Recovery Pathways Service

WISE WORDS gift - an introduction to Sculpting This handcrafted holds a selection of inspiring and uplifting sayings, for a daily or weekly lucky dip & pick me up. Make this and gift it to a friend, family member or simply for yourself

WHAT WILL I NEED? Scissors; thin card/stiff paper; glue stick; pencil; drawing materials; old mags/books; sellotape; rule. TOP TIP: recycle wrapping paper or your drawings


Step 1 - CUT OUT an be erased later the box template as accurately as possible, then draw around it onto a piece of thin card which will be the box itself. -Cut this out also. -Choose your decorative paper, and use the box template to also cut this to shape *Notice where the cutting & folding lines are

Step 2 - DECORATE Step 3 - MARK OUT the card box in pencil the template: draw, write dashed lines on or paint onto it. OR the decorated glue on textured or side of your box patterned & template. *The fabrics, words and pencil line can images from be erased later magazines or books. *Use whatever appeals to you

Step 4 - SCORE Step 5 - FOLD along the dashed inwards along the pencil line. *Do this dashed & scored with a pointed tip lines. *Use your such as a knitting finger nail or end needle or wood kebab stick. Use a of a pencil to rule to score along. make a sharp fold Scoring breaks the fibres in the card allowing for a neat fold

Step 6 - GLUE Step 7 - CHOOSE the box along the and cut out a flaps and bring the selection of the box sides together – quotes from the list *TAKE CARE not to provided (see glue the flap! overleaf) *OR create your own. Use sellotape on the Roll or fold up small inside to hold the each of the quotes gluing in place and fill your ‘Wise whilst drying Words’ gift box

Step 8 – FASTEN & FINISH The box with decorative ribbon, string, wool, or other material of your choice

WISE WORDS – Sayings and Proverbs list

It’ll be alright in the end and if it’s not alright, it’s not the end! Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations. Sometimes it takes a good fall to really know where you stand. Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, I’m possible. Every cloud has a lining What if the Hokey Cokey really IS what it’s all about? When nothing is certain anything is possible Don’t put off today what you can do tomorrow, because if you do it today and like it you can do it again tomorrow Mistakes are the best teachers You are a Genius Know thyself Be comfortable with your uncomfortable The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper With all the inevitable dying that comes with change, there isn’t a loss that doesn’t mean a gain If you fall down today, get up tomorrow Chase your dreams, instead of running from your fears When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen Never give up, don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do Whatever you do, do it well A stitch in time saves nine Let’s not ask for the moon when we have the stars What you see depends on what you are looking for Bloom where you are planted Ideas become Things It’s not where you take things from, it’s where you take them to You can’t use up creativity. The more you use the more you have Be patient with yourself; nothing in Nature blooms all year Discovery is looking at the same thing as everyone else, but seeing something different Storms make trees take deeper Roots Tomorrow’s another day!