CHAPTER 9. SITE DEVELOPMENT Article 1. Grading, Excavation and Filling Sec
Walnut Creek Municipal Code TITLE 9. BUILDING REGULATIONS CHAPTER 9. SITE DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 9. SITE DEVELOPMENT Article 1. Grading, Excavation and Filling Sec. 9-9.01. Purpose. It is the declared intent of the City of Walnut Creek to promote the conservation of natural resources, including the natural beauties of the land, streams and water sheds, hills and vegetation, and as described in Sec. 10-2.1301 of the Walnut Creek Municipal Code and Government Code §65560(b) (1) to protect the health and safety, including the reduction or elimination of the hazards of earth slides, mud flows, rock falls, undue settlement, erosion, siltation and flooding, or other special conditions as described in Government Code §65560(b) (4) by minimizing the adverse effects of grading, cut and fill operations, water runoff and soil erosion. Therefore, the following regulatory provisions of this chapter are hereby adopted for the purpose of stringent control of all aspects of grading operations. (§1, Ord. 1193, eff. December 26, 1973) Sec. 9-9.02. Permits Required. No person shall do any grading without first having obtained a grading permit from the City except for the following: a. An excavation below finished grade for basements and footings of a building, retaining wall, swimming pool or other structure authorized by a valid building permit. This statement shall not exempt from permit requirements any fill made with the material from such excavation nor exempt any excavation having an unsupported height greater than five feet after the completion of such structure; b. Cemetery graves; c. Refuse disposal sites controlled by other regulations; d.
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