King Saud University College of

Electrical Engineering Department

Program Bulletin

1436-37 H – 2015-16 G


t gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to the website of the Department of Electrical Engineering (EE), King Saud University. With more than four I decades of continuous advancement in , and with the expertise of more than 55 full-time faculty members and 45 technical and supporting staff members, the department offers prominent programs which are highly reputed. Being one of the largest departments in the college of engineering, the department attracts more than 500 of the best undergraduate students in the Kingdom, and more than fourscore graduate (MS & PhD) high caliber students. A group of international students joins all programs of the department.

raduates of the undergraduate program get a degree with major in Electrical Engineering (EE). The program offers elective courses that allow students to get depth experience in one specialization area G in electrical engineering, in addition to breadth knowledge in other areas. The four specialization areas include: Electronics, Communication Systems, Electrical Power Engineering, and Automation and Intelligent Systems. The program equip the students with all required basic courses, in addition to advanced topics that cover emerging technologies such as VLSI design, nanoelectronics, electronic warfare, wireless communications, optical communication, satellite communication, renewable energy, smart grids, artificial intelligence, computer networks, and real-time systems. The diverse areas of specialty provide the graduates with very good job opportunities both in the governmental as well as in the private sectors throughout the Kingdom. The student experience is culminated by working as team on a senior design project for a full academic year.

raduate students conduct active research in various aspects of electrical engineering, under supervision of the faculty members. An MS student can choose a research topic of his thesis in one of G advanced fields of electrical engineering. MS students can also choose to have a non-thesis option program, in which they take two research courses as part of their curriculum. The department also offers a prominent PhD program that is designed to provide education and research Page | 1 ability to graduates who are competent in basic knowledge and research experience. PhD candidates have to pass a set of written and oral qualifying exams in basic and advanced topics of electrical engineering. After passing these exams, a PhD candidate conduct a research that leads to innovative contribution to the field of electrical engineering, using the state-of-the-art facilities in the department.

he Electrical Engineering Department is continuously updating the curricula of all programs to keep pace with the national and international norms. In this regard, the Department is continuously Tupgrading education and research laboratories and class-rooms in order to keep pace with the latest technology advancements.

he department has maintained close working relation with public and private sector industries including government agencies, telecommunication companies, power generation and production Tcompanies, electronics companies, and automation & control companies. Students are provided various scientific trips to these companies through the electrical engineering club. Undergraduate students also choose one company to have two-month practical training as part of the curriculum. The department also provides many services to the society. Faculty members participate in consulting work related to technical aspects of electrical engineering, in addition to educating the public through newspaper and magazine articles about new technologies and possible dangers associated with their mal-use. Faculty members also provide short courses to enhance the skills of engineers and technicians in government and industrial partners.

hope that this message would attract prospective students to join our prestigious program. For current students, you should be proud that you will be an engineer with KSU degree in EE, and you should make all I possible efforts to enhance the experience you gain from the program. You will be a live demonstration of the professional engineer model that you learn here, when you develop innovative solutions to engineering problems, abide to ethics, preserve the environment and become an influential engineer in your workplace. The EE program will then be proud to provide the society with successful alumni like you.

Dr. Abdulhameed M. Al-Sanie

Chairman of Electrical Engineering Department

Page | 2 A Message from Chairman


A Message from Chairman 1 Table of Contents 3 INTRODUCTION 4 VISION AND MISSION 5 Vision 5 Mission 5 Values 5 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS 5 Bachelor of Program 6 Program Objectives 6 Program Learning Outcomes 7 The Academic Plan 7 Master of Science Program in Electrical Engineering 17 Electronics 18 Communications 19 Electrical Machines and Power Electronics 20 Electrical Power 20 Control Systems and Computers 21 Degree Requirements for M. Sc. (Non-Thesis Option) Program 22 PhD Program in Electrical Engineering 27 Electronics 27 Communications 28 Electrical Machines and Power Electronics 28 Electrical Power 28 Control Systems and Computers 29 FACULTY 30 LABORATORIES 38 RESEARCH UNITS 39 DEPARTMENT COMMITTEES 39 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS & REGULATIONS 40 Admission of Students 40 Student and Course Transfer 40 Students Allocation to College Departments 41 Practical Training 42 APPENDIX – A: Laboratories 43

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The Department of Electrical Engineering has been in the forefront of the educational development process at King Saud University till date. Ever since its inception, the department has effectively contributed to the rapid development of the educational system in the Kingdom by striving to offer graduates who are qualified to play a vital role in all development plans of the country and hold key positions in all governmental and private sectors. As is understood by its faculty and staff members, the main objective of the Electrical Engineering Department is to educate highly specialized and qualified electrical engineers in different fields of electrical engineering who are capable of enhancing the rapid industrial, economic, and social development, taking place in . Accordingly, the Department educates and prepares engineers on electrical power and the responsibilities associated in electrical power engineering stations, substations and high voltage transmission networks. The Electrical Engineering Department also teaches students the issues pertaining to the design, development and analysis of different types of electrical generators and motors in addition to their operation, maintenance and control through extensive knowledge of power electronics. In addition, the Department qualifies electrical communication engineers capable of designing, developing, operating and maintaining networks including antenna systems, satellite, microwave and digital communications, in addition to signal processing. On the other hand, the Department also teaches electronics in order to design, and maintain the electronic circuits and systems used in the fields of communication, automatic control and computers along with other systems of civilian or military nature. Moreover, the Department prepares system engineers who are trained in the design and management of control systems using computers to operate and maintain various processes and fulfill other applications.

The Department is fully equipped with advanced facilities and high-quality laboratories that cover all aspects of electrical engineering. These facilities are subjected to a continuous upgrades and improvements in order to keep pace with the latest technology requirements. The diverse areas of specialty associated with electrical engineering provide the graduates with very good job opportunities both in the governmental and in the private sectors throughout the Kingdom.



Vision The vision of the Electrical Engineering Program is to contribute to improving the society by promoting the electrical engineering profession through providing qualified engineers who can perform and manage; learn and accumulate experience; respond to changes; create and contribute to knowledge; and provide innovative products and services.

Mission The mission of the Electrical Engineering Program is to attain excellence in quality of electrical engineering education; provide the society with highly qualified electrical engineers to meet the industry challenges during the 21st century; and serve the society through involvement in knowledge sharing outreach and professional activities that include innovative research and developing new technologies.

Values The Department of Electrical Engineering operates according to the spirit of the following four values:

1. To manage with quality and efficiency and to emphasize cooperation, ethical values, and trust. 2. To treat individuals with dignity and respect and to value diversity. 3. To support distinction and to encourage creativity. 4. To focus on the well-being of the society and to protect humanity.


The department offers a carefully designed undergraduate program with a Major in Electrical Engineering (EE). It has the following four specialized areas: 1. Electronics, 2. Communication Systems, 3. Electrical Power Engineering, 4. Automation and Intelligent Systems.

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The Department also offers Master’s programs (Non-thesis and thesis options) in the following areas of specialization: 1- Electronics 2- Communications 3- Electrical Power 4- Control Systems and Computers

Ph. D. programs in the following specializations are also offered by the Department: 1. Electronics. 2. Electromagnetic Waves and Communication. 3. Electrical Machines and Power Electronics. 4. Electrical Power and High Voltage Systems.

Degrees awarded by the department  Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.  Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (Non-thesis and thesis options).  PhD in Electrical Engineering


Program Objectives The following objectives have been set: 1- Provide well-tailored and progressive sequence of subjects in which emphasis is placed on sound fundamentals of engineering principles. 2- Emphasize on the application of science and in the core courses. 3- Utilize modern teaching software tools and laboratory equipment in engineering analysis and design. 4- Emphasize on reasoning and application of knowledge in problem solving and self-reliance. 5- Apply engineering concepts & principles in multi-disciplinary surroundings, projects and teamwork. 6- Promote the effective oral and written communications skills through reports and projects.

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7- Emphasize on professional, cultural, ethical and community responsibilities through trainings. 8- Keep students aware of the contemporary and global issues by continuously providing them with current information. 9- Keep students aware of safety issues related to different engineering topics and the impact of it on the environment. 10- Emphasize on importance of life-long learning. 11- Empower and foster an environment to encourage the department research. 12- Select qualified faculty members who are up-to-date with industrial and community issues, and who are active in conducting consultations, participating in seminars, conferences and short courses.

Program Learning Outcomes LABEL Program Learning Outcomes An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and A engineering Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to B analyze and interpret data Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, C environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability D Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams E Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems F Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility G Ability to communicate effectively Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, H environmental, economic, and societal context Recognize of the need for, and an ability to engage in life- I long learning J Knowledge of contemporary issues Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering K tools necessary for Engineering practice.

The Academic Plan This program was carefully designed to provide more opportunities and less restriction by allowing students to have breadth of knowledge in important areas Page | 7 of modern electrical engineering and at the same time ensure that the graduates have sufficient depth to begin professional work with confidence in at least one of the disciplines. The B.S. program is a four-year (eight-semesters) program, preceded by a two-semester preparatory year.

Preparatory Year The preparatory year aims at enhancing the skills of the student through intense English courses and courses that improve their communication and computer skills. The table below illustrates the modules studied during the preparatory year. Preparatory Year requirement is given in Table 1 below:

Level 1 Level 2 Course Course Course Title Hr. Course Title Hr. Code Code

MATH Introduction to MATH Differential 2(2-1-0) 3(3-1-0) 140 Mathematics 150 Calculus

ENGL English Language ENGL English 8(20-0-0) 8(20-0-0) 140 (1) 150 Language (2)

Health Health & Fitness 1(1-1-0) IT 140 Computer Skills 3(0-0-6) 150

Learning, Thinking Communication 3(3-1-0) 2(2-1-0) CI 140 and Research Skills SCS 140 Skills

ENT Entrepreneurship 1(1-1-0) 101

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Course Requirements After successfully passing the preparatory year and to complete the graduation requirements for a B.S. in Electrical Engineering, the students are required to Page | 8 Bachelor of Science Program successfully pass a total of 132 credit hours (Table 2). The program is divided into:  12 credit hours of University requirements (Table 3).  51 credit hours of College requirements (Table 4) of which 38 credit hours are compulsory courses for all departments (Table 4A) and 13 credit hours of complementary courses (Table 4B).  69 credit hours of departmental requirements (Table 5) of which 42 credit hours are core courses (Table 5A), 4 credit hours of graduation project (Table 5B) and 23 credit hours of elective courses (Table 5C).  The 23 cr. hr. elective courses are divided into two groups: Depth courses (17 cr. hr.) that are to be selected from one of the specialized areas offered by the department and Breadth courses (6 cr. hr.) that are to be selected from two areas other than the student’s area of specialization (Tables 6A to 6D inclusive). Senior Capstone Design Project Requirements The design project is divided into two parts (2 credit hours each). The student is eligible to register for Senior Design Project -1 if he completes successfully at least 100 credit hours excluding preparatory year. Senior Design Project -2 can be taken during the first and second semesters only (not during summer semester).

Practical Training Requirements Prior to graduation, after completion of at least 65 Cr. Hr. after preparatory year, each Electrical Engineering major must complete an approved Engineering Summer Training Program. Summer training extends over a period of 10 weeks excluding weekends and official holidays, and must be undertaken in companies or establishments accepted by the college. The student’s performance is evaluated by the training company and by both the Department and College coordinators.

Table 2 SUMMARY OF B.S. DEGREE REQUIREMENTS IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Requirements Cr. Hr. Description University 12 Islamic (8) and Arabic (4) Studies College 51 Compulsory (41), Complementary (10) Department 69 Core (42), Projects (4) and Electives (23) Total 132

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Table 3 UNIVERSITY REQUIREMENTS Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. IC 101 Introduction to Islamic Culture 2(2,0,0) IC 102 Islam and Society 2(2,0,0) IC 103 The Islamic Economic System 2(2,0,0) IC 104 Fundamentals of the Islamic Political System 2(2,0,0) ARAB 101 Language Skills 2(2,0,0) ARAB 103 Arabic Basic Writing 2(2,0,0) Total 12

Table 4 COLLEGE REQUIREMENTS Table 4A COMPULSORY COURSES Course Cr. Requisites Course Title Code Hr. Pre- Co- MATH Integral Calculus 3(3,2,0)(X,Y, MATH 150 106MATH Vectors and Matrices 3(3,2,0)L) MATH 150 107 MATH 106 MATH Differential and Integral Calculus 3(3,2,0) MATH 107 203 MATH Differential Equations 3(3,2,0) MATH 203 204STAT Engineering Probability and 3(2,2,0) PHYS324 GeneralStatistics (1) 4(3,0,2) PHYS103 General Physics (2) 4(3,0,2) 104CHEM General (1) 4(3,0,2) ENGL101 Technical Writing 3(3,0,0) ENGL107 Communication Skills for 3(3,0,0) GE108 104 BasicsEngineers of Engineering Drawing 3(2,0,2) MATH 106 GE 201 Statics 3(3,1,0) MATH 107 GE 404 Engineering Management 2(2,1,0) T 41 o Table 4B COMPLEMENTARYt COURSES a Course Course Title l Cr. Requisit Code Hr. Pre- es Co- GE 105 Introduction to Engineering Design 2(1,1,2)(X,Y,L GE 104 GE 211 Computer Programming in “C++” 3(2,0,2)) GE 403 Engineering Economy 2(2,1,0) MATH Linear Algebra 3(3,2,0) MATH 244 o 10710 t Page | 10 Bachelor of Science Program a l

Table 5: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS Table 5A: CORE COURSES Course Cr. Hr. Requisites Course Title Code (X,Y,L) Pre- Co- EE 201 Fundamentals of Electric 3(3,1,0) MATH 106 EE 205 ElectricCircuits Circuits Laboratory 1(0,0,2) EE 212 EE 208 Logic Design 3(3,1,0) EE 210 Logic Design Laboratory 1(0,0,2) EE 208 EE 211 Computational Techniques in 3(2,0,2) GE 211 MATH 244 Electrical Eng. EE 201 EE 212 Electric Circuit Analysis 2(2,1,0) MATH 107 MATH 203 EE 213 Engineering Electromagnetics 3(3,1,0) PHYS 104 (1) EE 214 Engineering Electromagnetics 2(2,1,0) EE 213 EE 301 Signals(2) and Systems Analysis 3(3,1,0) EE 212 EE 310 Microelectronic Devices and 3(3,1,0) EE 201 EE 312 BasicCircuits Electronics Laboratory 1(0,0,2) EE 310 EE 320 Communications Principles 3(3,1,0) EE 301 EE 212 Electromechanical Energy EE 330 3(3,1,0) EE 213 Conversion (1) EE 340 Fundamentals of Power 3(3,1,0) EE 212 EE 351 AutomaticSystems Control 3(3,1,0) EE 301 EE 353 Introduction to 3(3,1,0) EE 208 EE 356 ControlMicroprocessors and Instrumentation 1(0,0,2) EE 351 EE 357 MicroprocessorLaboratory and 1(0,0,2) EE 353 Microcontroller LaboratoryTotal 42

(X,Y,L) X = Lectures; Y = Tutorials; L = Lab.

Table 5B: SENIOR DESIGN PROJECTS Course Requisites Course Title Cr. Hr. Code Pre- Co- Complete EE 496 Graduation Project -1 2 131 credits EE 497 Graduation Project -2 2 EE 496 Total 4 Page | 11

Table 5C: ELECTIVE COURSES Each student is required to take 17 cr. hr. from ONE of the four Specialized Areas (Depth) in addition to 6 cr. hr. from TWO other areas (Breadth) Elective Module Cr. Hr. Specialized Area Elective Module (Depth) 17 Other Areas Elective Courses (Breadth) 6 Total 23

Table 6: ELECTIVE COURSES OF SPECIALIZED AREAS Each student is required to take 17 cr. hr. from ONE of the four Specialized Areas (Depth) in addition to 6 cr. hr. from TWO other areas (Breadth)

Table 6A: ELECTRONICS Course Cr. Hr. Requisites Course Title Code (X,Y,L) Pre- Co- EE 401 Introduction to Electronic Circuits 3(3,1,0) EE EE 402 Electronic Circuits Laboratory 1(0,0,2) 310 EE EE 403 Semiconductor Devices 3(3,1,0) EE 401 EE 404 Solar Cells and Photovoltaic Systems 3(3,1,0) 310EE EE 405 VLSI Circuit Design 3(3,1,0) 310EE EE 406 VLSI Design Laboratory 1(0,0,2) 310 EE405 EE 407 Electronic Communication Circuits 3(3,1,0) EE EE 408 VLSI Technology and Fabrication 3(3,1,0) 401EE EE 409 Electronic Instrumentation 3(3,1,0) 310EE EE 410 Optoelectronic Devices and Systems 3(3,1,0) 401EE EE 412 Low Power VLSI Design 3(3,1,0) 310EE EE 415 Principles of Nanoelectronics 3(3,1,0) 405EE EE 419 Introduction to Electronic Warfare 3(3,1,0) 403EE 401

Table 6B: COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Course Cr. Hr. Requisites Course Title Code (X,Y,L) Pre- Co- EE 420 Digital Signal Processing 3(3,1,0) EE 301 EE EE 421 Communications Laboratory 2(0,0,4) 214 EE Page | 12 Bachelor of Science Program 320

EE 422 Digital Communications 3(3,1,0) EE 320 EE 423 Wave Propagation and Antennas 3(3,1,0) EE 214 EE 425 Satellite Communications 3(3,1,0) EE 423 EE 426 Microwave Engineering 3(3,1,0) EE 214 EE 427 Information Theory 3(3,1,0) STAT EE 428 Error Correcting Coding for 3(3,1,0) EE324 422 Communication Systems EE 422 EE 463 Wireless Communications 3(3,1,0) EE 423 EE 464 Optical Communications 3(3,1,0) EE 423 Selected Topics in Communications Instructor and EE 468 3(3,1,0) and Signal Department Processing InstructorApproval and Selected Topics in Engineering EE 469 3(3,1,0) Department Electromagnetics Approval

Table 6C: ELECTRICAL POWER ENGINEERING Course Cr. Hr. Requisites Course Title Code (X,Y,L) Pre- Co- EE 431 Electromechanical Energy Conversion 2(2,1,0) EE EE 432 Power(2) Electronics 3(3,1,0) 330EE EE 433 Electromechanical Energy Conversion 1(0,0,2) 310 EE Laboratory EE 431 EE 435 Electric Drives 3(3,1,0) 330 EE 436 Electrical Machine Dynamics and 3(3,1,0) EEEE EE 441 PowerStability System Analysis 3(3,1,0) 432330EE EE 443 Power System Operation and Control 3(3,1,0) 340EE EE 444 Power System Planning 3(3,1,0) 441EE EE 445 Electrical Power Laboratory 2(0,0,4) 340 EE EE 446 High Voltage Engineering 3(3,1,0) EE 441 EE 447 Electricity Market and Energy 3(3,1,0) 340EE EE 448 PowerTransactions Distribution Systems 3(3,1,0) 441EE EE 449 Power System Protection 3(3,1,0) 340EE EE441 EE 470 Renewable Energy Engineering 3(3,1,0) 310 EE 475 Power System Grounding 3(3,1,0) EEEE 340Instructor340 and EE 479 Selected Topics in Electrical Power 3(3,1,0) Department Engineering Approval

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Table 6D: AUTOMATION AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Course Cr. Hr. Requisites Course Title Code (X,Y,L) Pre- Co- EE 450 Computer Organization 3(3,1,0) EE 357 EE 453 Microprocessor and Embedded System 3(3,1,0) EE 357 EE 454 AdvancedDesign Control Systems 3(3,1,0) EE 351 EE 456 Automatic Control Applications 3(3,1,0) EE 351 EE 457 Applied Control Laboratory 1(0,0,2) EE EE 458 Advanced Logic Design 3(3,1,0) EE 210 456 EE 459 Advanced Logic Design Laboratory 1(0,0,2) EE EE 480 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3(3,1,0) EE 351 458 EE 481 Real Time System Design 3(3,1,0) EE 357 EE 482 Communication Networks 3(3,1,0) EE 320 EE 483 Digital Control Systems 3(3,1,0) EE 351 (X,Y,L) X = Lectures; Y = Tutorials; L = Lab. Table 7: RECOMMENDED SEMESTER SCHEDULE

Level 3* Level 4

Cr. Hr. Pre- Cours Cr. Pre- Cours Course (X,Y,L) Hr. requisit e Course Title requisit e Code Title (X,Y,L e Code ) e CHEM General 4(3,0,2 ARAB Language 2(2,0,0) 101 Chemistr ) 101 Skills y (1) ENGL 3(3,0,0 Communicatio 3(3,0,0) Technica ENGL 107 ) n Skills for l Writing 108 Engineers 3(3,2,0 3(2,0,2) Basics of MATH Integral ) GE MATH 150 Engineering 106 Calculus 104 Drawing

Vectors 3(3,2,0 Ethics of the 2(2,0,0) MATH and ) MATH 150 IC 107 Profession in 107 Matrices Islam General 4(3,0,2 Differential MATH PHYS MAT Physics ) and Integral 3(3,2,0) 106 103 H 203 (1) Calculus MATH 107 4(3,0,2) Total 17 PHYS General 104 Physics (2) Total 17 Page | 14 Bachelor of Science Program

Level 5 Level 6 Cr. Cr. Cour Pre- Cour Pre- Hr. Hr. se Course Title requis se Course Title requis (X,Y, (X,Y, Code ite Code ite L) L) Fundamentals Electric MATH EE 201 of Electric 3(3,1,0) EE 205 Circuits 1(0,0,2) c 106 EE 212 Circuits Laboratory

3(3,1,0) MATH 3(3,1,0) EE 213 Engineering EE 208 Logic Design Electromagnet 203 PHYS Introductionics (1) to Computation 3(2,0,2) GE 211 GE 105 2(1,1,2) 104GE 104 EE 211 MATH Engineering al 244c Design MATH Techniques 2(2,1,0) EE 201 GE 201 Statics 3(3,1,0) EE 212 Electric 106 Circuitin EE MATH MATH EE 214 Analysis 2(2,1,0) 107 Computer 107 Engineering GE 211 Programming 3(2,0,2) Electromagn EE 213 in “C++” etics (2)

3(3,2,0) Optional MATH Differential MATH IC 1xx Islamic 2(2,0,0) 204 Equations 203 Course

Total 17 MATH Linear 3(3,2, MATH 244 Algebra 0) 107

Total 16

Level 7 Level 8

Cr. Co Cr. Cou Hr. Pre- urs Hr. Pre- rse Course Title (X,Y,L requisit e Course Title (X,Y, requi Cod ) e Co L) site e de

ARAB Expository 2(2,0,0) EE Communicatio 3(3,1, EE 301 103 Writing 320 ns Principles 0)

1(0,0,2) EE 208 3(3,1, EE 210 Logic Design EE Fundamentals EE 212 of Power 0) Laboratory 340 Systems

Signals and 3(3,1,0) EE 201 3(3,1, EE 301 EE EE 301 Systems Automatic 0) 351 Control Analysis

Microelectroni 3(3,1,0) EE 201 Control and EE 1(0,0, EE 351 EE 310 c Devices and Instrumentatio 356 2) c Circuits n Laboratory

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Basic 1(0,0,2) Microprocesso EE r and EE 312 Electronics EE 310 c 1(0,0,2) EE 353 357 Microcontrolle Laboratory r Lab

Electromechan EE 212 IC Optional 2(2,0, EE 330 ical Energy 3(3,1,0) EE 213 1xx Islamic Course 0) Conversion (1) Introduction to STA Engineering 3(2,2, 3(3,1,0) EE 208 EE 353 Microprocesso T Probability 0) rs 324 and Total 16 Total 16

Level 9 Level 10 Cr. Cr. Cours Cours Course Hr. Pre- Hr. Pre- e Course Title requisit e Code Title (X,Y, requisite (X,Y Code e L) ,L) Graduati EE Comp. 131 EE Graduation on 2 2 EE 496 credits Project-2 496 Project-1 497 Specializ EE Specialized EE ed Refer to EE Refer to 13 Elective 10 Elective Table 5 4xx Table 5 4xx Course Courses Engineeri GE 2(2,1,0 GE Engineering 2(2,1 ng ) Management ,0) 403 Economy 404 Optional 2(2,0 IC 1xx Islamic Course ,0) Total 17 EE Summer Complet 0 e 96 999 Training credits c Co-requisite Total 16

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Please refer to the department website at:

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The Electrical Engineering Department offers graduate programs leading to the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering. The program has been designed to reflect the modern trends and developments in the Electrical Engineering curricula. The program is available with the following options in several specializations: - Thesis Option. - Non-Thesis Option.

Aims of the Master Program: - Offering specialized courses for electrical engineers. - Development of production and service sectors in the Kingdom. - Combining the university with industrial and technical sectors into common research programs. - Promoting scientific and applied researches particularly that are related to development requirements of the kingdom. Requirements for MSc (Thesis Option) Degree Program: 1. Completing 24 credit hours of course work from the approved graduate courses as follows: - 9 credit hours of common courses. - 15 credit hours of specialized electrical engineering courses following the Departmental regulations. 2. The student must successfully complete and defend a thesis on a selected research topic in the area of specialization.

Common Courses Course Code Course Title Credit hours

GE 501 Computer Simulation of Engineering Systems 3 (3,0) EE 502 Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems 3 (3,0) Math 505 Numerical Linear Algebra 3 (3,0)

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Course Credit Level Course Title Code hours GE 501 Computer Simulation of Engineering Systems 3 EE 503 Advanced Digital Circuit Design 3 I Math Numerical Linear Algebra 3 505 EE 502 Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems 3 II EE 504 Electronic Devices 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 1-A* 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 1-A* 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 1-A or 3 List 1-B * List 1-A EE 506 Advanced Analysis of Electronic Circuits EE 507 VLSI Design EE 508 Optoelectronics EE 509 Embedded Systems EE 510 Data Communication Integrated Circuits EE 512 Applications of Integrated Circuits III EE 515 Microwave Electronics EE 516 Selected Topics in Electronics EE 517 VLSI Fabrication Technology EE 519 System on Chip List 1-B EE 524 Communication Networks EE 526 Optical Communications EE 528 Digital Communications EE 550 Internet Technologies and E-Services EE 552 Advanced Microprocessors and their Applications EE 553 Computer Organization and Architecture EE 575 Mobile Communications EE 600 Thesis -

* This course is selected by the department according to its capabilities and circumstances.

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Course Credit Level Course Title Code hours GE 501 Computer Simulation of Engineering Systems 3 EE 521 Electromagnetic Fields 3 I Math Numerical Linear Algebra 3 505 EE 502 Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems 3 II EE 528 Digital Communications 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 2-A* 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 2-A* 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 2-A or 3 List 2-B * List 2-A EE 524 Communication Networks EE 526 Optical Communications EE 571 Digital Image Processing EE 572 Satellite Communications EE 573 Information Theory EE 574 Error Correcting Coding for Communication Systems EE 575 Mobile Communications III EE 576 Selected Topics in Communications and Signal Processing EE 577 Selected Topics in Electromagnetic waves and Microwave Engineering List 2-B EE 508 Optoelectronics EE 510 Data Communication Integrated Circuits EE 515 Microwave Electronics EE 550 Internet Technologies and E-Services EE 551 Computer Controlled Systems EE 559 Intelligent Control Systems EE 585 Power System Operation and Control

EE 600 Thesis -

* This course is selected by the department according to its capabilities and circumstances.

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Electrical Machines and Power Electronics

Course Credit Level Course Title Code hours GE 501 Computer Simulation of Engineering systems 3 EE 532 The Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines I Math Numerical Linear algebra 3 505 3 EE 502 Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems 3 II EE 534 Power Semiconductor Converters 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 3-A* EE --- Course selected by the department from List 3-A* 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 3-A or 3 List 3-B * 3 List 3-A EE 530 Design of Electrical Machines EE 531 Advanced Theory of Electrical Machines III EE 533 Electrical Machine Dynamics EE 535 Selected Topics in Electrical Machines EE 536 Electrical Machines for Special Purposes EE 537 Selected Topics in Power Electronics List 3-B EE 548 Power System Protection EE 552 Advanced Microprocessors and their Applications EE 600 Thesis -

* This course is selected by the department according to its capabilities and circumstances.

Electrical Power

Course Credit Level Course Title Code hours GE 501 Computer Simulation of Engineering systems 3 EE 585 Power System Operation and Control I Math Numerical Linear algebra 3 505 3 EE 502 Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems 3 II EE 546 High Voltage Test Techniques 3

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EE --- Course selected by the department from List 4-A* EE --- Course selected by the department from List 4-A* 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 4-A or 3 List 4-B * 3 List 4-A EE 544 Reliability Evaluation and Power System Planning EE 547 Selected Topics in Power Systems EE 548 Power System Protection EE 549 Power System Dynamics EE 581 High Voltage Transmission Systems III EE 582 Power System Transients EE 583 Distribution System Engineering List 4-B EE 509 Embedded Systems EE 524 Communication Networks EE 533 Electrical Machine Dynamics EE 534 Power Semiconductor Converters EE 552 Advanced Microprocessors and their Applications EE 559 Intelligent Control Systems EE 560 Advanced Control Techniques EE 600 Thesis - * This course is selected by the department according to its capabilities and circumstances.

Control Systems and Computers

Course Credit Level Course Title Code hours GE 501 Computer Simulation of Engineering systems 3 EE 551 Computer Controlled Systems 3 I Math Numerical Linear algebra 3 505 EE 502 Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems 3 II EE 552 Advanced Microprocessors and their 3 Applications EE --- Course selected by the department from List 5- 3 EE --- A* 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 5- 3 III A* Course selected by the department from List 5- A or List 5-B *

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List 5-A EE 550 Internet Technologies and E- Services EE 553 Computer Organization and Architecture EE 554 Performance Evaluations of Computing Systems EE 557 Linear Systems EE 559 Intelligent Control Systems EE 560 Advanced Control Techniques EE 561 Selected Topics in Computers EE 562 Selected Topics in Control List 5-B EE 509 Embedded Systems EE 524 Communication Networks EE 536 Electrical Machines for Special Purposes EE 571 Digital Image Processing EE 573 Information Theory EE 600 Thesis -

* This course is selected by the department according to its capabilities and circumstances. Degree Requirements for M. Sc. (Non-Thesis Option) Program 1. Completing 36 credit hours of course work from the approved graduate courses as follows: - 9 credit hours of common courses. - 27 credit hours of specialized electrical engineering courses following the Departmental regulations. 2. The student must successfully complete a research project, which comprises two parts (EE598 & EE599), each having 3 credit hours. Each part is graded pass/fail. Common Courses Course Code Course Title Credit hours

GE 501 Computer Simulation of Engineering Systems 3 (3,0) EE 502 Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems 3 (3,0)

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Math 505 Numerical Linear Algebra 3 (3,0)

1- Electronics (Non-Thesis) Course Credit Level Course Title Code hours GE 501 Computer Simulation of Engineering Systems 3 EE 503 Advanced Digital Circuit Design 3 I Math Numerical Linear Algebra 3 505 EE 502 Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems 3 II EE 504 Electronic Devices 3 EE 506 Advanced Analysis of Electronic Circuits 3 EE 507 VLSI Design 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 1- 3 III EE --- A* 3 Course selected by the department from List 1- A* EE 598 Research Project (1) 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 1- 3 IV EE --- A* 3 Course selected by the department from List 1- A or List 1-B * EE 599 Research Project (2) 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 1- 3 A or List 1-B * List 1-A EE 508 Optoelectronics EE 509 Embedded Systems EE 510 Data Communication ICs EE 512 Applications of Integrated Circuits V EE 515 Microwave Electronics EE 516 Selected Topics in Electronics EE 517 VLSI Fabrication Technology EE 519 System on Chip List 1-B EE 524 Communication Networks EE 526 Optical Communications EE 528 Digital Communications EE 550 Internet Technologies and E- Services Page | 23

EE 552 Advanced Microprocessors and their Applications EE 553 Computer Organization and Architecture EE 575 Mobile Communications

* This course is selected by the department according to its capabilities and circumstances.

2- Communications (Non-Thesis) Course Credit Level Course Title Code hours GE 501 Computer Simulation of Engineering Systems 3 EE 521 Electromagnetic Fields 3 I Math Numerical Linear Algebra 3 505 EE 502 Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems 3 II EE 528 Digital Communications 3 EE 571 Digital Image Processing 3 EE 524 Communication Networks 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 2- 3 III EE --- A* 3 Course selected by the department from List 2- A* EE 598 Research Project (1) 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 2- 3 IV EE --- A* 3 Course selected by the department from List 2- A or List 2-B * EE 599 Research Project (2) 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 2- 3 A or List 2-B * List 2-A EE 526 Optical Communications EE 572 Satellite Communications V EE 573 Information Theory EE 574 Error Correcting Coding for Communication Systems EE 575 Mobile Communications EE 576 Selected Topics in Communications and Signal Processing

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EE 577 Selected Topics in Electromagnetic waves and Microwave Engineering List 2-B EE 508 Optoelectronics EE 510 Data Communication ICs EE 515 Microwave Electronics EE 550 Internet Technologies and E- Services EE 551 Computer Controlled Systems EE 559 Intelligent Control Systems EE 585 Power System Operation and Control

* This course is selected by the department according to its capabilities and circumstances.

3- Electrical Power (Non-Thesis) Course Credit Level Course Title Code hours GE 501 Computer Simulation of Engineering Systems 3 I EE 585 Power System Operation and Control 3 Math 505 Numerical Linear Algebra 3 EE 502 Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems 3 II EE 534 Power Semiconductor Converters 3 EE 546 High Voltage Test Techniques 3 EE 544 Reliability Evaluation and Power System Planning 3 III EE --- Course selected by the department from List 3-A* 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 3-A* 3 EE 598 Research Project (1) 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 3-A* 3 IV EE --- Course selected by the department from List 3-A or List 3 3-B * EE 599 Research Project (2) 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 3-A or List 3 3-B * List 3-A EE 531 Advanced Theory of Electrical Machines V EE 533 Electrical Machine Dynamics EE 536 Electrical Machines for Special Purposes EE 547 Selected Topics in Power Systems EE 548 Power System Protection EE 549 Power System Dynamics EE 581 High Voltage Transmission Systems EE 582 Power System Transients Page | 25

EE 583 Distribution System Engineering List 3-B EE 509 Embedded Systems EE 524 Communication Networks EE 551 Computer Controlled Systems EE 552 Advanced Microprocessors and their Applications EE 559 Intelligent Control Systems EE 560 Advanced Control Techniques

* This course is selected by the department according to its capabilities and circumstances.

4- Control Systems and Computers (Non-Thesis) Lev Course Credit Course Title el Code hours GE 501 Computer Simulation of Engineering Systems 3 I EE 551 Computer Controlled Systems 3 Math 505 Numerical Linear Algebra 3 EE 502 Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems 3 II EE 552 Advanced Microprocessors and their Applications 3 EE 553 Computer Organization and Architecture 3 EE 557 Linear Systems 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 4-A* 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 4-A* 3 EE 598 Research Project (1) 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 4-A* 3 IV EE --- Course selected by the department from List 4-A or List 3 4-B * EE 599 Research Project (2) 3 EE --- Course selected by the department from List 4-A or List 3 4-B * List 4-A EE 550 Internet Technologies and E-Services EE 554 Performance Evaluations of Computing Systems EE 559 Intelligent Control Systems V EE 560 Advanced Control Techniques EE 561 Selected Topics in Computers EE 562 Selected Topics in Control List 4-B EE 509 Embedded Systems EE 524 Communication Networks EE 536 Electrical Machines for Special Purposes EE 571 Digital Image Processing EE 573 Information Theory Page | 26 Master of Science Program

* This course is selected by the department according to its capabilities and circumstances.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Please refer to the department website at:


Electrical Engineering is a fast changing profession and there are rapid advances in research and development of different specialization of electro technology. To cope with such advancements, some electrical engineers usually need a much higher level of education and training. The Ph.D. program was initiated in the Electrical Engineering Department in 1412H (1991G). This program responds to the needs of national research and development centers for highly qualified specialists in electrical engineering capable of effective contributions to complex scientific and technical projects.

A good deal of the scientific thesis work of graduate students deals with advanced research, development and application problems in various fields of electrical engineering. The Department has directed its research abilities so as to benefit from the rapid advances in all fields in electrical engineering to match the needs and requirements of the development plans of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Degree Requirements

1. Completing 18 credit hours of course work from the approved Post Graduate (Ph.D.) Courses. 2. Passing the Ph.D. qualifying comprehensive exam. 3. Satisfactory completion of the Ph.D. thesis. The student can register in the Ph.D. thesis only after he passes the qualifying comprehensive examination. He also has to meet residency requirements.

The available PhD courses, in different specializations, are given below.

Electronics  EE 610 Semiconductor Characterization Techniques Page | 27

 EE 611 Semiconductor Device Modelling  EE 612 Design and Technology of Solar Cells  EE 613 Design and Application of Photovoltaic Systems  EE 614 MOS Devices for Advanced VLSI  EE 615 Analysis and Design of VLSI Circuits  EE 616 VLSI Layout and Processing  EE 617 Layout Design of Bipolar Integrated Circuits  EE 618 VLSI for Fast Processing Systems  EE 619 Advanced Topics in Electronics

Communications  EE 620 Signal Detection and Estimation  EE 621 Channel Coding Theorem  EE 622 Advanced Digital Communications  EE 623 Digital Signal Processing  EE 624 Antenna Theory and Design  EE 625 Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves  EE 626 Secure Communication Systems  EE 627 Advanced Network Planning and Tele-traffic Engineering  EE 628 Radar Systems  EE 629 Advanced Topics in Communications

Electrical Machines and Power Electronics  EE 630 Advanced Theory of Electro-Mechanical Energy Conversion  EE 631 Computer Aided Analysis of Electrical Machines  EE 632 Special Types of Electrical Machinery  EE 633 Computational Methods in Electromagnetics  EE 634 New Concepts in Electric Machine Design  EE 635 Voltage and Frequency Converter Systems  EE 636 Special Drives and Reactive Power Control  EE 637 Advanced Topics in Drives & Power Electronics  EE638 Linear Electric Machines

Electrical Power  EE 640 Large Scale System Analysis  EE 641 Stability of Large Power Systems  EE 642 Power System Operation and Security Page | 28 PhD Program in Electrical Engineering

 EE 643 Optimal Power System Planning  EE 644 Reliability Evaluation of Power System  EE 645 Electromagnetic Transients in Power System  EE 646 Advanced Power System Protection  EE 647 High Voltage Insulation  EE 648 Corona and Field Effects of High Voltage Systems  EE 649 Advances in Power System

Control Systems and Computers  EE 650 Artificial Intelligence in Engineering  EE 651 Parallel Processing and Programming  EE 652 Computer Network Protocols  EE 653 Computer Vision and Image Processing  EE 654 Microprocessor Based Instrumentation & Control  EE 655 Digital Control Systems  EE 656 Non-linear Control Systems  EE 657 Stochastic Control Systems  EE 658 Adaptive and Learning Control Systems  EE 659 Advanced Topics in Computer & Control Seminar Courses and Thesis  EE 661 Seminar (1)  EE 662 Seminar (2)  EE 663 Seminar (3)  EE 700 Ph.D. Research

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Please refer to the department website at:

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The Electrical Engineering Department currently has 51 faculty members holding Ph.D. in different electrical engineering disciplines. Out of these, there are 18 Professors, 18 Associate Professors and 15 Assistant Professors. In addition, the department has 5 Lecturers and 12 Teaching Assistants. In addition there are many Technicians, Research Assistants, and Engineers working in the different labs.  Chairman: Dr. Abdulhameed M. Al-Sanie  Professors No. Name Major Area University E-mail 1 Adnan S. Systems [email protected] Nouh Engineering, Carnegie Mellon Signal Processing, University, USA, Digital System, 1973 Pattern Recognition 2 Nazar Hussain High Voltage [email protected] Malik Components and University of Systems, Windsor, Electrical Power Canada, 1979 Systems, Electrical Insulation 3 Abdulrahman Electrical University of [email protected] I. Alolah Machines, Power Bradford, UK, Electronics 1986 4 Abdullah M. University of [email protected] Power System Shaalan Manchester, UK, Planning. 1984. 5 Abdurahman Power [email protected] A. Al-Arainy Engineering, High Voltage Insulation University of and Testing, EM Toronto, Interference, Canada, 1982 Insulation Coordination 6 Mohammed Al Electronic Circuits, Syracuse [email protected] Turaigi Parallel University, USA, Processing. 1983 7 Saad M. Power System University of [email protected] Alghuwainem Engineering Power Michigan, Ann Page | 30 FACULTY

System Protection, Arbor, USA, Renewable Energy 1986. Systems. 8 Khaled E. Power Electronics [email protected] Addoweesh and Electrical Drives, Microprocessor University of Applications, AC Bradford, UK, Choppers, 1986 Dynamic Modeling of AC Machines 9 Shuja Ahmed Microelectronics, University of [email protected] Abbasi VLSI Technology Southampton, and Design. UK, 1980 10 Abdulaziz S. Communication [email protected] Alruwais Networks, Ohio State Electronic University, Warfare, Radar USA, 1982. and Laser Systems. 11 Abdulrahman University of [email protected] Microelectronics M. Alamoud West Virginia, and Photovoltaics. USA, 1984. 12 Khalid Al- University of [email protected] Modern Mashouq Sothern Communication California, USA, Systems 1991. 13 Saleh A. University of [email protected] Statistical Signal ALshebeili Toronto, Canada, Processing. 1992. 14 Adel Artificial [email protected] Abdennour Intelligence, Penn State Control Systems, University, USA, Image 1996. Processing, System Simulations. 15 Abdullah M. Microprocessor- [email protected] Alsuwailem based System Bradford Design, University, UK, Programmable 1986. Digital System Design. 16 Abdel Fattah Microwave [email protected] University de Sheta Engineering, Bretagne Microstrip Occidental, Antennas for Page | 31

Wireless Brest, France, Applications, MIC 1996. and MMIC Components 17 Majeed A. Modern [email protected] Alkanhal Communication and Wireless Systems, Electromagnetic Syracuse Scattering, University, USA, Propagation and 1994. Radar Cross- Sections, Antenna Engineering, Electronic Warfare. 18 Ibrahim EM Computational [email protected] Elshafiey Modeling, Biomedical Iowa State Imaging, University, USA, Data Fusion, 1994. Nondestructive Evaluation.

 Associate Professors No. Name Major Area University E-mail 1 University of [email protected] Abdulhameed A. Power System Missouri, Al-Ohaly Stability. USA, 1983. 2 Control and [email protected] Computer Engineering, University of Fahd A. Alturki Intelligent Sheffield, UK, Control, Fuzzy 1993. Logic, Neural Networks. 3 Physics, [email protected] Processing and University of Nacer Amara Characterization Michigan, Debbar of Ann Arbor, Semiconductor USA, 1989. Devices.

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4 Communication [email protected] Systems, Space Syracuse Abdulhameed Time Coding, University, M. Al-Sanie Block Coded USA, 1992. Modulation. 5 Colorado State [email protected] Hamad S. Electronics University, Alhokail Circuits Design. USA, 1995. 6 Strathclyde [email protected] Abdlmohsen Communication University, Alheraish Networks. UK, 2000. 7 Ridha A. Djemal Integrated [email protected] System Design, Image and video Encryption and University Watermarking, of Grenoble, Formal France, 1996 Verification, for System Architecture. 8 Bandar A. Al- Analysis of University of [email protected] Mashary Semiconductor Pittsburgh, Waveguide USA, 1996. Structures, 9 Mohammad A. Error control Strathclyde [email protected] Al-Eshaikh coding, Nuclear University, reactor design. UK, 1993. 10 Yasin Khan High Voltage Kyushu [email protected] Engineering and University, Power Systems, Japan, 2004 11 Habib Fathallah Communication Laval [email protected] Networks University, Canada 12 Ahmed Ianda MIMO systems Queen’s [email protected] Sulyman University, Canada 13 Zuhair Hejazi Microwave Bradford [email protected] Engineering University, UK 14 Essam Al- Power Systems, Arizona State [email protected] Ammar Electromagnetic University, Transients. USA, 2007. 15 Mamdooh Saud Design and McMaster [email protected] Alsaud Operation of University, Canada, 2007.

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Distribution System, Power System Reliability and Security Assessment, Application of ANN in Power System Design. 16 Ehab Awad Optoelectronic University of [email protected] systems Maryland College Park, USA, 2003 17 Yahya Alharthi Radio Resource University of [email protected] Management Minnesota, USA 18 Ahmad Fauzi bin Optical University of [email protected] Abas Communications Paderborn, German

 Assistant Professors 1 Mohammed S. Control of None Georgia [email protected] Al-Numay Minimum Phase Institute of Systems, Technology, Modeling and USA, 1997 Simulation of Digital Systems, Discrete-Time Analysis of PWM Systems, Digital Control of PWM Systems 2 Saeed A. Signal Carnegie [email protected] Aldosari Processing, Mellon Communication University, Systems, USA, 2005 3 Yasir A. Al- Sensor Strathclyde [email protected] Turki Networks. University, UK, 2007 4 Mubashir Alam Digital signal Georgia [email protected] processing Institute of Technology 5 Basil A Sadhan Computer Carnegie [email protected] Networks Mellon Page | 34 FACULTY

University, USA 6 Sami Alhumaidi Radar Systems Florida [email protected] Institute of Technology, USA 7 Essam Mobile University of [email protected] Altubaishi Communications Waterloo, Canada 8 Usama Khalid Power systems Aswan [email protected] University 9 Hamsakutty Communication Cochin [email protected] Vettikalladi University 10 Abu Syed Electronics Lancaster [email protected] Mahajumi University, Lancaster, UK 11 Irfan Ahmad Control Systems University of [email protected] Grenoble, France 12 Thamir Communication [email protected] Alrashidi 13 Won Ku Control University of [email protected] Leeds, UK 14 Mohamed Electronics University of [email protected] Ramy Abdel- Central Florida, Rahman USA

 Lecturers No. Name Major Area University E-mail 1 Ahmed Asalom Power King Saud [email protected] electronics University, KSA 2 Khalid Electronics Queen’ [email protected] Al-Fayyadh University, Canada 3 Turki A-Madhu Electronics King Saud [email protected] University, KSA 4 Saleh AlSenaidi Power Saskatchewan [email protected] electronics University, Canada 5 Ahmed Telba Communication University of [email protected] Bradford, UK Page | 35

 Teaching Assistants No Name Major Area University E-mail . 1 Ghazi Electronics Menofia [email protected] Mohammed University, Ishag Menofia, Egypt 2 Amin A. A. Electrical Power Menofia [email protected] Assar & Machine University, Menofia, Egypt 3 Mohammed Electric Circuits Khartoum [email protected] Jaafar University Mohammed 4 Mohammed Electric Circuits [email protected] Ahmed Abuheene 5 Mohammed A. Electrical University of [email protected] Al-Rumaih Engineering:Syst Michigan, Ann ems Arbor 6 Omar Saad Communications Wireless [email protected] Aldayel Systems Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden 7 Ali H. Al-Enezi Electric Circuits King Saud [email protected] University 8 Ali Mohammed Communication University of [email protected] A. Al-Bishi and Electronics Waterloo, Canada 9 Yazeed Communication King Saud [email protected] AbdulAziz Al- University Shadokhi 10 Abdullah Communication University of [email protected] Khaled Dayton, USA Alrushud 11 Anas Abdullah Electric Circuits King Saud [email protected] Al-Hussayen University 12 Abdulaziz Ali Electric Circuits King Saud [email protected] Alqahtani University

 Lab Engineers

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Responsible of all Electrical Engineering Laboratories: Mr. Abdulaziz Al- Shehri

Responsible Lab Responsible Lab Name Email

Mr. Ali Ahmed Ali Aseeri Electrical Circuits Laboratory [email protected] Eng. Osama Abdulkareem Electrical Communications [email protected] Kayed Laboratory

Eng. Omar Mohammad Al Electronics Laboratory - Assaif

Eng. Nissar Rasool Wani High Voltage Laboratory [email protected]

Mr. Mohammad A. Al- High Voltage Laboratory - Hamidi

Eng. Hayder A. Al-Ghalban Digital Logic Laboratory [email protected]

Electromech. Energy Eng. Umar A. Bawah [email protected] Conversion Laboratory

Electromech. Energy Mr. Sulaiman Al-Hudaib - Conversion Laboratory

Electrical Measurement Eng. Abulrahman Al-horaish - Laboratory

Eng. Abdul Waheed M. Microprocessor Laboratory, [email protected] Hafeez Nuclear Engineering Labs

[email protected] Eng. Mohammad Usman Power Simulator Laboratory a

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The laboratory facilities of the Department are one of the largest per international standards. Highly specialized engineers supervise these laboratories with the advice of concerned Faculty. The Department is continually modernizing and developing its laboratory facilities to cope with the rapid advances in all scientific fields and specialization so that it enables undergraduate and graduate students to attain the maximum benefit of modern techniques and instrumentations. The available laboratories of the Department are listed below:

1. Electrical circuits Laboratory 2. Electrical measurements Laboratory 3. Electronics Laboratory 4. Microelectronics Laboratory 5. Communications Laboratory 6. High-voltage Laboratory 7. Power simulator Laboratory 8. Electrical machines Laboratory 9. Microprocessors Laboratory 10. Automatic control laboratory 11. Digital logic laboratory 12. Microwave Laboratory 13. Optical Communications Laboratory 14. Communication Network Laboratory

The University provides annual fund for the Department every year to update all Labs with new equipment. The following table shows the fund provided by the University to the Electrical Engineering Department through the last four years.

A brief account of these facilities is given in Appendix - A



The department has a very well known reputation in the field of scientific electrical engineering research. A number of internationally known and heavily cited researchers are among staff of the department. Several research chairs and centers of excellence, have been established in the department over the last few years. More than 25 staff members are working in them as professors, research fellows, research assistants, lab engineers and technicians etc. A list is given below:

1. Saudi Aramco Chair in Electrical Power (2008) 2. Chair in Power System Reliability and Security 3. A State-of-the-Art VLSI Design Center (2005) 4. An Advanced Application Specific IC Research Center (2011)


The department has several committees and units that assist in managing academic and administrative affairs of the department. Each of these committees and units is composed of a coordinator and at least two faculty members,

1- Academic Accreditation Committee 2- Quality Assurance Committee 3- Academic Affairs Committee 4- Senior Design Project Committee 5- Practical Training Committee 6- Student Advising Unit 7- Annual Report Committee 8- Textbooks Committee 9- Registration Committee. 10- Timetables and Classrooms Committee 11- Examination Committee 12- Promotion Committee 13- Graduate Studies Committee 14- Teaching Assistants and Scholars Affairs Committee 15- Social Activities Committee

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In addition to these committees, the electrical engineering external advising board EAB is comprised of distinguished alumni of the department, representative from the employers of EE graduates, representative from the local industry. The EAB contributes to the evaluation of department program objectives. The EAB provides a reasonable cross-section of current and future employers of our graduates. The EAB possesses a good knowledge of the current economic climate for electrical engineering and is aware of current and future employer needs in the country. Thus, the primary vehicle for documenting input from employers of our graduates is through the EAB.


Admission of Students  Students are accepted by merit according to the following rule: 0.25x Mark of Achievement test + 0.25 x Mark of Capabilities test + 5 x cumulative GPA of preparatory year + points of the course Math140 + points of the course Math150 It should be noted that the Capabilities Test administrated by the National Center for Assessment in Higher Education is similar to the General Aptitude Test (GAT) or to the SAT  The college accepts 400 students for the first semester and 50 students for the second semester. The general rule of the college is to reach the target value of the student to faculty ratio of 20 recommended by the Ministry of Education (AFFAQ 2029) Student and Course Transfer Internal Student Transfer  Student from Science Colleges of KSU must have a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.0 out of 5.0  Student from KSU Health Colleges must have a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.0 out of 5.0, and they should have completed successfully or obtained an equivalence of the preparatory- year for the science colleges.  The cumulative GPA is calculated after a student completes at least 12 hours after the preparatory year (not including courses of the university requirements: Islamic culture and Arabic language).  If the college intake capacity is exceeded, the Dean of the College of Engineering may accept no more than fifty students satisfying the transfer criteria.


 Acceptance of students is done by merit when all the conditions are satisfied.  Transfer from Humanitarian colleges is not accepted. External Student Transfer  The student must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 4.25 out of 5.0 or its equivalent from an accredited college of engineering  The student must have a minimum score of 80% in mathematic courses studied in his college  The student must have successfully completed at least 30 credit hours of his college requirements after the preparatory year (The equivalence of the preparatory year completed by the student is done according to the University regulations. If the student did not study a preparatory year in his college, the University has the right to ask the student to study the KSU preparatory year for science colleges or whatever the University sees suitable after carrying out all the equivalences for the student) Once these conditions are satisfied the student is considered as a visiting student and is allowed to register at least 12 credit hours according to his study plan in his previous college and in coordination with the KSU college-of-engineering. The 12 credit hours should not include courses of Islamic culture and Arabic language. The student must also obtain a GPA in the semester of at least 4.5 out of 5.

Students Allocation to College Departments  During their first year at the college after the preparatory year, students must attend introductory orientation-presentations offered by the college departments so as to get acquainted with the nature of the different engineering disciplines.  After successfully passing 28 hours during the first year at the college, a student submits electronically a request to the Deanship of Admission & Registration, prioritizing his preference of the different disciplines.  Each department is given a number of students in accordance to its capacity and arrangement with the department and college..  The priority of acceptance for admission in a department is given to those applicants with the highest GPA.

Students Transfer from other Departments of the College  Students from another department of the college must have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) higher than the lowest GPA admitted to the department. Page | 41

 A prescribed form must be filled-in by the student for final approval by the college students affairs unit  The priority of acceptance is given to the students with the higher grades, on the basis of available seats in each department.  Credit Transfer It is permissible for the students to transfer credits of courses studied in a reputable engineering college if the courses are equivalent to those offered by the college departments. Approval of the department is perquisite for the transfer acceptance. Transferred credits are not included in the GPA but a grade of at least C should be scored to pass courses.

Practical Training  A student is allowed to register for the practical training after successfully completes 110 hours, through the student portal (e- educate). No other courses are allowed for him during the practical training period.  Local companies are contacted by Vice Dean for academic affairs to enquire about the possibilities of training the department students and the number of students that can be accepted.  Replies from companies are kept in the electronic system of the college.  All available training opportunities are sent to the department, and announced by the department for students.  Student fill-in a form for the practical training and submit it to the department practical-training committee showing his choice of companies.  Vice Dean officially contacts the companies and secures the placement of students.  Student must get the training for the period is 10 weeks and submit weekly reports to the convener of the department committee for practical training.  Company reports a confidential assessment of the student performance to the department.  Department allocates the grade of the training as pass or fail based on the company evaluation and weekly reports. Although the practical training is non-credited, it is required to satisfy the undergraduate degrees requirements.

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The following describes briefly the facilities used by students in their lab courses. Details about these labs and a list of major equipment are found in the department website at:

Electrical Circuits Lab In this lab, the basic electrical laws and phenomena are demonstrated after being discussed in the electric circuit courses EE 201 and EE 202. This lab is well equipped with the latest equipments. At present, about 9 groups (two to three students each) can be arranged easily. After completing the semester, the students will be well familiarized with all types of circuit behaviors and characteristics both in AC and DC. This type of understanding will make it easy to them to work with other labs and in practice.

Electrical Measurements Lab This laboratory is a well equipped laboratory with instruments and equipment that are needed to familiarize the students with the use of electrical and electronic measurements and laboratory techniques. The undergraduate experiments are designed to reinforce and expand many concepts covered in the electrical instruments and measurements course EE 306. Within the laboratory, there is a shielded room that is suitable for RF measurements and calibration.

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Electronics Lab This is the laboratory for Electronic Devices and Circuits. Equipment sets are available for the students to perform basic experiments in these areas; namely the lab courses EE 314 (co-requisite for EE 311) and EE 316 (co-requisite for EE 315). The lab also is where the senior projects in the Electronics area are built and tested. Several PC’s are also available in the lab, for students and Faculty use, particularly in the circuit analysis, device modeling, and VLSI areas.

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Microelectronics Lab It is a newly established laboratory. It provides hand-on training to the undergraduate students in the design of VLSIs under the course EE 418. The state-of-the-art software packages available in the lab. are capable of designing Digital Circuits/systems with the complexity of more than 100,000 gates. The FPGA based circuits are implemented on Xilinx chips. Post-graduate research and development activities are also going on in the field of Hardware Realization of Algorithms/Circuits using EDA tools from Xilinx, Mentor Graphics, Innoveda, Tanner EDA, Synopsis and Model Technology etc. The main facilities available are:

 Xilinx ISE 7.1 Suite of Software  EDA Tools from Innoveda  FPGA Advantage from Mentor Graphics  L-Edit Pro from Tanner EDA  Model Sim from Model Technologies

Communications Lab The Communications lab presents experiments for students carrying the principles of communication theory, different types of modulation both analog and digital, together with the electro-magnetic experiments using very good educational equipment. The lab is facilitated to fulfill student projects and staff research. Besides this lab, there is an Anechoic Chamber room (Reflection Free Test Area) for antenna experiments, and a Laser lab for advanced measurements and research.

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High Voltage Lab Besides conducting regular laboratory classes for undergraduate students, the High Voltage laboratory at KSU is also extensively engaged in research and development works in the areas of breakdown phenomenon in insulating medias, withstand voltage in different types of air gaps, surface flashover studies on equipment and also electrical interference studies due to discharges from the equipment operating on high voltages. This lab also provides test facilities for testing various HV equipment as per various international standards to electric utilities and companies in the Kingdom as well as in the region. The main Laboratory equipment consists of: 1. A.C. power frequency test equipment 200 kV 2. Impulse voltage generator 1000 kV, 40 kJ 3. D.C. supply 100 kV 4. Partial discharge detection system 5. Schering Bridge for measuring of capacitance and tan delta

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Power Simulator Lab The Electrical Power Simulator Laboratory consists of: Electrical Power System Simulator PTI Software PC network ETAP Software PTI Software PSCAD Software The laboratory is well equipped to meet the requirements of undergraduate as well as graduate studies and research work. Practical demonstrations by lab experiments for power system generation, transmission and distribution concepts. Students are familiarized with the use of digital computer in the different aspects of power system analysis by using different software programs such as ETAP, PTI, and PSCAD.

Through the Electrical Power Simulator, lab experiments related to polyphase voltage regulation, characteristics of interconnected and isolated power system, load flow analysis, characteristics of overhead transmission lines and characteristics and coordination of power system relays etc can be performed.

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Electrical Machines Lab This lab is purposely designed to teach the aspects of electrical machines. It consists of various electrical machines ranging from DC generators to AC induction and synchronous machines. It is also equipped with facilities to teach power electronics and electric drives.

Microprocessor Lab This lab gives students the practical exposure to Assembly language programming of microprocessors, computer architecture of 8088/8086 microprocessor family, assembly program development using debugger software, use of flow charts and other aids in software development, memory and I/O interfacing circuitry for microprocessors, interrupts, serial and parallel data communications. The lab also hosts hardware projects in more advanced areas.

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Automatic Control Lab This laboratory is equipped with basic instruments and real time experiments that are necessary to familiarize the students with the basic concepts and updated technology in the automatic control field. The undergraduate experiments are designed to reinforce and expand many concepts covered in the automatic control course EE 351 and digital control course EE452. The following systems are available in this lab to perform the experiments, projects and research in the area of Automatic Control Engineering:

 Speed Control System Position Control System  Temperature Control System  Filling Level Control System  Computer controlled systems such as:  Traffic Light  Washing Machine  Thermal System  Modern control techniques such as:  Fuzzy Logic  Neural Networks  PLC (Programmable Logic Control)-Siemens S7  PLC Application Modules :( Elevators and Conveyor belts)  Microcontroller Programming Kits including: (ATMEL 89C52, ATMEL AVR, and PIC series)

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Digital Logic Lab The objective of this laboratory is to support the undergraduate courses related to the computer major in the Department such as EE 208. In addition, the lab serves B.Sc. students in their graduation projects and staff research. The lab is equipped with all the necessary tools and electronic equipment for conducting logic circuit experiments. It includes oscilloscopes, logic probes, current tracers, pulsers, software and hardware development tools, component testers, EPROM eraser and programmer.

Microwave Laboratory This laboratory helps the student in each of the design, simulation, fabrications and measurements of Microwave circuits. The Lab will help each of the undergraduate students and the teaching staff for their researches. This lab is well equipped with a microwave measurement system, Network Analyzer upto 145 GHz and an anechoic chamber upto 18 GHz. Also we have a time domain antenna radiation pattern set upto 18GHz. Undergraduate students will be served by this laboratory in their course project. This lab is also intended to provide an appropriate environment for Master thesis work, PhD thesis work and also faculty research in the field of Microwave and Millimeter wave systems.

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145 GHz Network Analyser in Microwave Lab

Antenna Radiation pattern setup

Optical Communications Laboratory This is a new under-construction laboratory that will be equipped with advanced modern equipment in order for teaching and advanced research in the field of Light wave Technology and Optical Communication networks.

Undergraduate students will be served by this laboratory in different courses including Optoelectronics and Communication systems in addition to their senior gradation projects in the field of optical fiber communications and technologies. Page | 51

This new lab is also intended to provide an appropriate environment for Master and PhD candidates in advanced fiber optic communication systems and subsystems. This includes Fiber-to-the-Home, Wavelength division multiplexing, Optical code division Multiplexing, next generation ultra-high speed and all-optical TDM and Ethernet technologies.

Communication Networks Laboratory The purpose of this Laboratory is to enable the students to evaluate the advanced networking concepts in a realistic working environment. This Lab will help the students in understanding the working concept of LAN, WLAN, WAN, computer network security using firewall and the implementation of the corresponding networking protocols. The laboratory is equipped with the state of the art networking tools including high performance routers, switches, PC's, server, firewall and wireless access points. In this Lab, the undergraduate students will be able to perform experiments related to their course projects. This Lab will also provide a suitable environment for the networking research for faculty, Master and PhD students.

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Electrical Engineering Program

The B.Sc. program in Electrical Engineering at King Saud University is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET


Electrical Engineering Department College of Engineering, King Saud University P.O. Box 800, 11421, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Tel: (+966-11) 467-6754 Fax: (+966-11) 467-6757 Email: [email protected] Website: