Card. Claims Victory In. Narrow Presidential ~Lection
Motivated innovauon BC architecture major shares his vision • for a redesigned campus center Campus. Page 8 ·~ ...· Vol. 77 • No. 6 Babrsfleld ~. April,,. 200I Rea .for change, willing to fight for it . ·~ :..:_!;i/t~ {>-. ;_ .,I~--~----~. -.· ' . ... ·_ I. • •• I; ..: ·• - .· ' •.·-· ~-··\·;,·, ... ( ·.. ·. DNIIU{~/1*W. _....., llidlllsflln•-' lnwnlllratiion IIIWI at• nw..d, an 11 Sb Ht d llne 11'1 ••••Ill en April 10. OWr 1o,0o0·peop1e estimdld to llllft jNilkfl1 u,1 ;, .. ,•form w-. J; t.• ~ ~ Keni supporters ofimmi~~ t, . Former BC M.E.ChA. club ,. I president nzeets with governor rights stage rallies, marches . • 1· . I · IJNttlCSIOCkiUN ... , 10et. ,_. • Kan County a.,ll By NICK STOCKTON . JWE SALGUEIO· chi-.tli twu wdllrlfr · Rip staff writer , "People are crossing the ~ staff wtilffl Slli4 ., 1t Arvta ffiat, ...... 111> Im • -.t st· -4 JIU 'lb ·' border regardless, aed Be's funJa M.E.ClLA J)l'Cli· "Si 90 ~ Si IC PIJe.cW" irrni.4Nl'l ..... lie -· ,.$jf dent faced off wi1h C'.alifumia 's we lose about 10,000 The old farm W\CUl!s• ~ Maida 29. · ~ ~ governor during a day of ,eanem [people] a year. It is a echoed ihioueti Jllb'o P..t the C'-iMbi Cc,,,1+1, 16, qr ;i :eie :.~~~..-.1waee th,-ce day walk through morning of Afril 10 •. blio tbe Mlblut in wllidi . --~ SC, :.· .. 0rt,._.._....._.~ Cwnpema DJ Clrios Ortiz Mllbd Arvin ffi&h_ ,.,,.. .. p-41:t ,. ._. 1 ·. ildJlti~af 1 ' cl Rl9jur. ... ~ the desert, many women lbe crowd up. 1be pllt Wiii • lea .I '"Wt;,,,. ........ '*,.. «.- . .. ·~~in.. JemilCWlbOte&:I) are raped in the process." of colors, most being ffld, while ml Diez.
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