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City OF IMPERIAL BEACH HOUSING ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN YEAR 2021-2029 INITIAL STUDY/NEGATIVE DECLARATION Draft March 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. I-1 A. INTRODUCTION AND REGLATORY GUIDANCE ...................................................................... I-1 B. LEAD AGENCY ........................................................................................................................ I-1 C. PURPOSE AND DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION ........................................................................ I-1 II. INITIAL STUDY CHECKLIST ................................................................................................ II-1 A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................... II-1 B. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED ....................................................... II-16 C. DETERMINATION ................................................................................................................ II-16 D. EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS .................................................................... II-17 1. Aesthetics ................................................................................................................... II-18 2. Agriculture and Forestry Resources............................................................................ II-22 3. Air Quality ................................................................................................................... II-23 4. Biological Resources ................................................................................................... II-28 5. Cultural Resources ...................................................................................................... II-32 6. Energy ......................................................................................................................... II-34 7. Geology and Soils ........................................................................................................ II-37 8. Greenhouse Gas Emissions ......................................................................................... II-42 9. Hazards and Hazardous Materials .............................................................................. II-46 10. Hydrology and Water Quality ..................................................................................... II-50 11. Land Use and Planning ................................................................................................ II-55 12. Mineral Resources ...................................................................................................... II-57 13. Noise ........................................................................................................................... II-58 14. Population and Housing .............................................................................................. II-61 15. Public Services ............................................................................................................ II-63 16. Recreation ................................................................................................................... II-67 17. Transportation ............................................................................................................ II-68 18. Tribal Cultural Resources ............................................................................................ II-70 19. Utilities and Service Systems ...................................................................................... II-72 20. Wildfire ....................................................................................................................... II-75 21. Mandatory Findings of Significance............................................................................ II-77 Housing Element 2021-2029 City of Imperial Beach Initial Study/Negative Declaration February 2021 i TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1, Regional Location Map ................................................................................................................ II-2 Figure 2, Location Sites For RHNA............................................................................................................ II-11 LIST OF TABLES Table 1, Imperial Beach Housing Needs For 2021-2029 Housing Element ................................................ II-8 Table 2, Credits Toward RHNA ................................................................................................................... II-9 Table 3, Recent Mixed Use and Multi-Family Developments .................................................................. II-13 Table 4, Vacant and Underutilized Sites Summary .................................................................................. II-14 Table 5, RHNA Accommodations ............................................................................................................. II-15 Table 6, Federal and State Air Quality Designations in the San Diego Air Basin ..................................... II-24 Table 7, Air Quality Monitoring Data ....................................................................................................... II-24 Table 8, San Diego County GHG Emissions by Sector in 2014 ................................................................. II-42 Table 9, City of Imperial Beach Population Projections ........................................................................... II-61 Table 10, City of Imperial Beach Housing Projections ............................................................................. II-61 Housing Element 2021-2029 City of Imperial Beach Initial Study/Negative Declaration February 2021 ii I. INTRODUCTION A. INTRODUCTION AND REGULATORY GUIDANCE An initial study is conducted by a lead agency to determine if a project may have a significant effect on the environment (CEQA Guidelines Section 15063[a]). If there is substantial evidence that a project may have a significant effect on the environment, an environmental impact report (EIR) must be prepared, in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15064(a). However, if the lead agency determines the impacts are, or can be reduced to, less than significant, a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) or Negative Declaration (ND) may be prepared instead of an EIR (CEQA Guidelines Section 15070[b]). Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15070, a MND or ND is appropriate when the project’s initial study identifies potentially significant effects, but: a. Revisions to the project plan were made that would avoid or reduce the effects to a point where clearly no significant effects would occur; and b. There is no substantial evidence that the project, as revised, may have a significant effect on the environment. An Initial Study (IS) conducted by the City of Imperial Beach (including an attached Environmental Checklist form) determined that the proposed project will not have a significant environmental effect, and the preparation of an EIR will not be required. This IS/ND has been prepared in accordance with Section 15070 of the State California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. B. LEAD AGENCY The lead agency is the public agency with primary responsibility over a proposed project. In accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15051(b)(1), “the lead agency will normally be the agency with general governmental powers.” The project would be approved and carried out by the City of Imperial Beach. Therefore, based on the criteria described above, the City of Imperial Beach, Planning and Zoning Division is the lead agency for the proposed project. C. PURPOSE AND DOCUMENT OGRANIZATION The City is proposing to implement the Housing Element 2021-2029 Update (project). The purpose of this IS/ND is to evaluate the potential environmental effects and the document is divided into the following sections: I. INTRODUCTION This section provides an introduction and describes the purpose and organization of this document. II. INITIAL STUDY CHECKLIST This section includes the project background and a detailed description of the project. This section describes the environmental setting for each of the environmental subject areas; evaluates a Housing Element 2021-2029 City of Imperial Beach Initial Study/Negative Declaration February 2021 I-1 I. INTRODUCTION range of impacts classified as “no impact,” “less than significant impact,” “less than significant impact with mitigation incorporated,” or “potentially significant impact” in response to the environmental checklist and provides an environmental determination for the project. III. REFERENCES This section identifies resources used in the preparation of the IS/ND. Housing Element 2021-2029 City of Imperial Beach Initial Study/Negative Declaration February 2021 I-2 II. INITIAL STUDY CHECKLIST A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Project Title: City of Imperial Beach Housing Element 2021-2029 Update 2. Lead Agency Name and Address: City of Imperial Beach Community Development Department 825 Imperial Beach Boulevard Imperial Beach, CA 91942 3. Lead Agency Contact Person and Phone Number: Megan Openshaw, Associate Planner: (619) 628-0858 4. Project Location: Imperial Beach, California County of San Diego The City of Imperial Beach Housing Element 2021-2029 Update would apply to the entire geographic area located