenitsu Saito, Executive Director, Missionary Department; Momi Shiozaki, Executive Director, General Afairs Department; Kenyu Yoshida, Director, Missionary Department Editorial Board Sandra Seki, Editor; Shinkyo Warner, Assistant Editor; Alan Rowe, Art Director; Keiryu Shima, Chief Advisor Staf Kanshu Naito, Gyokai Sekido Advisor Hoyu Maruyama