January 1978
d Page 1 Ottawa, January 14, 1978 glebe report Editorial Lot for kids Report on or cops? Rupert Street to Glendale Avenue with Long- time rurnours and additional parking for sports recent publicity indicate a Glebe Park at Cham berlain activities is in a partial state of completion. and Lyon is being seriously considered as a site for a Six years ago, meetings new Police Station. between the City and the An article by Susan Riley community discussed the in OTTAWA TODAY, January future use of the Chamber- 9, says that "the police are lain-Lyon lots after years said to be eyeing a park in of uncertainty, the Glebe as a possible home", Consensus in the commun- and confirrns that $1.3 million ity, after interviews, dis- has been approved by Board cussions, and meetings were of Control for preliminary held (and a questionairre studies and site purchase. distributed) was over 50% in favour of recreational use. An earlier OTTAWA JOURNAL article stated that police The presence of a Police officials would prefer a down - Station on the site would town site but that consultants' undoubtedly change the en- have ruled out the possibilities vironrnent in the vicinity of using Ottawa's vacant office profoundly, Whether or space due to the special needs not a Police Station could of the police department, co- exist compatibly with a Over $50,000 has already residential neighbourhood is been spent on turning the land but one of many questions into a park. Equipment , sod, that have been raised by the and trees have been installed City's proposals, 17- 19 Rupert Street over the last few years, as well Area residents can and do as a baseball diamond and have a say in such matters and Last summer, in an article entitled "Rupert Street Rumblings", the GLEBE REPORT brought climber equiprnent.
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