Grazing Marsh Assemblages and Site Classification Using Invertebrates English Nature Research Reports
Report Number 579 Grazing marsh assemblages and site classification using invertebrates English Nature Research Reports working today for nature tomorrow English Nature Research Reports Number 579 Grazing marsh assemblages and site classification using invertebrates C. M. Drake 2004 You may reproduce as many additional copies of this report as you like, provided such copies stipulate that copyright remains with English Nature, Northminster House, Peterborough PE1 1UA ISSN 0967-876X © Copyright English Nature 2004 Acknowledgements Many people helped in supplying reports, references and advice for this project: Stephen Parker, Kristoffer Hewitt, Chris McMullon, Chris Gibson, Patrick Robinson, John Jackson and Simon Christian (English Nature); Andy Foster (National Trust); Jeff Edwards (Hampshire County Council); Merle Leeds, Susan Elsom and Rob Drydon (Environment Agency); Martin Harvey, Clive Chatters and Bob Chapman (Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust); Graeme Lyons and Mark Telfer (RSPB); Derek Lott (Leicestershire Museum); and especially individuals who have undertaken some of the work - Andy Godfrey, Mike Edwards, Peter Hodge, Peter Kirby, Martin Willing, Ian Killeen and Rob Driscoll. I apologise to anyone whose data appears to be missing from this report. I am most grateful to Jon Webb of English Nature for providing the opportunity to undertake the analysis. Summary 1. A literature review highlights some of the most important outcomes of many unpublished surveys as well as those in formal publications. 2. 295 species showing high constancy in 41 of surveys aquatic fauna and 31 surveys of ‘terrestrial’ wetland species are given fidelity scores on a three-point scale. 3. Over 180 grazing marshes are ranked for their importance for the grazing marsh assemblage using the importance categories of county, regional, national, or of less than county importance.