District Census Handbook, Chikmagalur

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District Census Handbook, Chikmagalur CENSUS OF INDIA, 1961 MYSORE STATE DISTllICT CENSUS HANr)BOOK CHIKMAGA I~-llISTRICT OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE SUPERINTENDENT OF CENSUS OPERATIONS, lIYSORE l'RINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE DIRECTOR OF PRINTING, STATIONERY AND PUBLICATIONS AT THE GOVERNMENT CENTRAL PRESS, BANGALORE '0.. I· z VI ,.. z !: g 3: Z J « I-o 0_ .c VI J Q. 110 0 ! VI ... Q ... .c ~ ~ z II I- 0 VI 0 ao ~ j :l ..J III: ,.. o ..J .., . a t- III :I .c :::.'" . « ;Z :1 8 >- u- VI 0 Q « % Z , Q z t- III ";) ~ li '"III ~ 5Q. Il :::I 3: II:'" II< > .... ~ 0 0 I- : ... % VI o ot ... VI '"% .. Q. III ~ II< o ~ l- I- Z "i ~ .. Q. It " III >- u U ...'" ~ 0 l!! J .c ; lie II< VI II< ... III ii ¥~ III III Qo"' ...¥ .. :::I :::I VI ..J l- I- ..J I- ... :r III Z ..J III ~ lit ... VI .J s: .J " E l- :!'" ! 0 Ie i'i ~ 0 ~ i5 VI 0 2:110 I-'" % > 0 Q. aQ. 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'" CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 VOL U ME XI lVIYSORE List of Central Government Publications Part I--A General Report -Part J--B Report on Vital Statistics Part I-C Subsidiary Tables Part II-A General Population Tables (A Series) Part II-B (i) General Economic Tables (Tables B-1 to B-IV-C) Part II-B (ii) General Economic Tables (Tables B-V to B-IX) Part II-O (i) Social and Cultural Tables (0 Series) Part II-O (ii) Migration Tables (D Series) Part III Household Economic Tables (Tables B-X to B-XVII) Part IV-A Report on Housing and Establishments Part IV-B Housing and Establishment Tables (E Series) Part V-A Tables on Scheduled Oastes and Scheduled Tribes Part V-B Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Oastes and Scheduled Tribes (including reprints from old Oensus Reports) Part VI Village Survey Monographs (51 monographs) Part' VII Handicraft Survey Monogra ph(( 13 crafts) Part VIII---A Administration Report-Enumeration 1 not for sate Part VIII-B Administration Report-Tabulation J Part IX Census Atlas Volume Part X Special Report on Bangalore Metropolit.an Area State Government Publications 19 DISTRIOT CENSUS HANDBOOKS PREFACE CellSus in India has all along been a scientific and systematic survey. Gradually through t,he decades it has also aimed at providing besides a statistical ac.count of the population surveyed, a picture of the Socio-Economic condition of the people. With this end in view, the Census authorities in India have always interested themselves, side by side with the counting of the people, at making several special studies relating to the life of the people. One of these special features of the Census of India at present is the preparation and publi­ cation of the District Census Handbooks. These were first published in the 1951 Census. Upto 1951, after each Census, only the list of villages along with population was published. But for the first time in 1951, general population tables, literacy tables and social and economic tables were published in the District Census Handbooks. When preliminary work on the 1961 Census started in H)59, the questiun of enlarging the coverage of subjects included in the District Handbooks was also examined. A broad sheet indicating the items on which information had to be gathered from the various Departments was circulated by the Registrar General, India, and at tbe First Conference of Superintendents of Census Operations held at Delbi towards the end of 1959, the d.elegates agreed tbat it was quite within the bounds of possibility to gather information on all the topics suggested by the Registrar General. It was agreed that the contents of the District Census Handbook, on matters of general information, should not compete with the District Gazetteers. The scope of the Village Directory included in each District Handbook has been enlarged. In a.ddition to giving the Primary Census Abstract of the village concerned, the Directory gives information about the various amenities available in the village. It is thus _possible to get from the ViJlage Directory not only information about the population and the economio activities of the people but aJso about the level of development attained by the village in regard to the provision of the various amenities. Many of the Census Tables Published in the Distr1ct Handbook furnish information down to the level of a Taluk and they may prove useful in drawing up Taluk Development PIctns. Besides the Census Tahles and Village Directory, some administrative statistics pertaining to the District concerned, have also been furnished. It was also thought that the usefulness of these volumes would be enhanced by inclusi()n of district maps and t aluk maps set in suitable squares to facilitate easy location of the villages in the taluk maps. In order that the readers may get a bird's eye-view of the cultural heritage of the State, a note on it has also been included, which though not exhaustive, should give a glimpse of our rich heritage. These handbooks have been compiled by tbe Census Organisation under the general instructions of the Registrar General. They are being printed and published by the State Government who have also approved the list of items to be included and the mode of presentation. In the course of the Census Operations, I have received assistance and co-operation from several institutions and individuals. It is impossihle for me to express my gratitude to each of them individually. However, I will be failing in my duty if I do not express my deep sense of gratitude to Sri A. Mitra, I.O.S., Registrar General, India, who has been a source of constant help, inspiration and guidance an through the Census Operations of 1961. I am also grateful to the Government of Mysore and its staff at all levels, for the unstinted co-operation extended to me in this work. BANGALORE K. BALASUBRAMANYAM, 24th Sept., 1966 Superintendent of Oensus Operations in Mysore. The members of the Staff connected with preparation of this Volume are :- Sri C. M. Chandawarkar Deputy Superintendent of Census Operations Sri B. S. Narasimha MurthY} Tabulation Officers Sri R. Y. Revashetti Sri M. Somasekhar Statistical Assistant Sri A. 1. Khan ") ~ Investigators Sri M~ Krishna Rao ) Sri M. Nanjundaiah 1 Compilation Clerks Sri M. Venkata Rao J TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I INTRODUOTION History, The people and their social oonditions. M~dical, Public Health, Veterinary and Animal Husbandry, Agrioulture and Irrigation, Eduoation and Literacy, Occupation, Manufacture a.nd Trade Communioations, Land Tenures and Land Reforms, Houses and Households, Looal Bodies, Village Panchayats, Co.operation, Administra.tion. Law a.nd Order i-xiii ADMINISTRATIVE STATISTICS Appendices I-UAIN.I<'ALL AND TEMPERATURE A. Clim'tt.ohgicC1\ 'rabies xvi-xxi B. Itainfall and rainy days xxii-xxvii [I-VITAL S'l'ATISTICf) .\. Births and DeMhs rc('ord =viii B. Deaths from selected causes xxviii-Xxx £II-AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS A. La.nd Utilisation Statistios by Districts 1950-51 to 1959-60 Xxx B. Yield rates of Prinoipal Crops, 1960-51 to 1969·60 xxxi-:sxxiii C. Gross area. in Acres irriga.ted, 1950-51 to 1959-1960 x :niii D. Area in Acres under crops 1950-51 to 1959-60 . xxxiv E. Area (In aores) irriga.ted during the years 1950-51 to 1959-60 xxxv F. Progress of cultivation, 1950-51 to 1959-1960. xxxv G. Statement shOWing the rates of wages paid to the Agricultural Labour in Chikmagalur District XXXVi-Xl H. Particulars of Major & Medium Projects xlii lV-STATISTICS OF LARGE SCALE INDUSTRIES AND REGISTERED FACTORIES A. Faotories classified by industry .with average daily number of workE'rs in ~ch, (for the year 1959) xliii B. Growth of Factories, 1951·60 xliV C. Average daily number of workers employed 1951-60 dv V-ADMINISTRATIVE STATISTICS A. Criminal Justic&-Numoor of Crimina.l casel'! trjed xlv B. Critninal JuStioo-Persons convioted or bound over in Ohikmagalur xlv C. Strength of Polioe in the distriot 1951 to 1960 xlvi D. Ja.ils xlvi E. C<H>perative Societies 1957-58 to 1961-62 xlvii F. T&ble showing Receipts xlvii G. Table Showing t.he number &nd description of registered documents and va.lue of property transferred in the year 1951·52 to 1960·61 xlvii VI-PUBLIC HEALTH AND MEDICAL STATISTICS A. List of Hospitals, Dispensaries in the year 1960 xiill' B. Government of India. Paottern Primary Health Centres ii PART I-concld. Pages Appendices-ooncld. VII-EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS A. List of High Schools-Chikmagalur Distl'ict-1961 B. List of Colleges jj VIII-STATISTICS OF PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT, PRESSES AND JOURNA I ~, A. Printing Presses at work, New8 papers and Periodicals in 1959.60 iji B. Cinemas 1950·60 iii IX-DOMMUNICATION STATISTICS A. SJmtement showing the details of Road, Mileage in charge of the Public Works Department aH I~I 31st March 1961 Jii-liv B. Village Roads liv-Ivi C. List of Rivers and Bridges • Ivi D. List of Telegraphs and Telephone Offices Ivii E. Liilt of places in Chikmagalur District having Inspection/Trave!ler's Bungalow8 lviiJ X-STATISTICS OF LOCAL BODIES A.. Receipts and Expenditure of District Board, Chikmagalur [viii r Reoeipts and Expenditure of Municipalities . i1x XI-STATISTICS OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPME.t-, T lix-Ix XII-LIVESTOCK STATISTICS IXI XIV-CALENDAR OF IMPORTANT EVENTS IXI XV-A Tabular Statement of important Fairs and Malas in the District. Jx:ii XV-B Fairs and Festivals in Chikmagalur District Ixii XV-C List of MarketsJShandiesJSub.yards Ixil ~XV-GAZETTEER OF PLACE NAMES Ixiv-lxvi PART-II CENSUS TABLES AND VILLAGE DIRECTORY Census Tables Explanatory Dote for Census Tables with Annexures .1- I-Area, houses and population with Appendices I, II and III 33-34 A- It-Variation in popUlation during 60 years A-Ill-Villages olassified by population ~-lV-Townl! and Town-groups olassified by population in 1961 with "ariation since \901 iii PART II-contd.
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