Supplies: Acrylic paint, White pillowcase or cloth, and Water gun.

Instructions O- riginal Art Activity: Step 1: Gather your supplies. Find some clothes to wear that you won’t mind getting dirty or wet. Super Soaker Inspired by Step 2: Find an area in your backyard where you Sam Gilliam can freely paint with the water gun and it’s okay to get messy. Ask your parent or guardian. Hang the pillowcase up, this will be your canvas.

Step 3: Take a good look at Sam Gilliam’s Drape Work. You can see a variety of colors as well as the depth created by the draped canvas. If you look at the overall shape of the draped canvas, it creates an abstract form. How will you use color to create an abstract painting?

Step 4: Use a few containers to mix diferent color paints with water. Have your parent or guardian fll up the super soaker with your frst color.

Sam Gilliam, Drape Work (detail), 1970, Acrylic and dry Step 5: Now it’s time to get creative! Where on the pigment on canvas. pillowcase will you start to spray the water gun? Sam Gilliam is an African American artist that Remember Sam Gilliam focused on how he applied works in color feld painting and . the paint to his canvas. How will you use the water gun to paint the pillowcase? Use the water gun to Gilliam lives and works in Washington D.C. He was apply your frst color. a pioneer of Black Abstraction during the 1960s, a time when Abstraction was considered “irrelevant to Step 6: Remember to wash out your water gun Black African Life.” Around 1965, he joined the when changing colors by taking clean water to fll it movement which focused up and pushing the water back out. Make sure that on creating on a large scale with color you are focusing on creating something without a felds. Paint was often applied through a pouring shape and that you are focusing on creating color process that resulted in a stained efect without combinations like Sam Gilliam. brushstrokes. Gilliam is recognized as the frst artist Step 7: After you have fnished adding all the colors to introduce the idea of the unsupported canvas, a you would like, let the pillowcase dry. painting without stretcher bars. Step 8 (Optional): Once the painting has dried, SEE SAM GILLIAM’S DRAPE WORK IN THE create an abstract form by draping the pillowcase in PERMANENT COLLECTION AT OGDEN MUSEUM. diferent ways.

CHECK OUT THE O BLOG FOR MORE Vocabulary RESOURCES! Abstract - an artwork that is composed of shapes QUESTIONS? EMAIL and colors. [email protected] Depth -- Objects appear closer or farther away and make a two-dimensional image seem Note: Complete this activity with the permission of three-dimensional a parent or guardian. Form -- A three-dimensional volume or the illusion of three dimensions as it relates to shape.

Color feld paintings -- use very large areas of fat, solid color on a canvas or on other surfaces.