Quantum one-time tables for unconditionally secure qubit- commitment

Seok Hyung Lie1, Hyukjoon Kwon2, M. S. Kim2,3, and Hyunseok Jeong1

1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, Seoul, 151-742, Korea 2QOLS, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom 3Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul, 02455, Korea 2020-08-31

The commodity-based cryptography is 1 Introduction an alternative approach to realize conven- tionally impossible cryptographic primi- In a commitment protocol, Alice commits to a tives such as unconditionally secure bit- secret value by transmitting an encoding of the commitment by consuming pre-established value to Bob. If Bob cannot access the value un- correlation between distrustful partici- til revealed by Alice, the scheme is said to be se- pants. A unit of such classical correlation cure against Bob. On the other hand, if Bob can is known as the one-time table (OTT). In reject Alice’s cheating of revealing a value dif- this paper, we introduce a new example ferent from the originally committed value, then besides in which the scheme is said to be secure against Alice. An quantum correlation is useful for cryptog- unconditionally and perfectly secure [1] commit- raphy. We propose a scheme for uncondi- ment scheme could have many cryptographical tionally secure qubit-commitment, a quan- applications [2,3]. However, such a commitment tum forbidden by protocol is impossible since the perfect securities the recently proven no-masking theorem against are incompatible. Quan- in the standard model, based on the con- tum bit-commitment is an attempt to circumvent sumption of the quantum generalization of this difficulty by using [4]. the OTT, the bipartite quantum state we However, it was proved [5,6] that an uncondi- named quantum one-time tables (QOTT). tionally secure commitment of a classical value The construction of the QOTT is based on is impossible even with the aid of quantum me- the newly analyzed internal structure of chanics unless there is a relativistic structure that quantum masker and the quantum secret imposes causal restrictions between prover and sharing schemes. Our qubit-commitment verifier [7–9]. scheme is shown to be universally com- To circumvent this difficulty, a new approach posable. We propose to measure the ran- called the commodity-based cryptography [10] was domness cost of preparing a (Q)OTT in developed. Since secure two-party computation is terms of its entropy, and show that the impossible without mutual trust, the suggested QOTT with superdense coding can in- idea was to construct cryptographical primitives crease the security level with half the cost that consume tradeable resource named the one- arXiv:1903.12304v4 [quant-ph] 8 Mar 2021 of OTTs for unconditionally secure bit- time table (OTT). The OTT is a unit of suit- commitment. The QOTT exemplifies an ably pre-calculated correlation that provides veri- operational setting where neither maxi- fiable randomness to mutually mistrustful clients. mally classically correlated state nor max- The OTTs enable unconditionally secure bit- imally entangled state, but rather a well- commitment, [1] and field com- structured partially entangled mixed state putation [11]. While the OTT could be estab- is more valuable resource. lished off-line (before a useful primitive protocol begins) by a central server (known as the ‘trusted initializer’ [1]), also there has been a recent at- tempt to construct a protocol for establishing the Hyunseok Jeong: [email protected] OTT without a third party [12]. Therefore, we

Accepted in Quantum 2021-03-03, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 1 can treat the OTTs as a resource stored in the one who is holding that information, therefore form of correlation regardless of its origin. modification of that information cannot be de- The OTTs studied so far are, however, all clas- tected. Therefore it is natural to design a qubit- sical correlations. This raises a natural question commitment scheme based on quantum maskers. that if there is a quantum generalization of the Masking quantum information is a quantum OTT that is more suitable for quantum two-party process that encodes a quantum state in a bi- tasks. In this paper, we construct the quantum partite quantum system, while hiding it from one-time table (QOTT) for a universally com- both subsystems. Quantum masker was first in- posable qubit-commitment Qubit-commitment is troduced [13] for pure bipartite states, where en- a quantum cryptographic primitive that is im- tanglement is the only form of correlations. How- possible utilizing only pure states because of the ever, there are quantum correlations beyond en- recently proven no-go result known as the no- tanglement [18–20] in the case of mixed states. A masking theorem [13]. The construction of the typical example is quantum discord [21]. We re- QOTT is based on the internal structure of quan- define the quantum masker for a general mixed tum masker reinterpreted as a quantum pro- state. Let B(H) be the algebra of bounded oper- cess that consumes randomness to hide quantum ators on a Hilbert space H. information into bipartite correlations, and its relation with quantum protocols Definition 1. An operator M from B(HA) to [14, 15]. From this, we show that the no-masking B(HA0 ⊗ HB0 ) is said to mask quantum infor- theorem cannot be extended to mixed states in mation contained in states {φkA ∈ B(HA)} by the way that the no-cloning theorem [16] was ex- mapping them to {ΨkA0B0 ∈ B(HA0 ⊗ HB0 )} such tended to the no-broadcasting theorem [17], and that all marginal states of ΨkA0B0 = M(φkA) that the qualitatively stronger constraint on the are identical, i.e., ρA0 = TrB0 ΨkA0B0 , and ρB0 = strength of viable quantum correlation requires TrA0 ΨkA0B0 , with an unmasking operator U from more randomness for masking quantum informa- B(HA0 ⊗ HB0 ) to B(HA) such that tion. U(Ψ 0 0 ) = φ We suggest the entropy of commodity such kA B kA as (Q)OTT, named the shared randomness for all k. cost, as a measure of the randomness cost of a commodity-based cryptography protocol. We We call such M a (quantum) masker, and we show that our QOTT-based qubit-commitment, say that M is universal if it masks an arbitrary which is different from quantum bit-commitment quantum state. Our main interest is universal as will be elaborated afterwards, scheme could quantum masker, so unless remarked otherwise, achieve asymptotically the same shared random- afterwards every masker is assumed to be univer- ness cost compared to Rivest’s OTT-based bit- sal. commitment scheme [1]. When the superdense Here, two observations can be made. First, ev- coding is employed, this implies that the QOTT- ery universal quantum masker is demanded to be based bit-commitment scheme has half the ran- an invertible quantum process. Such a process, domness cost of the OTT-based bit-commitment say ΦM , can always be expressed [22] in terms scheme. of a quantum state ωS and a unitary transforma- tion M which maps the input system C and the ancillary system S to the systems A and B such 2 Quantum Masker that

When it comes to commitment schemes, security † ΦM (ρC ) = MCS→AB(ρC ⊗ ωS)MAB→CS, (1) against Bob, also known as the hiding property, is important. However, for qubit-commitment for every quantum state ρC with some ancillary schemes, the information being committed to state ωS. In the equations given hereunder, sys- should be also hidden from Alice, otherwise Al- tem subscripts will be omitted when it is clear ice could freely change the information [15]. It from the context. We denote the unitary M as the is because, from the no-cloning theorem, acquisi- masking unitary of ΦM and the ancillary state ωS tion of quantum information implies being only as the safe state of ΦM . This observation implies

Accepted in Quantum 2021-03-03, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 2 ρin 2 2 • ρ ρin X Z A1 H X B in X • A1 ρin X • A |0i X A 2 1 1 d • B1 |0i X B1 1 1 • † 2 1 1 d X H K 1 d • X B 1 1 1 • B2 d • H • B2 d (c) A minimal masker. (d) A minimal masker that is (b) The quantum one time pad (a) The 4-qubit(qudit) masker. dual to (c) for partitions (QOTP). (A, B) and (B,K).

Figure 1: Examples of universal quantum maskers. Output systems with indices Ai and Bi belong to Alice and Bob, respectively. In each case, discarding one party’s quantum state yields the maximally mixed state for the other party. 1 ρin denotes the input state and d denotes the maximally mixed state. (a) The output state is partially entangled in general. (b) The output state is always a classical-quantum state therefore separable. (c) A minimal masker for any odd d, where every system has the minimal dimension d and has a maximally mixed marginal state. By purifying the safe system S of (c) to SK and tracing out system A, one gets (d). We will call such maskers are Pd Pd dual to each other for given partitions. Here, X := j=1 |j ⊕ 1 (mod d)ihj|, Z := j=1 exp(i2πj/d) |jihj| and H := √1 P ei2πjk/d|jihk| and the controlled-G gate for a set of operators {Gj} is defined as P |jihj| ⊗ Gj. d j,k j that masking quantum information is a process state) with von Neumann entropy no less than that should consume randomness supplied in the log2 d bits, [27], so the key system of a quantum form of safe state. This raises natural questions : masker should, too. Since the safe-key state is a Is it really possible to mask quantum information pure entangled state, this gives the lower bound when randomness is supplied? If so, how much is of the randomness cost, i.e. the von Neumann needed? Asking this question is appropriate given entropy of the safe state. In Theorem2, the the demand in computer science and quantum minimal randomness costs of masking quantum information science for adopting the perspective information into various types of quantum treating randomness as a resource [22–25]. correlations are given. Detailed proofs of all the The second observation answers these ques- theorems throughout this paper are provided in tions. The definition of masking quantum infor- Appendix. mation is equivalent to (2, 2)−threshold quantum Theorem 2. Let ω be the safe state of a uni- secret sharing (QSS) scheme [14, 15], thus possi- S versal quantum masker Φ for a d-dimensional ble. (See Fig.1 for examples.) Also, we can see M quantum system. The von Neumann entropy of that every purification of a quantum masker is a ω is (i) no less than log d bits if there is no (2, 3)−threshold QSS scheme, as a consequence of S 2 other constraint, (ii) strictly larger than log d the no-hiding theorem [26]. From the expression 2 bits when any output state of Φ should be sepa- (1), a purification of a masking process Φ can M M rable, and (iii) no less than 2 log d bits when any be acquired by purifying its safe state ω into a 2 S output state of Φ should be quantum-classical. purification |Ωi , with a purifying system K. M SK (iv) There is no such Φ that any output state We will call such a system as the key system of M of ΦM is classically correlated. the quantum masker and the state |ΩiSK as the safe-key state. The part (i) yields the no-masking theorem as Before constructing a qubit-commitment its corollary, as there are no universal quantum scheme based on quantum masking unitaries, we maskers that consume zero amount of random- finish this section by introducing some analysis ness. (ii) and (iii) show that with the more re- of the randomness cost of quantum maskers. stricted the kind of correlation, the more random- Readers can skip Theorem2 and still understand ness is required to mask a quantum state, while the next section. Since any unauthorized subsys- (iv) implies that quantum correlation is indis- tem of any (k, n)−threshold QSS scheme hiding pensable for masking quantum information. The d−dimensional quantum state should be in a last result (iv) has an interesting implication for constant quantum state (regardless of the secret QSS that it is impossible to share a quantum

Accepted in Quantum 2021-03-03, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 3 secret among three parties exploiting only gen- chosen from Zp and j1, j2 chosen from some uine tripartite entanglement. It is because a pu- J ⊂ Zp . Here, (i1, i2) and (j1, j2) should be pri- rification of classically correlated bipartite quan- vately informed respectively to Alice and Bob. tum state is always a genuine tripartite entangled (See SETUP of Fig.2.) The QOTT could be con- state and the converse is also true [28]. sidered an entangled state partly shared between Alice and Bob through a (2, 3)−threshold QSS scheme with the system K ‘locked’ with the hid- 3 Quantum One-Time Tables for den Pauli operators so that, using the QOTT, any Qubit-Commitment quantum state can be shared as a quantum secret by employing quantum teleportation. Based on the properties of the quantum masker, We propose a qubit-commitment scheme uti- we construct a new unit of quantum commod- lizing the QOTT defined above. Although we ity that can be used for an unconditionally se- will introduce a partially credible third party, the cure qubit-commitment scheme. When commit- “trusted initializer” usually named Ted, to estab- ment schemes are concerned, we will call a scheme lish the QOTT in the scheme, we can treat the bit-commitment scheme if the secret value is clas- QOTT as a resource independently of its origin. sical information, (‘bit string’), and if the secret Introducing a third party does not trivialize our value is a quantum state, we will call it simi- problem, which is the case of the commodity- larly qubit-commitment scheme, even if the state based cryptography, since the trusted initializer is not 2-dimensional. Note that it is different from never actively mediates clients, i.e. Alice and Bob, quantum bit-commitment scheme, which is a spe- by relaying message transmissions. cial case of bit-commitment scheme realized with In our scheme, participants are assumed to be quantum mechanical method. Also, we will call a connected to a quantum network, i.e. Alice and commitment scheme d−dimensional if the secret Bob, as well as Ted could make use of quan- value is d−dimensional. tum channels between them. In the following de- Let us briefly review unconditionally secure scription of the scheme, we fix the masking uni- classical bit-commitment using the OTT by tary M as the one used in the definition Rivest . Let p be an arbitrary prime number. CS→AB of the QOTT and the entangled state |Ωi as The OTT used in Ref. [1] for p−dimensional SK the safe-key state of the quantum masker. Our bit-commitment scheme is a classical bipartite scheme consists of three phases SETUP, COM- state shared between two parties composed of two MIT and REVEAL, and Ted participates only parts: (i) two random numbers in Z , (a, b), gen- p in the SETUP phase and exits the scheme after- erated from each party and their copies respec- wards. (See Fig.2.) The protocols are given as tively kept by Alice and Bob, and (ii) a function follows: of of the two random numbers (a, b) (e.g. product SETUP: Ted prepares a bipartite state (1 ⊗ modulo p) hidden and shared between Alice and E M ⊗ Xj1i1 Zj2i2 ) |Θi |Ωi with ran- Bob through the one-time pad (OTP) cipher, e.g. CS→AB K K EC SK domly chosen indices (i , i ) from Z × Z (r, r + a · b) with a random number r ∈ Z [1]. 1 2 p p p and (j , j ) from J × J with some J ⊂ The piece of information a and b held by respec- 1 2 Z× = {1, . . . , p − 1} such that |J| ≥ 2. tively Alice and Bob can be interpreted as the p − 1 Pd−1 reference systems for their own random numbers Here, |ΘiEC = d 2 i=0 |iiiEC is a fixed pub- i.e. maximally correlated with their counterparts. licly known d−dimensional maximally entangled We generalize the OTT to construct the quan- state. Ted distributes the systems EA to Alice tum one-time table (QOTT) by replacing the part and the systems BK to Bob. Ted privately in- (i) with two maximally entangled states, say, forms Alice of the indices (i1, i2) and privately informs Bob of the indices (j1, j2). |ΘiEC and |ΩiSK and replacing the part (ii) with a masking unitary MCS→AB, whose safe state has COMMIT: Alice prepares a d−dimensional se- only one nonzero eigenvalue 1/p with degener- cret state ρI in the system I. Alice performs a a b acy p for a prime number p, and the QOTP ci- projective measurement onto the basis {(XI ZI ⊗ j1i1 j2i2 1 d pher, i.e. X Z (X and Z are p−dimensional E) |ΘiIE}a,b=1 on the systems IE and transmits generalized Pauli operators. See Fig.1) applied its outcome (a, b) to Bob. on the system K with numbers i1, i2 randomly REVEAL: Alice sends the system A to Bob

Accepted in Quantum 2021-03-03, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 4 unconditionally secure if it can be shown, without any assumption on computational power, that the scheme’s output is indistinguishable from the out- put of an instance of the ideal functionality un- less the probability of Alice passing the REVEAL phase is lower than a certain threshold that can be made arbitrarily small by increasing security parameters. We provide the security proof of the schemes in Appendix. Theorem 3. The initializer qubit-commitment scheme is unconditionally secure with the secu- Figure 2: Diagrammatic description of the initializer −1 scheme. The color of each system represents its pos- rity failure probability upper bounded by |J| . sessor (see the top-right corner) at each phase of the Essentially, Alice can only try to cheat by re- scheme and the arrows denote transmissions of quan- porting wrongful indices (i1, i2) to Bob in the RE- tum systems using secure quantum channel. Black dou- 2 ble lines with white boxes denote classical communica- VEAL phase, which leaves p − 1 possible choices 2 tions between corresponding parties. for Alice. Among those p −1 choices, for 2(p−1) choices, the success probability of cheating is up- per bounded by |J|−1 and for (p−1)2 choices, the and reveals the indices i1 and i2. Bob applies the success probability is upper bounded by |J|−2. gate Z−j2i2 X−j1i1 on the system K and then ap- When Alice reports the correct indices that she † plies the unmasking unitary MAB→CS on AB. received in the SETUP phase, whatever quantum Bob checks if the system SK is in the state operation she applies to her systems, the already |ΩiSK by implementing a projective measure- committed state cannot be changed and the prob- 1 ment {|ΩihΩ|SK , SK − |ΩihΩ|SK }. If the check ability of Alice being accepted in the REVEAL is successful, Bob applies XaZb on the system C phase only can drop when Alice deviates from and accepts the state in the system C. If not, Bob the protocol. rejects. The security of unconditionally secure qubit- We will call the proposed scheme the initializer commitment scheme is not threatened by the en- (qubit-commitment) scheme. tanglement attack that forbids a large class of un- In order to examine the security of a com- conditionally secure (in the list-approach sense) mitment scheme, the list-approach, the approach quantum bit-commitment schemes [5,6]. Two that checks if sensible security criteria such as types of attacks based on the properties of en- security against Alice and Bob and their perfect- tanglement can be considered. The first is com- ness (see the introduction for definitions) hold, mitting to a well-defined quantum state and us- is often taken [1,7,9, 29]. However, for qubit- ing the fact that the state shared between Alice commitment schemes the possibility of commit- and Bob is entangled to alter the already commit- ting to a part of entangled state before control- ted state. However, already discussed, reporting ling the rest of it and the impossibility of directly wrongful indices leads to vanishing success prob- opening an unknown quantum state challenge a ability, so Alice is forced to report the correct satisfying definition of security against Alice. indices (i1, i2). In that case, whatever local oper- Therefore, we adopt the stronger simulation ation Alice applies on the system A, it can only paradigm [29] and set the delayed quantum tele- decrease the success probability and cannot alter portation protocol as our ideal functionality. The the committed state a bit, because of the duality delayed quantum teleportation protocol is same of quantum maskers. (See Appendix) as the usual quantum teleportation except that The second type of entanglement attack is com- the classical message is fixed in an earlier stage mitting to a part of entangled state and using the and only its transmission is delayed to the later other part for cheating. The security against this point of the protocol. Observe that the delayed type of attack follows from the fact that our se- quantum teleportation achieves the goal of qubit- curity proof relies on the fact that the scheme is commitment. (See the Discussion section.) indistinguishable (with arbitrarily high probabil- We will say that a qubit-commitment scheme is ity) from a delayed quantum teleportation, and

Accepted in Quantum 2021-03-03, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 5 a,b in quantum teleportation it is allowed to teleport that Bob can do, and the set of {∆EA→A0 } a part of entangled state. In other words, what- should be regarded as Alice’s legitimate input ever control Alice applies on her part of entangled behavior for quantum teleportation. In this state after a part of it is committed to, it would case, Bob is considered to receive the system C only affect her part of quantum state. Note that of (the normalized version of) the entangled state this can happen even when Alice simply sends a b  a,b  −b −a XC ZC ∆EA→A0 (|ΘihΘ|EC ⊗ |ΨihΨ|AS) ZC XC . her secret state sacrificing the condition that the (Here, appending the ancillary state |ΨiAS before state should be hidden from Bob until the RE- a,b applying ∆EA→A0 is also assumed as a specific VEAL phase begins. form of Alice’s behavior.) Therefore, applying The classical counterpart of committing to a 0 quantum channel ΞA0→A to the system A and part of entangled state is committing to one of measuring the systems AS are all Alice’s local two maximally correlated random variables, for operations happening after the decision of indices which it is easy to observe that no advantage can (a, b), so they have no causal effect to Bob. In be gained from doing that for cheating Bob. See this context, the generalized Bell measurement Appendix for more extensive discussion on this is only a recommended behavior for Alice to type of ‘pseudo-attack’. It is important that in securely commit to her intended quantum state. qubit-commitment Alice does not reveal the clas- If she deviates from the protocol in the COMMIT sical description of the quantum state she has phase, it is simply equivalent for her to deciding committed to, since Alice is allowed to commit to commit to another quantum state. to an unknown quantum state, like in quantum Another way of justifying this approach is ob- teleportation. serving that, even if there is an ideal qubit- We also highlight that Ted learns nothing commitment protocol (as a black-box), Alice can about the secret quantum state. This observation still commit to a part of an entangled state and ensures that even if Ted is malicious, it is impos- apply local measurement on her part of the en- sible for Ted to attain any information about the tangled state and ‘postselect’ by refusing to re- secret quantum state. veal the committed state whenever she gets an unwanted outcome from the measurement. The 4 Discussion possibility of this strategy of Alice is inevitable but it has limited probability of success. Note 4.1 Security that between two distrusting parties even a sin- The ideal functionality of our scheme, the delayed gle time of refusal to reveal the secret value could quantum teleportation is by definition considered lead to the abortion of communication between secure. The justification is that in quantum tele- them. portation, we consider the moment when classi- ‘Attacks’ of this type are actually not newly cal communication (the transmission of the out- introduced by quantum mechanical settings, come of Bell measurement) is done is when the but are generic in any commitment scheme— quantum information is transmitted. Therefore, including classical bit-commitments. For ex- by somehow fixing the classical message to be ample, consider the following ‘attack’ on bit- transmitted and delaying the actual transmission, commitment schemes. Suppose Alice commits to we can fix the quantum message itself too. a number between 0 and N − 1 blindly, which The justification of general forms of Alice’s means Alice does not know which state she has allowed behavior other than the generalized committed to, but keeps a copy of that number Bell measurement is that even though Alice in a locked box. In this case one can say that is demanded to perform the generalized Bell Alice has committed to a part of maximally cor- measurement and report the outcome (a, b), related N−dimensional classical bipartite state. to Bob’s perspective it is impossible to ex- Later, Alice ‘changes’ her mind and decides to amine if the generalized Bell measurement pretend that she has committed to a particular was really implemented. Therefore, assuming number, say, 4. Then she opens the locked box a,b hoping that the number is 4—and she succeeds that an arbitrary subchannel ∆EA→A0 was applied to Alice’s part of the entangled state at this ‘cheating’ with probability 1/N. for each case of reported (a, b) is the best One can see that how absurd this ‘attack’ is

Accepted in Quantum 2021-03-03, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 6 and the situation is more or less equivalent to the of ∆EA→A0 and ΞA0→A, the scheme is indistin- situation in which Alice commits to a part of an guishable from the delayed quantum teleporta- entangled state and measures the rest of it at a tion with noisy apparatus, so the scheme is still later point. Post-processing her part of the entan- secure. When Alice reports wrongful indices, as gled state (ΞA0→A in the proof) would not help the upper bound 1/|J| of her success probabil- her either. This is the reason why we do not count ity does not depend on the specific form of the this type of ‘attacks’ (thus, pseudo-attacks) as a state Λ∆,Ξ (See Appendix), the scheme is secure security failure but consider a legitimate strat- nonetheless. When Bob’s measurement device has egy of Alice, and why we consider the delayed the probability of  of having dark count, which quantum teleportation the ideal functionality of means that with probability  the measurement qubit-commitment. device clicks without proper input, then it only From the structure of the security proof, we can additively increases the probability of accepting see that the initializer scheme is universally com- the wrong indices at most by . If 1/|J| +  can posable. It is because the security of the scheme be suppressed to the tolerable failure probability, is proved in two steps: (i) Substitute a corrupted then the one-shot qubit-commitment is possible. participant’s behavior with an arbitrary quan- Otherwise, by encoding the secret state using an tum operation that outputs the same data as re- error correcting code that distributes the state quired in the protocol (ii) Show that the whole into n systems and implementing the protocol for quantum state is indistinguishable from the out- each system, one can suppress the security failure put of the ideal functionality, except the cases probability to (1/|J| + )n, thus the scheme can with negligibly small probability. It fits the def- be run with additional resources. inition of security in the universal composabil- ity (UC) framework in [29–32], in the sense that 4.3 Shared Randomness Cost no arbitrary outer machine (called environment machine in [29]) interacting with the adversary Although the QOTT is an entangled state, one can distinguish the outputs of ideal and real cannot simply say that the entanglement in the cases. As it was emphasized in [32], since qubit- QOTT provides the unconditional security be- or bit-commitment schemes are used as a basic cause quantum communication is already allowed building block of more complicated cryptographic between Alice and Bob. Ted’s role is provid- schemes, it is important to prove its universal ing uncertainty. Since in a cryptographic setting, composability. mistrustful participants should assume that each other will retain all the side information of their 4.2 Noise and Feasibility operations, i.e. every information process is isom- etry, the whole quantum state will remain pure In experimental aspect, the proposed scheme without a publicly trustful source of randomness can be realized with preexisting technologies e.g. intervention of a trusted third party. There- for quantum teleportation and (k, n)−threshold fore we measure the cost of a commodity in terms quantum secret sharing [33–36], since Ted in our of its entropy and will call it the shared random- scheme is simply distributing a part of maximally ness cost (SRC). entangled state as a shared quantum secret using One can draw an analogy between shared ran- a (2, 3)−threshold QSS scheme [14] and the com- domness in the commodity-based cryptography mitment by Alice is done by quantum telepor- framework and entanglement in the LOCC frame- tation. Noise in realistic situations does not help work, in the aspect that both are resources in the Alice’s dishonest behavior as all the noises are in- form of quantum correlation that should be pre- distinguishable from detectable malicious acts of pared beforehand. The QOTT is, however, dif- Alice. Imperfections in Bob’s measurement device ferent from the conventional resources in quan- can be statistically distinguishable from malicious tum information science as mixing of QOTTs only acts of Alice. makes it more costly. This does not mean that the Any noise happening to the systems possessed more mixed the QOTT is, the more useful it is, by Alice can be considered a part of her behav- since randomness that cannot be verified by dis- iors ∆EA→A0 and ΞA0→A. Whenever Alice reports trustful parties is useless in cryptographic setting. the correct indices (i1, i2), regardless of the forms Calculating the number of ‘distillable’ QOTTs of

Accepted in Quantum 2021-03-03, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 7 an arbitrary bipartite state is an interesting open Hence the SRC of (X,Y) is asymptotically problem. lower bounded by −2 log q + log d. For the case We first prove an optimality result of Rivest’s of Rivest’s scheme, q = d−1, and the SRC of scheme. Consider a OTT consisting of two cor- the OTT in Rivest’s scheme is 3 log d. Therefore related random variables X and Y belonging to Rivest’s scheme achieves the bound of Theorem4. Alice and Bob respectively. We impose a few Even though if the Conditions (i) and (ii) encom- conditions for them to be used for commitment pass every OTT capable of implementing com- schemes. mitment scheme is unclear, at least we can see In a general commodity-based commitment that Rivest’s scheme is optimal among a large scheme, Alice encodes her d-dimensional secret class of commodity-based commitment schemes. message with the random variable X, and sends We compare the SRC of our scheme to that of the encoded message (‘commitment’) to Bob in a qubit-commitment-via-bit-commitment scheme the COMMIT phase. In the REVEAL phase, Al- inspired from Ref. [37], in which Alice sends a ice reveals the secret message along with X (‘de- quantum state to Bob hidden with the QOTP commitment’). Based on the information Y , Bob and commits to the classical OTP part via either accepts or rejects. For this scheme to work Rivest’s bit-commitment scheme. In this case, properly, X should be random enough to encode the SRC is 6 log2 d bits for d−dimensional qubit- a randomly chosen message and, conditioned on commitment. The success probability of cheating Y , there should be no ambiguity about the ac- is at most d−1 for 2(d − 1) cases and d−2 for (d − ceptance in the REVEAL phase. Acceptance of 1)2 cases out of d2−1 possible cheating strategies. X should be based on the conditional probabil- On the other hand, for the scheme introduced ity P r(X|Y ), i.e. Bob, who has Y = y, accepts here, the SRC is, at minimum, 2 log d+2 log |J| 0 0 2 2 Alice’s x only when x P r(X = x |Y = y) is bits, where |J| is the size of the set of indices used nonzero. For it to be unambiguous, the condi- in the scheme. For the given |J|, the success prob- tional probability P r(X|Y ) should be uniform on ability of cheating by Alice is similarly at most its support. We impose this requirement in the |J|−1 for 2(d − 1) cases and |J|−2 for (d − 1)2 following condition. We let Θ be the character- cases out of d2 − 1 possible cheating strategies. istic function on the support of the joint proba- To achieve the same level of security with Rivest’s bility P r(X = x, Y = y), i.e. Θ(x, y) = 0 when scheme, we pick the maximal value |J| = d − 1 P r(X = x, Y = y) = 0 and Θ(x, y) = 1 when and get the asymptotically same level of security P r(X = x, Y = y) > 0. with the SRC of 4 log2 d + o(1). This proves that Condition (i) : For every x and y, P r(X = there exists a quantum commodity that exhibits 1 x|Y = y) = m Θ(x, y), where m ≥ d is some a cost advantage for the commodity-based quan- positive integer. tum cryptography. We remark that Θ(x, y) functions as an indi- The use of the QOTT is not limited to cryp- cator showing if Bob with Y = y accepts Alice’s tography of quantum information. The initializer claim that X = x0. scheme can also be used for boosting efficiency of Second, the success probability of cheating by the commodity-based bit-commitment. Since one Alice should be bounded from above by some can commit to 2 bits of classical information by value that vanishes as the security parameter committing to 1 qubit by employing the super- increases. Let P (x0|x) be the probability of acc dense coding (first Alice encodes classical infor- being accepted by Bob after Alice revealed x0 mation into a maximally entangled state through even though she actually received x. Note that superdense coding before sending a half of the P (x0|x) = P Θ(x0, y)P r(Y = y|X = x). acc y state to Bob and finally commits to the rest of Condition (ii) : For every x and x0 such that the state), we have an initializer quantum bit- x 6= x0, P (x0|x) < q for some q = o(1). acc commitment scheme with SRC of log d+log |J| From these two conditions, we have the follow- 2 2 bits, which is strictly smaller compared to the ing result. See Appendix for proof. SRC of Rivest’s scheme, log2 d + 2 log2 |J|, with Theorem 4. For an arbitrary OTT (X,Y) sat- the same level of security. isfying conditions (i) and (ii), P r(X = x, Y = As the SRC reduction by the initializer scheme y) < q2m−1 + o(d−2) for every x and y. proposed in this work suggests, quantum strategy

Accepted in Quantum 2021-03-03, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 8 can reduce the randomness cost for achieving the chine among many connected to a quantum net- same level of security by half. We conjecture that, work can be activated at a time, for quantum by improving the scheme with a more clever usage cryptographical models, since effectively multiple of quantum advantage, one can reduce the ran- quantum machines can be activated at the same domness cost of hiding information too, hence the time utilizing qubit-commitment. overall SRC can achieve (asymptotically) 3 log2 d bits for the commitment of d-dimensional quan- tum state. Acknowledgments Our qubit-commitment scheme, satisfying gen- eral security criteria while preserving coherence SHL is grateful to P. Boes, F. Buscemi, C. of the committed quantum state, has broad ap- Oh, S. Shin, S. Choi and K.C. Tan for in- plications in the upcoming era of quantum net- sightful discussions. This work was supported by work [38]. One example could be an implemen- National Research Foundation of Korea grants tation of a fair version of quantum state ex- funded by the Korea government (Grants No. change [39, 40]. If two quantum computers are de- 2019M3E4A1080074, No. 2020R1A2C1008609 manded to generate certain quantum states inde- and No. 2020K2A9A1A06102946) via the Insti- pendently and to be cross-checked afterward [41], tute of Applied Physics at Seoul National Uni- one computer should not acquire the other’s out- versity and by the Ministry of Science and ICT, put state before generating its state. Otherwise, Korea, under the ITRC (Information Technology one could learn from the other’s state or even Research Center) support program (IITP-2020- try to imperfectly clone [42] the state to pretend 0-01606) supervised by the IITP (Institute of In- to have high computational power. Our qubit- formation & Communications Technology Plan- commitment can solve this problem by letting the ning & Evaluation). HK and MSK are supported first revealer persuade the other party that it in- by the Korea Institute of Science and Technol- deed has generated the quantum state indepen- ogy Institutional Program (2E26680-18-P025), a dently without giving the information of the state Samsung Global Research Outreach project, the before receiving the other party’s quantum state. Royal Society and the QuantERA ERA-NET In general, qubit-commitment can lift the as- Cofund in Quantum Technologies implemented sumption of asynchronous quantum network [30], within the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Pro- i.e. the assumption that only one quantum ma- gramme.

Accepted in Quantum 2021-03-03, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 9 A PROOF OF THE RESULTS

Theorem 1. Let ωS be the safe state of a universal quantum masker ΦM for d-dimensional quantum system. Then, the von Neumann entropy of ωS is lower bounded by log2 d.

Before proving this theorem we prove a more general result for (k, n)−threshold quantum secret sharing schemes given in [27] in a way that doesn’t rely on the strong subadditivity of the von Neumann entropy.

d d ⊗n Lemma 1. Assume that ΦM : B(C ) → B((C ) ) is the quantum map implementing a Cd (k, n)−threshold quantum secret sharing scheme. Then, for any ρ ∈ B( ), the marginal state ΦM (ρ)Ai of any system Ai obtained by tracing out the other n − 1 parties of the n-partite state ΦM (ρ)A1,...,An has the von Neumann entropy of log2 d or higher.

Proof. As every (k, n)−threshold quantum secret sharing scheme can be purified to a pure (k, 2k − 1)- threshold quantum secret sharing scheme [27], we only prove the lemma for that case. In that case, the scheme can be implemented with an isometry M : Cd → (Cd)⊗2k−1. Consider the input state Cd ρ ∈ S( ) in the system C and its purification |ΨρiEC with the purification system E. Then the 1 isometry M outputs the state ( ⊗ M) |ΨρiEC distributed among 2k parties E and A1, ...A2k−1. Let D be an authorized subset of the parties {A1,...,A2k−1} of the size k containing Ai and U be the unauthorized subset {A1,...,A2k−1}\ D of the size k − 1. As a secret sharing scheme decouples any unauthorized set from environment, we have

H(E,U) = H(E) + H(U),

1 1 where all the von Neumann entropies are defined for the output state ( ⊗ M) |ΨρiEC . Since ( ⊗ M) |ΨρiEC is a pure state we have H(E,U) = H(D), and from the subadditivity of the von Neumann entropy we have

0 H(D) ≤ H(Ai) + H(U )

0 where U := D \{Ai} is an unauthorized subset of {A1,...,A2k−1} of the size k − 1. Therefore,

0 H(E) + H(U) − H(U ) ≤ H(Ai).

Since the choice of the authorized set D was arbitrary barring the condition that it contains Ai, one S 0 can choose the new D as {Ai} U, which makes the new U , U. From the same argument we have

0 H(E) + H(U ) − H(U) ≤ H(Ai).

By averaging two inequalities we have

H(E) ≤ H(Ai). As the system E was defined as the purifying system of the input state ρ and remained intact through the secret sharing process, H(E) = H(ρ). As ρ was arbitrarily chosen, however, we can take H(E) as its maximum value log2 d.

Note that this result can be considered a stronger version of Theorem 4 in [27]. By noting that a quantum masking process is merely a (2, 2)−threshold quantum secret sharing scheme and the fact that any mixed quantum secret sharing scheme can be obtained by tracing out irrelevant parties of a

Accepted in Quantum 2021-03-03, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 10 pure quantum secret sharing state, we can see that the following circuit represents an implementation of a pure (2, 3)−threshold quantum secret sharing scheme among three parties, A, B and K.

  E |Ψ i ρ EC  A M  CS→AB  B |Ωi SK K

Note that |ΨρiEC is a purification of the input state ρ and |ΩiSK is a purification of the safe state ωS consumed in the hiding process. The lemma says that H(K) ≥ log2 d, but as H(K) = H(ωS) we have the proof of the theorem 1.

Theorem 2. Let ωS be the safe state of a universal quantum masker ΦM for d-dimensional quantum system. If the masked state ΦM (ρ) for any ρ is separable, then the von Neumann entropy of ωS should ← be strictly larger than log2 d. If the quantum discord D (A|B) of the masked state ΦM (ρ) in one direction for any state ρ vanishes, then the von Neumann entropy of ωS is at least 2 log2 d.

Proof. Let’s say ΦM (ρ) is separable for any pure state input ρ, then the fact following equality holds is evident from the definition of quantum discord.

S(K) = I(A : B) + D←(A|K) + D←(B|K).

Here I(A : B) = S(A)+S(B)−S(AB) is the quantum mutual information betwenn A and B. However, as at least one of the pairs AK and BK should be entangled for some pure state ρ, because if all three pairs AB, AK and BK are separable, then the bipartite staet ΦM (ρ)AB should be classically correlated [43], but because of Theorem 4 below, it is impossible to mask quantum information into classically correlated systems. Note that quantum discord D←(A|K) is zero if and only if the system AK is in a quantum-classical state. Therefore for the given conditions, S(K) must be strictly larger than I(A : B), which is in turn no smaller than log2 d. As S(S) = S(K), we get the first part of the theorem. ← For the second part of the theorem, as D (A|B) = 0, the state ΦM (|ψihψ|) is a quantum-classical P (QC) state [44] that has the form, if TrA(ΦM (|ψihψ|)) = i qi |σiihσi|B is the spectral decomposition of the state of the system B independent of the state |ψihψ|, X ΦM (|ψihψ|) = qiMi(|ψihψ|)A ⊗ |σiihσi|B , i where Mi is some quantum process for each i. Let’s say ρ and σ are arbitrary quantum states that P 2 have orthogonal support (ρσ = 0). Then we have Tr[ΦM (ρ)ΦM (σ)] = i qi Tr[Mi(ρ)Mi(σ)] = h † †i  2  Tr M(ρC ⊗ ωS)MM (σC ⊗ ωS)M = Tr ωS Tr[ρσ] = 0. Therefore Tr[Mi(ρ)Mi(σ)] = 0 for all i such that qi 6= 0. Therefore for any Hermitian operator H, we can decompose it into the positive part P ≥ 0 and the negative part N ≥ 0 that are mutually orthogonal so that H = P − N. This leads to kMi(H)k1 = kMi(P ) − Mi(N)k1 = kMi(P )k1 + kMi(N)k1 = kP k1 + kNk1 = kP − Nk1 = kHk1, where we used the fact kMi(ρ)k1 = kρk1 for any positive operator ρ since Mi is a CPTP (Com- pletely positive and trace preserving) map. This proves that Mi preserves the trace norm on the space of d-dimensional Hermitian operators for all i with qi 6= 0 so that it is injective. It fol- lows that all Mi are invertible quantum maps. From the masking condition, the quantum channel P TrB[ΦM ( · )] = i qiMi( · ) is a randomization scheme [22] and therefore, from the result of the Ref. [22], the Shannon entropy of the probability distribution {qi}, which is smaller than the von Neumann † entropy of the safe state ωS as ΦM (|ψihψ|) = MCS→AB(|ψihψ|C ⊗ ωS)MAB→CS, is at least 2 log2 d.

Indeed the randomness lower bounds proved above are indeed minimums by the existence of 4-qubit masker and quantum one-time pad.

Accepted in Quantum 2021-03-03, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 11 Lemma 2. For arbitrary d ≥ 2, universal quantum masker exists for a d-dimensional quantum system that consumes log2 d bits of randomness. Proof. The 4-qubit masker can be easily generalized to d-dimensional systems by replacing the 2- dimensional controlled-X gates with its d-dimensional generalization given as

UC−X |xi |yi = |xi |x ⊕ y (mod d)i , for x, y = 0, ..., d − 1 and replacing the Hadamard gate with the discrete Fourier transform gate,

d−1 ED X ˜ UDFT = i i , i=0

Pd−1 where|n˜i := j=0 exp(i2πnj/d) |ji , for n = 0, ..., d − 1. In this case, the output state for a pure input Pd−1 state |ψi = i=0 αi |ii , is given as

d−1 1 X ρoutput = |ΨiihΨi| ⊗ |ΦiihΦi| , d A1B1 A2B2 i=0 where d−1 X |Ψni := αn⊕j (mod d) |ji ⊗ |ji , j=0 and d−1 1 X i 2πjn |Φni := √ e d |ji ⊗ |ji , d j=0 for n = 0, ..., d − 1. For every d ≥ 2, tracing out B1B2 system yields the maximally mixed state for the system A1A2 and vice versa. For general mixed states, from the linearity of quantum processes, the marginal state of the output state will be a mixture of maximally mixed marginal states, which is again the maximally mixed state. This shows that the given quantum process can mask any quantum state. As to the recoverability condition, since this operation consists of unitary operation after the attachment of ancillary system, simple inverse unitary operation followed by tracing out of the ancillary systems recovers the input system.

Lemma 3. Universal quantum masking is impossible without quantum correlation.

Proof. For a universal masking process ΦM , having no quantum correlation in the masked quantum state implies the following expression for any input state ρC . X ΦM (ρ) = pij(ρ) |iihi|A ⊗ |jihj|B , ij where pij(ρ) is a joint probability distribution for indices i and j linear in the state ρ and {|iiA} and {|jiB} are respectively eigenbasis of TrB[ΦM (ρ)] and TrA[ΦM (ρ)] which are independent of the input state ρ. From the proof of Theorem 2, however, ΦM (ρ) also permits the following expression for any input state ρ. X ΦM (ρ) = qiMi(ρ) ⊗ |iihi|B . i P By letting Ni(ρ) := (1/qi) j pji(ρ)A |jihj|A for every i, we have Im{Ni} = Im{Mi}. The left hand side, however, is diagonal in the basis {|iiA} but the right hand side is an isometric embedding of the space of quantum states {ρC }, which is a contradiction. Theorem 3. The initializer qubit-commitment scheme is unconditionally secure.

Accepted in Quantum 2021-03-03, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 12 Figure 3: Duality of masking unitary operator. If MCS→AB is the masking unitary of a quantum masker and |ΩiSK is the corresponding, then the purification of the quantum masker, which is a (2, 3)− threshold quantum secret sharing 1 1 (QSS) protocol, (MCS→AB ⊗ K )( C ⊗ |ΩiSK ) , can be equivalently expressed with a masking unitary NCS→BK 1 1 and the corresponding safe-key state |ΨiAS as ( A ⊗ NCS→BK )( C ⊗ |ΨiAS).

Proof. Although we have adopted the simulation paradigm, we can still check if two important security criteria for commitment schemes are satisfied. Correctness condition, i.e. that when all participants are honest, the outcome state revealed to Bob is the same with the secret state that Alice committed to, † is satisfied trivially since MCS→AB and MCS→AB cancel each other. Security against Bob holds since, 1 j1i1 j2i2 without knowledge of indices (i1, i2), the state ( S ⊗ X Z ) |ΩiSK is twirled to ωS ⊗ ωK since i 7→ ij modulo p is a permutation unless j ≡ 0 (mod p). Then, the systems in Bob’s possession after the COMMIT phase are in the state (assuming that there is a well-defined secret state) TrA[M(ρC ⊗ † ωS)M ] ⊗ ωK , where ρC is the state that Alice committed to. From the masking property of M, this state is independent of ρC , therefore the scheme is unconditionally and perfectly concealing. We can also show that the scheme secure against Alice when there is a well-defined secret state in the COMMIT phase. Assume that Alice commits to a pure quantum state |ψi that is in a product state with its environment. However, at a later point in time, suppose that Alice decides to change the already committed state so she applies a quantum channel ΞA on the system A. But, assuming that Alice reports the correct indices in the REVEAL phase, (otherwise she has arbitrarily small success probability) the output result is always |ψi and the probability of acceptance in the REVEAL is hΨ|AS (ΞA ⊗ IS)(|ΨihΨ|AS) |ΨiAS. Therefore, deviating from the protocol after honestly committing to a certain quantum state only leads to decrease of the success probability and cannot change the committed state even slightly.

Next, we claim that whenever Alice reports the rightful indices (i1, i2) which are received from Ted, the unnormalized outcome state in the system C is indistinguishable from an outcome of an instance of the delayed quantum teleportation scheme in which the classical information transmission is faithful but delayed. This means that the classical information (the outcome of the Bell measurement) is irreversibly decided in the initial stage of the scheme but its revelation is delayed to a later point of time. In the delayed quantum teleportation, Alice can teleport a half of a maximally entangled state and measure the other half to collapse the already teleported state between two stages, but this is not necessarily a malicious act but only a manifestation of the nonlocal property of entangled state. The measurement outcome on Alice’s side in the delayed quantum teleportation is probabilistic and cannot be deterministically controlled. If it were possible to control it, then Alice can effectively collapse Bob’s system into a state beyond the statistics according to Bob’s marginal state (of |ΘiEC ) without additional transmissions, thus it leads to the violation of the no-signaling theorem. Therefore, we consider the delayed quantum teleportation as our ideal functionality. (See Discussion section of the paper.)

In our scheme, once the correct indices (i1, i2) are reported to Bob in the REVEAL phase, the generalized Pauli gates on the system K are exactly cancelled out in the REVEAL phase so we can ignore them throughout the whole protocol. Although Alice is demanded to perform the generalized Bell measurement in the COMMIT phase, since Bob cannot examine the behavior of Alice other than the measurement outcomes (a, b), the most general behavior of Alice is applying arbitrary subchannels 0 P a,b ∆a,b : EA → A such that ∆EA→A0 = a,b ∆EA→A0 is a quantum channel (CPTP map) and reporting corresponding indices (a, b) to Bob. Here the system A0 can be chosen arbitrarily as it will never

Accepted in Quantum 2021-03-03, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 13 be revealed to Bob. In the CHEAT phase, the unofficial phase between the COMMIT and the REVEAL phase, Alice can apply an arbitrary quantum channel ΞA0→A of her choice and give the system A to Bob in the REVEAL phase. The unnormalized post-measurement state of the system C when the test in the REVEAL phase is passed is

d X a b † a,b † −b −a X Z hΩ|SK M (ΞA0→A ◦ ∆EA→A0 )(|ΘihΘ|EC ⊗ M |ΩihΩ|SK M )M |ΩiSK Z X ⊗ |a, biha, b|T . a,b=1

Here, M is MCS→AB and |a, biha, b|T denotes the classical information Bob received in the COM- MIT phase. However, the masking unitary MCS→AB has duality because of the no-hiding theorem (See Fig. 3.) It means that there exists a masking unitary NCS→BK and the corresponding safe-key state such 1 1 1 1 that (MCS→AB ⊗ K )( C ⊗ |ΩiSK ) = ( A ⊗ NCS→BK )( C ⊗ |ΨiAS)). This follows from the no-hiding theorem since, as the quantum masker hides the information from the system A, it should be encoded in its purifying system BK with some invertible quantum map. From the same logic applied to the derivation of the existence of the masking unitary MCS→AB and the safe-key state |ΩiSK , we can derive the existence of the masking unitary NCS→BK and the corresponding safe-key state |ΨiAS. Thus, the unnormalized post-measurement state after the REVEAL phase can be rewritten as

d X a b a,b −b −a X Z hΨ|AS (ΞA0→A ◦ ∆EA→A0 )(|ΘihΘ|EC ⊗ |ΨihΨ|AS) |ΨiAS Z X ⊗ |a, biha, b|T . a,b=1

Note that the masking unitary NCS→BK does not appear in this expression because it was cancelled out. However, this unnormalized state can be equivalently considered an unnormalized outcome state of an instance of quantum teleportation in which |ΘiEC is used as an entanglement resource and the |ΨiAS is an ancilla of local operations of Alice. (Therefore, in this delayed quantum teleportation scenario, Bob only possesses the system C.) The state can be considered the unnormalized post- measurement state of the system C after the ancillary systems AS are measured to stay in |ΨiAS. In this sense, we can say that our scheme is secure whenever Alice reports the correct indices (i1, i2). It remains to show that reporting wrongful indices has arbitrarily small success probability of passing 1 a b the check in the REVEAL phase for Alice. For simplicity, we define |ΩabiSK := ( S ⊗ X Z ) |ΩiSK . p Cp Cp Note that {|Ωabi}a,b=1 forms an orthonormal basis of ⊗ . We claim that the probability of Alice † passing the REVEAL phase, i.e. dual unmasking unitary NBK→CS is applied and the system AS † is checked if it is in the state |ΨiAS, is same as the probability of the check in which NBK→CS is † replaced with MAB→CS and |ΨiAS is replaced with |ΩiSK since MCS→AB |ΩiSK = NCS→AK |ΨiAS holds from their duality. From the protocols of the scheme, when Alice reports indices (k1, k2) instead D E of (i , i ), the success probability becomes Ω Λ Ω for any given 1 2 j1(i1−k1),j2(i2−k2) ∆,Ξ j1(i1−k1),j2(i2−k2) h † i (j1, j2), where Λ∆,Ξ is defined as Λ∆,Ξ = TrC (ΞA0→A ◦ ∆EA→A0 )(M |ΘihΘ|EC ⊗ |ΩihΩ|SK M ) . Here, P a,b ∆EA→A0 = a,b ∆EA→A0 and ΞA0→A are arbitrary behaviors of Alice as it was mentioned before. Since (j1, j2) is picked from J × J uniformly, the total security failure probability is

1 D E 1 1 X Ω Λ Ω ≤ Tr Λ  = , |J|2 j1(i1−k1),j2(i2−k2) ∆,Ξ j1(i1−k1),j2(i2−k2) |J| ∆,Ξ |J| j1,j2∈J

under the assumption only one of i1 6= k1 or i2 6= k2 holds (for which there are 2(p − 1) possible 2 cases). Note that if both of i1 and i2 are wrongfully reported (for which there are (p − 1) possible 1 cases), then the bound becomes |J|2 . We also remark that the specific form of Λ∆,Ξ was irrelevant for this derivation and only that it is a quantum state was used. By increasing |J|, (necessarily also by increasing p,) one gets arbitrarily low security failure probability.

Accepted in Quantum 2021-03-03, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 14 We remark here that although the security proof given here does not explicitly use the notion of the min- or max- entropy or the epsilon-delta argument, but since the proof holds for singe-shot implementation of the protocol and that the maximum success probability of cheating is bounded from above by a parameter that can be lowered arbitrarily by employing more resources, we argue that the proof still holds. Note that the proof given by Rivest [1] also does not use the notions of the min- or max-entropy as well.

Theorem 4. For an arbitrary OTT (X,Y) satisfying conditions (i) and (ii), P r(X = x, Y = y) < q2m−1 + o(d−2) for every x and y.

P 0 Proof. We first find an upper bound of P r(X). From Condition (ii) we get that y P r(X = x |Y = q 0 P y)P r(Y = y|X = x) < m , for any x 6= x . Note that y Θ(x, y)P r(Y = y|X = x) = 1. By multiplying by Pr(X = x) and summing over x both sides, we get q 1 X P r(X = x0|Y = y)P r(Y = y) = P r(X = x0) < (1 − P r(X = x0)) + P r(X = x0) . y m m

0 q 0 It implies that P r(X = x ) < m−1+q for any x , thus we found an upper bound of P r(X). Next, we find an upper bound of P r(Y ). We use another expression of Condition (ii), that

X Θ(x0, y)Θ(x, y)P r(Y = y) < qmP r(X = x), y for any x 6= x0, which follows from P r(Y = y|X = x) = P r(X = x|Y = y)P r(Y = y)/P r(X = 1 q x) = m Θ(x, y)P r(Y = y)/P r(X = x). Using the upper bound P r(X = x) < m−1+q , we get, for any distinct x and x0, m X Θ(x0, y)Θ(x, y)P r(Y = y) < q2 . y m − 1 + q Condition (i) implies that there are m x’s such that Θ(x, y) = 1 for a given y. Therefore, for arbitrary 0 0 y0 we can find two x and x such that Θ(x, y0) = Θ(x , y0) = 1. Since the sum of nonnegative terms is always not smaller than individual terms, we get m P r(Y = y ) < q2 . 0 m − 1 + q

2 m As y9 was arbitrarily chosen, we get that P r(Y ) < q m−1+q . 1 Finally, since P r(X = x, Y = y) = P r(X = x|Y = y)P r(Y = y) ≤ m P r(Y = y), we have m P r(X = x, Y = y) < q2m−1 . m − 1 + q

m −1 2 −2 Since m−1+q = 1 + O(m ), m = O(d) and q = o(1), we have P r(X = x, Y = y) < q m + o(d ).


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