Office of the General Counsel Federal Election Commission 999 E Street, N.W. 1cb Washington, DC 20463 2 8 35 -3 -m Re: MUR#5251 2‘ -2b-l- > l-. *_ f‘ 0 c- Friends of Joe Rogers Exploratory Committee c - -fin75 , ::ai- . Theodore W. Sell, Treasurer ,= q.1: 323 --- -’ma 1- 0 Dear Sir or Madam: e r- r Please find enclosed with this letter a copy of the Answer to the Complaint in the above-referenced matter. We appreciate the Commission’s courtesy in granting us an extension of time until April 30,2002 within which to file this Answer.

If you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

j lh

cc: Honorable Joseph B. Rogers (w/encl.) Theodore W. Sell (w/encl.)



ANSmR OF RESPONDENT FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS EXPLORATORY COMMITTEE a -2 ‘pl - ‘rn 3,- , $’og-.xJ r; 3k F: I- c~;~r-~ The Friends of Joe Rogers Exploratory Committee, Theodore W. Sell, Treamret:; 4 <----L>~#-J ~ ;,.;-i+r-- (“Committee”), through its counsel Craig N. Johnson, Esq., hereby submits the following E its 5 -0 Answer to the Complaint of Steven J. Durham (“Durham”) pursuant to 2 U.S.C. 6 437g(a)(l) and 1 1 CFR 0 111.6(a), and states as follows:


Durham is a lobbyist and long-time political detractor of Colorado Lieutenant Governor

Joe Rogers (“Rogers”). In his Complaint, Durham alleges (1) that Rogers failed to file a

Statement of Organization in a timely manner, (2) that the Committee improperly used state taxpayer dollars to support his campaign, and (3) that Rogers “possibly” transferred corporate contributions from a youth conference to the Committee. Each of these allegations, however, is false, and is based solely on conjecture, speculation and innuendo. The sole support for

Durham’s allegations are various editorials and reports from Colorado media, most of which are completely inaccurate.

As described more fully herein, all of the fundraising activities conducted by Rogers prior to registering as a candidate were conducted under the “testing the waters” exemption to the

Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 , as amended (“Act”). Indeed, at the time these activities were conducted, the new district did not exist, and no one knew exactly where its boundaries

02-1 14542.01 1 . would be drawn. Since Rogers made the decision to become a candidate, Rogers and the

Committee have made all of the required filings in a timely manner and have properly reported

all contributions the Committee has received in fbll compliance with the Act. Thkse filings

clearly show that no state or corporate fbnds have been improperly received in connection with

the campaign. Thus, there is no reason to believe any violation of the Act has been committed.

Disturbingly, it appears that Durham’s Complaint was motivated solely by the desire to

cast aspersion on Rogers in an effort to gain political advantage for Rogers’ opponents.

Although he has no connection to the new Seventh Congressional District (Durham is a resident

of Colorado Springs, which is some 75 miles south of the new district), Durham is actively

supporting another candidate for the district’s seat.’ Moreover, immediately after filing his

Complaint (and before the Complaint was provided to Rogers or the Committee), Durham

notified the Colorado news media and discussed the Complaint in a local news broadcast.* The

Act was intended to ensure the integrity of the federal election process; it was not intended to be

a tool to be manipulated by candidates or their supporters to gain an advantage over their

political opponents. In light of these circumstances, the Complaint should be dismissed without

further action.

I Durham is actively working for an opponent of Rogers for Colorado’s new Seventh Congressional District. According to the Form 3 filed by the for Congress Committee on April 15, 2002, Durham has contributed $500 to the campaign of Bob Beauprez.

The Committee believes that Durham’s disclosure of the Complaint to the Colorado media constitutes a .blata”nt violation of federal election regulations, which prohibit disclosure of pending complaints by “the Commission or by any person or entity without the written consent of the respondent.” 11 CFR 6 111.21(a). - -. Accordingly, pursuant to 1 1 CFR 0 11 1.24(b), the Commission should impose sanctions against Durham for his .’ ’ knowing and willful disclosure of the Complaint.

02-1 14542.01 2


A. Colorado’s New Seventh Congressional District.

This Complaint involves Rogers’ candidacy for Colorado’s new Seventh Congressional

District, which was awarded to Colorado based on data gathered fiom the 2000 Census. Prior to the 2000 Census, Colorado had six seats in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Although Coloradoans were aware that a new district was to be created, no one knew exactly where the new district would be located until late January 2002. Pursuant to 2 U.S.C.

6 2(c), the Colorado General Assembly was responsible for preparing a redistricting plan; however, the General Assembly failed to pass a redistricting plan during its 2001 term. As a result, several Colorado electors commenced an action in the District Court for the City and

County of Denver, Colorado, requesting the implementation of a judicially-determined redistricting plan consistent with the requirements of the U.S. Constitution as applied in

Growe v. Emison, 507 U.S. 25 (1993). The new district lines were not drawn until late January

2002, when the Denver District Court issued its ruling on the redistricting plan.

B. Rogers’ Exploratory Fundraising Activities.

Rogers is currently the sitting Lieutenant . After it was determined that Colorado would be entitled to a seventh seat in Congress, Rogers began to consider the viability of his becoming a candidate for the new Congressional district. At the time, however, neither Rogers nor anyone else knew where the new district would be located and, thus, he did not know whether he lived in the new district or would have to move, the level of support within the district, or whether he would be a viable candidate in that district when formed.

In order to determine whether to run for Congress in the new district, Rogers engaged the. services of a consultant, arranged numerous speaking engagements and contacted past and

02-1 14542.01 3 . .. .. - prospective supporters-to-determine the level of support if he were to launch a campaign. In

engaging in such activities, Rogers relied on the provisions of’the Commission’s Campaign

Guide for Congressional Candidates and Committees, which specifically provides that an

individual may engage in such “testing the waters” activities without registering as a “candidate”

under the Act. See Federal Election Commission, Campaign . Guide for Congressional

Candidates and Committees (April 1999), pp. 3-4 (hereinafter “Campaign Guide”).

Such “testing the waters” activities, however, obviously required significant resources.

Accordingly, Rogers solicited funds fiom a limited number of past and prospective supporters

and friends. These supporters and fi-iends received return envelopes permitting them to indicate

i that they would be willing to volunteer if Rogers became a candidate. In addition, these

supporters were asked “to encourage Joe Rogers to become a candidate‘to represent Colorado in

the United States Congress through my contribution of ...” See Exhibit A (emphasis added).

The response envelope did not refer to Rogers as a candidate, or to any specific campaign.

On November 19, 2001, Rogers sent another letter to a certain individuals who had

supported Rogers’ 1998 campaign for Lieutenant Governor. As with the previous solicitation,

the November 19 letter was intended to raise finds to help Rogers defray the costs of his “testing

the waters” activities and to determine the level of support for a new campaign.’ Although

Rogers made general reference to a “new campaign,” he did not declare himself a candidate, and

stated only that “. .. I need your help.” See Exhibit B.

At the time this correspondence to past supporters was sent, Rogers was actively

deliberating whether to become a candidate for the new Congressional district. Indeed, Rogers

was on the record on numerous occasions during this period stating that he was only considering

becoming a candidate depending on where the new district was drawn. A December 14, 2001

. ..

02-1 14542.01 4 .I. . . .. s Denver Post article, ’for example, noted that Rogers was “weighing a possible candidacy for

Colorado’s newest congressional district,” and that his decision would “hinge on where the

district boundaries will be drawn.” See Exhibit C. Likewise, the Denver Post reported on

January 4, 2002 that Rogers was taking “a closer look” at the new Seventh Congressional

District seat. See Exhibit D. Rogers did not advertise or otherwise hold himself out as a

candidate for Congress and, in light of the uncertainty about the location of the new district and

the level of support that may exist therein, it would have been impossible for Rogers to become a

candidate for a district that did not yet exist. (In fact, at least one candidate who had declared

himself a candidate for the new district, Mike Cofhan, later withdrew his name from

consideration after the new district boundaries were unveiled.)

Based on the favorable response to his “testing the waters” activities Rogers decided to

become a candidate, and registered as a candidate on January 22, 2002, designating the

Committee as his principal campaign committee. Subsequently, on January 30, 2002, the

Committee filed its FEC Form 3 detailing all contributions to the Committee through December

3 1,2001.3 See Exhibit E.

C. Rogers And The Committee Have Fully Disclosed The Source Of All Contributions, And No State Or Corporate Funds Were Received.

Durham asserts that because Rogers has failed to disclose “his unusually large amount of

unitemized contributions,” Rogers must have improperly used state funds or corporate hds

from the Youth Conference on Education for his campaign. Durham is wrong on both counts.

Although the Committee’s Form 3 shows that Rogers raised approximately $186,245 through his “testing the waters” activities, the vast majority of this amount was raised in the latter part of December, 2001, just prior to Rogers’ filing as a “candidate.” Moreover, as shown by Schedule B to that filing and the first quarter 2002 Fonn 3, these funds were largely applied to cover expenses related to Rogers’ “testing the waters” activities.

02-1 14542.01 5 1. Reporting of “unitemized” contributions.

As an initial matter, the Committee’s electronic Form 3 filing disclosed the source of hnds received by the Committee during the reporting period, including the source of both itemized contributions (individuals contributing over $200) and unitemized contributions

(individuals contributing under $200) as provided in the Commission’s regulations. The

Committee maintains an itemized database of all Dersons who have made a contribution, both during the “testing the water” period and thereafter, regardless of amount. The information in this database was uploaded to the Commission’s computer system as part of the Committee’s

Form3 filing on January 30, 2002. The data was transferred by Gene Knabenbauer, Rogers’ campaign manager, using the Commission’s “FECFile 4.0” software.

It appears that, in uploading the data through the Commission’s software, data regarding contributors of less than $200 is filtered and included on the summary sheet as “unitemized,” while contributors of $200 are listed separately listed under the “itemized” category. Although information regarding all contributions has been provided to the Commission, information regarding the “unitemized” donors is not made available via the Commission’s Internet site.

Even though the Committee is not required to itemize contributions of less than $200,

Rogers’ political opponents have demanded that Rogers make the list of “unitemized” contributors available. Out of respect for the privacy rights of his contributors, Rogers has refbsed to make this information available to the media or his opponents. In short, Durham filed his Complaint because Rogers refused to make available infomation to which Durham was not entitled regarding Rogers’ “unitemized” contributors. All of this information, however, was timely disclosed to the Commission as part of the Committee’s Form 3 filings.

02-1 14542.01 6

\ .. 2. Funds fi-om the Youth Conference on Education.

The Youth Conference on Education is a Colorado non-profit corporation spearheaded by

Rogers to examine issues in education from the standpoint of students. The Youth Conference

solicited donations fkom a number of Colorado corporations, including Qwest, Safeway, Wells

Fargo Bank and others. These funds were used to cover the expenses of the conference and to ‘

publish the report of its findings entitled “Uncensored: Education-The Problems, The Solutions.”

See Exhibit F.

Based on a Denver Post article published March 2, 2002, Durham asserts that “Rogers

has been unable to account for .. . $26,000 in left over funds” from the Youth Conference, and

suggests that it is “possible” such hdswere “transferred to his campaign account.” (Complaint,

p. 2). However, on March 5, 2002 (three days after the article upon which Durham relies

appeared), the Denver Post reported that all hnds fiom the Youth Conference were accounted

-for. Specifically, the Denver Post reported that “Lt. Gov. Joe Rogers provided documents

Monday that account for $26,000 his office couldn’t account for last week.” A true and correct

copy of the March 5, 2002 Denver Post article is attached hereto as Exhibit G. The fact that

Durham neglected to inform the Commission regarding this subsequent article suggests that he

may have intended to mislead the Commission regarding this issue.

3. No state resources have been used by Rogers or the Committee.

Likewise, Durham’s assertion that “Rogers acknowledged that he improperly spent state

taxpayer dollars to pay for campaign related expenses” is completely false. The only “campaign

related” item referred to in the January 24,2002 Denver Post article upon which Durham relies is

the purchase of a “video tape of [a] potential opponent.” The video tape was inadvertently paid

for by the Office of the Lieutenant Governor due to a billing error by the vendor, .an error the

02-1 14542.01 7 .....-_ ‘vendor later acknowledged. See Exhibit H. Moreover, this error was corrected and the hnds

reimbursed to the State consistent with Colorado law.4 Thus, Rogers has made no improper use

of state or taxpayer funds for campaign related purposes.


A. There Is No Reason To Believe Rogers’ Statement Of Candidacy Or Statement Of Organization Were Untimely.

1. Rogers was entitled to raise funds to “test the waters” before filing as a “candidate” under the Act.

Under the Act and the Commission’s regulations, an individual must file a Statement of

Candidacy within 15 days after becoming a “candidate” for federal office. 2 U.S.C. 5 432(e)( 1);

11 CFR 6 101.1(a). The Act defines a “candidate” as “an individual who seeks nomination for

election, or election, to federal office.” 2 U.S.C. 6 431(2). An individual is deemed to seek

nomination for election, or election:

(A) If such individual has received contributions aggregating in excess of $5,000 or has made expenditures aggregating in excess of $5,000;or

(B) If such individual has given his or her consent to another person to receive contributions or make expenditures on behalf of such individual and if such person has received such contributions aggregating in excess of $5,000 or has made such expenditures aggregating in excess of $5,000.

11 U.S.C. 6 43 1(2); see also 11 C.F.R.’ 0 100.3(a). However, a person is @ deemed to’be a

“candidate,” and is exempt fiom the filing requirements of the Act, if the person is “testing the

waters,” Le. conducting exploratory activities aimed at determining whether to rim for federal


4 Colorado law specifically provides. that when campaign expenses are “inadvertently or. unavoidably’.‘...,......

’ made by an incumbent, such expenses shall be reimbursed to the state. C.R.S.0 1-45-1 17(3).

02-1 14542.01 8 ...... The Commission’s regulations expressly provide that “contributions” or.“expenditures” made in connection with “testing the waters” activities do not count toward the $5,000 threshold for purposes of determining if an individual is a “candidate.” Specifically, the regulations relating to the term “contribution” provide that:

(l)(i) Funds received solely for the purpose of determining whether an individual should become a candidate are not contributions. Examples of activities permissible under this exemption if they are conducted to determine whether an individual should become a candidate include, but are not limited to, conducting a poll, telephone calls and travel.

11 C.F.R. 6 100.7(b)(l) (emphasis in original); see also 11 C.F.R. 0 100.8(b)(l) (exempting expenses for the same activities from the definition of “expenditure”).

Thus, Rogers was permitted to raise funds in connection with “testing the waters” to determine the viability of his candidacy without filing as a “candidate” under the Act.

2. Rogers was not required to file a Statement of Organization before January 22, 2002 because he was engaged solely in “testing the waters” activities.

The Campaim Guide, which was published by the Commission to provide guidance to prospective candidates for the U.S. Congress, expressly provides that “[aln individual who merely tests the waters (but does not campaign for office) does not have to register or reports as a candidate even if the individual raises or spends more than $5,00&the dollar threshold that would normally trigger candidate registration.” Campaim Guide, p. 3.

In interpreting this exemption, the Commission has repeatedly found that an individual is deemed to be “testing the waters” if the individual is “deliberating whether to become a candidate” for Federal office. In Advisory Opinion 198 1-32, for example, the Commission considered an inquiry by then-Governor Reubin Askew regarding whether he could engage in 14 specific activities, including travel, employment of political and public relations consultants, rental of office space and equipment, preparation of letterhead, stationery and biographical

02-1 14542.01 . 9 .--.. infomation to be distributed to- supporters, engagement of legal counsel and . solicitation of

contributions, without being considered a “candidate” for President. The Commission responded

that such activities could be conducted under the “testing the waters” exemption, stating:

The Commission concludes that the testing the waters exemptions of the regulations permit all of the 14 activities described in your request provided and only so long as Governor Askew in undertaking any single activity, or all the various activities, continues to deliberate his decision to become a presidential candidate for 1984, as distinguished fkom pursuing the activity as a means of seeking some affirmation or reinforcement of a private political decision he has already made to be a candidate.

A0 198 1-32 (emphasis added).

Similarly, in Advisory Opinion 1982-3, the Commission considered an inquiry by then-

..L.l..- :2 -...:-.- ..-.- Senator Alan Cranston regarding whether his exploratory committee could raise funds for travel ..p n

:s:cz to speaking engagements, reimbursement of expenses (including expenses which, if the Senator qJ had been a candidate would have constituted “contributions” if not reimbursed), hiring

consultants and pollsters and compiling information concerning individuals who would support

the candidacy of the Senator under the “testing the waters” exemption prior to becoming a

candidate for U.S. President. ‘The Commission responded that such activities fell within the

“testing the waters” exemption, stating:

The Commission is of the opinion that the testing the waters exemptions of the regulations permit all of the activities described in your request provided and only so long as Senator Cranston in undertaking any single activity, or all the various activities, continues to deliberate his decision to become a presidential candidate for 1984, as distinguished from pursuing the activity as a means of seeking some affirmation or reinforcement of a private decision he has already made to be a candidate. A0 1982-3 (emphasis added).

Here, as in Advisory Opinions 1981-32 and 1982-3, at all times prior to registering as a

candidate, Rogers was actively deliberating whether to become a candidate. Although Rogers

02-1 14542.01 10 engaged in limited fundraising activities, such activities were intended only to test the viability of his potential candidacy and to defray the costs of his “testing the waters” activities.’ At no time prior to registering as a candidate did Rogers refer to himself as a “candidate” or definitively state that he was running for Congress in the new Seventh Congressional District.

Indeed, because this was a new district, and’no one in Colorado even knew where it would be located until late January 2002, it would have been impracticable for Rogers to become a candidate for this non-existent district at an earlier date.

Because Rogers was “testing the waters,” rather than pursuing activities as a means of seeking affirmation or reinforcement of a private political decision he has already made to be a candidate, he was not required to file as a “candidate.” Rogers filed his Form 1 on January 22,

2002, within 15 days of his decision to become and candidate and, therefore, his filing was timely. 11 CFR 6 lOl.l(a).

B. There Is No Reason To Believe Any Improper Contributions Were Received.

The Committee’s Form 3 and accompanying schedules show that all fbnds received, both during the ”testing the waters” period and after Rogers registered as a candidate, have been in full compliance with the contribution limitations and prohibitions of the Act.

The sole basis for Durham’s allegation that Rogers and the Committee received improper contributions is that there were a significant number of “unitemized” contributions reflected on the Form 3. However, Rogers is not required to itemize any individual contributions of less than

$200. 11 CFR 5 104.3(a)(4) (requiring itemization only of persons “whose contribution or contributions aggregate in excess of $200 per calendar year”); see also 11 CFR 6 184.8(a) (“[A]

All of the hdraising activities were conducted within the contribution.limitations -of the .Act, and all contributions received were disclosed as part of the first report to the Commission on January 30,2002. See 11 CFR 5 100.7(b).

02-1 14542.01 11 reporting political committee shall disclose the identification of each individual who contributes an amount in excess of $200 to the political committee’s federal accounts.”).

Rogers has maintained records of all contributions received, regardless of amount, and these records confirm that there were no improper contributions or any improper use of state hnds in connection with campaign related activities! All of these records were “uploaded” to the Commission using the Commission’s software on January 30,2002.

Durham’s Complaint regarding the “unitemized” contributions appears to be based on the fact that identifying information concerning donors of under $200 is not available on the

Commission’s Internet site. This is a hction of the Commission’s software, which evidently filters data regarding small donors fiom the information displayed on the site. All of the information the Committee was required to disclose was disclosed to the Commission in a timely manner, including information regarding donors who contributed as little as $3. However, out of respect for the privacy of the donors of less than $200, Rogers does not wish, nor is he required, to make such information available to his political opponents.


The essence of Durham’s Complaint is that Rogers should have registered as a

”candidate’’ earlier, even though the district for which he is running did not exist. However, because Rogers was at all times “testing the waters,” he was not required to register any earlier.

After he made the decision to run, Rogers and the Committee made all of the appropriate filings required by the Act. All contributions received, including all contributions and disbursements during the “testing the waters” period, have been hlly disclosed as part of the Committee’s

‘6As Durham notes, in connection with its normal audit process, the Colorado State Auditor is conducting a routine review of the expenditures of the Ofice of the Lieutenant Governor. Rogers expects that this Audit will confirm that no improper campaign-related expenditures were made. Even if there were any inadvertent expenditures, they would be reimbursed pursuant to Colorado law.

02-1 14542.01 12 Form3 filings, which confirm that all fundraising was done in compliance with the Act.

Therefore, there is no reason to believe any violation of the Act or the Commission's regulations has or is about to occur, and the Complaint should be dismissed without fhrther action.

Respectfully submitted this 29th day of April, 2002.

Kutak Rock LLP 717 17" Street, Suite 2900 Denver, Colorado 80202 Tel: (303) 297-2400 Fax: (303) 292-7799 Email: [email protected]

Attorney for The Friends of Joe Rogers Exploratory Committee, Theodore W. Sell, Treasurer

02-1 14542.01 13 Yes, I pledge to help Joe Rogers to become colorado’s New United States Congressman in 2002! 0 I want to encourage Joe Rogers to become a candidate to represent Colorado in the United States Congress through my contri.bution of: 0 $1,000. 0 $500 0 $250 0 $100 0 $50 0 $25 0 Other - 0 In addition to my pledge, I would like to help Joe by: 0 Hosting a reception for Joe in my home/offi.ce. 0 I’ll help Joe Get Out The Vote on election day. 0 1/11 display a yard sign and/or a bumper sticker for Joe. 0 I support Joe’s campaign and he may use my name. 0 Call me, 1 can help in other ways. Contributions to Friends of Jiw Rogcrs are not coirsidercd charitable qcmtrihutions for Federal lncoinc Tax purposes.

Name Address City State Zip Phone (Home) (Work) Fax E-mail Name of Employer Occupation FEDERAL LAW REQUIRES POLlTlCAL COMMI?TEES TO REPORT THE NAME, MAIL- ING ADDRESS, OCCUPATION AND NAME OF EMPLOYER FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL WHOSE CONTRIBUTIONS AGGREGATE IN EXCESS OF 9200 IN A CALENDAR YEAR. THANK YOU FOR TAZUNG THE TIME TO COMPLETE THIS INFORMATION. No cormrate checks mav be acceDted. Partnership checks are welcome. Please provide a written statement as to how to attribute the contribution as among the unincormrated partners. Please make checks payable to Friends of Joe Rogers and return your gift in this self-addressed return envelope. /’AID FOR BY THE FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS I oy

1' c: -II b 5' N 0 0 N a-

I a '0


November 19,2001

Dear Eric:


I've been Lt. Governor for almost three years now and I want to take a moment to thank you for helping me get here; I also want to ask you for your help as I take a new direction in public service.

When I look back to that hard-fought primary in 1998 and think of all the great people who helped me pull through and win the nomination for this office, my heart swells with joy and gratitude for everyone who helped with their contributions. With your help, I won that primary election carrying 92% of Colorado's counties!

Juanita Kay and I are especially grateful for all you did to help elect me Lt. Governor of Colorado.

Now, it's three years later and although there were some tough times along the way, it's been a good . three years.

Eric, think back with me to early 1999 when Governor Bill Owens and I were still new in our offces and terror struck Columbine High School. I was proud'to have stood with him to provide comforting leadership in that time of trouble. However, I am more proud of the strength of community and, concern for others Coloradoans exemplified in that crisis; we became the model for the rest of the . nation on how to deal with catastrophe.

More recently, on September 11*, we've had another catastrophe strike our country and I am proud to have represented Colorado in this crisis. Just days following the terrorist attacks, on behalf of the people of Colorado, I was invited to attend the memorial service in Yankee Stadium in New York City and was present at Ground Zero, a place of overwhelming tragedy and great heroism.

Following on the heals of the terrorist attacks and ongoing threats, I recently called for an even fbrther strengthening of our state's security and preparedness by requesting that Governor Owens create a Colorado Homeland Security Office. On November 8, the Governor did so and as a direct result Colorado will be in a better position to defend our citizens against potential terrorist attacks and chemical and bioiogical threats. We‘ve also made great strides in the past three years too.

One of the fist projects I worked on was to be the Chairman of the Child Welfare Task Force to improve. the lives of Colorado’s children.

Then, just last year, we took the unprecedented step of hosting a conference on youth education called “Colorado Uncensored,” where we took the time to listen to our children and their ideas on how to improve our schools. The kids were fantastic and shared many great ideas - ideas that have been implemented by many teachers, principals and school districts throughout Colorado. Ideas that I hope all adults will read about in the “Colorado Uncensored” report that is available through my office.

Another opportunity I’ve had to serve you is on the Colorado Commission on Taxation, where I am working hard to change our tax structure to make taxes fairer, easier and - best of all - lower. I’ve been honored to have traveled around the country and the world to be a champion for Colorado business and American liberty.

I’ve also been honored to serve you on a national basis and to continue Colorado?sleadership role among the states by being elected by my peers to serve as Chairman of the Republican Lieutenant Governors Association and on the Executive Committee of the National Lieutenant Governor’s Association.

Another thing that I am very proud to have accomplished is campaigning throughout the nation (some 15 states) with and for then-Governor of Texas, George W. Bush, and helping him win the presidency. In these times of trouble, I am so glad that he is our Commander-in-Chief and that his leadership has been steady and assured during this time of.war.

All of these accomplishments made on behalf of the people of Colorado were wonderfully recognized when I received the coveted Trumpet A~urdfrom Time-Warner’s Turner Broadcasting System earlier this year. The Trumpet Award is presented in recognition of individuals who have made significant contributions to America. Persons who have received the award range’from Muhammad Ali, former Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, Rosa Parks and Lena Home, to Tiger Woods, Secretary of State General Colin Powell, Nat King Cole and Whitney Houston. None of this would have been possible had you not supported me three years ago. Thank you, again, for all the support you’ve given me.

But now times have changed. Our nation faces new challenges and needs people who are prepared to answer those challenges and to step up into higher leadership roles. I am ready and willing to accept that duty, and I need your help to do so.

As you probably already know, because of our state’s booming population growth, Colorado will have a new congressional district in next year’s elections, giving Colorado seven congressional representatives. I know you want this seat to be won by a Republican with the values you share and with a positive vision for our future. I want to be your new Conmessman and need your heh to win the seat. _.... .


Eric, you have been so gracious to me in donating to my previous campaign. Please, now, take a

. .. moment to invest in me once again and send a new contribution for this new campaign.

... ' . .. .. By now you well know that I am committed to the values of a strong nation; a strong military, education reform and a smaller, more limited government. Also, as a Republican and the highest- ranking African-American statewide elected official in the nation, you know that I am committed to broadening the appeal of the Republican Party and standing with President George W. Bush to protect and build our country.

You also know of my concern about growth and how we must better deal with growth to assure that our neighborhoods, schools and communities do not suffer from poor planning.

I know that I will effectively serve your interests in Congress and that because of the close working relationship with the President.and the leadership of Congress that I .will immediately work-€or-the benefit of Colorado.

Won 't yoii please fill out the enclosed redv card indimtin-ahow voii can help my campai-en? You 've alrvavs been there to help me in the Dast, and now I need YOU more than ever. Your generous contribution of $25. $50. $100, $250 or whatever YOU can affordwill .eo a long wav toward . ..,!* . .I L ,euaranteein.e our values are represented in Washinaton. .. .1- :....I . .--.: E There is an old adage in politics that says a dollar given to a campaign just before an election is worth only a dollar. But a dollar given early in a campaign is worth TWO dollars to a candidate.

That makes sense. The early contributions are what help candidates get organized so they. can run the most effective campaigns. That's why I am asking for your help now. nearly a year before the general election. If YOU would send your check or comdete the enclosed credit card donation form .. within the next day or two. vou will heb me jumt>-start my camoaign treasury. Your immediate .... I I. ' response this month is very important to my campaign and will go a long way toward accomplishing 'I our goal.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as Lt. Governor of the Great State of Colorado. And, thank you in advance for your help in this new campaign. With your support I look forward to serving you in the next United States Congress.

All my best!

Very Truly Yours,

.._.-...., ...... "..._.I r: P.S.. Don't forget to complete and return the enclosed card. I'd love to have your advice, so please use the space reserved on your reply. I look forward to hearing from you. Page 1 of2 ,- Denver Post.com - Rogers phnnhg to run for Congress if district fits e Rogers planning to run for Congress if district fits

By Steven K. Paulson Associated Press Writer

Friday, December 14,2001 - 4:50 p.m. - Lt. Gov. Joe Rogers, one of the highest ranking black officials in the nation, is weighing a possible candidacy for Colorado's newest congressional district.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Rogers said his decision will hinge on where the district boundaries will be drawn. A judge has set a Jan. 25 deadline for the Legislature to reach agreement on the redistricting or he will draw the lines.

Rogers is mulling his future plans as Gov. Bill Owens prepares to announce his re-election bid early next year. Under a new law, Owens will select his running mate instead of the lieutenant governor running independently.

Although Rogers and Owens have feuded since their initial campaign three years ago, no one knows for sure what Owens will do about a running mate.

"It'sone of the best-kept secrets in Colorado politics," state Republican Patty executive director Sean Murphy said.

Owens said through his spokesmantoday he will announce his candidacy in January or February, and wait until August to announce a running mate.

"He is aware Joe Rogers is considering other options," said Owens' spokesman, Dan Hopkins.

Rogers said if he cannot run for Congress because of the location of themew district, he, expects to keep his job as lieutenant governor.

"The governor has assured me I'm on the top of his list for lieutenant governor. He can choose. The governor indicated at the time the new law passed that I was his choice for lieutenant governor, and that has not changed," Rogers said.

Others mentioned as possible running mates include Rep. Bob Schaffer, R-Colo., who recently announced he would honor a term-limit promise and resign.

Schaffer said today the decision on a running mate is up to the governor. "He knows I'm always interested in helping him any way I can," Schaffer said.

The governor also could reach into his Cabinet.

Colorado won the seventh congressional seat because of the 2000 Census figures.

Democrats would like to center it around Pueblo in southeastern Colorado, which would put it out of reach for Rogers and two other candidates who have expressed an interest.

Republicans want the district where the most growth has occurred, in southeast Denver, Arapahoe and Douglas counties. ,

http://www.denverpost.com/cda/art/artic.. ./O,lO40,53 %25.7E276537%257E36%25 7E%257E,OO.htm 1/2/02 Denver Post.com - Rogers planning to run for Congress if district fits . Page 2 of 2

Rogers already has begun raising money for a potential campaign, using invitations for a $250- a-plate fund-raiser that specify a seat housed in Douglas County.

In addition to Rogers, other potential candidates for the congressional. seat are Treasurer Mike Coffman and state Sen. John Evans, R-Parker. All three indicated they would run if the seat is in the Denver area.

Political pollster Floyd Ciruli said it would be tough for Owens to dump Rogers because'Rogers was a major factor in the governor's narrow victory in 1998.

Ciruli said Rogers has national backing from the Republican Party as one of the highest ranking black officials and gained a national reputation as one of the featured speakers at the Republican convention in Philadelphia last year. .. Rogers said he was offered several jobs in the Bush administration, and turned them down because he feels a duty to the voters who supported him.

"That's of no interest to me. The process for me is about being elected. Affirmation from the voters is a significant driving passion for me," Rogers said.

A native of Omaha, Neb., Rogers, 37, worked in private law practice before becoming staff counsel to then-Sen. Hank Brown in 1993. He made history by being the first black in Colorado to run for Congress in an unsuccessful 1996 bid, and was the third black in state history to win a statewide office.

As a candidate for lieutenant governor, Rogers pledged to concentrate on issues such as improving education and relieving congestion on crowded highways.

On the Net: Lieutenant Governor's Office

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Wratiori... ' . .. . -. .: . .. .“Fat ,Gill Ford or 8nybody.e .'to'suggestthere's a racial corn: . nnnt .ie AamaAinn tn thn nmw-nm RECEIPTS 'LJ. ..L REPORT OF 3 FEC AND DISBURSEMENTS FORM 3 For An Authorized Committee Office Use Only

FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS 1111111111111IIlIIII11IIII11111111 Ill 1 I IIIII

ADDRESSv (number and street) 1Pfl TOT 17587 ~1111111111l111111l1111111

than previously reported. (ACC)

2. FEC IDENTlFlCATlON NUMBER CITY A . STATE. ZIPCODE A STATE V DISTRICT ww 4. TYPE OF REPORT (Choose One) 1 (b) 12-Day PRE-Election Report for the: (a) Quarterly Reports: Primary'(12P) General (12G) Runoff (12R) April 15 Quaterly Report (ai) Convention (12C) L''' Special (12s)' July 15 Quaterly Report ((22) In the October 15 Quaterly Report (Q3) State of

~~ ~ ~ January 31 Year-End Report (YE) (c) 30-Day POST-Election Report for the:

D July 31 Mid-Year Report General (306) 0 Runoff (30R) Special (30s) (Nonelection Year Only) (MY) In the Termination Report (TER) state of

5. Covering Period through

I certit) that I have examined this Report and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct and complete.

Type or Print Name of Treasurer

NOTE : Submission of false. erroneous, or incomplete information may subject the person signing this Report to the penalties of 2 U.S.C 4379.

office FEC FORM 3 Use (Revised 112001) Only SUMMARY PAGE of Receipts and Disbursements FEC Form 3 (Revised 112001) Page 2 Write or Type Committee Name


Report Covering the Period: From:

COLUMN A COLUMN B This Perlod Election Cycle-to-Date 6. Net Contributions (other than loans)

Total Contributions (other than loans) (from Line 11 (e)) ...... ,

Total Contribution Refunds (from Line 20(d)) ......

Net Contributions (other than loans) (subtract Line 6(b) from Line 6(a)) ......

~~ 7. Net Operating Expenditures

(a) Total Operating Expenditures (from Line 17)......

(b) Total Offsets to Operating 0.00 i Expenditures (from Line 14)...... : ......

(c) Net Operating Expenditures (subtract Line 7(b) from Line 7(a)) ......

8. Cash on Hand at Close of Reportlng Period (from Line 27) ...... ,..

~ ~~___ 9. Debts and Obligations Owed TO the Committee (Itemize all on Schedule C andlor Schedule 0) ......

10. Debts and Obligations Owed BY the Committee (Itemize all on 0.00 I Schedule C and/or Schedule D)......

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I DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE of Receipts FEC Form 3 (Revised 1/2001) Page 3 Write or Type Committee Name FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS

Report Covering the Period: From: To:

1. RECEIPTS COLUMN A COLUMN B Total This Period Election Cycle-to-Date

11. CONTRIBUTIONS (other than loans) FROM:

Individuals/PersonsOther Than Political Committees I 79450.00 (i) Itemized (use Schedule A) ...... ll 104295.18 (ii) Unitemized...... (iii) TOTAL of contributions from individuals...... b 0.00 a E 0.00 1 Political Party Committees...... Other Political Committees t! 2500.00 I I 2500.00 I (such as PACS)......

The Candidate...... TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS (other than loans) '1 186245.18 1 I 186245.18 I (add Lines 11(a)(iii), (b), (c), and (d))


~~ 13. LOANS (a) Made or Guaranteed by the 0.00 0.00 I Candidate...... !I 000 -1 (b) All Other Loans...... (c) TOTAL LOANS 0.00 I 0.00 i[ (add Lines 13(a) and (b))......

14. OFFSETS TO OPERATING EXPENDITURES 0.00 I (Refunds, Rebates, etc.) ......

15. OTHER RECEIPTS (Dividends, Interest, etc.) ...... 0.00

16. TOTAL RECEIPTS (add Lines ll(e), 12, 13(c), 14, and 15) II 186245.18 1 186245.18 1 (Carry Total to Line 24, page 4) ...... b DETAILED SUMMARY. PAGE, of Disbursements FEC Form 3 (Revised 1/2001) Page 4 .....

II. DlSBURSEM ENTS COLUMN A COLUMN B Total This Period Election Cycle-to-Date



19. LOAN REPAYMENTS: (a) Of Loans Made or Guaranteed by the Candidate......

(b) Of all Other Loans...... (c) TOTAL LOAN REPAYMENTS (add Lines 19(a) and (b)) ......

20. REFUNDS OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO: (a) IndividualslPersons Other Than Political Committees......

(b) Political Party Committees...... (c) Other Political Committees (such as PACs)......

(d) TOTAL CONTRIBUTION REFUNDS (add Lines 20(a), (b), and (c))......


22. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (add Lines 17, 18, 19(c), 20(d), and 21) D



24. TOTAL RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD (from Line 16, page3)......

25. SUBTOTAL (add Line 23 and Line 24) ......


27. CASH ON HAND AT CLOSE OF REPORTING PERIOD (subtract Line 26 from Line 25) ...... SCHEDULE A IR I INF NI IMRFR-.. ,I ..PAGF.-- 5 lfi8-- ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the Detailed Summary Page R Y R ::sR E R :Y n l5 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions Ior for commercial DurDoses. other than usinn the name and address of any Dolitical committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMllTEE (In Full) D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. . Date of Receipt

Mailing Address I mD-: I 2012 WILLOW SPRINGS WAY !J6Ja City State Zip Code FORT COLLINS co 80528 - Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Em lo er WIRELESS ~I~TRIBUTORSINC I Occupation Receipt For: Election Cycle-to-Date :-7 2002 V !Xi Primary . General .. ' ii-2 ; Other (specify)'; Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.7551 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. ASFAW GETA AND JANICE Date of Receipt Mailing Address u!! u!! 1-q I City State Zip Code Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. Name of Employer Occupation In-kind - RECEPTION EXPEN- SE

Receipt,.. - . For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V .:

j..: X...... \ Primary i-,,-J General :i ... j Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.8976 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. AUSTIN GORDON DR Date of Receipt Mailing Address I r.=w

819 DIXIE ST 1-2% 2-81 City State Zip Code CARROLLTON GA 301 17 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

:i 'X,;...... Primary I- General ,! i Other (specify)v Transaction ID: SA1 1A1 3463

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) a' FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 6 /68 SCHEDULE A Use separate schedule(s) (check only or each category of the - 7 - ITEMIZED RECEIPTS X lla - llb llc lld . ' Detailed Summary Page - - - - 12 13a i3b 14 n 15 . Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions . or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee.

__ ~~ NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. BAKER BENJAMIN B MR Date of Receipt

Mailing Address , LY 29 WATER STREET $ 2,. City State Zip Code SOUTH DARTMOUTH MA 02740 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation I

...: /X/::Primary I ...... ! General i .. 1 Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.8283 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) 6. BAKER ROBERT D Date of Receipt Mailing Address 605 WEST EASTER AVENUE City State Zip Code LITTLETON co 80120 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer . Occupation

Receipt For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V r...... :Xi: Primary I!- . . General ..:. I.. I. Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1 1AI .4124 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. BARON RICHARD D Date of Receipt Mailing Address 1101 LUCAS AVENUE City State Zip Code ST LOUIS MO 63101 FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.8755

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b . FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001) SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUME3ER: I PAGE 7/68 Use separate schedule(s) (,.heck only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - - - Detailed Summary Page -X lla - llb - llc - lld .. 12 13a i3b 14 n 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMllTEE (In Full) FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS

_. Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. BARRYNELSONMR . Date of Receipt

Mailing Address I 50 CORTE DEL BAY0

City ' State Zip Code LARKSPUR CA 94939 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

.xi primary i : , I: _ i: General :...... !: ...... -I Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA11 AI .8913 Full Name '(Last, First, Middle Initial) B. BEGLEY DANIEL J MR Date of Receipt Mailing Address I 1206 ROUND HILL RD City State Zip Code

~~ BRYN MAWR PA 19010 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

I Receipt For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date ...... V i-5.Primary , I General i. i:.___: i Other(specify)& Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.8393 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. BOCHNOWSKIJAMES J MR Date of Receipt Mailing Address I ~~b-+-mJl 28 CAMINO POR LOS ARBOLES City State Zip Code . ATHERTON CA 94027 FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Emplo er DELPHI VENTLYRES Receipt For: 2002 :._ , X,,: Primary I i General Lijj: Other (specify) 'i Transaction ID: SA11Al.7974

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) ER: I PAGE 8/68

Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. BOSLEY JR FREEMAN R Date of Receipt Mailing Address I I 3508 PALM City State Zip Code ST LOUIS MO 63107 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

:~~ : ' X Primary I_,___: General ;; :i._ ...... _.; Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA11 Al.8757 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B., BRANDON JAMES M MR Mailing Address 7412 OLIVER WOODS DR S E City State Zip Code GRAND RAPIDS MI 49546 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Em lo er Occupation ASR CORP8dTION XEC I Receipt...... For: .. .2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V ;;

; X' Primary :...... i: ; General I: I Other (specify) Transaction ID: I SA11Al.6390 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. BROWNE ROY MR Date of Receipt Mailing Address

499 S LONG AVE =.had=d City State Zip Code HARTVILLE MO 65667 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Transaction ID: SA11Al.8775

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b Iv FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001) a FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 9 /68 SCHEDULE A Use separate schedule(s) (check only ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - I- Detailed Summary Page -X lla - llb - llc - lld 12 13a i3b 14 n 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE .(In Full) .. D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Date of Receipt

Amount of Each Receipt this Period

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: . 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date .-...... I V j:

i X ...j Primary I: ...... iGeneral -i.

Ii...... i Other (specify)V ?&LE7=L-&A. TransactionJD: SA1 1Al.5145 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. BRUCECARL Date of Receipt Mailing Address I 1286 OAK COURT City State Zip Code ST LOUIS MO 63112 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Transaction ID: SA1 1AI .6885 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) .. c. BRUCECARL Date of Receipt Mailing Address I 1286 OAK COURT City State Zip Code ST LOUIS MO. 631 12 Amount of Each Receipt this Period

YSIWW?V FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. 506.06 I

Name of Employer - Occupation In-kind - PHOTOGRAPHY SER- VICES Receipt For: 2002

Primary , i General ,__--: : i..... i Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1 {AI .8991

I SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001 ) FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 10 I68 SCHEDULE A Use separate schedule(s) (,.heck only ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - 7 - Detailed Summary Page -X lla - llb - llc - lid 12 13a i3b 14 n 15

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. BRUMBACK CHARLES & MARY MR AND MRS Date of Receipt Mailing Address I 1500 N LAKE SHORE DR City State Zip Code CHICAGO IL 60610 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation I Receipt...... For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date .. I V

ie. : _ Primary i...... i : General i: ;:...... I Other (specify) v. Transaction ID: SA1IAl.8747 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. BURRIDGE ANNE B MRS Date of Receipt

' Mailing Address I 14 DOROTHY E LUCEY DR City State Zip Code NEW BURYPORT MA 01950 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing . federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

j 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date Receipt...... - For: ...... j V ;XI... Primary i General

!:...... 2 i Other(speci$)k Transaction ID: SA1 1AI .8275 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. BUTLER FELlClA Date of Receipt Mailing Address iy-. q I I 3930 FLAGSTONE COURT Ld,A12 City State Zip Code FLORISSANT MO 63033 Amount of Each Receipt this Period ...... -.-.".._.- --%-=Y. Y fi" FEC ID number of contributing I; federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt- . For: 2002 ' I Election Cycle-to-Date . V I !..._. X.... 1 Primary i General :: ...... - ; Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1 IAl.6851

.... --..p -I-'- - * "'

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b %.-r.;&;-&im..---..3 2. -.__ ---3;-y<--. r*:.~L*z-Fp $

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b e-:-:=:-.%- -a .--z- I FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 11 /68 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - - - Detailed Summary Page -X lla - lib - llc - lld 12 13a i3b 14 n 15

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. BUTLER HOWARD E Date of Receipt Mailing Address I I 3930 FLAGSTONE COURT LLiiz-l City State Zip Code FLORISSANT MO 63033 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt..... For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date ....___ v

:XI._ Primary !i.. _.__: General ...: : j Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1 IAl.6853 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. CHAN TERESA MEE Date of Receipt Mailing Address 8896 S REDWING AVE . City State Zip Code HIGHLANDS RANCH co 80126 Amount of Each Receipt this Period .. FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt...... For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V :. ' "": .- '--?"-I :., X Primary CUI! .. :-,,-,I General ;--; Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1IAl.4245 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. CHAOFRANK Mailing Address 14031 W CENTER DRIVE City State Zip Code LAKEWOOD co 80228 ' Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer ' Occupation

Receipt For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V ;Xi..__.: Primary i General :: i I Other(speci6ri Transaction ID: SA1 1AI .4196

FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001) SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 12 / 68 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the 7 - - - Detailed Summary Page -X lla - llb - llc - lld 12 13a i3b 14 n 15

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Name of Employer Occupation


;Xi* .: Primary ;i.. ;: General [...... IOther (specify) v Transaction ID: SA11Al.8277 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. CHENG SOPHIA Date of Receipt Mailing Address 3787 E PHILLIPS CIR City State Zip Code LITTLETON co 80122 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt-. . .. For: ...... 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V i; ; XJ__ Primary I i General .. i--. i Other (specify)"; Transaction ID: I SA1 1Al.4183 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. CHOl ESTHER AND LOU Date of Receipt Mailing Address 1845 S FEDERAL BLVD City State Zip Code DENVER co 80219 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing =P=9----rt7 rT.=.y W--F==T- federal political committee. =Ldd L=-- ....

Name of Emplo er Occupation . CHOI ACCOU~TING

Receipt.._. For: 2002 1. Election Cycle-to-Date v

Transaction ID: SA11 Al.4233


SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) SCHEDULE A FORLINENUMBER:FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 13/681::18 Use separate schedule@) (check only one) or each category of the - - - - ITEMIZED RECEIPTS -X lla - llb - llc - lld ~ Detailed Summary Page 12 13a i3b 14 n 15 I Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. t NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. CONDIE Ill HERBERT D Date of Receipt Mailing Address #M LINDWORTH LANE City State Zip Code ST LOUIS MO 63 124 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: ...... 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V :. ;Xi,...... Primary i ..: ; General .. i i Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA11 AI .8761 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. COOPER WALTER Date of Receipt Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Receipt this Period ' FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation In-kind - RECEPTION EXPEN- SE

id - .: !...... ! Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1 IAl.8979 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. CRUZ JUANITA Date of Receipt ~ ~~~ Mailing Address 15346 W 72ND PLACE City State Zip Code ARVADA co 80007 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 57-*r-.- federal political committee.

Nameof Em lo er Occupation MARBLE E&PI&E

Transaction ID: SA11 AI .4175

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) I" ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or eacn caregory OT me - - r - Detailed Summary Page -X lla - lib - llc - lid 12 13a i3b 14 n 15 k Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMllTEE (In Full) FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. DAGG SHARI D Date of Receipt Mailing Address 5954 S FAIRFIELD STREET City State Zip Code LITTLETON co 80120 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

. Receipt, For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V i: i X! Primary ...... j General !. I I Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.8833 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. DANIELS II WILLIE L Date of Receipt Mailing Address 305 INGLETON PLACE City State Zip Code

federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

iid-- X j Primary I,, General -_.; ...... : Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1 IAl.8829 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. DAWSON KATHLEEN Date of Receipt Mailing Address r..<--=XEl I 10201 PRESTWICK TRAIL [.J..U City State Zip Code

LONE TREE co 80124 ~ Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Em lo er Occupation HATCH CHlel(!O

Receipt For: 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V ' I b..X . Primary ; General ':: :._.__-: I Other (specify) v

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ......

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 15 / 68 SCHEDULE A Use separate schedule(s) (check only ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - 7 - Detailed Summary Page -X lla - llb - llc - lld 12 13a i3b 14 n 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions Ior for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMllTEE (In Full) D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. DINGESS JOHN M Mailing Address 15453 E GRAND AVE City State Zip Code AURORA co 80015 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation.

!-- Xi Primary j,,, I General I: I Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA11 AI I .8825 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. DOSS PATRICIA Date of Receipt Mailing Address 23717 ROCKROSE DRIVE City State Zip Code GOLDEN co 8040 1 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

I Rezeipt For: .... 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V

Transaction ID: SA1 1AI .4144 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. DUBROVIN DARRYL Mailing Address PO BOX657 City State Zip Code KIOWA co 80117

FEC ID number of contributing . federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation .

.. ... i- __ .I Other (specify) . Transaction ID: SA1 1AI .4156

I SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: 1 PAGE l::,"" Use separate schedule(s) (check only I ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the Detailed Summary Page

Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. L NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. DUNN DENNIS MR Mailing Address 1120 8TH AVE APT 2102

Amount of Each Receipt this Period

Name of Employer Occupation

.. 'X. Primary I General *_..: :...... i: Ii I Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.8162 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. EVANS JAMES M Date of Receipt Mailing Address 1552 N NEWTON PARK STREET City State Zip Code SALT LAKE CITY UT 841 16 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

...... _... Receipt.. For: 2002 i Xj Primary i General .. I i , , , Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.7601 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. FAISON JAY W MR - Date of Receipt Mailing Address 1816 DILWORTH RD E 'E City State Zip Code CHARLOTTE NC 28203 Amount of Each Receipt this Period ak;yT;-7=7jL-r FEC ID number of contributing 500.00 federal political committee. 7

Name of Employer Occupation

I Receipt.- For: 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V j X Primary ! General .-_ i ...... : ._ Iu I Other (specify)V Transaction ID: SA11/41 5299

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b P FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 17 / 68 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - - - Detailed Summary Page -X lla - llb - llc - lld 12 13a i3b 14 n 15


Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. FERRIN KARLA M Date of Receipt Mailing Address 2179 S COORS CIRCLE City State Zip Code LAKEWOOD co 80228 Amount of Each Receipt this Period -~.... .- 7, FEC ID number of contributing I federal political committee. L.=AU:=*U-A. ..d

~ Name of Employer Occupation


:X;,_---1 Primary I: ...... 1I General Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA11Al.7523 I :&.... .^ . Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) 2”‘..- iT B. FLAUM MARTIN J Date of Receipt Mailing Address 10023 IRVING ST City State Zip Code W ESTMlN ISTER co 80030 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation ADAMS COUNTY COMMISSIONER Receipt For: 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V I”’x.1 primary . 1 General r-’j :ii.. ..i Other(specifylr Transaction ID: SA1 1AI .4236 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. FURR JR JOHNNY Date of Receipt Mailing Address I 4383 WESTMINSTER PLACE City State Zip Code SAINT LOUIS MO 63108 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt. For: 2002 ...... 1 X .. Primary i.i General i.._ ...... I Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1 1AI .8999

This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001) SCHEDULE A FORLINENUMBER: '1 PAGE lt31'18 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) I ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the Detailed Summary Page R ::" R R R 14 n 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. [ NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS DV Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. GEDDES JAYNE Date of Receipt Mailing Address 5480 S PERRY City State Zip Code LITTLETON co 80123 Amount of Each Receipt this Period I_, -.- ==r--7..$----P---- - P===F"-7 FEC ID number of contributing 650.00 federal political committee.

Nameof Em lo er Occupation GOLDEN PITJLP 2002 Receipt. For: .;:_ ...... i...... Xi Primary j General I.. i Other(specify)V .. Transaction ID: SA1 1AI .4198 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. GENOVESE FRANK N DR Date of Receipt Mailing Address I RR 7 City State Zip Code KITTANNING PA 16201 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: 2002 ...... \ X i Primary I ,,,,,, ; General :: -; .... I Other (specify)V Transaction ID: SA1 IAl.8357 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. GORDER CHARLES F CDR Date of Receipt Mailing Address 5526 TOYON RD City State Zip Code SAN DIEGO CA 921 15 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 225 federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Transaction ID: SA1 IAl.7862

I SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b I TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... :...... b FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001) Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions Ior for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. I

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. GREEN DARLENE Date of Receipt Mailing Address I I F~~-~-#=y-=g=yq !! 20OlJ 5261 DELMAR APT A k..- City State Zip Code

Name of Employer . Occupation

.. .- X Primary I - ...... , General ;: : i_- ..... i Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1 IAl.6877 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. GREEN RICHARD C MR Date of Receipt Mailing Address 780 ROSEWOOD City State Zip Code WINNETKA IL 60093 Amount of Each Receipt this Period ~.=g+-y-=yj. FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. 1 7z- 7z- -._..--.i&&i . Name of Employer I Occupation

Receipt For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V ,_._- .. ... ,: iXii._, Primary General FFey-' y " "-"v' i. I Other (specify) v iJ 300.00 1 rr zA4A- T .- Transaction ID: I SA1 IAl.6698 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. GRIFFIN DOROTHY F MS Date of Receipt Mailing Address 8209 PHILLIPS RD City State Zip Code ROME NY 13440 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

!:.. X:: Primary i _. General j! ' i j Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA11Al.4852 I I b

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001) e SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 20 / 68 Use separate schedule@) , (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the Detailed Summary Page 14 n 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political Committee to solicit contributions from such committee. 1 NAME OF COMMllTEE (In Full) FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Dv Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. GRlTZ MARK R Date of Receipt Mailing Address !j=a-=-ir=j I I 6893 INGLETON DRIVE f!&=--SAL 1 IJ City State Zip Code CASTLE ROCK co 80104 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

I Receipt. For: ... 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V

Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.7428 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) 6. GRlTZ MARK R Date of Receipt Mailing Address I 6893 INGLETON DRIVE City State Zip Code CASTLE ROCK co 80104 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V ..:-.-. ;''X':Primary I General i 1 Other (speci6-i Transaction ID: SA1I AI .4126 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. GROSSMAN PETER J MR Date of Receipt Mailing Address 300 DEKALB AVE City State Zip Code BROOKLYN NY 11205 . Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political Committee.

Name of Em lo er Occupation FG HEMISPRE~E ASSOC LLC 1-MGR Receipt For: .... 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V ;: ._._X.._. j Primary :--,-;General ':: i iI Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA11A1.8317

I SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) SCHEDULE A Use separate schedule@) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - - 7 Detailed Summary Page -X lla - llb - llc - lid 12 13a i3b 14 n 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions Ior for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMIITEE (In FUII) D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. GROVE TERRY F Date of Receipt Mailing Address 415 S 5TH STREET City State Zip Code GENEVA IL 60134 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

~~ Receipt For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V ::...__ ' X i Primary . General :: :i i Other(speci$)r Transaction ID: SA1IAl.6706

Date of Receipt


Amount of Each Receipt this Period

Name of Employer Occupation .

Receipt, For: 2002 Primary \ General i. I: I...... Other(specify)G Transaction ID: SA11 AI .4234 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. HAEGELIN CHARLES MR Date of Receipt Mailing Address I 9806 GREENBRIAR RD NE City State Zip Code ALBUQUERQUE NM 871 11 Amount of Each Receipt this Period -"""'-"vJ , ...... * ,.ma=:~ . -. FEC ID number of contributing Y federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation CURB INC I wER Receipt For: 2002 ...... :....

!,X,-j::Primary i General

I:_- Other(specify)i Transaction ID: SA1 IAl.8861

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001) SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 22 / 68 I. Use separate schedule(s) I (check onlv one] ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the I Detailed Summary Page I Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. HALVERSON GEORGE MR Date of Receipt Mailing Address 27 OAKRIDGE DR City State Zip Code SAINT PAUL MN 55110 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

~~ Name of Em lo er Occupation EXCEL STUDIOS DEFRAY. NAGER I 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V Receipt.-...... For: ...... - I

i,____ X Primary , General i. i....- ; Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA11 Al.6562 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. HARDY AUGUSTINE Date of Receipt Mailing Address 4995 ENID WAY City State Zip Code DENVER co 80239 Amount of Each Receipt this Period TXz':-: y5z FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation RETIRED 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V Receipt For: j--.-.-i :Xii-..-.i Primary I ; General i: i...... ; Other (specifyjv t,kEUAn~-~2 Transaction ID: SA11Al.4154

Date of Receipt

Amount of Each Receipt this Period

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: 2002 --2 i. I X Primary i General .-/ L,,.,,, -1 Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.7413'

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 23 / 68 I Use separate schedule(s) r .. I (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category OT me Detailed Summary Page ,I Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions Ior for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. HENDERSON P SEAN Mailing Address 15149 E PRINCETON PL F City . State Zip Code

AURORA CO ' 80014 Amount of Each Receipt this Period ir--g-=~"- FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. L.,L*--A~;:&.'!~A

~ Name of Employer Occupation

Transaction ID: SA1IAl.7411 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. HENGTONG Date of Receipt Mailing Address 2464 S YANK CIR City State Zip Code LAKEWOOD co 80228 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. -u.wA&&-- Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V :.

jX/: ~ Primary Ii _ ...... : General jj i: : Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1IAl.4242 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. HENGTONG Date of Receipt Mailing Address 2464 S YANK CIR City State Zip Code LAKEWOOD co 80228 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. L=&A-L-!::.-. Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt.- ...... For: ...... 2002 i. X .:. Primary General :: i:...... : Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1IAl.4248

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001) SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 2:1':8 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) I ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the Detailed Summary Page

Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS DV Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. HENSHAW HELEN H MS Date of Receipt Mailing Address P 0 BOX 189

City State ' Zip Code WACCABUC NY 10597 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

~~ .. _. Primary :...... j: General :. I ._. i Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.8313

Date of Receipt I

Amount of Each Receipt this Period

Name of Employer Occupation

Election Cycle-to-Date V

Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.4256 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. HOLT RICHARD A MR Date of Receipt . Mailing Address 1816 N MOHAWK ST City State Zip Code CHICAGO IL 60614 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

I Receipt_- For: . 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V i x,,i Primary iL.. ..I General :: I I Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.6770

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

I TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 25 / 68 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the Detailed Summary Page

Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full)

. FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS DV Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. HSU SHEN-KUOL DR Date of Receipt Mailing Address 1210 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 123 City State Zip Code SAN JOSE CA 95128 Amount of Each Receipt this Period ...... -$ -$ FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Em lo er Occupation . ARJENE INfEJNATIONAL

Receipt... For: ,_ , 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V ! X] Primary General ...... i 1 !!__ I:._...- I Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA11 Al.4240

~~~ Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. HUEBNER BRUCE R Date of Receipt Mailing Address I 10172 PRESTWICK TRAIL City State Zip Code LITTLETON co 80 124 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer' Occupation

Receipt~ For: 2002 j " -; JX;- Primary j General :: :.__ j Other (specifyjv Transaction ID: SA11 Al.7454

Date of Receipt

Name of Employer Occupation


...... X : Primary General I.. i :...... Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1 1Al, .7456

I SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001) SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 26 / 68 Use separate schedule(s) . (check only one) ITEMIZED RECElPTS or each category of the - - - - Detailed Summary Page -X lla - lib - llc - lld 12 13a i3b 14 n 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMllTEE (In Full) .. FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. HUISU HSlU Date of Receipt Mailing Address 6969 W YALE #74 City State Zip Code Amount of Each Receipt this Period ~%=ryyn-.~i...... -.-- e 25

Name of Employer Occupation

2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V Receipt For: ..;: ..__~ ___.i X .: Primary ;... I General i:...... _._.. Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.4136

Date of Receipt

Amount of Each Receipt this Period - A,L..7s ~- -.%%P-": 1'" *

" * &AT Name of Employer Occupation

Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.6887 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. IBARRA ANTHONY Date of Receipt

Amount of Each Receipt this Period '"FYm

Name of Emplo er Occupation DIGATRON INE OWNER

%-'.. Primary . General i I Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.7503

I SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 27 / 68 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - - - Detailed Summary Page -X lla - llb - llc - lld 12 13a i3b 14 n 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions Ior for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. I NAME OF COMMllTEE (In Full) D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS irst, Middle Initial) A. Date of Receipt

Amount of Each Receipt this Period

Name of Emplo er Occupation DIGATRON IN6

I OWNER Receipt... For: 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V --. .-.I I)(; Primary I I General : ..i

Ii__ 1. Other (specify) a.:"A&L Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.7502 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. IBARRAANTHONY P Date of Receipt Mailing Address I 3131 W 36TH AVE City State Zip Code DENVER co 80211 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: ... 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V ij LF * Primary ; 2 General I.__: Other (specify)

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. IBARRA FAUSTINO Date of Receipt Mailing Address 2513 17TH STREET E:F=J ' City State Zip Code DENVER co 80211 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Emplo r Occupation . DIGATRON INF

Receipt For: ...... 2002

i... X ._. ._1. Primary 1 General :i' ..i Other (specify)

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001) SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 2t3;:8 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) I or each category of the ' ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Detailed Summary Page R R R R 14 n 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. I NAME OF COMMllTEE (In Full) FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS DV Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. JACOBSEN ROBERT Date of Receipt Mailing Address 1700 LINCOLN STREET #2200 City State Zip Code DENVER co 80203 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 5==v federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

I .. 2002 Receipt For: ... I Election Cycle-to-Date V X Primary General ..i ...... I - Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1 1A1.4120

Date of Receipt

Amount of Each Receipt this Period r--r?.-vy

Name of Employer Occupation

i 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date Receipt For: ...... i V . X i Primary General ..--- 1 i ! Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA11Al.4158

Date of Receipt

Amount of Each Receipt this Period

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: 2002 ...... IXf. Primary i General :: i...... I Other(specify) Transaction ID: SA11 Al.7458

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001) ' SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 29 I68 Use separate schedule(s) (check only ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the Detailed Summary Page

Any information copied from such Reports and Statements maymot be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions Ior for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee.

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. JEWETT RICHARD L MR Date of Receipt Mailing Address / / 3 285 1617 HNEDERSONVILLE RD APT 2303 City State Zip Code ASHEVILLE NC 28803 Amount of Each Recei FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

I 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date ...... - I V Receipt.. For: ;j

IX,:I: Primary i...... ;: General i I Other (specify)


federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

I Receipt For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date ...... _ I V General !Xi:.... ( Primary / i i Other (specify) t xifid-z% Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.8299 I Full Name (Last. First, Middle Initial) c. JOHNSON CHARLES B MR Date of Receipt Mailing Address 550 EUCALYPTUS AVE City State Zip Code BURLINGAME CA 94010 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Em loyer Occupation FRANKLIN fEMPLETON INVEST 1 CEO Receipt For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V ___ -. I I .Xi Primary I._- General :__: --1 Other (specify)V Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.7972


SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001) SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the Detailed Summary Page

Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. \ NAME OF COMMIITEE (In FUN) I/ FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS V Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. JONES DARRYL T Date of Receipt Mailing Address P 0 BOX 69226 City State Zip Code ST LOUIS MO 63169 Amount of Each Receipt this Period -iP=F==--= FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Em loyer Occupation . TRI-TEC INE

...:...... :__ 1..... ; Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA11 Al.6905

Date of Receipt

Amount of Each Receipt this Period

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: .-. 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V ,-'XI I_. _,,,_IGeneral :-_...< j: I...... : Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.7438 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. KEENAN JAMES M Date of Receipt Mailing Address 158 S GRANT STREET City State Zip Code DENVER co 80209 Amount of Each Receipt this Period .. <-. y !7=F FEC ID number of contributing . ry'= Ir! federal political committee. LL=&&-A.?.AJ+A Name of Employer Occupation

Transaction ID: SA11Al.7498

I SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I ~ ~~ FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: . ~ Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS ' or each category of the

~ DetailedSummary Page R R I4 A 14 n 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. 1 NAME OF COMMllTEE (In Full) FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS

V Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. KELLY MICHAEL J Date of Receipt Mailing Address 71 1 MARION STREET City State Zip Code DENVER co 80218 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

I Receipt For: ...... - 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V Primarv I General 7-e.:- 'r - u""y+=fq . .:,..-_ : ...... ! j: ;... ._ -I Other (specify) Transaction ID: I SA1 1Al.7509 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. KNABENBAUER EUGENE Date of Receipt Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Receipt this Period yszp=er.+ FEC ID number of contributing gj federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation In-kind - COMPUTER DATABA- SE CONSULTING Receipt For: 2002 - -__ j..--- ..?; Primary ; General ... .. - ..... :. ' !L... I. Other (specify)V Transaction ID: SA11Al.8973 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. KNUTH ROBERT Date of Receipt Mailing Address 4488 S XAVIER ST City State Zip Code DENVER co 80236 Amount of Each Receipt this Period .x :.--:p--.U_.--T=7=v=-n FEC ID number of contributing ! federal political committee. -d. .- Name of Employer Occupation

I ...... 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V

Transaction ID: SA1 1A1.4152

I SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b IP FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001) SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECElPTS or each category of the Detailed Summary Page I I Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions.from such committee.

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. KNUTH RONDA J Date of Receipt Mailing Address 4488 S XAVIER STREET City State Zip Code

Name of Employer Occupation '

Receipt For: Election Cycle-to-Date . .._...... I2002 V . :. I X; Primary .. 1:...... I General !--,.,-,Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1 IAl.8835 st, First, Middle Initial) B.

federal political committee.

Receipt, For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date ...... V . X I Primary General I.. I_ i i Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA11Al.4229 . I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c,. LAND JACQUE Date of Receipt . Mailing Address 1627 WASHINGTON AVE STE #503 City State Zip Code ST LOUIS MO 63103 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. Nameof Em lo er Occupation In-kind - COORDINATING, PLATINUM 8RbUP INC CONSULT IN G ,P. R. Receipt For: 2002 .. j .--: X Primary /---,,,.! General :: I -.I Other (specify) v

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line'number only) ...... FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the Detailed Summary Page

Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. t NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS DV Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. LANGAN JAMES MR Date of Receipt Mailing Address 1533 HARBOR ROAD City State Zip Code ___~ W I LLIAMSB URG VA 23185 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation :

Receipt For: .. 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V j: 'Xi Primarv I i General f- P -T-=r==

Transaction SA1 1AI .8413 I ID: Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. LEASEANNE Date of Receipt Mailing Address 7031 S SHAWNEE ST City State Zip Code AURORA co 80016

FEC ID number of contributing ' :==v==F=v-=r=T federal political committee. L-L-3 , *.>.- Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For- 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date ...... V IX' Primary I General ..-- I._ ...... ;

: I. Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1 IAl.7417 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. LEEWAYNE Date of Receipt Mailing Address I I 3890 S .FEDERAL BLVD STE 209 City State Zip Code ENGLEWOOD co 801 10 Amount of Each Receipt this Period '~~~+-~~~~~-<.~ FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. li ? .,-%$d-rd Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: -_.. 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V .X/Primam I I General g~y%37--3~PXs7&=-* r~~wta.pa?r~q - .!..... - i i I.. I Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA11 AI .4130

I SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b I TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 34 / 68 SCHEDULE A Use separate schedule(s) (check only ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - - - Detailed Summary Page -X lla - llb - llc - lld 12 13a i3b 14 n 15


Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. LENZIRALPH Date of Receipt Mailing Address 8521 COLONIAL DRIVE City State . Zip Code LONE TREE co 80124 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing r===-j- a federal political committee. L&h.-%a4 Name of Employer Occupation

""" ": /x(Primary ' I' General . . :_.. .. I...... _. Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA11 Al.4122 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. LOFTON THOMAS B Date of Receipt Mailing Address 3803 W 103RD DRIVE City State Zip Code W ESTMINSTER co 80031 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: . :2002 ! : fX, Primary J General ::...... Ii ... ii Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA11 AI .7427 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. LUK YIM NGOR Date of Receipt Mailing Address 3135 W WHITE OAK LANE City State Zip Code HIGHLANDS RANCH co 80129 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

~~ Name of Employer Occupation I Receipt...... For: 2002 ' I Election Cycle-to-Date V .XI,._ Primary I...... i General j: i...... I Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.4134


TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001) SCHEDULE A Use separate schedule(s) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the 1 - - - Detailed Summary Page -X Ila - Ilb - llc.- Ild 12 13a 13b 14 n 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions Ior for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. ' I NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. LUTZKER LEVG MS Date of Receipt Mailing Address 9 CRICKET LN City State Zip Code DOBBS FERRY NY 10522 Amount of Each Receipt this Period $-pEuy==q FEC ID number of contributing 300.00 1 federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V .... : - '- ix! Primary . I General ...... i. !:__- Other (specify) . Transaction ID: SA11 AI .4652 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. MARCULESCU COURTNEY MR Date of Receipt Mailing Address 354 W BELLEVUE DR City State Zip Code PASADENA CA 91 105 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

, ~~. , .~ ;Xi primary I j General

i.!.--L i..I ...... I Other (specify). Transaction ID: SA1IAl.7782 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. MAY RUSSELL L MR Date of Receipt Mailing Address

' P 0 BOX 13 City State Zip Code HUME VA 22639 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt...... For: .__ 2002 i. 'XIL__.l Primary I i: General i. Ii__.._. i Other (specify). Transaction ID: SA1 IAI 5167

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b I ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ I TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001) SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 36/68 . Use separate schedule(s) (check only ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the 7 - - - Detailed Summary Page -X lla - llb - llc -. lld 12 13a i3b 14 n 15

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. MAZER ROBERT MR Date of Receipt Mailing Address 800 N MICHIGAN AVE APT 5601 City State Zip Code CHICAGO IL 6061 1 1 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

For: ..... 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V Primary i General .. _. :__A ::.. !...... I Other (specify)v Transaction ID: SA1IAl.6768

FEC ID number of contributing litical committee. /

I ...... Receipt... For: 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V ":s%yRcuiw~-= I X'...... Primary I General ii. i Other (specify); Transaction ID: SA11Al.6875

FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer ' Occupation

Receipt For: ... 2002 , Election Cycle-to-Date V j: I X Primary 1,. .,,i General ?L;3naT%Gxi) j..;-~xz!!-==-~ % i...... I Other (specify) 500.00 I v &-.-A. -,n _,.. Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.8945

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... r--=-.-;.-q: r--=-.-;.-q: " '?-F,:T.:-= .;zIcascp c B TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b ~c=~--...:..---m-s*- r - FEC Schedule A (Revised 1120011 FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 37 / 68 SCHEDULE A Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) , or each category of the ITEMIZED RECEIPTS - - - 7 Detailed Summary Page -X lla - llb - llc - lld 12 13a i3b 14 n 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using4he name and address of any political Committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMllTEE (In Full) FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. MILLER DAVID Date of Receipt Mailing Address 2012 WILLOW SPRINGS WAY City State Zip Code FORT COLLINS co 80528 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Em lo er Occupation w IRELASS L~TRIBUTORS 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V ...... _j Receipt For: : ;'XI Primary I: j General >...... I i j Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.4146 ___ Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. MITCHELL VICTOR Date of Receipt Mailing Address 7101 S FULTON SUITE 200 City State Zip Code ENGLEWOOD co 80112 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Election Cycle-to-Date V

Transaction ID: SA11 Al.4206 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. MITTMAN MARTIN MR Date of Receipt Mailing Address 945 E MORTON city State Zip Code PORTERVILLE CA 93257 FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

~~::Pqe~----T---.~--7~ 1) 7-3- _, ..... - .i : :: i ..I Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1 IAl.7940

I SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 38 / 68 SCHEDULE A Use separate schedule(s) (check only ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - - 1 Detailed Summary Page -X lla - llb - llc - lid 12 13a i3b 14 n 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. MORGAN-SMITH SYL - Date of Receipt Mailing Address 102 SOUTH BALSAM City State Zip Code LAKEWOOD co 80226 Amount of Each Receipt this Period rwy:- .. FEC ID number of contributing b federal political committee. L-u- L-. Name of Employer Occupation NREL GOVERNMENT RELATIONS

...... _ j: iX! Primary e ;:__ .... .: General -_-A Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA11 Al.4162

~~~ Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial)

B. MYERSJULIAMS ’ ’ Date of Receipt Mailing Address 785 MERRIMAN RD City State Zip Code AKRON OH 44303 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

_____~~ Receipt For: ... 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V

!-‘xPrimary I: !: General :_- ;...... I Other (specify) v h&A!! Transaction ID: SA11 Al.6085

Date of Receipt

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V i.

.; X .i Primary -,.,,,\ General .. i._ i. Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.6133

I SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b I TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: 1 PAGE 39 / 68 Use separate schedule(s) (,.heck only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - - - Detailed Summary Page -X lla - llb - llc - lld 12 13a i3b 14 15 ~ ~~ ~ n Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions. or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. . NAME OF COMMllTEE (In Full) D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. PACKER JOHN A Date of Receipt Mailing Address 431 MOUNTAIN CHICKADEE ROAD City State Zip Code HIGHLANDS RANCH co 80126 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

____~ Election Cycle-to-Date Receipt...... For: . .~2002 V IXi Primary i ! General ::

. IL_ . Other(specifyii Transaction ID: SA11 Al.7466 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. PERLMUTTER JORDON Date of Receipt Mailing Address I I PO BOX 480070 City State Zip Code DENVER co 80248 Amount of Each Receipt this Period ~-.ep...pv".~-=y==p'.E -y *-'F! FEC ID number of contributing 300.00 1 federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

.... . i ::

;Xii-..., Primary ! General :. i I Other (specify)G Transaction SA1 1Al.8837 I ID: Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. PERRY STEVE MR & MRS Mailing Address 25222 DERBY HILL D City State Zip Code LAGUNA HILLS CA 92653 FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation I YED Receipt For: 2002 ..... i. i: General 'Xi: ...... : Primary . I Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1 IAl.8905


SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... :...... b I FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001) ' FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 40/ 68 SCHEDULE A Use separate schedule(s) (check only ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - - - Detailed Summary Page -X lla - Ilb - llc - lld 12 13a i3b 14 n 15 ' Any informationcopied from such Reports and Statements may not be soldor used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMllTEE (In Full) D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) k PERSONTIMD Date of Receipt Mailing Address I rm=5/ 6125s GRAND o!.... City State Zip Code ST LOUIS MO 63111 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Nameof Em lo er INFINITE SJSlkMS I occupation I

. . ~ Receipt.._. For: 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V

iX/-. Primary I , General :j 1 .....; Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1 IAl.8759 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. PERSON TIM D Date of Receipt

Mailing Address ' I I 6125s GRAND City State Zip Code ST LOUIS MO 631 11 FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. Nameof Em lo er Occupation In-kind - CONSULTING AND INFINITE SJSlkMS CALL CENTER I Receipt...... _.. For: .2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V

: X . Primary :. .*I General .. . i Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1 1AI .8987 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial)

' c. PETERSON RALPH R Mailing Address 82 FALCON HILLS DR City State Zip Code HIGHLANDS RANCH co 80126 Amount of Each Receipt this Period --p. G'"lE'" -3 FEC ID number of contributing iiL 2000.00' .-- federal political committee. 1 I::.-l.,L&a*A--4?A-!= Name of Employer Occupation

Transaction ID: SA1IAl.4252

1 SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... :...... b I TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) 'I FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 41 168 SCHEDULE A Use separate schedule(s) (check only ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - - - ... Detailed Summary Page -X lla - llb - llc - lld 12 13a 1x1 14 n 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions . or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee.

Date of Receipt

Amount of Each Receipt this Period

Name of Emplo er Occupation FEDERAL GOA RSHAL Receipt-. For: - -. 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V X Primarv General -7. u"" 'li==tF= 1 ... _. Transaction ID: SA1 1AI .8855 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. PRATTPETERE Date of Receipt Mailing Address 35982 W COUNTY LINE ROAD City State Zip Code KIRKLAND IL 60146 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: 2002 ' Election Cycle-to-Date V ...... I I'Xi i Primary I:.. _ ...... General i: ;.. ! Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1 IAl.6710 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. PRESSLEY NORM MR Date of Receipt Mailing Address 7617 PEPITA WAY City State Zip Code LA JOLLA CA 92037 FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

I Receipt.... For: ...... 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date .. I V !Xi._ : Primary General .: ' ;...... -i Other (specify)v Transaction ID: SA1 IAl.7842

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) C FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE 42 / 68 biCHEDULE A I Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the Detailed Summarv Paae . lla llb llc lld - I I- I 0 0 0 I Ill12 I I 13a I I13b I I14 I I 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than usinn the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. PUMPHREY DEREK E - Mailing Address 9029 E MISSISSIPPI AVE #PI04 City State Zip Code DENVER CO . 80231 vw=111 FEC ID number of contributing I#’ federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: 2002 ...... _- i, X : Primary :. I,,--- General i... I Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.4227 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. QUINETTE AMY J Date of Receipt Mailing Address 10221 PRESTWICK TRAIL City State Zip Code LONETREE co 80124 FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Transaction ID: SA1 IAl.7460

Date of Receipt

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt... For: 2002 :. ! General i...... X 1: Primary -_-;Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.4128

I SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001) . SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: 1 PAGE 43 / 68 Use separate schedule(s) (check only ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - - - Detailed Summary Page -X lla llb - llc -. lld 12 13a i3b 14 n 15

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. REED PHILIP MR Date of Receipt Mailing Address 12 CONSTITUTION HL E City State Zip Code PRINCETON NJ 08540 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt- For: ...... 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V . i:

!X'l. - .... Primary i _.._.:I General :. Other (specify) Ii i v Transaction ID: SA11Al.4580 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. RICHTER K MR Date of Receipt Mailing Address I PO BOX 3424 City State Zip Code PALM BEACH FL 33480 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: ...... 2002 . Election Cycle-to-Date V

.Xi Primary L.. .. ii General ..:__-.-_, i Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.5659 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. RING SHARON A MS I Date of Receipt Mailing Address rMTGz I ppVT$T . 475 HALF DAY ROAD SUITE 100 I...rL&Q. City State Zip Code <,,-a LINCOLNSHIRE IL 60069 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation


: ...... !Xi::-. Primary i j General I...... I Other (specify) v 1'ransaction ID: SA1 1Al.6694

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ......

TOTAL This Period (last page this line'number only) ...... FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 44 I68 SCHEDULE A Use separate schedule(s) (check only ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - - I .. Detailed Summary Page -X lla - lib - llc - lld 12 13a i3b 14 15 ~ ~~ ~~ n Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. RlTCHlE DANIEL L Date of Receipt Mailing Address I I 2199 S UNIVERSITY City State Zip Code DENVER co 80209 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

:Xi_._...... Primary . \ General :...... i Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA11 Al.4250 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. ROBERSON ELBERT Date of Receipt Mailing Address 9494 S DEVONSHIRE PL City State Zip Code

HIGHLANDS RANCH co 80126 , Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Election Cycle-to-Date Receipt For: , .... 2002 V Primary ...... i General z.i. !_._._ ._.: . Other (specify) rl -L&:za Transaction ID: SA11 AI .7468

Date of Receipt I I

Amount of Each Receipt this Period

g L---...-m&:a& Name of Employer Occupation

;...... : ! j Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA11Al.6879

I SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... i ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b Iv FEC Schedule A (Revised 11200 1) e 0 SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: 1 PAGE 45 / 68 Use separate schedule(s) (check only or each category of the - - - - ITEMIZED RECEIPTS DetailedSummaryPage. 5 'la,- 'lb- -

' 12 13a i3b 14 15 ~ ~~ ~~~ n Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMllTEE (In Full) D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. ROBERTS TRACY ., Date of Receipt Mailing Address 6645 WAUCENDA City State Zip Code LARKSPUR co 80118 FEC ID number of contributing. ..

federal political committee. '

Name of Employer Occupation -. 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V . Receipt...... For: ...... :: _.

. jX' Primary i: 2 General ,_...... : . -- . !:_... .. I Other (specify) v Transaction ID: I SA11Al.4160 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. ROGERS JUANITA Date of Receipt-.. Mailing Address 4995 ENID WAY City State Zip Code DENVER co 80239 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. - &mwLdLs&d ,1. Name of Employer Occupation In-kind - DFAS '' LEAD ACCOUNTANT

Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.8984

-Date of.Receipt

Amount of Each Receipt this Period

Name of Employer Occupation

I REFiPt For: _ ...... 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V :. I X..... Primary ,I General ..! 1 :...... I Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1 1AI .7419

I SUBTOTAL of .ReceiptsThis Page (optional) ...... b I TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001) ' SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 46 / 68 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - - - Detailed Summary Page -X lla - llb - llc - lld 12 13a i3b 14 n 15

Date of Receipt


Amount of Each Receipt this Period

I fi -3

Name of Employer Occupation

Transaction ID: SA11 AI .7462

Date of Receipt


Amount of Each Receipt this Period

Name of Em lo er Occupation MARBLE E~PI~E

Receipt For: . 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V rX.1i._ Primary ,,,,,;General I. ._ ...... ' Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA11 AI .4220 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. RUPPLARRY Date of Receipt Mailing Address I I 2025 WELTON ST City State Zip Code . DENVER co 80205 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Em lo er Occupation MARBLE E&PI&E

Receipt For: 2002 /...... -. ..

I.. X i~ Primary __,,;General

I: I Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA1 1AI .4223

I SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001)

FOR LINE NUMB1ER: I PAGE 48/68 SCHEDULE A Use separate schedule(s) (,.heck only ITEMIZED RECElPTS or each category of the Detailed Summarv Paae lla llb 0.11~dlld - I .I I 0 I Ill12 I I 13a I I13b I I14 I I 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than usim the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMllTEE (In Full) D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial)

.A. SAXDARREN Date of Receipt ,

' Mailing Address

' 7272 TIMBERCREST LANE City State Zip Code CASTLE ROCK co 80104 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

IX!;..--..: Primary I. I General !...... Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA11 AI .7434 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. SCHEIDEL HERBERT W Date of Receipt Mailing Address 1540 THE GREENS WAY City State Zip Code JACKSONVILLE BEACH FL 32250 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Emplo er Occupation sE LF-EM PLO& D

i. 1.. X... Primary _...... i General i: I ! Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.5529 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) Date of Receipt

Amount of Each Receipt this Period

Name of Employer Occupation

Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.8909

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b

~~ ~ FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) FOR LINE NUMBER: I.PAGE 49 / 68 SCHEDULE A Use separate schedule(s) (check only ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - - - Detailed Summary Page -X Ala - llb - llc - ?Id 12 13a i3b 14 n 15


Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. SCHILLING PAUL MR AND MRS Date of Receipt Mailing Address 9515 E SUNDANCE TRL City State Zip Code SCOTTSDALE Az 85262 Amount of Each Receipt this Period r-27--J\F-=!4?Aady FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: Election Cycle-to-Date ...... 2002 V

I Transaction ID: SA11Al.7640 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) 8. SHANLEY WILLIAM C MR Date of Receipt Mailing Address ONE HALF ROCKY POINT RD ’ City State Zip Code ROWAYTON CT 06853 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing I. federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: ‘ ...... 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V ,. . .. I : X .. Primary i General I...... 1 Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA11Al.4474 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) C. SMITH LESLIE J MR AND MRS Date of Receipt Mailing Address I I‘ 8545 MISSION GORGE RD SPC 207 City State Zip Code SANTEE CA 92071 Amount of Each Receipt this Period

FEC ID number of contributing , federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

I RFiptFor: 2002 . Election Cycle-to-Date .. I V :x/primary :I i: General .__.-.i i: _- i Other(specify)v Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.8891

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... :. b I FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 50 / 68 Use separate schedule(s) (check only ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - - - Detailed Summary Page -X lla - llb - llc - 'lid 12 13a i3b 14 n 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions Ior for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. I NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. SMITH STEVEN D Date of Receipt Mailing Address I' 7126 E APPLETON CIRCLE City State Zip Code 'ENGLEWOOD co 80112 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Transaction ID: SA11 AI .7444 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial)

B. SPEED LELAND R MR Date of Receipt '' Mailing Address P 0 BOX 22728 City State Zip Code

JACKSON MS 39225 . Amount of Each Receipt this Period ytK~yj--".'k; FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt. For: , . 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V

Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.5949 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) Date of Receipt I I.

Amount of Each Receipt this Period

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V i. -. La2 " -F1:-2?>?=2z!q=?,y iX] Primarv I I General -"'iJ'-T=-'-E-7 i...... - i- ...... I . Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA7 7Al S209

I SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I1 FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/200 1 ) FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 51 / 68 SCHEDULE A Use separate schedule@) (check only ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - - - Detailed Summary Page -X lla - llb - llc - lld 12 13a i3b 14 n 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions .. or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contribut.ions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS DV Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. SPURR SUSAN Date of Receipt Mailing Address 9201 E MISSISSIPPI AVE APT E304 City State Zip Code DENVER co 8023 1 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing

federal political committee. '

Name of Employer Occupation

Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.7529 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) . B. TAYLOR BENJAMIN L Date of Receipt Mailing Address 1363 W LAURENWOOD WAY City State Zip Code HIGHLANDS RANCH co 80129 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. .

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt.. For: 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V

:..- ...... / Other (specify); Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.7472 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. THOMPSON LINCOLN Date of Receipt Mailing Address 142 N COVE RD City State Zip Code OLD SAYBROOK CT 06475 Amount of Each Receipt this Period ~~~-~-~--~-~~==~~~~.~~~yt..xmy FEC ID number of contributing , federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

I Receipt..... For: 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V :.

..I 2i General I..:._ x ...: Primary i .....! Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA11Al.4450

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I FEC Schedule A . (Revised 1/2001) SCHEDULE A I Usesep -- ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each caregory OT tne - - - - Detailed Summary Page -X lla - llb - llc - lid 12 13a i3b 14 n 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions Ior for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMllTEE (In Full) D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. TOWNE GORDON B Date of Receipt Mailing Address 1146 S MARSHALL STREET City State Zip Code

LAKEWOOD co ' 80232 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer I Occupation

Receipt..... For: 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V :: iI X.i Primary , ,, General I.... I Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA11Al.7531 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. TRONGLIN Date of Receipt Mailing Address 2200 W ALAMEDA AVE #2B City State Zip Code

DENVER co 80223 Amount of Each Receipt this Period . FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. &L=JA Name of Em loyer Occupation PACIFIC OCPEAN INT L SUPERMARKET I

Receipt For: _,,,_,,.. 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V

Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.4177 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. TRUJILLO JEFFERY J Date of Receipt Mailing Address 2824 W CENTENNIAL DRIVE UNIT G City State Zip Code LITTLETON co 80123 FEC ID number of contributing federal political.committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

.. Receipt_. For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V _._._Fr--.--:;F-- .._ :Xi Primarv I f General Y \. i...... : i-_....: '-7 !: I...... i Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA11Al.7452

I SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001) SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 53 / 68 Use separate schedule(s) (check only or each category of the - ITEMIZED RECEIPTS . - - - Detailed Summary Page -X lla - lib - llc - lid 12 13a i3b 14 n 15 ______~ Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. J NAME OF COMMllTEE (In Full) FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS DV Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. UNKNOWN Mailing Address 2825 W ALAMEDA AVE City State Zip Code DENVER co 80219 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political Committee.

Receipt For: .... 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V :Xi, ._ Primary i General :: '...... i Other (specify)k Transaction ID: SA1IAl.8271 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. UNKNOWN Mailing Address 2825 W ALAMEDA AVE City State Zip Code DENVER co 802 19 Amount of Each Receipt this Period "':""~=L" FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Em lo er Occupation EMPRESS ~E~;OODRESTAURANT

I . .... Receipt...... For: 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V j; i X.- Primary I ....; General j:

Ii .. - ; Other (specify) I " Transaction ID: SA1IAl.4244 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. UTZKER LETTY G MS Mailing Address 9 CRICKET LN City State Zip Code DOBBS FERRY NY 10522 yz.;L..'?:T FEC ID number of contributing I 1 federal political committee. ,*La*- 1 Name of Em lo er Occupation INJURY CORS~LTANTS OF ESS

~ .... ~~ ;:~. I-- ...... X Primary j General .:.. ; -i Other (specify) ' Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.4656

I SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001) * SCHEDULE A Use separate schedule(s) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - - - Detailed Summary Page -X lla - llb - llc - lld 12 13a i3b 14 n 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. VONDRASEK TAR1 S Date of Receipt Mailing Address I 3732 S SHERMAN STREET City State Zip Code

FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Em lo er Occupation ADVANTAGE&RELESS I EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Receipt For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date ...... I V 1- X- . Primary I,,,,,' General :j Ii_._ Ii Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1IAl.8831 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. WARNER RAWLEIGH MR Date of Receipt Mailing Address I 24 RIVERVIEW RD El' City State Zip Code HOBE SOUND FL 33455 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V ,_.___ : .? X Primary j General L-. ::L-. I.. ._...: Other(specify)V &e- ..A,zf=L7&-2 Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.8533 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. WASHINGTONARNEZE Date of Receipt Mailing Address I P 0 BOX 9947 City State Zip Code OAKLAND CA 94605 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation


Receipt._..... For: 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V _. j: iX/:...... Primary i .! General .. i-- -i Other(specify)V .

...... ".1z5EOLA SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b Lm.~a!.="L. = ul?.... - ...... ~~s~~xpz~*~:%=~~.

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 55 / 68 SCHEDULE A Use separate schedule(s) (check only ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - I - Detailed Summary Page -X lla - lib - llc - lid 12 13a i3b 14 n 15

NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. WEEKS RANDALL Date of Receipt

Amount of Each Receipt this Period

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V ._.__ :... 'xi primary .j i. General ;..-.; .. ;...... i Other(speci6; Transaction ID: SA1 IAl.7482 I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. WENG MELISSA Date of Receipt Mailing Address I 13960 TURNBERRY POINT City State Zip Code BROOMFIELD co 80020 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation


:-_.--X Primary I,,,_,, , i;: i General ; I Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1 1AI .4140 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. WEST GEORGE R MR Date of Receipt Mailing Address 4570 SW THISTLE TER City State Zip Code PALM CITY FL 34990 =p=q=sw"" FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. L-8: ,.&L45.A- 1 a %.- Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: ...... _. 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V i:

.XiI...... Primary ...._ i: General i. ! Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1IAl.5821

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 56 / 68 Use separate schedule(s) (check only ITEMIZED RECEIPTS c .I Detailed Summary Page -X lla - llb - llc - lid 12 13a i3b 14 n 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. -I ~~ NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. WIELER THOMAS N MR Mailing Address 270 PALM WAY City State Zip Code VERO BEACH FL 32963 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: .. 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date ...... -.. I V j:__. 1 General .:!* ...... X' Primary i.. ..i Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA11Al.8517 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial)

B. WILKS LEWIS 0 Date of Receipt ' Mailing Address I I 5850 S ASH STREET City State Zip Code GREENWOOD VILLAGE co 80121 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt,...... For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V

!XI: Primary ;! General j:

i_ I Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1 IAl.7448 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. WINSTON BERT F MR Date of Receipt . Mailing Address PO BOX 248 E.I City State Zip Code

HUNT TX ' 78024 Amount of Each Receipt this Period ...... - s-ey"; .-- !*"' .-- e FEC ID number of contributing I $ federal political committee. 9 500.00

Name of Employer Occupation Is Receipt For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V ...... -i...... - General ;i...... Xi i Primary i !...... I Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1 IAl.7331

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... - b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b FEC Schedule A (Revised 11200 1 ) e FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 57 / 68 SCHEDULE A Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - - - Detailed Summary Page -X lla - llb - llc - lld 12 13a i3b 14 n 15

I Receipt For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date ...... __ I V i X/ Primary I' General ;; i_ I. Other (specify) Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.4170 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. WOODSBY CHARLES MR I Date of Receipt Mailing Address r271I 1260 CENTRAL FLORIDA PKWY Lc&zfms& City State Zip Code I ORLANDO FL 32837 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Recebt For: 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date . : ...... V I i...... Xi Primary ! I General ..- i-: !r (specify) I ransacrim IU; an I in I .O~UY Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. YANG CHUN GUANG Date of Receipt Mailing Address 2364 E 3RD AVE City State Zip Code DENVER co 80206 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

I ._...... Receipt...... For: 2002 I Election Cycle-to-Date V /Xi Primary ..:. .... Ii...... I General --j I Other (specify)V Transaction ID: SA1 1Al.4194 ..- -_- g-.--- -.. -...... --ma 1. 1600.00 # SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... LX3,f ..-.:"A>d.&' 3 d?-C..? d:*%&edkett2:-u --+.:::.=- - .. .- .. -,G?~~-~- .-.-y R =j 2 J , TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b L-X-*::-;=;-=*--- ...... FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 58 / 68 Use separate schedule@) (check only ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - - 1 Detailed Summary Page -X lla - llb - llc - lld 12 13a i3b 14 n 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions Ior for commercial DurDoses. other than usina the name and address of any Dolitical committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMllTEE (In Full) D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Date of Receipt

Amount of Each Receipt this Period 7

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt For: ...... 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V j: -____!Xi Primary ...... j General !i ;... _.... Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA11 Al.4238 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. YEJIANJUN Date of Receipt Mailing Address 2364 E THIRD AVE City State Zip Code DENVER co 80206 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee.

Name of Employer Occupation

Receipt... For: 2002 Election Cycle-to-Date ; V j General . . ..i-----.a X . Primary :... I. Other (specify) v Transaction ID: SA11 Al.4192


~ --,..+jxz~-zx?q.?~ -==G .... ---__ ...... SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b ~:-.-~-~~~~~~=~~~-~~-=-~1500.00* 1

y.?-?--?--<-% y.?-?--?--<-% ..-;";r> .:::.y I-?:.-*----L?p%T?W7: i: 79450.00 9 TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b ------?-:.-.~-~-=< FEC Schedule A (Revised 112001) I

SCHEDULE A FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 59 / 68 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS or each category of the - - - Detailed Summary Page - lla - lib 7- llc - lld 12 13a i3b 14 n 15 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. BAMPAC Date of Receipt


Amount of Each Receipt this Period

Name of Employer Occupation PAC DONATION

2002 Election Cycle-to-Date V Receipt..__. For: i._ ...... F==-y==yV 1 X,,; Primary Ii i: General i. j

...... ~ .... . Other (specify)r L!b--'~ElL&ZI&.i. Transaction ID: SA11 C.8970



SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... b L4-&hl;2dkd&-d 2500.oq

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... FEC Schedule A (Revised 1/2001) SCHEDULE B FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE 60 168 Use seperate schedule(s) I (check only ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each category of the - - - Detailed Summary Page -X 17 - 18 - 19a 20a 20b 20c n21

NAME OF COMMllTEE (In Full) D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A* AFRICAN AMERICAN REP LEADSHIP SUMMIT Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursement this Period

Office Sought: !. x , House Disbursement For: - 2002 i--: :. ..: i 1 Senate ')('Primary ..' I' General

I President , i- i..--.. I Other (specifyTi State: CO District: 07 Transaction ID: SB17.8958

Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursement this Period

Purpose of Disbursement OFFICE,MAIL EXPENSE Candidate Name Category1 FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Type

Office Sought: : i House Disbursement For: 2002 x i ~ ...... ~ i i

..: i Senate i;: X i Primary i i General ...: / j Other (specify)+ Ii. President ...... State: CO District: 07 Transaction ID: SB17.4115

Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address

City State Zip Code

Purpose of Disbursement p"""""""l In-kind - RECEPTION EXPENSE ;:Lc:-- 9 Candidate Name Ca tegoryl Type .: Office Sought: ; House Disbursement...... For: -...... 2002 i. :: I ; Senate i X Primary . General j .... .i :. -.!1 i:...... i i President i-...... I Other (specify) State: District: Transaction ID: SBI7.8978

SUBTOTAL of DisbursementsThis Page (optional) ...... -b

[ TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... ; ...... b LShmP...... A"- I A FEC Schedule B (Revised 112001) SCHEDULE B . (checkFOR LINE only NUMBER: PAGE 61 I68 Use seperate schedule(s) I ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each category of the ._ - - Detailed Summary Page - X 17 - 18 - 19a 20a 20b 2Oc n21

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) Date of Disbursement ** BRUCECARL

Mailing Address 1286 OAK COURT City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursementthis Period ...... ST LOUIS MO 631 12 3cr- ---- 'v"*' Purpose of Disbursement r--- - -* -I i !h2bAdhx&~~*..&*--,dhzdra In-kind PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES I - .L:AdLJ Candidate Name Categoryl Type

_._._~ ~ Office Sought: ...:I House Disbursement For: ..2002 ; i Senate i X I Primary I:..-.: I General :. jj ii--.: ! President . I..... iOther(specify) v State: District: Transaction ID: SB17.8992

Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursement this Period

Purpose of Disbursement In-kind - RECEPTION EXPENSE Candidate Name Categoryl Type .. OfficeSought: I;...... :House Disbursement..... For: ...... 2002 I I Senate j X j Primary ;j ...... General i.. j President .I:. I Other (specify) v State: District: Transaction ID: SB17.8981

Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursement this Period -. r- r- ---v Purpose of Disbursement REIMBURSEMENT FOR OFFICE,MAILING,MEETING Candidate Name Categoryl FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Type Office Sought: Disbursement_...... For: 2002 ....-_* x i House :: - I: .. -:I Senate i.. ._X ... Primary ; General i. ;...... :j President !...... :i Other (specify) v State: CO District: 07 Transaction ID: SB17.4099

SUBTOTAL of DisbursementsThis Page (optional) ...... b

I TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I u:.:..:::=:.:--- -.-+-&-J FEC Schedule B (Revised 112001) SCHEDULE B FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE 62 168 . Use seperate schedule(@ I (check only ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each category of the Detailed Summary Page

Any Information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of solicating contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS

D__ Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) *- GLORIA JOHNSTON Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursementthis Period

Purpose of Disbursement CELL PHONE EXPENSES Candidate Name Categoryl Type .. Office Sought: i House Disbursement For: ... 2002 !:..... ::: I Senate IXiPrimaty IL-.....! ;General .: .. Other (specify) .__I ...... : President .- .. v State: District: Transaction ID: SB17.4102 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B- IMAGE PRINTING Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursementthis Period

~~~ Purpose of Disbursement PRINTING EXPENSE Candidate Name Categoryl

Office Sought: :,...... : House Disbursement.._...... For: i2002 !: I I Senate j X I Primary ./ General I) :: i.. I President :L-' I Other (specify) v State: District: Transaction ID: SB17.4105

Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursementthis Period ~-~~"~=-~= Purpose of Disbursement REIMBURSEMENT FOR OFFICE EXPENSES Candidate Name Categoryl FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS me

Ofice Sought: ...... j House Disbursement- .. For: 2002 ..I x : I j Senate !xi:... -: primary ; ;General ..:.: ...... : . f President : I Other (specify) v State: CO District: 7 .Transaction ID: SBI7.41 09

-- This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b k:i"a:L-. .:-:-- .. iu;bb-& FEC Schedule B (Revised 112001) SCHEDULE B FOR LINE NUMBER: [ PAGE 63 168 Use seperate schedule(s) (check only ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each category of the - - 1 Detailed Summary Page -X 17 - 18 - 19a 20a 20b 2Oc n21


Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. JOE ROGERS Date of Disbursement

_____~ Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursementthis Period

Purpose of Disbursement RED CROSS DONATION FOR VICTIMS OF 911 1 Candidate Name Category1 FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Type Disbursement For: 2002 Office Sought: I:. x. . House ...... i. ;: i j Senate : X Primary I: I General i...... i i President I I Other (specify) v i.... .! State: CO District: 7 Transaction ID: SBI 7.41 10 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) Date of Disbursement ** JOE ROGERS I Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursementthis Period

Office Sought: Disbursement. For: 2002 ,...... x House ;-.. ...-; I i Senate , X Primary ; General i. I! iI President i...... : Other (specify) State: CO District: 7 Transaction ID: SBI 7.41 1 1

Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursementthis Period .- Purpose of Disbursement F=::=Y-'+a REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSE PAID, TRAVEL AN I Candidate Name E$giiz FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Type

Office Sought: ...... x House Disbursement For: ...... _. 2002 i. .. Senate /XiPrimaryi-, JGeneral :I I i. .. :_. : I: ...... Ii President ! !Other(specify) v State: CO District: 7 Transaction ID: SB17.4112

I TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... FEC Schedule 6 (Revised 1/2001) SCHEDULE B FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE 64 168 Use seperate schedule(s) I (check only one) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each category of the - - - Detailed Summary Page -X 17 - 18 - 19a 20a 20b 2Oc n21

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) *- KNABENBAUER EUGENE Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address

City State . Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursementthis Period


.. Office Sought: !,-J House Disbursement For: ...... 2002 ;; ;: : ;Senate i X Primary ,,,,,j General ij !; / ...1 President I...... IOther(specify) v State: District: Transaction ID: SBI 7.8975

Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address 1627 WASHINGTON AVE STE #503 City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursementthis Period ST LOUIS MO 63103 .... q-= Purpose of Disbursement In-kind - COORDINATING, CONSULTING,P.R. Candidate Name Categoryl Type .. Office Sought: House Disbursement For:. 2002 1 ...... ,::i. :.i j Senate , X j Primary i General jj i. :! I President :i-i i Other (specify) v State: District: Transaction ID: SB17.8990 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c* PERSON TIM D Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address I 6125s GRAND City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursementthis Period ST LOUIS MO 631 11 I [---._...... -.-. "'v"."'

$ .. ..i iJ. Purpose of Disbursement -7 La:!.-irm-w.r.*,:R...z&F"&...... ,.! !:= In-kind - CONSULTINGAND CALL CENTER ILT::kd$ Candidate Name Categoryl Type OfficeSought: -..... !House Disbursement For: 2002 ...... -...I ___... i: <;Senate :XiPrimary 'General .. President .-! i ...... 2I Other (specify) v State: District: I Transaction ID: SB17.8988

SUBTOTAL of DisbursementsThis Page (optional) ......

*lC ii"""'"- ' TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) b I ...... --;rdhr4+4-- 4 .J ...... 2 d . FEC Schedule B (Revised 112001) SCHEDULE B Use seperate schedule(s) (check only ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each category of the Detailed Summary Page

IAny Informationcopied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of solicating contributions I or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee NAME OF COMMllTEE (In Full) D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS V Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) *. QWEST WIRELESS Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address

~ City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursement this Period

Purpose of Disbursement P==--y ..... PHONE EXPENSE 8 I d Candidate Name Categoryl FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS ' Type Office Sought: i,-x,,,iHouse Disbursement For: 2002 ~ j" 'j i. :i i Senate i X j Primary 1 I General ! ! ..ij j: i ! President j : Other (specify) v i i -_.._. State: CO District: 07 Transaction ID: SB17.8966 ,

-~~ Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B- QWEST WIRELESS Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursementthis Period g---- *-z.=?.m- Purpose of Disbursement PHONE EXPENSE Candidate Name Categoryl FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Type Office Sought: x j House Disbursement For: . 2002 i- -" ! :. ' ' "' ! I Senate j X I Primary ...... General ;j .. ' j j President ; ..j Other (specify) v State: CO D-istfl.: o7 Transaction ID: SBI 7.8968

Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursementthis Period r- Purpose of Disbursement LD-+&L-&z~..~d. .L POSTAGE EXPENSE Candidate Name Categoryl Type .. OfficeSought: . :House Disbursement For: 2002 .. i...... _ :...... - i. I i Senate iX;Primary: ]General :. -. .. ._. ' i . ... President ..-: ...... ; Other (specify) 7 State: District: Transaction ID: SB17.8972

SUBTOTAL of DisbursementsThis Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b 0 e SCHEDULE B FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 66 168 Use seperate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each category of the - - - Detailed Summary Page -X 17 - 18 - 19a 20a 20b 20c n21


Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A* RESPONSE TECHNOLOGIES Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursement this Period 7- I Purpose of Disbursement L-+--.? *-A-T POSTAGE EXPENSE I Candidate Name Category/ FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Type Office Sought: I x House 2002 ...... _..: Disbursement.... I For: :...... j Senate ;X:Primary i:___.: I General . :: Ii ...... I President j 1 Other (specify) v State: CO District: 07 Transaction ID: SB17.8962 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. ROGERS JUANITA Date of Disbursement I Mailing Address 4995 ENID WAY City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursement this Period DENVER co 80239 500.00 Purpose of Disbursement I ..-_.a_.....--Cm2sE;71*m, .. In-kind - Candidate Name Category/ T!w :: OfficeSought: , .....:House Disbursement For: 2002 .. I.'".. 7 .. I : Senate ;X!Primary 'General ;j ' IL.-2 I President i...... Other (speciG-v State: District: Transaction ID: SB17.8986

Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address 2025 WELTON ST City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursement this Period DENVER co 80205 Purpose of Disbursement In-kind - ARTWORK r=-p?355aLm!&:?-:h.:4i Candidate Name Category/ Type

OfficeSought: f - -_House Disbursement_ For: 2002 : ...... I . Senate I X i Primary ; General ...... i. i: President Ii ...... ;I Other (specify) State: District: Transaction ID: SB17.8983

! 244000 I SUBTOTAL of DisbursementsThis Page (optional) ...... b . L+kdu;--r.fi.. .. . &2:&-A-LJ '

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... FEC Schedule B (Revised 112001) SCHEDULE B FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE 67 168 Use seperate schedule(s) I (check only ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each category of the 7 - - Detailed Summary Page -X 17 - 18 - 19a 20a 20b 20c n21

** SHERATON DTC Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursementthis Period

____~ Purpose of Disbursement MEETING EXPENSE Candidate Name Categoryl


Office Sought: 1 x House ...... , 2002 i: Disbursement For: I ;Senate i X Primary I General i. .. .. Other (specify)””’, Ii. ! President i . : ...... State: CO District: 07 Transaction ID: S.Bl7.8960 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B- SIGNSWEST Date of Disbursement I Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursement this Period

Purpose of Disbursement BANNER EXPENSE Candidate Name FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Type Office Sought: .House Disbursement For: 2002 . x __ ..... I Senate . X Primary I General I ! _.:

President IL 2I Other (specify) State: CO District: 07 Transaction ID: SB17.4103

Date of Disbursement

I Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursementthis Period .“r- .I.__-- . Purpose of Disbursement CONSULTANT EXPENSE Candidate Name Categoryl FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Type Office Sought: x : House Disbursement For: 2002 --? ::-- i FX Primary . ;General .I Senate .... i :... i: ._ j j I -_..: President ;..... Other (specify) State: CO District: 07 Transaction ID: SB17.8964

SUBTOTAL of Disbursements This Page (optional) ...... b

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I Fr37,- -- .-.-- - ‘1 FEC Schedule B (Revised 112001) SCHEDULE B FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE 68 168 Use seperate schedule(s) I (,.heck only ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each category of the - - - Detailed Summary Page -X 17 - 18 - 19a 20a 20b 2Oc n21 Any Information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of solicating contributions - or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) D FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS I Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A* U.S. POSTMASTER Date of Disbursement I Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursementthis Period

Candidate Name Categoryl FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Type

Office Sought: 1: x i House Disbursement For: . 2002 .. .. Senate primary I' ;General' : ..-j('i ...... : :. ..i. i I President i- i: Other (specify) State: CO District: 07 Transaction ID: SB17.9002 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) . B- U.S. POSTMASTER Date of Disbursement

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Disbursementthis Period

~---a-#~a~~?l&e-~~~w.._C Purpose of Disbursement POSTAGE Candidate Name Category1 FRIENDS OF JOE ROGERS Type

ji i: i :Senate i X . Primary ;--;General :! :j I.. i President i...... ! Other (specify) State: CO District: 07 Transaction ID: SB17.4113


1. SUBTOTAL of DisbursementsThis Page (optional) ......

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... b I ~~c~~xxr~~zL~20121.74 I-- A FEC Schedule B (Revised 1/2001)

- Denver Post.com - Rogers accounts for remainder of youth fimds Page 1 of2

Rogers accounts for remainder of youth funds Most went to ad-firm settlement

BY A!%h.ur..Ksn.e. Denver Post Capitol Bureau Tuesday, March 05, 2002 - Lt. Gov. Joe Rogers provided documents Monday that account for $26,000 his office couldn't account for last week.

Rogers spokesman Ted Sell said he didn't realize The Denver Post was asking about the money left over in an account for a nonprofit Rogers set up to run a youth conference'in 2000.

The nonprofit's tax return showed that there was $26,000 left over after the conference.

Questions a surprise

B %. ::.: "Iwas blindsided," Rogers said about questions relating to the account.

..... He provided copies of checks that showed the money went to settlements, Rogers, video coverage of the conference and consultants who wrote the report.

The largest chunk,, $15,005, settled a lawsuit with Pollack Norman Advertising, a company that sued Rogers in 2000 after the ad firm said Rogers wouldn't pay them for their work on the conference .

Sell said they decided to settle the claim despite not using much or any of the firm's work.

The nonprofit, dubbed the Lieutenant Governor's Conference on Youth Education, also gave $7,100 in 2001 to Rogers. Sell said that money and an additional $4,600 in 2000 went to Rogers to reimburse him for expenses related to the conference.

Rogers provided only about $5,900 in receipts to justify the nearly $12,000 in expenses, and many of those receipts did not match up in amounts and dates. The receipts showed the money went for dinners, travel and photo equipment.

Companies that donated the money said they wanted it spent on the conference.

Sell and John Hancock, a director at H&R Block Premium, said the nonprofit must file a final tax return to close out the nonprofit.

The Denver Post requested that Rogers provide a history of checks written on the nonprofit's account at US. Bank. Sell said he would provide it next week.

The checks provided by Rogers show he paid $2,000 to Chaz Consulting to write the report, $1,618 to Image Printing and $1,716 to Big Pictures International for video coverage.

Smaller checks paid for pizza, tax preparation, radio spots and other expenses.

Previous financial troubles

Rogers has had previous financial troubles and the state auditor is looking into his spending of

http://www.denverpost.com/cda/ar.. ./O, 1 04033 %257E441 95 1 %257E3 6%257E%257E,OO.htm 4/3/2002 ~ ~~~~~ . ..

1 . Denver Post.com - Rogers accounts for remainder of youth funds Page 2 of 2

state money.

In January, he conceded that about $200 in taxpayer money was used for campaign purposes and agreed to reimburse the state.

Thousands more that went for candy, consulting and his wife's cellphone were legitimate expenses, he said.

http://www.denverpost.com/cddar... /0, 1040,53%257E44195 1 %257E36%257E%257E,OO.htm 4/3/2002 .. ...i, . .wn.. '...... -. .- . .. - I.

Date: January 23,2002 . ..

To: Lt. Governor Joe Rogers

From: Jeff Tidyman Video Monitoring Services

Re: Billing Error

On September 17,200'1 an invoice (Invoice ## IO- 150-0015694) was delivered to your state office for the production of a videotape and an audiotape as was requested.

However, the invoice was incorrect in that the videotape should have been separately invoiced to your personal account and only the audiotape was to be billed to your state office account.

We apologize for our error and have corrected and updated our records to assure that this does not happen again. Furthermore, we hope that we can assist your office in clarifying this matter and correcting the situation as needed.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly.

Thank you.

Video Monitoring Services of America, LP One Broadway, Suite A-21'0, Denver, CO 80203 T 303 733 8000 .. .


Date: . 01/23/2002 ' Invoice 10-150-0017323




MES 9-00 BAS

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