under: the Resource Management Act 1991 in the matter of: Proposed Plan Change 5 to the Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan (PC 5) and: Central Plains Water Limited (Central Plains) Submitter C16C/30981 Further submitter C16C/72309 Statement of evidence of Susan Goodfellow Dated: 22 July 2016 REFERENCE: BG Williams (
[email protected]) ADW Brent (
[email protected]) 2 STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF SUSAN GOODFELLOW 1 My name is Susan Goodfellow. 2 I am the General Manager Environmental at Central Plains (Central Plains). 3 I have been involved with the development of the Central Plains Water Enhancement Scheme (the CPW Scheme) since early 2011. My roles have included: 3.1 leading the implementation of the resource consents, environmental compliance, and the stakeholder engagement processes for the CPW Scheme; and 3.2 overseeing the establishment and implementation of the farmer compliance regime (as required by inter alia the CPW Scheme’s resource consents to use and discharge water). This includes preparing Farm Management Plans and ensuring compliance with the CPW Scheme nutrient management regime. 4 In terms of my wider environmental experience, I have a Masters of Landscape Architecture and have over 20 years’ professional experience – 10 years of which was dedicated to working in an environmental consultancy on large scale infrastructure projects based in Asia. 5 Of direct relevance to this evidence I note that I project managed Central Plains’ submission for proposed Variation 1 (now Plan Change 1 (PC 1)) to the now operative Canterbury Land & Water Regional Plan (LWRP). I have also been responsible for Central Plains’ involvement in plan change 5 (PC5).