National Park Service Surficial Geologic Map of Bluestone National Scenic River U.S. Department of the Interior West Geologic Resources Inventory Natural Resource Stewardship and Science


CZr Hcm Hcv Hbt Hbt Ht Hcv Haf Haf Hbt Hcv Ht Hca Hcv Hca Hcm Haf Hcv Hcv Ht Hls Hbt CZr Hcm Hbt Hfp CZr Hca Ht Hca CZr Haf Hls

Hcv Hcm Hca Hca Haf Ht Hfp Hca Ht er Hcv Riv Ht Hca Hcv Haf

Ht ne CZr Hbt to es lu B Hbt CZr Bluestone River. NPS Photograph. Hcv Hfp

Hcm Haf Hcv


Hca Ht CZr Hfc Hcv Hls Hcv Hcv Ht Hcm Haf Hca Hbt Hbt Hca Hcm Hls Hcv Hbt 0 1 Kilometers Hca CZr North Hbt Hca Miles Hcv Haf 0 1 Hfp Ht

Haf Hca NPS Boundary

Hfc Ht Hcv Surficial Contacts Haf Known or certain Hls Hcv CZr Map boundary Hca Ht Surficial Units

Water Hfp Hls Hls Ht Hcm Hca Hfp Floodplain (Active, late Holocene) CZr Hcv

Hca Hfc Fluvial channel (Active, Holocene)

Ht Hca Ht Hcm Haf Alluvial fan (Active, Holocene and late Pleistocene) Hcv CZr Hca Landslide (Anthropocene, Holocene and late Hls Hca Pleistocene) Hca Ht CZr Hbt Ht Terrace (Holocene and late Pleistocene) Hca CZr Hcv Hbt Bouldery deposits (Holocene and late Hcv Pleistocene)

Ht Hcf Colluvial fan (Holocene and late Pleistocene) Hca CZr Ht Hcm Hca Hca Hca Hca Colluvial apron (Holocene and Pleistocene) Hcv Hfp Hcv Hcv Hcm Colluvial mantle (Holocene and Pleistocene) Hcm Hbt Hbt Hcv Hbt Hcv Colluvial veneer (Holocene and Pleistocene) Hca CZr CZr Residuum (Late Cenozoic) CZr CZr

Hbt This map was produced by Georgia Hybels (Colorado State University) in September 2017. It is an overview of CZr compiled geologic data prepared as part of the NPS Geologic Resources Inventory. This map is not a substi- Haf Hcv tute for site-specific investigations. Hcv Hca The source map used in creation of the digital geologic data was: Hfp Hfc Hls Hbt Yates, M.K. and S.J. Kite. 2014. Surficial geologic map of the Bluestone National Scenic River area, (scale 1:12,000). Open File Map 1401. West Virginia University and West Virginia Geological and Ht Hfp Economic Survey, Morgantown, West Virginia. CZr As per source map scale and US National Map Accuracy Standards, geologic features represented here are Hcv within 6 m (20 ft) of their true location.

Hca CZr All Geologic Resources Inventory geologic map data and publications are available at