Contact: Dominic Millen Team: Traffic & Transportation Direct: 020 8379 3398 email:
[email protected] PUBLIC TRANSPORT CONSULTATIVE GROUP 11 July 2019 from 7.00pm to 9.00pm Dugdale Centre, London Road EN2 6DS MEETING NOTES Councillors (Italics denotes absence): Daniel Anderson (Chair), Dinah Barry, Chris Bond, Yasemin Brett, Chris Dey, Stephanos Ioannou, Lindsay Rawlings, Mahtab Uddin Other Members and Guests Attending: Patrick Ladbury Govia Thameslink Railway Dominic Millen LB Enfield – Place Department Alan Neville Greater Anglia Peter Smith Over 50s Forum Esther Johnson Transport for London Dave Hooker Transport for London Plus one member of the public. 1. INTRODUCTIONS & APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Barry, Bond, Brett and Ioannou. An apology for lateness was received from Cllr Uddin. It was noted that some groups were again not represented and it was agreed that more should be done to engage with Youth Parliament members. 2. ELECTION OF CHAIR It was agreed that Cllr Anderson would be Chair. 3. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS None. 4. PREVIOUS MEETING NOTES These were agreed as an accurate record. 5. PUBLIC TRANSPORT PROVIDER UPDATES INCLUDING RESPONSES TO PREVIOUS ACTION POINTS Greater Anglia Rail Services - Greater Anglia The main points of the update and related discussions were: 22 trains have been brought into UK with bulk being for east of England. Some Stansted Express “Air12” units are included. New Bombardier trains are being tested at Derby. Due in service in 2020. Meridian Water Station now open and being served by previous Angel Road services. An additional 2 trains per hour service is due to start on the 9th September.