QB vs. Baltimore Ravens 10-7-18

QB Baker Mayfield: On his mentality starting the final drive deep in Cleveland’s territory: “Field position is a huge part of that decision right there. We were talking about what plays we liked, protections that we trusted. We were able to push the ball down field a little bit. Once you get stuck down in there, the mentality is to get the ball out but do so with the first down in mind. Scramble drill happened. (WR Derrick) Willies got open and made a big play. Just goes up. I harped on it in camp – it is the next man up mentality. On guy goes down, and you see a guy who really had not gotten a lot of reps make big plays for us and contributed to our win.”

On if he felt pressure from Ravens LB Terrell Suggs on the pass to Willies in OT: “I do not know who it was, but yeah, there were guys all around. We have guys that continued to block. As I continue to get reps with them, they will realize that I am going to try to extend plays. We will just keep moving forward. It was a great defense that we just played today. Obviously, we have a lot of room for improvement, but there were some good things today.”

On difficulty play-calling against a tough Baltimore defense: “It is always tough when you are playing veterans like that that play the game so well. What it comes down to is us doing our job and doing it at a very, very high level. Not trying to do too much. Making sure that you are trying to run the right routes. Not trying to get open for yourself but you run a route trying to get somebody else open. There are just different things that we can continue to work on. That is the great thing about playing a good defense like that. You get to see and test yourself with where you are at.”

On if all of his starts will go into OT: “I hope not (laughter).”

On the team finishing the game after being close last week: “It is huge for confidence. I think that we have been in this situation a lot. No, it has not gone our way. We had one tie and a loss – two losses. It is good to see the other side of it. Once we get into the situation, we have been there before but able to come out with it. Just keep pushing. We were frustrated that we did not score as many times as we wanted, but we never gave up. Our guys believed in it.”

On his 2-0 record at FirstEnergy Stadium and the environment playing at home: “Unbelievable environment. Our fans are some of the best in the country. I believe that. They have been hungry for a while. They deserve to see wins. Also, there is something about getting momentum. The biggest part about it is the way our defense is playing. There is zero question that we have a top-five defense in the league. They are holding people to very few points. You take out the exception of last week, and they are playing great ball. We have to score more points for them. We have momentum. We just have to capitalize on opportunities. We are giving up the ball and putting them into bad field position at times, but crowd gets into it, defense plays well and we are able to seize the moment.”

On Willies’ catches and stepping up: “Great mentality. That is the type of thing that you want to see. Guys that do not get the reps, guys that do not necessarily have to be locked in during the week, but he is. He knows his stuff. He is able to go in there and execute. He is a guy that I have seen play for a while. I have been able to trust him because of that. He is locked in. He is in there every morning getting the gameplan and just making sure that he is taking advantage of his opportunity. He did that today.”

On his prior knowledge of the Ravens defense and their strong record against rookie QBs: “No. That is the first I have heard of that.”

On if he pays attention to league rankings when preparing for a defense like the Ravens: “No, we have a top rushing offense in the league and we want to be up there with a top passing offense in the league. What it comes down to is we know that they have a great defense – we knew that coming into it – but we wanted to play our best again their best. You do not pay attention to stuff on the outside. You have to show up on Sunday and do your job.”

On going for it on fourth down in OT: “You talk about the range of the kicker. That is nothing against (K) Greg (Joseph), but you have a yard mark where you want to get to and we were not there yet. His mentality was go for it and give us a chance. Obviously, very frustrated that we did not get a pass interference call when the guy pushed (WR) Jarvis (Landry) out and they knocked him over. They said that the ball was uncatchable, but that was because he was on the ground. The people in the stirpes can make a better call, I think. I will see it and be able to look at it. Regardless, the best part about all of that was that the defense went out there, got another stop and our offense did not flinch when we went back out there. We went out there and did our job. No matter what it is – good plays, bad plays, not getting calls or getting calls – we have to do our job every play. You forget what happened in the past and keep moving forward.”

On the Browns taking pride in their resilience: “Take a lot of pride in that. That shows that we are starting to change the culture around here. That guys early on thinking in the past that when something bad happens, then you kind of get in the tank a little bit, put their head down, but we have a team right now that is starting to believe in themselves and rightfully so. I take a lot of pride in the culture change and being positive, always moving forward and doing your job no matter what the situation is. That was big for us.”

On when the reverse was called: “First, I am thinking, ‘Alright, who am I going to block? (Ravens OLB) Terrell Suggs or somebody else (laughter)? Then I look out there. The guy made a different play on it. He rushed up field and kind of pushed up more than we had practiced. I have to do my job and get outside to get leverage on him. We are trusting (WR Rod) Streater’s speed and to make the play on it. It is what it is, moving forward and we were able to convert on third down.”

On mindset after losing yards on first down on that drive deep in Cleveland territory: “Second down, chip away. Get some of it back. See if you can get into a third and manageable. It is not about getting it all back at that point. It is taking care of the ball and chipping away.”

On if this game serves notice to the AFC North that the Browns ‘are back’: “I do not necessarily if I would say the Cleveland Browns are back. We have a lot of stuff to work on. The AFC North is a great division. We are bringing the competition back within the division, and that is great to see. That is great to see for the AFC North. Hopefully, everybody gets the recognition they deserve. We are taking it one week at a time so moving forward, that was a big win for us.”

On if he spoke with K Greg Joseph after the missed field goal at the end of regulation: “Didn’t get a chance to talk with him. I could not decide whether I wanted to look at the kick [in overtime] or not. I turned around last second and saw it pretty low. It wasn’t a pretty kick, but it went in. This also wasn’t a pretty win, but it counts.”

On the Browns developing toughness: “This division is a tough division to play. You have to be able to run the ball when people know you are running the ball. It is a physical mentality up here, especially when the weather is starting to set in here pretty soon. We have what it takes. We just have to get better. We have to keep improving each week and learning from our mistakes.”

On RB Duke Johnson Jr.’s performance in OT: “Huge. That is the type of stuff that we want to see when they are focusing on different guys. We have to play matchup games. We have enough weapons where if they want to leave our guys one on one, we have to take advantage of it. The line did a great job of giving him some room to run, and we just made it work. We have plays called. That is why I say that we have to do our job, no matter what look it is. Whoever is getting the ball, wherever it is going, you have to do your job.”

On DB ’s performance: “I will tell you what, it is a lot better when he is on my team than when I played against him. He is a guy who continues to get better and make plays for us, huge plays. A turnover down in the red zone is big and then a blocked kick. When it comes down to it, we would not have gone into overtime if he did not block that kick. So happy for him and just happy I am on his side.”

On if it is tough going from multiple blow out wins in college to close games in the NFL: “A little bit. It is definitely new to me, but I was in enough close games to know that you need to keep moving forward. The mentality is the most important thing when it comes down to this game – mentality and details. I got to this league and they stressed that everything is going to be a little tighter, a little closer. That is the mentality I need to keep having.”

# # #

K Greg Joseph Baltimore Ravens vs. Cleveland Browns 10-7-18

K Greg Joseph: On his mindset preparing to kick the game-winning FG: “Trust in my abilities. You play that scenario over, over and over in your head and practice however many times you do it, whether you are alone or with the team. Awesome feeling. Super happy for my family, but obviously, I have stuff to work on. I missed that PAT and that 55-yarder. If I had made those, we would not be in the position that we were in. Great job by the Ravens for pushing us to the end. Super happy for the guys in there, my family and mainly the guys in the locker room because they deserved that win. It has been a long time coming.”

On if the final kick was partially blocked: “I heard it. I felt good and felt like I hit it good. I was ready to look up and see it go in. You hear the thud on it real quick and just saw it luckily saw it still carry through. Three points is three points. You live, you learn and you move on.”

On if he know who approached him first the game-winning kick: “No, I was excited once I saw it go over the bar. Then I made the rookie mistake of taking off my helmet. Got a little [excited]. It was just everyone jumping around and I was just trying to see if I could pick out my family to be honest, but there is so much going on. It was awesome to hear how loud the stadium was as well. The fans deserve it, as well. It has been a long time coming for them. I still have work to do. Enjoyed it, but now it is behind me. On to the next. Not even looking at the next game, have practice to do. Have to kick, have to get better and take care of my body.”

On if he thought ‘oh no’ after he heard the thud on the final kick: “It happened too quickly, but obviously, when you hear the sound of your foot and you hear a quick [thud] after it, obviously, it is not always the best result. It was awesome to see it go through and then hear the fans erupt.”

On how hard it was executing the final kick after missing previous attempts: “The guys on the sideline did a great job of rallying around me. That is why this game ball is not just for me. I am just 9.1 percent or however the math works out of that field goal unit. Guys have to block, guys have to snap and guys have to hold so that game ball is for that whole unit. They stuck by me, and I would not change anything on that PAT. I felt like I hit it well. Obviously, the result was not what we wanted, but that is just fine-tuning I think my follow through a little bit. It is a make your next kick. Kick your best kick. I do not focus on the last kick because I cannot do anything about it. That is why I would be wasting my time focusing on that game winner because it is in the past and ready to move on and get ready for next week.”

On if that was the most range of emotions he has experienced in one game: “I try to stay fairly in the middle – not too emotionally high, not too emotionally low, but it was definitely one of the crazier ones. It is the first game winner with the dying seconds that I have ever had to hit so just an awesome feeling.”

On if he does the math for yardage of kicks as the offense moves down the field: “No. Visualizing. I am seeing that ball go through the up rights. Going through my process in the net and hitting the ball I want to hit. At the end of the day, I have to make the kick no matter where it is from. That

is why that 55 (-yard attempts), felt a decent connection but obviously got to be better on it. Not paying it too much mind because it is in the past. Just same process every time.”

On his range today: “Wherever they were going to have me kick from to be honest because I do not go that far back in warmups. I let coach judge it from how far it goes over the bar or whatever so I do not push it too far back in warmups because I try to just stay smooth.”

On how good it feels for the special teams units to seal the game: “It feels great. Absolutely awesome moment to hear over 60,000-65,000 strong celebrating and cheering is something that I will never forget. I will never forget anything about this game, the low points or the high points, but I am happy to be able to deliver for this team. I am going to keep harping on the fact that I missed two. I missed two and not harping on them – I should not say that – but there is work to be done. I am going to put in that work, and you guys are going to watch me.”

On the closest kick he has to a last-minute game-winner like today: “About two or three minutes left at ODU (Old Dominion University) to put us up two. We were down one.”

On if he ever considers that he is with the Browns because another K missed kicks: “Sure, but people can focus on what they want. I tend to focus on I am here for a reason. I believe I belong in this league. I am going to work every single day to prove that, whether it is on recovery, kicking, being a better man or being a better athlete. I am here to show that I belong here in this league.”

On the final FG being partially blocked: “Yes, I definitely heard some contact after I hit it. I am not sure who I am not sure where he go through. I got to go watch the film on it, but three points is three points. I was super excited to see it go over the bar.”

On the feeling in the locker room after the game: “Awesome. Everyone is cheering. Everyone is coming up to me. I was just trying to relay the message, I have just been here – this was my third game – this was for you guys who have been here all offseason, months, years. They have been working. They have been fighting. They deserve it, especially because of the start of the season.”

On if he ever got a game ball in college at FIU: “AU? Florida Atlantic (laughter). Yeah, I did. I remember certain games. Florida Atlantic. Go Owls.”

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WR Baltimore Ravens vs. Cleveland Browns 10-7-18

WR Jarvis Landry: On emotions on the field with another close game: “Another rollercoaster. Lots of ups and downs. We did things well. We did some things poorly. I think all phases stuck together, and that was the biggest part and the best moment.”

On if he considered going out of bounds on his catch at the end of regulation: “I didn’t. I knew we had a time out. I think there were sixteen seconds left on the clock and I knew we had a timeout so I was trying to get as many yards as I possibly could. I thought about cutting back across field but just tried to get as much as I could.”

On the potential pass interference call: “Not so much was it pass interference, but I think it was definitely illegal contact, which is definitely something they should have recognized, regardless if the ball was over-thrown or whatever. No defender can impede the progress of a receiver beyond five yards, I know that. It’s something we are going to have to play through because I don’t think it’s going to stop. It’s going to make our team better. We are going to have to be damn close to perfect. “

On QB Baker Mayfield’s performance “Calm, collected and unfazed. He stepped up big and obviously made plays with his arm, feet, getting out of some sacks and extending drives. For a rookie, he’s doing it.”

On WR Derrek Willies’ performance: “He has some more playing time coming. That is for sure. He stayed the course since the moment he got here, undrafted guy. When Hig (WR Rashad Higgins) went down, and it was the next man up mentality. He came in and made plays, did his job and he had a couple catches. Especially the big one on third down to get four towards the sideline, which extended our drive a little bit.”

On the team’s mood in the huddle after the reverse went for a loss: “Mentally, you are like ‘Damn this again,’ but we have been in bigger holes and we found a way to dig out. The resilience of the whole offense and this team to find ways to make plays and Willies stepping up on third down which really put us in position to win the game.”

On Head Coach Hue Jackson going for it on fourth down and that as a sign of trust to the defense: “The defense played well all day, especially in the red area and doing their jobs. We had a chance on that fourth down. We just didn’t quite hook up, but at the same time, like you said, we trusted the defense to get stop, get the ball back we could put it away.”

On this game being different than previous overtimes: “As the clock is ticking down – I am having all of these talks with myself – I’m hoping it’s not another tie. I saw the clock get under two minutes, but we found a way to make more plays and we needed it today in all phases, the kicking game, defense and offense and when you usually do that, you have a good opportunity to win it.”

On Mayfield being under pressure and finding a way to make plays: “I’m sure I’ll see it and it was as beautiful as you say. Guys have to make plays and step up, especially in those moments. Two rookies – undrafted and a guy that is ‘undraftable.’ They made it work.”

On saying the team needs to play perfectly but still finding a way to win today: “I’m not saying we are immune to penalties, but I am saying some of them are a lot closer for us than other teams. We did put ourselves in holes in situations that we had to dig out of. Some we didn’t and we ended up punting the ball, and some we did. I think the ones we did were crucial for the momentum and team, and they put us in a position to win. We were able to control the clock. I think we had four drives over 10 plays so that is huge, keeps our defense rested. They did really well today against a good offense.”

QB Mayfield’s presence and if that helps give the team confidence it are always in games: “It’s his attitude and charisma. Like I said, he didn’t budge. He didn’t flinch. He continued to find ways to get the ball in people’s hands and let them make plays, and that’s the biggest thing. It shows the amount of trust he has in everybody. (RB) Duke (Johnson Jr.) did a hell of a job. (RB) Carlos (Hyde) ran the ball extremely well and hard. Hig (WR Rashad Higgins) made plays, two crucial third downs on corner routes. Things like that you don’t see every day in a rookie quarterback and making decisions like that.”

On getting an AFC North win and division games ‘counting as two’: “It’s huge. It really is huge. It is a step in the right direction. We have a lot of things to work on, a lot of things to get better at. As long as we keep playing as a team and continue to get better and trusting each other, we will be right there when it comes time to it.”

# # #

Cleveland Browns vs. Baltimore Ravens 10-7-18 Cleveland Browns Players


OL : On K Greg Joseph’s missed field goal in regulation: “I think (Greg) was trying to get his whole foot into it and it peeled a little bit left. We knew we were going to have another chance. If it was not going to be this week, it was going to be later. We just picked him up. I think (Head) Coach (Hue) Jackson did a good job of picking him up and making sure he was going to be ready to go if we needed him again, which we did.”

On the thought of another tie coming to mind: “Yeah, a little bit (laughter). We were driving the whole time so I was focused on the next play.”

On winning a divisional game: “It is big to get that division win. It is always worth a little more. And to be at .500 at 2-2-1, it is a good point. Beating a division team that beat up on Pittsburgh a little and we tied with Pittsburgh. We are right there in the mix. If you win your division, you go to the playoffs. That is what we are working on as our first goal right now.”

On QB Baker Mayfield’s 39-yard throw to WR Derrick Willies on third-and-8 on the game-winning drive: “(Baker) just makes plays. He knows what to do in tough situations. He made a good play. I was blocking someone I think (laughter). The ball got out and I saw (Willies) catch it and I was just hoping he broke it for a touchdown and that takes everything out of it. It was a great throw and catch. They made a huge play there.”

On QB Baker Mayfield’s performance: “He just makes plays. He is calm and collective not matter what happens – an interception or fumble - he is ready to play the next play. He has done that all year and we are hoping he does it for a long, long time here.”

DL : On holding the Ravens to three field goals: “We did a good job of keeping them out of the end zone. They can get as many yards as they want to as long as they stay out of the end zone, then we are doing our job. If we can keep them to field goals, then that gives our offense the best chance to win. Our goal is to keep them off the board completely, but I can settle with three points over six, obviously.”

On playing their third overtime game in five weeks: “It is tiring, but it’s worth it. There is no feeling better than coming down to the wire, against a team like the Ravens and being able to get a win.”

On what the win means to him:

“It is another win for me. It does not matter if it is a division team or if they are out of our division. They are a good team, and those are the type of teams you want to beat.”

On DB Denzel Ward’s impact today: “He was everywhere. He had a game just like he did in the first game of the season, where he was ball hawking and on top of guys at all times. We have seen this in practice, and we have seen his potential. Now, he is living up to his abilities.”

On the atmosphere at home games this year: “The atmosphere is night and day from last year. The crowd is very into the game, especially on defense. They are thrilled when we are out there making plays and forcing turnovers. We are glad that all of us can be a force together.”

On Head Coach Hue Jackson’s faith in the defense in OT: “That is faith in all of us as men. That is faith in the offense that they can get it, and if they do not, then we will go out there and take the ball away and we will give them another chance to win the game. That’s what we did today.”

On teams having trouble against the Browns defensive line: “Teams have struggled with our pressure, and when they do, they start throwing different protections at us with people chipping on both sides or throwing us double teams, but you just have to be one step ahead.”

RB Carlos Hyde: On QB Baker Mayfield continuing to fight in today’s game: “Baker is a different breed. He is not like most other quarterbacks, and he is a big time competitor. He is just non-stop and always comes back out slinging the ball. Even when he makes mistakes, he still comes out and plays the same way. He has a lot of confidence.”

On QB Baker Mayfield’s ability to extend plays: “He is an escape artist. He knows that he has to keep going to keep the play alive and knows that his guys will be open down the field. He trusts them and he is always making plays.”

On the feeling after playing their third overtime game in five weeks: “This overtime is much better because we won. Just like the other ones we’ve had, you have to go out there and do what you need to do to win. We have had opportunities and keep getting opportunities in these overtime games and we need to figure out a way to win and that is what we did today.”

On the Browns’ defensive performance: “The defense has been coming to play every day. It was real impressive today to only allow nine points. That is huge. When we have the defense play like that, then we always have a chance to win.”

DB Denzel Ward: On the Browns defense today: “It is just about not giving up, just going out there fighting every play. I feel we did that today.”

On reaction when the kick went through: “Excited. Every win is a good win. I am appreciative of that. They do not come easy so it was a great win.”

On what it says about the Browns winning against a good divisional team and defending home turf: “I feel we are a great team. We just have to show that night in and night out.

On the win meaning more personally being from the area: “No, it is not just another game. Every game, my mindset is to go out there and win, and we did that today. We have to be consistent and continue to do that.”

On three interceptions this season: “Coaches putting me in great positions to make plays.”

On his blocked field goal: “Came off the edge. He did not really get hands on me so I just tried to come off as fast as I could, and I got a hand on it.”

On making plays and winning in his hometown: “It is a lot of fun. Just doing what I love to do and what I dreamed of since I was a kid, especially for my hometown. It is exciting, and we are going to try to keep getting wins.”

On thoughts when K Greg Joseph was lining up for the game-winning kick: “I was nervous, praying and hoping it went in. (Greg) did a great job of making the kick go through.”

WR Derrick Willies: On being able to make plays on the field today: “It was a great feeling to be out there and make plays when the ball came my way. It was awesome for me.”

On his catch in OT: “The play broke down and (QB) Baker (Mayfield) started scrambling. I was open, he threw it to me and I was just looking to find some room to run. Baker’s scrambling is something special. If you can get open when he starts scrambling, he will probably get you the ball.”

On if the feeling in the locker room was different after today’s win: “I believe we are equally excited for every game and everyone is excited to win and play.”

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Cleveland Browns vs. Baltimore Ravens 10-7-18 Baltimore Ravens Head Coach John Harbaugh

Ravens Head Coach John Harbaugh: Opening statement: “Alright. Congratulations to the Browns. I thought they played very well. They got a big victory here at home. They did a good job. We just came up short and didn’t win the football game. We’ll go back to work and try to find a way to win the next one.”

On the offense not getting on track today: “I’ll take a look at it and figure it out. That’s a big, giant huge question that can’t be answered that simple.”

On whether it felt like there was any rhythm on offense: “No, not really. There were a couple of drives – we put some drives together, so if you want to talk about rhythm within a drive, then I thought we did. Over the course the course of the game, though, I would say no.”

On how to handle a receiver having trouble holding onto the ball: “These guys are pros. These guys are the best players in the world, so they go to work on that every day. (WR) Michael (Crabtree) will work on that. All of our players will work on that.”

On the run game: “I’m sure there was too much penetration on certain plays, and other plays there wasn’t. We’ll go to work on it and when we see it on tape, we’ll have a better understanding of it. When you’re in the middle of the game, it’s not something you work out on the big picture.”

On whether the illegal block in the back call was wrong: “I don’t comment on officiating.”

On the blocked field goal: “I thought he (Browns DB Denzel Ward) got a great jump. He timed up the snap and I thought he got a great jump and got it. It was a great play by their guy.”

On the Cleveland 3rd and 8 play in overtime: “I don’t know. What did I see? I would need a more specific question than that. I don’t remember the play off the top of my head. You mean their 3rd and 8? I don’t know, I’m not going to talk about their play. Picking plays out 15 minutes after the game – it’s really hard to comment on that in all honesty. It’s impossible to put that into perspective right now. There are a lot of plays in a game. I’m not even sure which play you’re talking about.”

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Cleveland Browns vs. Baltimore Ravens 10-7-18 Baltimore Ravens Players


RB Javorius Allen On not getting a lot of carries: “I mean, I’m not the play caller. When my number is called I am going to make the best of it. I can’t tell you what they were thinking. I just go out there and play.”

On the frustration of not scoring a touchdown in the last two games: “We just need to play Ravens football. I don’t think it’s frustrating. There are too many weapons on our team to not score. We just need to call the right things and make plays.”

On his fumble: “I am just trying to make plays, honestly. I just want to be the guy whenever they need a spark trying to make a play. It’s not going to happen again. That’s why I’m not mad at myself. I was just trying to make a play.”

WR Michael Crabtree On the loss: “It was a tough one. Started off slow and I put that on me. I had a game winner I could have caught it and I put that on me. Need to get into the lab and get back to the basics.”

On the frustration of dropping a potential game winning touchdown: “I’ve been there and done that [caught the game winner]. This time around I came up short. I have to get back into the lab and work on this concentration. That’s just something football players do.”

On if he felt like he let the team down: “I’m a team player. Letting them down, it hurt me. I have to go back to the drawing board and get my stuff together.”

On concentration: “That’s all it is. It’s football. You have to see the ball to catch the ball. I need to see it all the way in. If that means that I have to catch 2,000 footballs a week in practice then I am going to have to do that.”

On the Browns defense giving the Ravens wide receivers problems: “They were playing defense. That’s an NFL team. They were bracketing us. We saw them make a couple of big plays coming down to the end. If I had just made that catch the game would have been over. I just need to work on what I can control.”

DT Willie Henry: On returning from hernia surgery: “It felt good. I felt like I was ready a week and a half ago – to come out and play football. The doctors said that they wanted to make sure everything healed properly, so when I do get out here I can play at 110% and go as fast as I can.”

On playing his first game back in Cleveland: “It’s like a homecoming. I take it as a homecoming game and a season opener for me also. It felt good. Coming home and playing here in Cleveland. Anytime I can come here, it just feels great to come home and play. I was able to go out here and crack my season open with a game against the Browns. It was just a blessing.”

On his Glenville High School roots: “All my guys up there in Glenville – best of luck for the rest of the season. Those guys should all just know that they can make it to where I’m at. I was in those same seats grinding and dealing with the same teachers, and I’m here now living my dream. It took some of the best coaching – Coach Ginn did a great job coaching those guys up, coaching me up when I was going through Ginn Academy. I have nothing but respect for what’s going on down there and I know those guys are working hard, but good luck for the rest of the season. I hope to see those boys at this level.”

OLB Terrell Suggs On the loss: “It’s disappointing, but first and foremost, we tip our hat to the Cleveland Browns. They played a tough game. They just made a few more plays than we did to win 12-9 in overtime, so congratulations to them. It’s a long season, but we just have to go back to the drawing board. The things that we missed, the mistakes that we made, we’re going to have those same situations later in the season. What separates a good team from a mediocre team is if you don’t keep making the same mistakes.”

On the highs and lows of the season: “Don’t get too low. It was a hard fought game. It was an AFC North division football game. They played a really good game. [Browns Head Coach] Hue Jackson’s got them playing inspired football and you have to respect that. We tip our hat to them. We’re quick to get over wins, and we have to be quick to get over losses. We’re going to get back to the drawing board and come Wednesday, this one’s going to be behind us. We’re going to be ready for Tennessee.”

On the Ravens’ mentality heading into Overtime: “When you get another opportunity to win the game you think you’re going to, but the ball just didn’t roll our way this time. I don’t think it’s anything to hit the panic button on. It’s more fun for you guys [the media] when we lose. You guys get to talk about how we stink, but it’s cool. The path that we’re on is a force. It’s not a straight line. I’d have loved for us to go 15-1 this year, but 14-2 is still up there. I still say it – the path we’re on is a force, it’s not a straight path.”

K Justin Tucker On what went wrong today:

“I think at the end of the day we win as a team and we lose as a team. The fact is we just didn’t pull out a victory. We just didn’t come through as a team in the moments that we needed to. That is not to say that we aren’t a good football team with a bright future. I think we have all the right men for the job. It’s just a matter of getting back up and working at this. We are trying to get a ‘W’ against our next opponent.”

On his field goal attempt that got blocked: “It looks like the guy just made a play off the edge. It’s hard for me to tell. I might be able to tell a day or two from now when I get a chance to look at it. Being out there on the field, I am looking at the ball. You hear that first thud coming off my foot and then you hear a second one, that’s never good. It is what it is. Fortunately, we were able to keep the game going by making the rest of our kicks.”

On the feeling in the locker room after the game: “It is just that we win as a team and we lose as a team. We have our best football ahead of us as long as we work. That is all we can do. The only thing you can do after a loss is go back to work and grind on the details and fundamentals and the scheme. Everything we know that produces winning football.”

S Eric Weddle On differences in the Browns this season: “They won. They’ve always had players. They always play us tough, so it shouldn’t be much surprise that it was a close game. We fought like heck, but they made one more play than us.”

On meeting with Browns QB Baker Mayfield post-game: “I’m happy about where [QB Baker Mayfield]’s career has started and I’m excited to see where it ends up. I just had words of encouragement, nothing more than that. I respect this game. I give it my all, and I respect good players. He did a good job. He made some throws that were really good, and he made some other throws that were really bad – that we could have capitalized on. As soon as the game was on the line, he made a great throw and the guy made a great catch and run. As good as our defense played, they made one more play than us and that’s unfortunate, but credit to the Browns.”

On challenges Mayfield presents for the defense: “He made some good throws, and he could have easily thrown three or four interceptions today. That’s just how the game went. It was a tight game. He moves the ball well. He’s hard to see back there because he’s short, so on some of the throws I couldn’t even see him. Sometimes my breaks were a little late. It’s a good team. They have a lot of talented players, not just Baker. Look at their offense – they have great weapons all over – they have a great offensive line, they have a great coaching staff, and they have a great defense. It’s not out of the realm that this is a really great team. We had our chances and it’s unfortunate we didn’t get the road win. It was out there to take, but we didn’t get it done, so we move on.”

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Cleveland Browns vs. Baltimore Ravens 10-7-18 Baltimore Ravens Players


QB Joe Flacco: On the offense: “It was tough. They kind of said it going in. They took some of the big plays away from us and made us go the long, hard way. We turned the ball over a couple times, and we had them getting a little tired. We just weren’t able to keep and sustain it for anything significant. We had our chances. In these kind of games when you have little chances, you have to be able to take advantage of them. The couple that we had, we probably just didn’t execute well.”

On the goal line interception: “I was just trying to put it at his feet. You guys know whether the ball was kicked or not. It was obviously batted. It was just one of those unfortunate ones. I was just trying to get the ball out of my hands and go to the next down, to be honest with you.”

On the WR Michael Crabtree play in the end zone: “You guys are asking me questions that you know the answer to better than I do. I have to see the TV. I honestly think it was one of those tight plays. I’m sure it could’ve gone either way.

On the offense being held without a touchdown today: “We’ll look at the film, and we’ll find exactly why. We obviously did what we had to do last game. This game, we came up against a team that’s playing well and feeling good, and we just weren’t able to get the ball in the end zone. There are a lot of things that go into that. We’ll have to go in and really grind to see exactly what it was.

On the play balance: “Listen, we have all of the trust in those coaches to put us in good positions to win the football game. I think we were today. Once again, it’s one of those things that you have to go in and look at. I definitely thought there was some ground to make in the running game. We won the game there as far as I’m concerned. At the end of the game, they called a block on (WR/RS) Chris (Moore) where the guy was out of position and gets cut back on. That was kind of bogus, I thought, but what are you going to do?

On if he saw the replay of the illegal block penalty: “Yeah, I saw the replay. The guy came down, got cut back on and Chris never really touched him. He just tried to avoid him, as far as I’m concerned. That’s just one of many plays that we probably could have made in order to get the game turned our way.

On the final offensive drive of regulation: “Yeah, I mean we’re trying to score a touchdown. To be honest with you, you don’t want to have to kick a field goal and go into overtime. That’s for sure.”

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Cleveland Browns vs. Baltimore Ravens 10-7-18 Baltimore Ravens Players RAVENS PLAYERS

S Tony Jefferson Opening statement: “Once again, congrats to the Browns on their win today. They played hard. That’s a good football team over there. They have a lot of talent on both sides, all phases. Congrats to them on that.”

On what went wrong during the last drive: “Execution. I mean, we talked about it all week. We have to execute regardless of what the situation may be. We have to execute the call, and we didn’t in that particular situation. We didn’t finish. We’ve been trying. We’ve been doing a good job at that, so far this season. Today we fell short of doing that, but we have a good opportunity coming up against Tennessee. We have a week to get back in the lab and try and fix those things so that they don’t reoccur in particular situations like today.”

On breakdowns and scramble plays: “(Browns QB) Baker (Mayfield) is one of those guys. We talked about it all week. He’s a fighter. That guy can make plays. He’s a playmaker. He’s has that ‘it’ factor to him. We were talking a little trash on the field. You have to respect a guy like that, especially a rookie who’s coming into a defense like ours. I thought he did pretty well today. We weren’t good enough. Like I said, we got to get back in the lab and fix those mistakes.”

On losing momentum after today’s game: “It’s a 16-game season. I don’t think every game is going to be perfect, and I don’t think we expect every game to be perfect. I think it comes down to situational football like today. It’s all about finishing and making those plays when they matter. I don’t think it’s going to mess with our confidence at all or mess with our mojo. I still think we did a lot of good stuff out there as a defense. Like I said, we have some things that we need to fix. I think they are very correctable. I don’t think it will affect us as a defense.”

On the turnovers: “In a close game, especially in this environment, you can’t give up plays like that. Like I said, it always comes down to execution The Browns executed more than we did and they won the game. If you want to win, you can’t let that happen. Let’s just go fix it. We’ll be alright.”

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