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EVOLUTION OF EUCALYPTS KEY FACTS ABOUT EUCALYPTS EUCALYPT FRUITS Eucalypts are thought to have evolved from rainforest Eucalypts are a defi ning feature of much of the There is great variation in eucalypt fruits (gum nuts). species in response to great changes in the landscape, Australian landscape and an essential part of Australian The fruit is usually a woody capsule and may soils and climate of the continent. As the environment culture. They dominate the tree fl ora of Australia and be small or very large, single or clustered. became drier, eucalypts adapted to live in challenging provide habitat and food for many native animals. conditions of variable rainfall, low nutrient soils and Of the over 850 eucalypt species known, Most Corymbia species have thick-walled woody high fi re risk existing over much of the continent. almost all are native only to Australia. They grow from the arid inland to temperate woodlands, fruit that are more or Some species have a wide geographic distribution; wet coastal forests and sub-alpine areas. less urn-shaped others are extremely restricted in their natural ADAPTED TO FIRE habitat and need conservation. Dormant epicormic buds hidden beneath the often NOT ALL EUCALYPTS ARE EUCALYPTUS Typical Eucalyptus fruit EUCALYPT thick insulating bark of most eucalypts are ready The term ‘eucalypt’ refers to three closely-related genera to sprout new stems and leaves after fi re. All but a of the Myrtaceae family – Eucalyptus with 758 species, DISCOVERY WALK few eucalypts have a special structure at the base of Corymbia with 93 species and Angophora with the trunk known as a lignotuber which also contains 10 species. Colloquially they are called ‘gum trees’. dormant buds and nutrients protected from fi re. Some Eucalyptus is derived from the Greek eu- meaning Angophora species species rely on seeds released by gum nuts following ‘well’ and kalyptos meaning ‘covered’, referring to the have ribbed fruit fi re to produce seedlings in the nutrient-rich ash bed. small cap or lid (operculum) which covers the fl ower bud before it blooms in Eucalyptus and Corymbia. Look for gum nuts near eucalypt trees IMPORTANT TO WILDLIFE AND PEOPLE Angophora species have no fl ower bud cap. The name as you walk through the Gardens. Eucalypts are important for wildlife habitat. Tree hollows Angophora comes from the Greek phora meaning Can you tell the difference between and bark provide nesting and refuge sites for native ‘carries’ and angos meaning ‘jar’ or ‘vessel’ refering to Eucalyptus, Angophora and Corymbia fruits? animals. Leaves, nectar, pollen and seeds are all the cup-shaped fruit borne by members of the genus. important food sources for many native animals. The genus Corymbia is named from the Latin corymbium; KNOWN FOR THE DIVERSITY AND Eucalypts are a vital resource of the Australian environment. a ‘corymb’ refers to the form of the fl ower clusters. BEAUTY OF THEIR BARK They have many commercial uses including wood products, Eucalypts show a great diversity of size, form, leaf As well as having great beauty, eucalypt bark can pulp and paper production, honey and eucalyptus oil. and bark type. Each of these characteristics help help in a tree’s identifi cation. At a popular level, many They are the world’s most widely planted hardwoods. in their identifi cation. Species featured in this walk people use bark to help identify eucalypts. Bark types illustrate the diversity and many uses of eucalypts. Indigenous Australians have long used eucalypts are often used in the common names of eucalypts. for medicinal purposes, food and tools as well as LEAVES Mature eucalypts vary in bark characteristics. shields, dishes, musical instruments and canoes. Eucalypts have tough leathery leaves that often hang vertically Smooth-barked species shed their bark annually in strips, to minimise exposure to the sun and moisture loss. They are fl akes or slabs revealing a colourful, fresh, smooth trunk. SUPPORTED BY rich in volatile oils, making them vulnerable to bushfi res. Other species have rough bark that persists for many years The leaf form changes from seedlings to maturity. In most giving the trunk a rough and often dark-coloured appearance. y species there is a pronounced difference between the live with ddiscoviscoveeryr juvenile, intermediate and adult leaves. Generally, the Rough bark may be referred to by its texture, such AAlive with mature leaves of Eucalyptus and Corymbia are alternate. as compact, tessellated, stringy or ironbark. Rough Angophora leaves grow opposite each other. bark may be present only on part of the trunk, with branches and upper trunk being smooth. Discover a selection of Look for the different shapes and textures Australia’s iconic eucalypts of the gum tree leaves. Do the leaves grow Feel the different textures of the gum tree barks. Facebook ANBG 03/2013 • Printed on recycled paper 2000 opposite each other, or do they alternate? LEGEND EUCALYPT DISCOVERY WALK Burbidge MAIN PATH AAmphittheatre BRIDGE 18 19 RED CENTRE STEPS Eucaalyl pt GARDEN EUCALYPT Lawnwn PUBLIC TOILETS 17 14 DiD splay DISCOVERY WALK GlasshouseGlassh ACCESSIBLE TOILET 13 16 SYD 15 12 DUCROUOU NEY PAVILIOIONN Discover a selection of Australia’s iconic RE RE GIO FORE eucalypts as you follow this self-guided walk. AI RAINFOREST 9 N F LOR Northern OR LIST OF TREES Rock Eucalypt A 1.1 Eucalyptus cunninghamii – Cliff Mallee Ash Gardenn Lawn 2.2 Eucalyptus globulus – Tasmanian Blue Gum 7 10 20 SUNSUNDDIAL 3.3 Eucalyptus regnans – Mountain Ash RES 11 4.4 Eucalyptus melliodora – Yellow Box 8 FRIENDS FO SHELTEER NFOREST 21 Brittletle 5.5 Corymbia fi cifolia ‘Dwarf Orange’ RAI Guum Lawnwn 6.6 Eucalyptus mannifera – Brittle Gum 7.7 Eucalyptus lacrimans – Weeping Snow Gum 8.8 Eucalyptus scoparia – Wallangara White Gum 9.9 Eucalyptus benthamii – Camden White Gum Theaeaaatretteat e 6 10.10 Eucalyptus polybractea – Blue Mallee VVisitorr CAR PARK 11.11 Eucalyptus robusta – Swamp Mahogany CentreCeCentre 1 BotanicalBotaniB nical 12.12 Eucalyptus rossii – Scribbly Gum CafeC RResourource 13.13 Eucalyptus pulverulenta – Silver-leaved Mountain Gum CentreCeen AN IAN 14.14 Corymbia calophylla – Marri CCAR PARK MAN 5 15.15 Eucalyptus saligna – Sydney Blue Gum NFOR 2 TAS BaB nkks Building PaperbarkPapperbarbarkrb 0 50m RAINFORESTR 4 EEdEducatationon Centree 16.16 Corymbia citriodora – Lemon-scented Gum 3 LawL wn 17.17 Eucalyptus siderophloia – Northern Grey Ironbark EducationEEdducationuuc ti CCrosbiosbie 18.18 Eucalyptus cloeziana – Gympie Messmate LawnL MoMMorrrrisonn Buildinguildingding Walk time: 1 hour 19.19 Angophora costata – Smooth-barked Apple CLUNIES ROSS STREET Walk distance: 1.8 km 20.20 Eucalyptus viminalis – Manna Gum Note: walk traverses stairs, lawn and uneven surfaces 21.21 Eucalyptus grandis – Flooded Gum.