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STATE OF ILLINOIS 97th GENERAL ASSEMBLY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TRANSCRIPTION DEBATE 137th Legislative Day 5/16/2012 Speaker Lang: "The House shall be in order. Members will be in their chairs. We shall be led in prayer today by Major Juan Alarcon who is with the Salvation Army in Hanover Park, Illinois. Major Alarcon is the guest of Representative Mussman. Members and guests are asked to refrain from starting their laptops, turn off all cell phones, and rise for the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. Major." Major Alarcon: "Let us pray. Eternal God, who blesses the earth from north to south and from east to the west, our God, who sends the rain and the sun to give us our daily bread and who meets our families every need, we gather today in the House of Representative of Illinois for the General Assembly with its Members. We pray a blessing on each… on one of them, on each of one of us. We thank Him for living in a nation that allows us to pray and recognize Him as the God of the heaven on earth. That his blessing might go down over all those gathered here today. We pray this in Your name and the people say, Amen." Speaker Lang: "We'll be led in the Pledge of Allegiance today by Representative Mulligan." Mulligan - et al: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Speaker Lang: "Roll Call for Attendance. Leader Currie." Currie: "Thank you, Speaker. Please let the record reflect that Representative Carli is excused today." Speaker Lang: "Mr. Bost." 09700137.doc 1 STATE OF ILLINOIS 97th GENERAL ASSEMBLY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TRANSCRIPTION DEBATE 137th Legislative Day 5/16/2012 Bost: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Please let the record reflect that Representative McAuliffe is excused on the Republican side of the aisle today." Speaker Lang: "Thank you, Leaders. Representative Will Davis, Representative Turner. Please take the record, Mr. Clerk. There are 116 Members present and the House does have a quorum. Mr. Clerk." Clerk Hollman: "Committee Reports. Representative Barbara Flynn Currie, Chairperson from the Committee on Rules reports the following committee action taken on May 16, 2012: approved for consideration, referred to Second Reading is Senate Bill 1673. Representative Nekritz, Chairperson from the Committee on Judiciary I - Civil Law reports the following committee action taken on May 15, 2012: do pass Short Debate is Senate Bill 3798; recommends be adopted is Floor Amendment #1 to Senate Bill 32… correction… 3572. Representative Verschoore, Chairperson from the Committee on Counties & Townships reports the following committee action taken on May 15, 2012: do pass Short Debate is Senate Bill 3518. Representative Chapa LaVia, Chairperson from the Committee on Elementary & Secondary Education reports the following committee action taken on May 16, 2012: do pass Short Debate is Senate Bill 3252. Representative Greg Harris, Chairperson from the Committee on Human Services reports the following committee action taken on May 16, 2012: do pass Short Debate Senate Bill 3146. Representative Franks, Chairperson from the Committee on State Government Administration reports the following committee action taken on May 16, 2012: recommends be 09700137.doc 2 STATE OF ILLINOIS 97th GENERAL ASSEMBLY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TRANSCRIPTION DEBATE 137th Legislative Day 5/16/2012 adopted is a Motion to Concur with Senate Amendments #1 and 5 to House Bill 3188, and House Resolution 963. Introduction of Resolutions. House Resolution 1053, offered by Representative Sente. This is referred to the Rules Committee." Speaker Lang: "Mr. Krezwick." Krezwick: "Mr. Speaker, point of personal privilege." Speaker Lang: "Please state your point, Sir." Krezwick: "I'd like the House to welcome my son and his wife, Rick and Kristen, standing up here in the gallery. If you could welcome them, please. Stand up Rick and Kristen, or wave your hand. Thank you." Speaker Lang: "Welcome to Springfield, we're happy to have you here. Representative Chapa LaVia." Chapa LaVia: "Thank you, Speaker. You look very fantastic today. I'd like everybody to stand and congratulate my seatmate on his birthday today, Representative Crespo. He's 35 years old. Yea. Woo. Can I go on? Woo." Speaker Lang: "I assume there's an appropriate cake somewhere, Representative. I'm sure you'll take care of that for us. Members, on page 10 of the Calendar, under the Order of Senate Bills-Second Reading, appears Senate Bill 2450. Representative Feigenholtz. Please read the Bill." Clerk Hollman: "Senate Bill 2450, a Bill for an Act concerning appropriations. This Bill was read a second time on a previous day. Amendment #1 was adopted in committee. Floor Amendment #2, offered by Representative Madigan, has been approved for consideration." Speaker Lang: "Representative Feigenholtz on the Amendment." 09700137.doc 3 STATE OF ILLINOIS 97th GENERAL ASSEMBLY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TRANSCRIPTION DEBATE 137th Legislative Day 5/16/2012 Feigenholtz: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Amendment to this Bill addresses an issue that many of us have been hearing from… from our constituents regarding the payment of child care providers in our community. The other piece of this legislation moves money around so we can pay Medicaid bills." Speaker Lang: "We're going to move this to Third. Those in favor of the Amendment say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. The Amendment is adopted. Mr. Clerk." Clerk Hollman: "No further Amendments. No Motions are filed." Speaker Lang: "Third Reading. Please read the Bill." Clerk Hollman: "Senate Bill 2450, a Bill for an Act concerning appropriations. Third Reading of this Senate Bill." Speaker Lang: "Representative Feigenholtz." Feigenholtz: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Again, Ladies and Gentlemen, many of us have been hearing from constituents and our child care center providers about the fact that we've run out of appropriations. This is a supplemental so that we can continue to pay them through FY12 and as well as some Medicaid bills that our providers in other sectors have been waiting to get paid. I'd be glad to answer any questions." Speaker Lang: "Mr. Bost." Bost: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Will the Sponsor yield?" Speaker Lang: "Lady yields." Bost: "Representative, you said it is a supplemental. It's not exactly a supplemental. Would you consider it a re… reallocation?" Feigenholtz: "Yes." 09700137.doc 4 STATE OF ILLINOIS 97th GENERAL ASSEMBLY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TRANSCRIPTION DEBATE 137th Legislative Day 5/16/2012 Bost: "Okay. And I think that's an important thing to realize. We're not moving off the number we set last year on the budget. This is just a shift from one line item to another allowing that shift?" Feigenholtz: "That's correct. It… it's a shift." Bost: "Can you tell me, I… first off, I felt like and maybe I'm wrong, I felt like in last year's budget when we put this together we actually put enough money in that line item for child care, didn't we?" Feigenholtz: "We did. But unfortunately, we had a greater demand and under appropriated for this." Bost: "Okay. Okay. So, exactly where did the Governor move money from and to… 'cause I'm assuming that had to be done under the Governor's authority to make that move, correct?" Feigenholtz: "There… there was unexpended money for Medicare Part B. It was essentially an offset. So, going back to what you said Representative Bost about this being a shift, we're not spending more money. We're staying under our cap; it's just moving money from one line to the other to pay our providers." Bost: "No, I don't think that's what I'm asking. What I'm asking is we put enough money in our child care line items to cover child care through the end of the year at the level we've been running. Is that not correct? Is that not correct? Okay. I think we're paused here." Feigenholtz: "I'm sorry. We… apparently there's more pressure on the fund than we thought there would be when we finalized our budget last spring." 09700137.doc 5 STATE OF ILLINOIS 97th GENERAL ASSEMBLY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TRANSCRIPTION DEBATE 137th Legislative Day 5/16/2012 Bost: "Well, okay. Maybe I’m getting misinformation. Is… is it not correct that the Governor's Office made a choice to move money from TANF over… out of this line item to a different line item and that's why we're short in this particular line item?" Feigenholtz: "It's all pressure on the same fund, Representative Bost." Bost: "No. No. No. No. No. No. Representative, it's not pressure on the state funds. It is… we allocated enough money specifically for taking care of children and day care in the State of Illinois, we put it in there. We, the General Assembly, did that. The Governor made a choice to remove money out of that and move it over to another line. Is that not correct? And… and Representative, know this, I'm not directing this at you. I'm just wanting to make sure we know on the record why it is we're having to do this." Feigenholtz: "Why do we have to do this, Representative?" Bost: "No. No. No. Okay. Why do we have to… yes, why is it we're filling back in the hole that has been created in the child care line item? Because the mon… the hole that has been created in the child care line item has been created because money has been moved out of that line to another area of the budget.