Linphone COVER STORY Internet telephony with Linphone WELLWELL CONNECTEDCONNECTED When you want to call your friends in distant countries, don’t pick up municate with the VoIP provider, so you will need to install the library first. To do the phone; just put on your headset and fire up Linphone. so, open a terminal window, then be- come root by typing su and supplying BY SIMONE SCHÄFER the root password. Unpack the archive by typing tar xzf libosip2-2.2.0.tar.gz, ne of the most popular methods wants to take incoming calls via Purtel. and then change to the new directory (cd for accessing Voice over IP tech- The procedures are similar for other pro- libosip2-2.2.0). The following commands Onology is through a so-called viders. will build and install the library: softphone. A softphone is simply a com- puter program running on your desktop Installation ./configure --prefix=/usr that handles call establishment and com- The source code for the 1.1.0 release, make munication. Linphone [1] is one of the and the libraries, are available on the most popular softphone applications for DVD with this issue below LinuxUser/ Phone Numbers and SIP Ids Linux. Linphone is optimized for the linphone/. In the simplest of all cases, the phone Gnome desktop, although that doesn’t Mandriva Linux 2006 has the current number will be a simple telephone num- mean you can’t run it on KDE. This arti- 1.1.0 version. Gentoo Linux users can ber followed by the SIP domain, such as cles describes how to install, configure, install Linphone 1.1.0 simply by running
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