Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO

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Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ! "" #ÿÿ $ÿ!%& ÿ' ÿ()ÿ01ÿÿ )2)ÿ3 4ÿ 5ÿÿ 2 "%ÿ'6ÿ57 ÿÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ! "" #ÿ(&88ÿ ÿ #&ÿ& ÿ9!'ÿ )$6)$$7ÿ@ÿA&ÿ& ÿ% &ÿ%%#&ÿB & #ÿ 8ÿ&Cÿÿ!"%D#ÿ &ÿ6&ÿEFGHIPQRÿ!C%&ÿ )$6ÿ9!'ÿ ÿ&Cÿ'C#D& #ÿ(&&ÿS ÿ! #ÿ6ST HUVÿIIIÿHXYY`aabbÿcFHXYY`aabbQdÿÿ #&##Dÿ% &ÿ ""&&ÿD&eÿA&Cÿ&Cÿÿ f`ghiXgpqbÿHXYY`gg`XrÿcFIfHQdsÿtuuÿwxxyÿx yÿÿÿhXÿXÿabÿHXYY`aabbgÿhpqqbraÿ 8 "ÿ!!ÿÿ ÿ @#ÿ8ÿ&Cÿ! 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    READY, SELFIE, GO! SNAP A SELFIE AND WIN YOUR VOTING SELFIE REALLY DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Think of all the "I voted" selfies, popping up on everyone's social media feed this month, and especially on Election Day. In a democracy in which close to half the eligible voters choose not to vote, the "I voted" selfie has real potential to mobilize disaffected voters. So go for it: Rock the selfie, everyone. #TEAMSTERSJC28VOTES Show them how TEAMSTERS VOTE! Upload a selfie of you voting or mailing in your ballot to your social media. Use #TeamstersJC28Votes You don't have social media, no problem! Email photo to [email protected] or text 206-402-8384 One lucky winner will be selected at random on August 5, 2020. LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT 28th LD 36th LD 43rd LD Senate — T'wina Nobles House 1 — Noel Frame House 1 — Nicole Macri House 1 — Mari Leavitt House 2 — Liz Berry House 2 — Frank Chopp House 2 — Dan Bronoske 37th LD 44th LD 29th LD House 1 — Sharon Tomiko Santos House 1 — John Lovick House 1 — Melanie Morgan House 2 — Kirsten Harris-Talley House 2 — April Berg House 2 — Steve Kirby 38th LD 45th LD Senate — June Robinson 30th LD House 1 — Roger Goodman House 1 — Emily Wicks House 1 — Jamila Taylor House 2 — Larry Springer House 2 — Jesse Johnson House 2 — Mike Sells 46th LD 39th LD 32nd LD House 1 — Gerry Pollet House 2 — Ryan Johnson House 1 — Cindy Ryu House 2 — Javier Valdez House 2 — Lauren Davis 40th LD 47th LD Senate — Liz Lovelett 33rd LD House 1 — Debra Entenman House 1 — Debra Lekanoff House 1 — Tina Orwall House 2 — Pat Sullivan House 2 — Alex Ramel House 2 — Mia Gregerson 48th LD 41st LD House 1 — Vandana Slatter 34th LD House 1 — Tana Senn House 2 — Amy Walen House 1 — Eileen Cody House 2 — My-Linh Thai House 2 — Joe Fitzgibbon 49th LD 42nd LD House 1 — Sharon Wylie 35th LD House 1 — Alicia Rule House 2 — Monica Stonier House 2 — Darcy Huffman House 2 — Sharon Shewmake.
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    b 3LHUFH&RXQW\:DVKLQJWRQ *HQHUDOb(OHFWLRQ3URYLVLRQDO6DPSOHb%DOORW 1RYHPEHUb b bb b,QVWUXFWLRQV bbb b+RZWRYRWH b b 8VHDQLQNSHQWRȴOOLQWKHRYDOWRWKHOHIWRI\RXUFKRLFH b 'RQRWXVHIHOWWLSPDUNHUV b 9RWHIRURQHbLQHDFKFRQWHVW b ,I\RXYRWHIRUPRUHWKDQRQHFKRLFH\RXUYRWHZLOOQRWFRXQWIRUWKDWUDFHbRUPHDVXUH b b b+RZbWRȴ[DPLVWDNH b b 7RPDNHDFRUUHFWLRQGUDZDOLQHWKURXJKWKHHQWLUHLQFRUUHFWFKRLFH<RXPD\PDNHDQRWKHUFKRLFH b b b2SWLRQDOZULWHLQ b b 7RYRWHIRUDZULWHLQFDQGLGDWHȴOOLQWKHRYDOQH[WWRWKHZULWHLQOLQHDQGSULQWWKHQDPH b b b$VVLVWDQFH LQIRUPDWLRQ b b 9LVLW3LHUFH&RXQW\(OHFWLRQVRUJ b 7RUHTXHVWDUHSODFHPHQWEDOORWFDOO927( b b b:KRGRQDWHVWRFDPSDLJQV" b b )RUDOLVWRIWKHSHRSOHDQGRUJDQL]DWLRQVWKDWGRQDWHGWRVWDWHDQGORFDOFDQGLGDWHVDQGEDOORWPHDVXUHFDPSDLJQVYLVLW ZZZSGFZDJRYRUZZZIHFJRY b b State of Washington State of Washington Partisan Office Information Referendum Measure No. 90 Advisory Vote No. 35 READ: Each candidate for President and Vice President is the official nominee of a The legislature passed Engrossed Substitute Engrossed Senate Bill 6690 political party. For other partisan offices, Senate Bill 5395 concerning comprehensive The legislature increased, without a vote each candidate may state a political party sexual health education. This bill would of the people, the business and that he or she prefers. A candidate's require school districts to adopt or develop, occupation tax on manufacturers of preference does not imply that the consistent with state standards, commercial airplanes, including candidate is nominated or endorsed by the party, or that the party approves of
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