Mapping of WAS Extension Points to the Extensions That Use Them

Table A-1 shows for the S=O3Ikjepkn bundle that you created in Chapter 3 the mapping of extension points in the WAS 7 Extension Registry to the extensions that use them.

Table A-1. WAS 7 Extension Point to Extension Mapping Bundle/Plug-in Extension Point Extensions _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*_]_da)naokqn_aicn)_kjbec Í knc*a_heloa*f`p*_kna*_h]ool]pd?kjp]ejanEjepe]hevan Í knc*a_heloa*aib*a_kna*cajan]pa`[l]_g]ca Í knc*a_heloa*_kna*nqjpeia*_kjpajpPulao Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*d]j`han Í _ki*e^i*soole*lnktu*atpajoekj*behpan Í knc*a_heloa*_kna*behaouopai*behaouopaio knc*a_heloa*_kna*behaouopai*hk_]h, knc*a_heloa*_kna*behaouopai*jqhh _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*ni)lanoeopaj_a Í _ki*e^i*so*^kkpopn]l*naokqn_a)beha Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*fk^)i]j]can)_kilkjajpo Í _ki*e^i*soole*nn`*nn`)atpajoekj)`ahac]pkn Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*so)naokqn_ao)`ab _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*Sa^OldanaNaokqn_ao, _ki*e^i*so*_knacnkql^ne`ca*Sa^OldanaNaokqn_ao, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*Sa^OldanaNaokqn_ao, _ki*e^i*so*lnktu*]`iej*Sa^OldanaNaokqn_ao knc*a_heloa*aib*a_kna*atpajoekj[l]noan Í _ki*e^i*so*s__i^]oa*]jl)`abo Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*iaoo]ca)^qj`ha Í Continued


Table A-1. Continued Bundle/Plug-in Extension Point Extensions knc*a_heloa*_kna*naokqn_ao*ik`ahLnkre`ano knc*a_heloa*_kna*naokqn_ao*ik`ahLnkre`an _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*d]i]j]can)op]npql Í _ki*e^i*soole*nn`*cajan]pkno Í _ki*e^i*so*lknphap_kjp]ejan*lknphap)`k_qiajp) Í behpan)_kjbec knc*a_heloa*]jp*_kna*]jpP]ogo Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*af^_kjp]ejan)op]npql Í knc*a_heloa*_kna*nqjpeia*]llhe_]pekjo _ki*e^i*so*^kkpopn]l*SOH]qj_dan, _ki*e^i*so*`a^qc*koce*Op]np?kjokha, _ki*e^i*so*`a^qc*koce*Jkkl, knc*a_heloa*f`p*_kna*F]r]?k`aBkni]ppan, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*op]npSoOanran, knc*a_heloa*]jp*_kna*]jpNqjjan knc*a_heloa*_kna*nqjpeia*lnk`q_po Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*oanran)op]npql Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*naokqn_a)^ej`ano Í knc*a_heloa*_kna*naokqn_ao*i]ngano knc*a_heloa*aib*a_kna*`e]cjkope_, knc*a_heloa*f`p*_kna*lnk^hai, knc*a_heloa*f`p*_kna*^qeh`l]pd[lnk^hai, knc*a_heloa*f`p*_kna*pn]joeajp[lnk^hai, knc*a_heloa*f`p*_kna*p]og, knc*a_heloa*_kna*naokqn_ao*i]ngan, knc*a_heloa*_kna*naokqn_ao*lnk^haii]ngan, knc*a_heloa*_kna*naokqn_ao*p]ogi]ngan, knc*a_heloa*_kna*naokqn_ao*^kkgi]ng, knc*a_heloa*_kna*naokqn_ao*patpi]ngan knc*a_heloa*f`p*_kna*_kileh]pekjL]npe_el]jp Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*p]che^_]_da_kjbec)tih Í _ki*e^i*soole*lnktu*atpajoekj*lnkpk_kh)lnkre`an) Í b]_pknu _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*]llhe_]pekj)oanran) Í _kilkjajpo)?N _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*e^i]teo.)]ll)_pt)iecn]pkn)_heajp _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*=``n)?heajp, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*Pn]jolknp)?heajp

_ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*i^a]j)lnkre`an Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*_d]jjah)bn]iaskng)_d]jjah) Í b]_pknu)pula _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*]`iej)aj`lkejp)atpajoekj Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*oanran)na_kranu)ik`a) Í _kjpnkh)nacekj)op]npql _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*]`iej)fk^)d]j`han)atpajoekj Í APPENDIX N MAPPING OF WAS EXTENSION POINTS TO THE EXTENSIONS THAT USE THEM 331

Bundle/Plug-in Extension Point Extensions _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*_kjbecoanre_a)iap]`]p] _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*_kna*]`iej[fit[_kjbecoanre_a) iap]`]p], _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*]`iej[fit[_kjbecoanre_a) iap]`]p], _ki*e^i*arajpo*_heajp*_ae[_kjbecoanre_a)iap]`]p], _ki*e^i*so*oe^*oanran*OE>_kjbecoanre_aiap]`]p] _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*]llhe_]pekjoanran)op]npql Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*eilh)b]_pknu Í _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*e^i]teo.)qjgjksj)aln)_kjbec)_ptp) _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*NIQjgjksjALN?bc?ptHk]`an hk]`an)lhqcej _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*_kjbec)o_dai]`ebb _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*_kna*]`iej[fit)_kjbec)o_dai]`ebb, _ki*e^i*so*oe^*oanran*oe^)_kjbec)o_dai]`ebb _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*e^i]teo.)mko)lkhe_upulahk]`an _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*NILkhe_uPulaHk]`an, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*DpplLkhe_uPulaHk]`an, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*OOHLkhe_uPulaHk]`an, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*FIOLkhe_uPulaHk]`an _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*s]o)iecn]pekj) Í ``_kjranoekjpkkh _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*_kjpajp)`alh)lnkre`ano _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*@ab]qhp?kjpajpD]j`han, _ki*e^i*so*lnktu*LnktuBehpan?kjpajpD]j`han, _ki*e^i*so*lnktu*?qopki=`reokn?kjpajpD]j`han

_ki*e^i*soole*oe^*atpajoekj* Í Iaoo]cejcAjceja?kjpnkhHeopajan _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*fioIaoo]caHeopajanOappano _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*iaoo]caHeopajanOappanoBknSn]llano, _ki*e^i*so*oe^*oanran* iaoo]caHeopajanOappanoBknSn]llano, _ki*e^i*so*oe^*oanran* iaoo]caHeopajanOappanoBknSIMF?=N= _ki*e^i*soole*lnktu*atpajoekj*behpan)_kjpatp Í knc*a_heloa*_kna*atlnaooekjo*lnklanpuPaopano Í _ki*e^i*so*^kkpopn]l*ejrk_]pekjD]j`hano Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*_d]jjah)bn]iaskng)_d]jjah) Í pula _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*oanrhap)_kjpatp)b]_]`a) Í naceopnu)tih _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*hkccan)lnklanpeao Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*klan]pekj)`alh)lnkre`ano _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*@ab]qhpKlan]pekjB]_pknu, _ki*e^i*so*lnktu*LnktuBehpanKlan]pekjB]_pknu, _ki*e^i*so*lnktu*?qopki=`reoknKlan]pekjB]_pknu _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*oanran)_kjpnkh)nacekj) Í op]npql _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*e^i]teo.)mko)^ej`ejchk]`an _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*NI>ej`ejcHk]`an, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*Dppl@ab]qhp>ej`ejcHk]`an, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*OOH@ab]qhp>ej`ejcHk]`an, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*FIO@ab]qhp>ej`ejcHk]`an Continued 332 APPENDIX N MAPPING OF WAS EXTENSION POINTS TO THE EXTENSIONS THAT USE THEM

Table A-1. Continued Bundle/Plug-in Extension Point Extensions _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*e^i]teo.)oanre_a)_kjbec)lhqcej _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*SO=?kjbecLhqcej, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*NI?kjbecLhqcej, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*Dppl?kjbecLhqcej, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*OOH?kjbecLhqcej, _ki*e^i*solkhe_u*i]ej*SOLkhe_u?kjbecLhqcej _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*]`iej)_kii]j`)`ab _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*_kna*=`iejOanre_ao, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*=`iejOanre_ao, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*>H=_kii]j`o, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*Nqjpeia, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*ouopai*=`iejOuopai, _ki*perkhe*l`*]is]o*_kna*]is]o)]`iej)_kii]j`)`ab, _ki*e^i*so*oe^*oanran*OE>=`iej?kii]j`o, _ki*e^i*so*`li]j]can*=`iejOanre_ao, _ki*e^i*so*oe^*sa^oanre_ao*socs*OE>=`iej?kii]j`o, _ki*e^i*so*_eicn*?ajpn]heva`Ejop]hh _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*e^i]teo.)pdna]`)_pt)iecn]pkn) _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*SOLkhe_u)?heajp, _heajp _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*SONI)?heajp)P?I, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*Oa_qnepu?ptIecn]pkn)?heajp)P?I, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*SOOa_qnepu?ptIecn]pkn)?heajp)P?I, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*SOPT)?heajp)P?I _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*e^i]teo.)mko)ik`qha)oanran _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*SOOa_qnepu)Oanran, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*SOPT)Oanran, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*SONahe]^haIaoo]cejc)Oanran, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*S=O=teo.LIENI)Oanran, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*S=O=teo.LIE)Oanran, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*=``naooejc)Oanran, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*SO@I)Oanran _ki*e^i*solkhe_u*i]ej*SOLkhe_uOanranIat _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*e^i]teo.)qjgjksj)aln)naokhran) _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*NIQjgjksjALNNaokhran lhqcej _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*]`iej)fk^)atpajoekj _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*ouopai*]`iej)fk^o)^qehp)ej, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*ouopai*IuOajokn)Fk^o _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*atpajoekj)_da_gan Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*]`iej)]qpdv)`ab _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*_kna*=`iejOa_qnepu, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*=`iejOa_qnepu _ki*e^i*so*lknphap_kjp]ejan*_khh]^kn]pkn)_kjbec Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*bkh`an)ouj_)behpan _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*F.aa=llBkh`anBehpan, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*>H=Ouj_Bkh`anBehpan, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*Oa_qnepu@ki]ejBkh`anBehpan _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*_heajp)_kilkjajpo Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*lie?qopkiAtpajoekj Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*o_da`qhan)op]npql Í _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*_qopki)d]j`han)oanran Í APPENDIX N MAPPING OF WAS EXTENSION POINTS TO THE EXTENSIONS THAT USE THEM 333

Bundle/Plug-in Extension Point Extensions knc*a_heloa*]jp*_kna*atpn]?h]ool]pdAjpneao Í knc*a_heloa*_kna*r]ne]^hao*r]hqaR]ne]^hao Í knc*a_heloa*_kna*naokqn_ao*pa]iDkkg Í _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*e^i]teo.)mko)]`iej) Í lkhe_upulahk]`an _ki*e^i*soole*lnktu*atpajoekj* Í ]llhuLnkpk_khRanoekjN]jcaOaha_pkn _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*oanran)_kjpnkh)nacekj) Í _kilkjajpo _ki*e^i*solkhe_u*i]ej*e^isolkhe_u)mko) Í solkhe_u]ooanpekjlnk_aookn _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*`iv)]`iej)]cajp)_kilkjajpo Í

_ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*lnkpa_pa`_h]ooao)lkhe_u Í knc*a_heloa*_kna*naokqn_ao*^qeh`ano knc*a_heloa*f`p*_kna*f]r]^qeh`an _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*oanran)ik`ah)ejep _ki*e^i*so*s__i^]oa*^]oa[ik`ah[na]`[kjhu[ejep, _ki*e^i*so*s__i^]oa*^]oa[ik`ah[na]`[snepa[ejep, _ki*e^i*arajpo*_heajp*_ae[ik`ah[ejep, _ki*e^i*so*oe^*s__i*oe^[ik`ah[ejep, _ki*e^i*so*oe^*s__i*oe^[naokqn_a[ik`ah[ejep, _ki*e^i*so*oe^*s__i*soj[ik`ah[ejep, _ki*e^i*so*s__i*_eicn*_eicn[ik`ah[ejep _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*`icn)oe`a)atpajoekj)_da_gan Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*oa_qnepu)o_]jjan)_kjbec Í _ki*e^i*soole*nn`*nn`)aib)l]_g]cao Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*oanre_a)lnkre`an _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*sa^oanre_ao)oanre_a)lnkre`an, _ki*e^i*so*oe^*oanran*oe^)oanre_a)lnkre`an _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*oanran)na_kranu)ik`a) Í _kilkjajpo _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*e^i]teo.)pn]jolknp)odqp`ksj) Í lhqcej knc*a_heloa*_kna*naokqn_ao* Í behaIk`ebe_]pekjR]he`]pkn _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*ouo]ll _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*pn]jo]_pekj)ouo]ll _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*i]j]ca`)k^fa_p)iap]`]p]) _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*_kna*]`iej[fit[i]j]ca`)k^fa_p) _khha_pkn iap]`]p])_khha_pkn, _ki*e^i*so*_eicn*?EIIap]`]p]?khha_pknEilh _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*]`iej)i]j]ca`)naokqn_a) Í atpajoekj _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*]`iej)oq^ouopai)atpajoekj Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*ouosa^oanre_ao _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*so]``naooejc[eilh)ouosa^oanre_ao, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*sa^oanre_ao)ouosa^oanre_ao Continued 334 APPENDIX N MAPPING OF WAS EXTENSION POINTS TO THE EXTENSIONS THAT USE THEM

Table A-1. Continued Bundle/Plug-in Extension Point Extensions _ki*e^i*so*^kkpopn]l*]llhe_]pekjo _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*_kna*?khha_pI]j]ca`K^fa_pIap]`]p], _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*So=`iej, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*SoOanranH]qj_dan, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*SoOanranOpkl, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*OanranOp]pqo, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*>]_gql?kjbecQpehepu, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*Naopkna?kjbecQpehepu, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*Bej`AF>Peiano?kii]j`, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*?]j_ahAF>Peiano?kii]j`, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*Jk`aBa`an]pekjQpehepu, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*Jk`aQjejop]hhLnal, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*Jk`a?ha]jqlQpehepu, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*Jk`aNaikr]hQpehepu, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*Jk`aOuj_Qpehepu, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*Jk`aNaj]iaQpehepu, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*@eolh]uS=OEjop]j_a, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*?d]jcaS=OOanran, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*LnkbehaNaceopn]pekjQpehepu, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao* Lnkbeha@anaceopn]pekjQpehepu, _ki*e^i*so*`a^qc*koce*Op]npKoce?kjokha, _ki*e^i*so*`a^qc*koce*Koce?bcEjep, _ki*e^i*so*iecn]pekj*S=OLnaQlcn]`a, _ki*e^i*so*iecn]pekj*S=OLkopQlcn]`a, _ki*e^i*so*iecn]pekj*?kjranpO_nelp?kil]pe^ehepu, _ki*e^i*so*iecn]pekj*?kjranoekjPkkh, _ki*e^i*so*iecn]pekj*?heajpQlcn]`a, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*NapnearaOecjano, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*?anpebe_]pa=qpdknepu=_pekj, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*?khha_pI]j]ca`K^fa_pIap]`]p], _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*Ejop]hh=_pekjEjrkgan, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*SoOanran, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*H]qj_d>]p_d?kilehan, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*H]qj_dSO=jp, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*?na]paAF>Opq^o?kii]j`, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*H]qj_d?heajp, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*H]qj_d?heajp=le, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*@qilAtpajoekjNaceopnu, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*SoLnkbeha, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*SoLnkbeha=`iejHeopajan, _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*ouopai*Fk^I]j]can Naopkna, _ki*e^i*f]t^*pkkho*@neran, _ki*e^i*f]t^*pkkho*O_dai]Cajan]pkn, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*Aj`lkejpAj]^han, _ki*e^i*q``e*Q@@ER]hqaOap, _ki*e^i*f]tso*pkkho*SoCaj _ki*e^i*f]tso*pkkho*SoEilknp, _ki*e^i*so*ri*SoRI=qpkikqjp _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*lieFitI]llanAtpajoekj Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*ok]l)namqaop)ikjepkn _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*pn]jo]_pekj[eilh)ok]l)namqaop) ikjepkn _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*`icn)_kilkjajpo)?N Í APPENDIX N MAPPING OF WAS EXTENSION POINTS TO THE EXTENSIONS THAT USE THEM 335

Bundle/Plug-in Extension Point Extensions _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*e^i]teo.)mko)ik`qha)_heajp _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*SOOa_qnepu)?heajp, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*SONahe]^haIaoo]cejc)?heajp, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*S=O=teo.LIENI)?heajp, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*=``naooejc)?heajp _ki*e^i*soole*nn`*d]j`hano Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*sa^oanre_ao _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*so]``naooejc[eilh)sa^oanre_ao, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*`uj]_]_da)sa^oanre_ao, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*lie[ni)sa^oanre_ao, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*oa_qnepu[sooa_qnepu)sa^oanre_ao, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*sa^oanre_ao)sa^oanre_ao, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*e-4j)sa^oanre_ao, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*pn]jo]_pekj[eilh)sa^oanre_ao _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*sa^oanre_a)]`iej)oanre_aej`at) Í i]j]can _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*oanran)_kjbec Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*oanran)]_per]pekj Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*]ii)`abo Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*]ll)`alh)lnkre`ano _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*>H=P]ogLnkre`an, _ki*e^i*so*iecn]pekj*Iecn]pekj)]ll)`alh)lnkre`an, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*pn]jo]_pekj)]ll)`alh)lnkre`an, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*]lllnkbeha[eilh)]ll)`alh)lnkre`ano, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*oa_qnepu[eilh)]ll)`alh)lnkre`ano, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*oa_qnepu[sooa_qnepu)]ll)`alh) lnkre`ano, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*Sa^Oanre_aoEj`at)]ll)`alh)lnkre`an, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*]lllnkbeha[eilh)]ll)`alh)lnkre`ano, _ki*e^i*so*oel*_kjp]ejan*S=NPkO=NHeopajan)]ll)`alh) lnkre`ano, _ki*e^i*so*oel*_kjp]ejan*O=NPkA=NSn]llanLnkre`an)]ll) `alh)lnkre`ano, _ki*e^i*soole*nn`*NN@Ejop]hhP]og)]ll)`alh)lnkre`an, _ki*perkhe*l`*]is]o*_kna*]is]o)]ll)`alh)lnkre`an _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*lnktu)oanran)_kilkjajpo Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*jk`a)oe`a)atpajoekj)_da_gan Í knc*a_heloa*_kna*_kjpajppula*_kjpajpPulao Í knc*a_heloa*]jp*_kna*]jpPulao Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*_kjpajp)`alh)`]p])_d]jca) _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*?kjpajpHeopajan heopajano _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*oanran)_kilkjajpo Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*oane]hev]^ha Í _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*_qopki)d]j`han)_heajp Í knc*a_heloa*_kna*naokqn_ao*ikra@ahapaDkkg Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*naokqn_aicn)_kjbec Í _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*e^i]teo.)so`h)lkop)lnk_aookn) _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*Ql`]paSo`hAj`lkejpQnhoLhqcej, lhqcej _ki*e^i*solkhe_u*i]ej*SOLkhe_uSO@HLkopLnk_a_ookn Lhqcej Continued 336 APPENDIX N MAPPING OF WAS EXTENSION POINTS TO THE EXTENSIONS THAT USE THEM

Table A-1. Continued Bundle/Plug-in Extension Point Extensions _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*_kiikj)`alhkuiajp) Í bn]iaskng)atajoekjlnkre`an _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*sa^_kjp]ejan)atpajoekj) Í b]_pknu _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*sa^_kjp]ejan)op]npql Í knc*a_heloa*aib*a_kna*b]_pknu[kranne`a Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*jk`a)]cajp)_kilkjajpo)?N Í knc*a_heloa*_kna*r]ne]^hao*`uj]ie_R]ne]^hao Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*jk`a)]cajp)_kilkjajpo Í knc*a_heloa*aib*a_kna*lnkpk_kh[l]noan Í _ki*e^i*soole*lnktu*atpajoekj* Í oa_qna=_pekjRanoekjN]jcaOaha_pkn _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*fk^)i]j]can)_kilkjajpo)?N Í

_ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*e^i]teo.)]ll)_pt)iecn]pkn)oanran Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*_heajp)op]npql Í _ki*e^i*so*^kkpopn]l*i]jq]h)^qj`ha)op]np Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*s]o)iecn]pekj Í knc*a_heloa*]jp*_kna*]jpLnklanpeao Í knc*a_heloa*amqejkt*lnabanaj_ao*lnabanaj_ao Í knc*a_heloa*f`p*_kna*_k`aBkni]ppan Í knc*a_heloa*_kna*naokqn_ao*nabnaodLnkre`ano Í knc*a_heloa*_kna*nqjpeia*]`]lpano knc*a_heloa*_kna*naokqn_ao* naokqn_aI]llejc=`]lpano _ki*e^i*so*lknphap_kjp]ejan*lknphap)behpan)_kjbec Í knc*a_heloa*aib*a_kna*l]_g]ca[naceopnu[ Í eilhaiajp]pekj _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*d]j`hanheop Í knc*a_heloa*aib*a_kna*qne[i]llejc Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*]`iej)op]npql Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*]`iej)_kjpajp)`eopne^qpekj) _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*ouopai*IuOajokn@eopne^qpekj, lnkre`an)atpajoekj _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*ouopai*@ab]qhp@eopne^qpekj _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*o_nelpejc)atpajoekj _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*d]i]j]caneilh[o_nelpejc)atpajoekj _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*_qopki>ej`ejcLnkre`an _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*so]``naooejc)_qopki>ej`ejcLnkre`an, _ki*e^i*so*nqjpeia*pn]jo]_pekj)_qopki>ej`ejcLnkre`an, _ki*e^i*so*oe^*oanran*sojkpebe_]pekj) _qopki>ej`ejcLnkre`an _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*]jjkp]pekj)dahlano Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*]`iej)]cajp)_kilkjajpo)?N Í

_ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*]`iej)_kjpajp)ata_qpekj) Í lnkre`an)atpajoekj knc*a_heloa*f`p*_kna*_h]ool]pdR]ne]^haEjepe]hevan Í APPENDIX N MAPPING OF WAS EXTENSION POINTS TO THE EXTENSIONS THAT USE THEM 337

Bundle/Plug-in Extension Point Extensions knc*a_heloa*_kna*naokqn_ao*j]pqnao knc*a_heloa*f`p*_kna*f]r]j]pqna _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*`icn)_kilkjajpo Í knc*a_heloa*_kna*nqjpeia*lnabanaj_ao knc*a_heloa*_kna*naokqn_ao*lnabanaj_ao _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*_]_da)lnkre`an Í _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*e^i]teo.)pdna]`)_pt)iecn]pkn) _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*SOEjpacn]pekj)Oanran, oanran _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*SONI)Oanran)P?I, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*Oa_qnepu?ptIecn]pkn)Oanran)P?I, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*SOOa_qnepu?ptIecn]pkn)Oanran)P?I, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*=``n)F=TSO.-)P?I, _ki*e^i*sobl*i]ej*SOPT)Oanran)P?I _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*oanran)na_kranu)ik`a) Í op]npql _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*]ooap)nalkoepknu)lnkre`ano _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*@ab]qhp=ooapD]j`han _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*`k_qiajp)ouj_)behpan _ki*e^i*so*]`iej*oanre_ao*F.aa=ll>ej]nuBehpan _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*]llhe_]pekj)oanran) Í _kilkjajpo _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*oa_qnepu)`ki]ej)r]he`]pekj _ki*e^i*so*oe^*oanran* OE>Oa_qnepu@ki]ejNaokqn_aR]he`]pkn _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*]`iej)]cajp)_kilkjajpo Í _ki*e^i*soole*atpajoekj*oa_qnepu)_khh]^kn]pkn Í Index

NNumbers adjust method, WSServerImpl component, 118N component, 141–142 202 118nServerComponentImpl class, 141–142 Admin Agent, 9 Admin Service, 102, 124 NA AdvisorDiagnosticProvider.xml file, 140 AffinityManager class, 305 AbstractJSPExtensionServletWrapper class, AffinitySelector class, 305 187 Agent, 274, 276, 283 AcceptListener interface, 251–252 AgentClassImpl reference, 283 AcceptListenerFactory interface, 252 AgentImpl class, 283 accessOrbService method, 289 agentReportedFailure method, 290 ACID properties, 274, 284 alterMQServerBusMember method, 261 activateJMSResource method, 259 amqppta process, 243 activateLocalMember method, 279 Ant, 36 activateMBeans method, 288 Apache Axiom, 218 activation-related collaborators, 169 web services, 172 Activator class, 70, 77–81 , 3, 16, 28, 34 Activator. source file, 69 Apache Jasper JSP engine, 11 Activator Strategy class, 169 Apache OpenJPA, 172–173 active command, 62 ap_hook_handler function, 298 Activity Service, 131–133 application handler, 91 ActivityService component, 131–132 Application Handler Manager Service, 138 ActivityServiceComponentImpl class, 118, ApplicationHandlerMgr component, 138 131–132 Application Manager Service, 104, 167 ActivityServiceCR component, 118, 131–132 base runtime and, 7, 140–141 ActivitySession component, 133 collaborator components and, 194 ActivitySessionComponentImpl class, 133 CompensationRecovery component and, ActivitySessionWebApp component, 133 132 ActivitySessionWebAppComponentImpl JaxRpcWebService component and, class, 133 136–137 add method, 267 ResourceManager component and, 133 addChannel method, 184, 195, 209 ApplicationMgr component, 140–141 addClientConfigurationContext method, 234 ApplicationMgrImpl class, 140–141 addCollaborator method, 157 -application parameter, 55 addConfigChangeListener method, 266 Application Response Management (ARM) addJsBusActivatableListener method, 260 infrastructure, 122, 139–140 addMapping method, 186 applications Addressing component, 135 business level, 123 addService method, 101 creating browser, using extension points, addToCache method, 187 43–50 addWebApp method, 183, 185 deployment of, 295 addWebAppCollaborator method, 188 applicationserver_components component, addWebApplication method, 180, 183, 185 140

339 340 NINDEX

application server container, 90 BasicOSGI plug-in, 57 base functionality, 127–142 bean implementation object, 171 components loading, 127–130 BeanMetaDataStore interface, 158 EJB container initialization, 139–140 BeanO class, 171 initialization, 120–123 BeanTaskInfoServiceImpl class, 143 phased component loading in, 143 BeanTaskInfoSvc component, 143 application server container components, binary components, 112 130–143 /bin directory, 64, 307 core, 130–131 bindServiceBeanToServlet method, 203 JavaEE-level service components, 131–136 bindServiceRef method, 207 application server container services, 90, block hoisting, 31 136–140 BMXXXXBeanO container, 171 ApplicationServerImpl class, 107–108 BOCore class, 322 ApplicationServer Service, 127 bootServerContainer method, 105, 112, 156 ApplicationService component, 122 bootstrap classloader, 25 AppProfile component, 133 bootstrap configurator, 55 AppProfileComponentImpl class, 133 bootstrap.jar file, 50, 51 AppServer, configuration directory, 37 BPCContainerRuntimeComponent class, 325 areMQServerBusMemberDifferent method, bpcserver.BPCContainer service, 325 261 bpelflowmanager.BPELFlowManager service, asHashtable method, 261 324 Asynch Beans Service, 131, 134, 135 browser applications, creating using asynchronous check removal, 32 extension points, 43–50 AsyncResponseServlet class, 238 buildAxisServices method, 237 atomicity, 284 Bulletin Board, 274, 275, 280–283 Axis1, 86 BulletinBoard interface, 280 Axis2, 86, 218–237 BulletinBoardImpl class, 281 client and server processing, 218–221 BulletinBoardPost class, 282 plugin, 221–234 BundleActivator interface, 56 controlling, 232–233 bundle command, 62 introduction to, 218–221 BundleContext class, 56, 57, 69 WASAxis2ClientImpl component, 234–235 bundles, 38–39 WASAxis2MetaDataProcessor class, 236–237 dynamic loading of, 66 Axis2ServiceConfigPluginManager class, 237 with fragments, 96 Axis2Utils.scanModule method, 227 monitoring, generating, 67–69 AxisConfiguration class, 221 OSGi, 56–57 Axis Configuration reference, 220 viewing, 93–96 bundles command, 62 NB Bundle-Version, 37, 38 BaseContainer class, 182, 183, 185, 187 bus, 245 BaseEsService, 325 Business Level Applications (BLAs), 123 BaseMessagingEngineImpl class, 262 Business Process Choreographer (BPC), 323 base runtime, 7–10. See also WAS runtime Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) base scheduler, 91 web service, 323 base server container, phased component BusinessRulesRuntimeImpl class, 325 loading in, 126 Business Rules Service, 325 base server container components, 108–126 byte code, 20–23 infrastructure components, 113–120 Byte Code Interpreter, 27–28 primordial components, 112–113 server container components, 123–126 NC server container service components, cache management, 186 120–123 CacheResourceMgr component, 119 BasicHandler class, 200–201 CacheResourceMgrImpl class, 119 NINDEX 341

Cache Resource Mgr Service, 119, 135–136 runtime application clustering, 295–297 CacheServiceImpl class, 135 vertical, 272 caching, 135 Cluster Member Service, 306, 141 cell.xml, 313 ClusterMemberService component, 117 Centralized Installation Manager (CIM), 86 ClusterMemberServiceImpl class, 117 CFSBinder component, 120 ClusterObserver interface, 306 CGBridgeService class, 272 cluster runtime, 101 chains ClusterRuntime component, 117 SIB-related, 249–250 ClusterRuntimeImpl class, 117 transport, 150 Cluster Runtime Service, 117 Channel Framework Service, 7, 11, 101, ClusterServerRuntime component, 141 171–172 cluster.xml, 313 application server container services and CMPConnectorFactory, 166 136–137 CMXXXXBeanO class, 171 high-availability and, 275 code block outlining, 31 infrastructure components and, 114, 115, code generation, 26 119, 120 code instructions, 20–23 JFAP handling, 251 code optimization, 30–33 LocalHTTPChainFactory component and, collaborator components, creating, 187–195 139 collaborator methods, 162 SIB communications, 246, 248 collaborators, 11, 166–167, 169 SOAPAcceptorChannel component and, file, 7 135 plug-in, transport channels and chains, 150–151 324–325 web container and, 184, 195–196 plug-in, 321 WSChannelManager class and 208–210 plug-in, ChannelFrameworkService component, 115 321–322 channels plug-in, SIB-related, 248–249 321–322 transport, 150 plug-in, ChannelSelectionAdapter component, 117 322–323 ChannelSelectionAdapterImpl method, 211 Channel Selection Adapter Service, 117 EsBootStrap, 325 ChannelSelectionCriteria method, 211 ChannelSelectionImpl class, 117 BusinessStatemachineServiceImpl, check method, 282 325 class cache, 33 class files, 20–23 component.BusinessRules- class libraries, pluggable, 28–30 ComponentImpl, 325 classloaders, 23, 25 bundle, 85 class loading, 25 plug-in, 325 class sharing, 33 file, 52 ClilentConnectionManager class, 252 class, clone ID, 296 322 close method, 280, 281 class, 322 ClusterObserver interface, 305 file, 146 clusterIdenFromDWLMClient method, plug-in, 86, 221–234, 210–211 304 clusterIdenFromEPR method, 210 plug-in, 172, 173 clustering plug-in, 4, 7, 99, 151 and, 305 components loaded from, 100, 108–112 horizontal, 272 component and service creation and, 146 342 NINDEX

JSESSIONID handling, 301–303 Composition Unit Mgr Service, 123, 142 structure of, 102–105 compressed references support, 27 WAS OSGi services and, 87, 89–96 concurrency, 26 file, 254–255 configChanged method, 260 ConfigChangeListener interface, 256 applicationserver-startup, 127–130 config directory, 307, 311, config.ini file, 37, 41–42, 55 108–112 Config Service, 102, 105–106, 112–113, 125, file, 303–304 130, 132, 307 file, 7, 117, 305 configuration, 308–317 commit notifications, 285 directory structure, 307–313 commitPreparedTransaction method, 267 dynamic, 36 CommonDBComponentImpl class, 322 server.xml file, 316–317 Common Event Infrastructure (CEI), 322 XML files, 313–315 Common Object Request Broker architecture ConfigurationContext class, 220–221, 223, (CORBA), 1 232–233 CommonServerReceiveListener abstract configurationData attribute, 112–113 class, 253 configuration directory, 37, 41–42, 55, 307, common subexpression elimination, 32 311 communications handling, 251–254 configuration files, 9–10 Compacting Memory jobs, 82–83 configuration object, 169 compaction, 24 Connection class, 252–253 Compensation component, 132 Connection interface, 252 CompensationRecovery component, 132 connection lookup methods, 211 Compensation Service, 132 ConnectionManager class, 252 completeAxis2Configuration method, ConnectionManagerImpl class, 253 229–230 ConnectionMgr component, 134 completeClientComponentMetaData connect method, 253–254 method, 227 consistency, 285 completeServiceRefMetaData method, 228 constant pool, 23 Component Broker, 1 constructorCode method, 256 ComponentImpl class, 154, 200, 202 ContainerAS class, 171 componentization, 35 ContainerConfig object, 169 component lifecycle management, 177–179 Container Configuration objects, 167 ComponentList class, 256 Container Extension Factory, 166 ComponentManagerImpl class, 105 containerExtensionPoint attribute, 122, 127, Component Manager Service, 113 139, 144, 145, 176 ComponentMgr component, 113 ContainerImpl class, 150, 153–154, 156, components 160–161 application server container, 127–142 container lifecycle management, 177–179 base server container, 108–126 Container Managed Persistence (CMP), 141 binary, 112 ContainerProperties class, 166–167 creation of, 146–150 containers, 106 infrastructure, 113–120 ContainerTX class, 169–171 JavaEE-level service, 131–136 contentTypes extension point, 40 loading, 108–112, 127–130 ControllerCacheService component, 124 primordial, 112–113 ControllerCacheServiceImpl class, 124 scheduler container, 143–144 control region, 118 server container, 123–126 ConversationImpl class, 251–252 server container service, 120–123 Conversation interface, 251 component state diagram, 156–155 ConversationReceiveListener interface, 251 CompositionUnitMgr component, 123, 142 copy propagation, 32 CompositionUnitMgrImpl class, 123, 142 copyRemoteMethodTxnx method, 203 NINDEX 343

CORBA, 166 DCS (Distribution and Consistency Services), CORBA CosNaming support, 118 8–9, 273, 296, 305–306 CORBA Object Request Broker, 88 DCSInboundChannel, 284, 305 CORBA ORB, 153 DCS_UNICAST_ADDRESS configuration, 284 CORBA services, 116 deactivateJMSResource method, 259 CoreGroupBridge component, 272 deactivateLocalMember method, 280 Core Group Bridge Service, 272 dead tree removal, 32 Core Group Discovery protocol, 276 DebugAgent object, 142 Core Group Failure Detection protocol, 276 DebugAppServerComponentImpl class, 142 core groups, high availability and, 272–273 DebugComponentImpl class, 142 coreserver.WBISessionService, 322 Debug Component Impl Service, 116 core stack, 101 DebugServer component, 142 CoreStack component, 276 DebugService component, 116 CoreStackProxyImpl class, 132 DefaultCoreGroup, 272 Core Stack Proxy Service, 132 deleteMQServerBusMember method, 261 Core Stack Service, 116 dependencies, 69, 88 createChannel method, 209 dependency injection (DI), 137 createChannelChain method, 209–210 DeployedModule object, 180 createClusterMessagingEngine method, 257, DeployedObjectAdjuster listener object, 201 260 DeployedObjectEvent objects, 158 createdPartitionedManagerGroup method, DeployedObjectEvent reference, 202 284 DeployedObjectHandler class, 158, 324 createExecutableExtension functionality, 70 DeployedObjectHandler interface, 176, createGroupName method, 284 179–180, 188 createGroupNameInternal method, 284 DeployedObjectListener class, 141, 158, createLocalChains method, 184 172–173 createMEConnection method, 254 DeployedObjectListener interface, 321–322, createMessageFlow method, 213 325, 232, 256 createMessagingEngines method, 257 deployment, application, 295 createMetaData method, 158, 166 Deployment Manager, 9–10, 51, 94, 272, 294 createMQServerBusMember method, 261 Deployment Manager System Console, 295 createPost method, 280, 282 deploytool directory, 308 createScope method, 262 derby directory, 308 createServerMessagingEngine method, 257, delistResource method, 285 260 destroyComponents method, 156 createSubject method, 280, 281 destroyMetaData method, 158, 166 createUserTransactionCallback method, 291 destroy method createWebServiceEndpointManager method, EJB container, 159, 161, 168 157 EJBContainerImpl class, 154 createWSDDGen method, 208 JsMainImpl class, 258 CScopeComponentImpl class, 132 JsMessagingEngineImpl class, 263 Customer Information and Control System Transaction component, 288 (CICS), 1 WASAxis2ComponentImpl component, CustomService component, 121 223 CustomServiceImpl class, 121 WebContainerImpl class, 180 WsContainer class, 178 ND WSServerImpl component, 202 dataReceived method, 254 WSWebContainer class, 183 Data Replication Services (DRS), 8–9, 101, dev directory, 308 123–124, 167, 273, 296 devirtualization, 32 DataSentListener interface, 252 DiagnosticProvider component, 114–115 DataSource resource, 166 directory structure, 307–313 DataStack interface, 283 disableFileLocking method, 290 344 NINDEX

disableLocalMember method, 280 Eclipse Equinox, 3–4, 55–56 DiscardStrategy interface, 171 Eclipse Extension Registry, 6, 138–139, 145, discoverServerScopePersistenceProviders 156, 176 method, 173 Eclipse IDE, 3–4, 35, 41 dispatchActivationListeners method, 260 Eclipse JAR files, 36 Distributed Computing Environment Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF), 36, (DCE), 1 112–113, 320, 323 Distributed System Object Model (DSOM), 1 Eclipse/OSGi runtime, 6, 35–97 distributed transaction processing (DTP), 273 extensibility features, 176 Distributed Workload Manager (DWLM), finding, WAS, 35–38 300, 305 minimum constituents of, 55 Distribution and Consistency Services (DCS), monitoring WAS internals, 64–82 8–9, 273, 296, 305–306 OSGi bundles and services, 55–64 doPost method, 216 starting WAS with, 50–54 DRC component, 119 viewing in WAS, 82–96 driveJAXWSMetaDataListeners method, 230 Eclipse plug-ins DRS. See Data Replication Services adding dependencies, 44–45 durability, 285 basics, 41–50 DWLMClient component, 302 using extension points to create browser DWLMClientImpl class, 302 application, 43–50 Dynacache component, 119–120, 124, 135 writing simple, 41–43 Dynacache_object component, 120, 136 Eclipse Plugin Version Table, 37 Dynacache_servlet component, 136 Edge Side Include (ESI) transport channel, dynamic bundle management, 63 124–125 dynamic configuration, 36 EEXQuery component, 142 dynamic extension, 36, 70 EJB. See Enterprise JavaBeans dynamic loading, 36, 63, 66 EJB 3, persistence, 172–173 dynamic monitoring, 70 EJB 3 Feature Pack, 5 dynamic service and extension registration, EJBComponentImpl component, 165–166 36 EJBContainer component, 139 dynamic support, 63 EJBContainerImpl class, 139, 144, 145, 153, dynamic updates, 36 157–168 Dynamic Workload Manager (DWLM) class diagram, 154 reference, 210–211 inheritance, 157 interfaces, 157–159 NE methods, 165–168 ECAChannel component, 124 EJBContainer interface, 157, 160–161 ECAChannelComponentImpl class, 124 EJB Container Service, 136–137, 139 Eclipse EJBMDOrchestrator, 165–166 basics, 38–41 ejbMetaDataCreated method, 204–205 component model, 56 EJB Scheduler, 167 core runtime 3.2.x releases, 37 EJBServantManager interface, 171 dynamic extension support in, 35–36 EJS. See Enterprise Java Services Extension Registry, 38–40, 56, 70 EJSContainer class, 145 plug-in and extension mode, 38–40 EJSHome class, 171 plug-ins, 41–50 EJSLocalWrapper class, 170, 171 registry 3.2.x releases, 38 EJSLocalWrapper object, 170 runtime functionality, 35 EJSPlatformHelper class, 165–166 runtime registry, 69 EJSRemoteWrapper class, 170 viewing in WAS, 82–86 _EJSRemoteWrapper_Stub class, 170 Eclipse 3.1.2M6 runtime, 36 _EJSRemoteWrapper_tie class, 170 Eclipse 3.2.1 runtime, 36, 38 EJSWrapperBase class, 170–171 Eclipse-based applications, startup of, 50–54 EJSWrapperBase object, 170 NINDEX 345

EJSWrapper class, 169–170 extensibility, 35 EJSWrapperCommon class, 170–171 extensible runtime, 38–39 EMF classes, 65–66 ExtensionFactoryExtensionPt object, 179 EMF Ecore functionality, 65–66 ExtensionHelper component, 120 enableLocalMember method, 280 ExtensionHelperServiceImpl class, 120 End Point Manager, 214–215 extension-point element, 40 endpoint mapping, 92 extension points, 38–40, 56 EndPointMgr component, 113 as placeholders, 93 End Point Mgr Service, 113 creating browser application using, 43–50 endpoint reference (EPR), 206 dynamic, 70 engineConfigChanged method, 260 extensions and, 93–94 engineReloaded method, 260 mapping, 329 Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), 319 Extension Registry, 38–40, 55, 56, 70 enterprise features, 7–9 ExtensionRegistry component, 138–139 Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), 1, 169–170 ExtensionRegistryService class, 138–139 Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) container, 12, 91, extensions, 38–40 127, 144–145, 153–174 extension points and, 93–94 class hierarchy, 154 mapping extension points to, 329 creating, 154–156 viewing, 93–96 EJBContainerImpl class, 157–168 EJS container and, 169 NF functionality, 144–145 Fast Response Cache Architecture (FRCA), generating own, 159–165 120 initialization, 139–140 FaultStrategy interface, 171 introduction to, 153 Feature Packs, 5 Enterprise Java Services (EJS), 12 features directory, 308 Enterprise Java Services (EJS) container, 153, FFDCprovider implementation class, 114 168–171 FFDC Provider Service, 114 Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), 319 finalize methods, 24 Enterprise Workload Manager (EWLM), 122, findById method, 267 139–140 findFirstMatching method, 267 EntityBeanO class, 171 finishRuntimeConfiguration method, 237 entity beans, 153 FirstChannelActions component, 114 EntityManagerImpl class, 173 First Channel Actions Service, 114 EntityManager interface, 173 first failure data capture (FFDC), 85, 114, 168 EnvironmentType component, 114 firststeps directory, 308 Equinox, 55, 56, 63 flattenProps method, 185 errorOccurred method, 251, 252 forceConfigReload method, 262 escape analysis, 32 Formats and Protocols (FAP) functionality, 7 ESIChannel component, 124–125 full-speed debug (FSD), 33 ESIInvalidator component, 125 ESIInvalidatorComponentImpl class, 125 NG etc directory, 308 garbage collection, 19–20, 24, 27–28, 33–34 EventFactoryStartup class, 322 gatherServerConfig method, 287 eventservice.EventsService, 322 gcpolicy command-line switch, 34 exception_destination, 245 gencon setting, 33–34 expandVariables method, 260 generateEndpoint method, 205 Expirer interface, 267 generateWSDL method, 213 expirerStart method, 267 generational garbage collection, 24, 33–34 expirerStop method, 267 getActiveCoordinatorIndex method, 280 exportUserTx method, 288 getBus method, 258 Extended Messaging Service, 325 getBusConfigObject method, 258 ExtendedMessagingServiceImpl class, 325 getBusEngineList method, 261 346 NINDEX

getBusProxy method, 258, 258 Group Manager, 274, 276, 283–284 getClientComponentMetaData method, 234 GroupManager class, 116 getClientConfigurationContexts method, 231 groupMembershipUpdate method, 278 getClientEngineConfig method, 207 groupStateUpdate method, 278 getClientModuleMetaData method, 234 getConnectionHandleCollaborator method, NH 184 HAGroup, 274 getCustomProperty method, 265 HAGroupCallback interface, 272 getDefinedBus method, 258 HAGroupImpl class, 277 getDestinationCache method, 265 HA Manager. See High Availability (HA) getEffectiveDefaultJPAProviderClassName Manager method, 173 HAManager component, 116 getForeignBus method, 265 HAManagerImpl class, 277–280 getForeignBusForLink method, 265 handleRequest method, 181, 182, 184, 186, getGlobalError method, 259 187 getGlobalHandler method, 213 HandlerFramework component, 119 getHealthState method, 259 Handler Framework Service, 119 getLocalError method, 259 HandlerFrameworkServiceImpl class, 119 getMediationCache method, 265 handleTranRecord method, 291 getMessageFlow method, 213 hasActiveMembersInMinorityPartition getMessagingEngine method, 258 method, 278 getMessagingEngineSet method, 259 HealthMonitorManager component, 117–118 getMQServerBusMember method, 261 HealthMonitorManagerImpl class, 117–118 getMQServerBusMembersByBusName Health Monitor Manager Service, 117–118 method, 261 heap, 19–20 getMQServerBusMembers method, 261 high availability, 89, 271–291 getName method, 265 core groups and, 272–273 getPermittedChains method, 266 HAManager, 274–284 getPermittedChainUsage method, 266 transaction log management, 273–274 getPersistenceManagers method, 157 high-availability communications, 275–276 getPMIServicesModule method, 207 High Availability (HA) Manager, 8–9, 89, 92 getPreparedTransactions method, 268 Agent, 283 getProcessComponent method, 258 architecture, 275 getServerEngineConfig method, 207 Bulletin Board, 280–283 getService method, 259 Group Manager, 283–284 getServiceRef method, 235 HAManagerImpl class, 277–280 getService request, 101 high-availability mechanism, 274–276 getSIBDestinationLocalitySet method, 265 implementation, 277–284 getSIBDestination method, 265 View Synchrony protocol, 276 getSibEngineStatsGroup method, 260 horizontal clustering, 9, 272, 294 getSibServiceStatsGroup method, 260 hot code replace (HCR), 33 getState call, 154 HTTPAccessLog component, 120 getStateForAllGroups method, 278 HTTP communications, 208–212 getThreadPool method, 288 HttpConstants class, 302–303 getUniqueLockId method, 268 httpd.conf file, 299 getUuid method, 265 HttpInboundServiceContext reference, 196 getVCFactory method, 211–212 HttpJspBase class, 187 getWebContainer method, 179, 182 HTTPLoggingServiceImpl class, 120 getWebServices method, 207 HTTP plug-in, 297–300 getWSOutboundConnection method, 212 HttpRequest class, 196 getXAResource method, 285 HttpSender class, 215, 305 GreenDispatcher class, 214 HTTP Server, 8–9 Group Discover protocol, 276 HttpServlet interface, 175, 197 NINDEX 347

HttpSessionAffinityModule class, 302 JsMessagingEngineImpl class, 263 HumanTaskManager class, 325 MessageStoreImpl class, 267 humantaskmanager.HumanTaskManager Transaction component, 287 service, 325 WASAxis2ClientImpl component, 234 WASAxis2ComponentImpl component, NI 223 IBM, 1, 3 WebContainerImpl class, 178 IBM_CD_FD_CONSECUTIVE_MISSED WsContainer class, 177, 178 property, 276 WSServerImpl component, 201 IBM_CD_FD_PERIOD_SECS property, 276 WSWebContainer class, 182 IBM_CS_UNICAST_DISCOVERY_ INTERVAL_ initializeRouterModuleMap method, 226–227 SECS property, 275 initializeZOSLogging method, 289 IBM HTTP Server (IHS), 294, 297 initiateRecovery method, 289 IBM J9 (JVM), 3, 5, init method, 20, 179 15–34 injection engine, 91 architecture, 18–19, 27–28 InjectionEngine component, 137 byte code, 20–23 InjectionEngineImpl class, 137 class cache and sharing, 33 Injection Engine Service, 138 code optimization, 30–33 inlining, 31 features, 16 In Pipe, 218, 239 functions of, 17–26 installableApps directory, 308 garbage collection, 24, 33–34 install command, 62 heap, 19–20 installedApps directory, 308 introduction to, 15–16 installedConnectors directory, 308 native methods, 24 install method, 179, 180 pluggable class libraries, 28–30 instutils directory, 308 IBM System i platform, 7 integrated development environment (IDE), IBM System p POWER6 AIX 6.1, 3 35 IBM System z/zOS platform, 7 integration component, 172–173 IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager interface classes, 4 (ITCAM), 139–140 interface methods, Web Services Service, identityToCFEndPoint method, 211 206–208 idiom recognition, 32 interfaces, 4 IgnoreAffinityRequests element, 299 intermediate language (IT), 31 ILOG company, 325 Internet Inter-Orb protocol (IIOP), 116 implementation classes, 4 Interoperable Object References (IORs), 118 impl subpackage, 252, 253 invokeFilters method, 187 Impl suffix, 4 invokeinterface operation, 20 InboundApplicationChannel class, 195 invoke method, 200–201, 214, 215 InboundApplicationLink class, 195–196 invokeonvirtual operation, 20 Information Management System (IMS), 1 invokestatic operation, 20 infrastructure components, 113–120 invokevirtual instructions, 20–22 infrastructure services, core WAS, 101–102 IRequest interface, 196 initComponent method, 225 IsAliveBucket class, 277 initialization-related collaborators, 169 IsAliveManager class, 277 initializeComponents method, 156, 166, 178 isBootstrapAllowed method, 266 initializeDynamicCache method, 183 isBusAuditAllowed method, 266 InitializeEJBsAtStartip method, 166 isClientWebServiceEnabled method, 206 initialize method, 146–147 isConfigurationReloadEnabled method, 265 EJB container, 154, 159, 161 ISessionAffinityManager class, 303 EJBContainerImpl class, 167 ISessionObserver interface, 303–304 EJS container, 169 isEventNotificationPropertySet method, 265 JsMainImpl class, 256–257 isHAConfigurationValid method, 287 348 NINDEX

isHardwareQuorumEnforced method, 279 functions of, 17–26 isJsBusActivatable method, 260 garbage collection, 24 isolation, 285 heap, 19–20 isQuorumSensitiveWithActiveMember IBM J9, 5, 15–34 method, 278 licensing, 15 isSecure method, 265 native methods, 24 isServerInRecoveryMode method, 260 shared objects, 29 isServerStarting method, 259 threads and synchronization, 25–26 isServerStopping method, 259 verification, 25 isServerWebServiceEnabled method, 206 JAXRPCHandler class, 214 isSnapshotSafe method, 290 JAXRPCMetaDataHelper class, 202–203, 206 ITCAM, 139–140 JAXRPCMetaDataWrapper class, 202–203 JAX-RPC web service, 135–137 NJ Axis2 and, 218–234 J2CHAProxy component, 116, 132 metadata management methods, 203–206 J2EERequestProfiler component, 142 problems with, 217 J2eeRequestProfilerService class, 142 running state methods, 202–203 J2EEServiceManager class, 131 support, 200–217 J2EE standards, 1 Web Services Service interface methods, J9 JVM. See IBM J9 Java Virtual Machine 206–208 jarAdjust method, 203 WebServicesServlet class, 212–217 JAR files, 36, 102–103 WSChannelManager class, 208–212 Java, 1 WSServerImpl component, 201–202 Java Authentication and Authorization JaxRpcWebService component, 136–137 Service (JAAS), 121 JAX-WS, 86 JavaBeans, 1 JAX-WS SOAP message flow, 239–240 Java Class Library (JCL), 28 JFapChannelFactory class, 252 , 11 jfapchannel package, 251–252 Java Community Process JSR-109 jfapExchange method, 254 specification, 217 JFAP (Java Formats and Protocols), 13, 124, java directory, 308 244 Java EE 5, 86 handling, 251–252 Java EE architecture, 4 messaging, 246 java.lang.Object class, 20, 26 JFAPProxy component, 124 Java Message Service (JMS), 7, 101, 243, 246, JFAPProxyComponentImpl class, 124 320 JIT (Just In Time) compiler, 5, 26–28, 30–33 Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI), JmsAdminService class, 124 102 JmsAdminService component, 124 Java Native Interface (JNI) class interface, 19 JMSListenerMDB class, 214–215 Java Persistence API (JPA), 138, 172–173 JMSRegistration class, 121 javap utility, 20 JMSRegistration component, 121 Java Server Faces (JSF), 197 JMSSender class, 216 Java Server Pages (JSP), 197 JNI specification, 24 Java Specification Requests (JSRs), 11 Job Manager, 9, 294 Java standard libraries, 34 joinGroup method, 277–278, 283 Java Transaction API (JTA), 119, 172–173, 186 JPAApplInfo class, 173 Java Transaction Service (JTS), 286 JPAComponent component, 138 Java Virtual Machine (JVM), 3 JPAComponentImpl class, 138 architecture of, 17 JPAComponentImpl controller, 172–173 byte code, 20–23 JPAProviders, 172 class loading, 25 JRules, 325 code generation, 26 JsBusImpl class, 264–266 code optimization, 30–33 JsBus interface, 264 NINDEX 349

JsBusListener method, 262 loadComponents method, 150, 156, 165–166, JsDatastoreImpl class, 264 177–178 JsDefaultMessagingEngine interface, 263 loadConfiguration method, 236 JsEObjectImpl class, 262, 264 loadExtensionFactoryRegistry method, 179 JSESSIONID header, 8–9 loadJavaWsdlMappingXML method, 207 JSESSIONID/SSLJSESSION handling, 293, loadServletContextFacadeRegistry method, 301–305 179 JSESSIONID value, 296, 299 LoadStrategy class, 202–204 JSFExtensionFactory class, 197 loadVirtualHost method, 183 JsFilestore class, 264 loadWebServicesBindingXML method, 207 JsHealthMonitor interface, 256 loadWebServicesExtXML method, 207 JsHealthState class, 259 loadWebServicesXML method, 207 JsMainImpl class, 256–262 LocalBulletinBoardStateManager class, 282 JsMainImplMBean interface, 256 localGroupMembershipChanged method, JsMain interface, 256 279 JsMessagingEngineImpl class, 262–264 localGroupStateChanged method, 279 JsMessagingEngine interface, 262–264 LocalHTTPChainFactory component, 139 JsMessagingEngine reference, 256 LocalHttpChainFactoryImpl class, 139 JSPExtensionProcessor, 187 Local HTTP Chain Factory Impl Service, 139 JspMetaDataListener class, 197 Local Inbound Chain Factory Service, 184 JspThreadPoolListener class, 197 LocalTransaction component, 136 JSR168 standard, 326 Local Transaction Containment (LTC), 136, JSR235 SDO, 84 290–291 JSR286 portlets, 326 locateJAXWSClassesForScan method, 237 JsStandaloneEngineImpl class, 263 location transparency, 245 JVM. See Java Virtual Machine lock coarsening, 32 logDirectories method, 289 NL log directory, 81 lafiles directory, 309 log files, 81–84 least recently used (LRU) strategy, 166 logs directory, 309 lib directory, 309 lookupTranService method, 287 Library Manager Service, 127, 141 loop unroller, 31 LibraryMgr component, 141 loop versioning, 32 LibraryMgrImpl class, 141 LTCCallbacksComponentImpl links directory, 309 implementation, 290–291 listChannelTransports method, 226 LTCUOWCallback class, 291 listDefinedBuses method, 262 listeners, 64 NM listMessagingEngines method, 259 ManagedServerComponentImpl class, 321 live range reduction, 32 manifest files, 102–103 loadAuditAllowed method, 266 MANIFEST.MF file, 6, 38–39, 69 loadAxis2ConfigurationContext method, 233 MapRequestToTarget method, 302 loadAxisCfg method, 238 mark-and-sweep technique, 24, 33 load balancing MDBListener component, 144 HTTP plugin, 297–300 MDB Listener Manager, 167 JSESSIONID/SSLJSESSION handling, MDBRoutingService component, 118 301–305 MDBRoutingServiceImpl class, 118 overview of, 293–297 MEConnectionImpl class, 253–254 plugin-cfg.xml file, 297–300 membershipChanged method, 283 runtime application clustering, 295–297 memory, heap, 19–20 loadClass method, 25 memory-mapped files, 33 loadClientURLInfo method, 235 memory optimizations, 5 loadComponents call, 175 Message class, 213 350 NINDEX

MessageContext class, 220, 212 mqfapchannel package, 252–253 MessageContext reference, 216 MQFAP handling, 252–253 MessageDrivenBeanO class, 171 MQJFapChannelFactory class, 253 message-driven beans, 153 MQLinks, 13, 245 Message Listener Manager Service, 144 MQSeries, 243 Message Oriented Middleware (MOM), 243 mqServerBusMemberConfigChanged MessageProcessor class, 264 method, 261 Message Queuing (MQ), 7 MultibrokerDomainImpl class, 119, 305 MessageStore class, 266–268 Multibroker Domain Service, 101, 119, 123 MessageStoreImpl class, 266–268 multibroker.xml file, 305–306 MessagetaskInfoSvc component, 144 multithreading, 1 messaging JFAP, 246 N JMS, 246 N messaging engine relationship, 253–254 NameServer component, 118 Service Integration Bus (SIB), 243–269 name service, 102 thread pools, 250 NameSpaceInitializer component, 118 transport chains, 249–250 NameSpaceInitializerImpl class, 118 transport channels, 248–249 namestore.xml file, 118 MessagingEngine class, 256, 257 National Center for Supercomputing metaDataCreated method, 204, 224–225 Applications (NCSA) standard, 120 metaDataDestroyed method, 204, 231 native methods, 24 MetaDataFactory interface, 158 New Extension dialog box, 46 MetaDataFactoryMgr objects, 158 New Java Class dialog box, 47 Meta Data Factory Mgr Service, 130 newNonLockingCursor method, 267 Meta Data Helper Service, 130 New Plug-in Project wizard, 43–44, 67 MetaDataListener, 141, 201 Node Agents, 9, 272, 294 MetaDataListenerInterface, 224 nodes, 294 metadata management methods, 203–206 Meta Data Manager Service, 130, 133 NO MetaDataMgr component, 130 object adapters, 166–167 Meta Data Service, 102 ObjectCacheServiceImpl class, 120, 136 application deployment, 295 Object Management Group (OMG) CORBA application server container components, Object Request Broker (ORB) 130, 133, 135, 141 standards, 100–101 application server container services, object pooling, 166 138–139 Object Pool Service, 90, 130 base runtime, 7 ObjectPoolService component, 130 EJB container, 12 ObjectPoolServiceImpl class, 130 metaDataDestroyed method, 231 Object Request Broker (ORB), 12 WSServerImpl component, 201 objects METransportReceiveListener class, 254 creation of, 23 Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS), 1 garbage collection, 24 moduleMetaDataCreated method, 228–229 shared, 29 monitor bundles young, 33–34 adding code to, 70–81 ODC component, 121 executing functionality of, 81–82 ODCManagerService class, 121 generating, 67–69 ODCManagerService component, 121 monitorenter instruction, 25–26 ODCProxyManager class, 124 monitorexit instruction, 25–26 ODCProxyManager component, 124 MQFAP. See WebSphere MQ Format and ODC Service, 121 Protocol ODCService class, 121 MQFapChannelFactory class, 253 On Demand Configuration (ODC), 121, 302 NINDEX 351

On Demand Router (ODR) functionality, 293, NP 296–297 parseConfigUri method, 262 one-phase commit, 273 partial inlining, 32 OneWayListener interface, 212 partial redundancy elimination, 32 oneWay method, 216 passivateAll call, 169–170 onMessage method, 277, 279 passivate method, 169–170 Open Group XA standard, 273 passivation, 169 OpenJPAEntityManager interface, 173 passivation directory, 166 Open Services Gateway initiative. See OSGi passivation policy, 167 OperationContext, 220 Peer Restart and Recovery (PRR) services, 132 optavgpause garbage collection setting, 34 Performance Monitoring Infrastructure optimal store placement, 32 (PMI), 122, 139–140, 167 Optimizer, 28 performance tuning classes, 140 optionalLibraries directory, 309 Peristence Manager, 167 optthruput setting, 33 PersistenceContext class, 138 ORB component, 116 PersistenceUnit class, 138 ORBImpl class, 172 persistence.xml file, 172 ORB Service, 12, 101, 166 PersistentMessageStoreImpl class, 268 org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main method, 49 PivotHandlers, 213 org.eclipse.core.runtime, 55 PivotHandlerWrapper class, 214 org.eclipse.core.runtime.applications platform code generator, 28 extension, 50 Platform Services, 27–28 org.eclipse.core.runtime_.jar file, 37 pluggable class libraries, 28–30 org.eclipse.emf.ecore.jar file, 36 plugin-cfg.xml file, 294, 296, 297–300 org.eclipse.equinox.registry.jar file, 36, 38 Plug-in Content wizard, 67 org.eclipse.*.jar files, 36 Plug-in Development Environment (PDE), org.eclipse.jdt.core.jar file, 36 41, 146–147 org.eclipse.osgi, 55 PluginDocumentGenerator class, 301 OSGi (Open Services Gateway initiative), plug-ins 3–4 adding dependencies, 69 administration, 62–64 deploying, 81 basics, 38–41 Eclipse, 38–39, 38–40, 41–50 console, 66, 81 WESB, 320 Service Registry, 6, 35, 38–39, 60, 64, 66 plugins directory, 154, 36, 41–42, 154, 309 OSGi Alliance, 3–4 plugin.xml file, 6, 7, 38–40, 89, 156, 176 OSGi bundles, 56–57 Eclipse runtime and, 145 activator, 67 WAS runtime, 102–105 active, 62 PMEMetaDataHelperService component, dynamic management, 63 130 installing new, 62 PMI component, 115 starting and stopping, 62 PMIEndPointsModule reference, 207 uninstalling, 62 PMIRequestMetrics component, 122, viewing loaded, 62 139–140 osgiConsole.bat file, 64, 81 PmiRmImpl class, 139–140 file, 64, 81 pmirm.xml file, 139–140 OSGi model, 56 PMI Service, 115 OSGi services, 57–64 PMIServicesModule reference, 207 listing registered, 62 point attribute, 40 querying, 70 Pool Manager, 166 running, 61–62 portal server, WebSphere, 326 viewing, 87–93 portlet container bundles, 85 Out Pipe, 218, 239 portlets, 326 output method, 70 Port library, 29 352 NINDEX

PowerHA/HACMP, 294 RecoveryLog component, 118, 123, 132, 290 POWER Logical Partitions (LPARs), 15 recovery management, transactions and, prepareForRecovery method, 289 284–286 prepare-to-commit notifications, 285 Recovery Manager, 285–286, 291 primordial components, 105–108, 112–113 RecoveryManager class, 134, 287–288 processApplicationMetaData method, 236 recovery mode, 139 processBindingRefs method, 235 recoveryType attribute, 108 ProcessContainer class, 324 Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) processMetaData method, 234–235 model, 18 processModuleMetadata method, 236 redundant monitor elimination, 32 ProcessRuntimeImpl class, 116–117 refreshDestinationCache method, 265 processType attribute, 108 refreshMediationCache method, 265 ProductRegistration component, 123 register allocators, 32 ProductRegistrationComponentImpl class, register-based architecture, 18 123 registerBusListener method, 258 profiles directory, 309 RegisterHooks function, 298 profileTemplates directory, 309 registerMBean method, 180 Profiling Services, 27 registerRecoveryCollaborator method, 287 Programming Model Extensions (PME), 2, registerService method, 57 90, 130 registerWithRecoveryDirector method, 288 Project References Dependencies tab, 59 registerWithWML method, 289 properties directory, 309 Relational Resource Adapters (RRA), 141 PropertyChangeListener interface, 141, 322, Reliable Multicast Messaging (RMM), 273, 325 284, 296 proxy plug-in, 8–9 reloadEngine method, 260 ps utility, 54 reload method, 260 public extension registry, 138–139 reloadMQServerBusMemberEngine method, 261 NQ reloadPolicies method, 279 QName class, 213 removeFirstMatching method, 268 QueryComponentImpl class, 142 remove-related collaborators, 169 QueryImpl class, 173 removeSubContainer method, 183–184 queue managers, 245 removeWebApplication method, 183–184, 186 NR reportGlobalError method, 259 RALifeCycleMgr component, 133 reportLocalError method, 259 RAMClass, 33 Repository component, 112 RAS Logging Service, 114 Repository Service, 112 RAS (Reliability, Availability, and RequestMapper class, 187 Serviceability) component, 114 RequestMapper object, 186, 187 Rational Application Developer (RAD), RequestProcess object, 187 168–169 RequestProcessor class, 187 Rational Software Architect (RSA), 168–169 RequestProcessor interface, 185 RCS (Runtime Configuration Service) ResourceEventListener, 159 component, 112–113 resourceFactoryEvent method, 159 rcvHandshake method, 253 ResourceManager component, 133 reap method, 184 Resource Manager Local Transactions ReceiveListener interface, 251, 252 (RMLT), 285 receiveMessage method, 254 Resource Manager Service, 133, 166 RecLogServiceImpl class, 118, 123, 132 ResourceMgrImpl class, 133 RecLogServiceImpl implementation, 290 resourceProviderEvent method, 159 RecoveryAgent interface, 286–287 Resource Recovery Services (RRS), 123, 131 recoveryComplete method, 290 resources.xml file, 133 NINDEX 353 restartWebApplication method, 184, 186 sendResponse method, 217 rollbackPreparedTransactions method, 268 ServantnameServiceImpl class, 118 ROMClass, 33 servant regions, 118 RootMembership class, 268 Server component, 113 root object adapter, 167 server_components component, 124 RRAHPPropertyLoader component, 141 ServerConnectionManagerImpl class, 252 RRAHPPropertyLoaderImpl class, 141 server container components, 123–126 running state methods, 202 server container service components, runtime 120–123 application clustering, 295–297 ServerEngine class, 213 base application server functionality, serverindex.xml file, 9–10, 113, 133, 284, 314 127–143 ServerRuleDriver component, 140 base server functionality, 100–126 ServerRuleDriverMBean class, 140 collaborator objects, 167 ServerSecurity component, 125, 130–131 environment, 3, 6–10 ServerSecurityComponentImpl class, 125, See also WAS runtime 130–131 runtimes directory, 309 Server Service, 102, 113, 120, 127 Server-Services component, 120 NS serverStarted method, 257 samples directory, 309 serverStopping method, 258 sar2war_tool directory, 310 ServerWlm component, 116–117 scalability, 89, 243, 271–273, 293–294 server.xml file, 52, 89, 296, 314 SCA (Service Component Architecture) configuration and, 4, 9–10, 114–115, 125, Feature Pack, 5 130, 151 SCA (Service Component Architecture) DRS, 305–306 standard, 319–320 structure, 316–317 Scheduler component, 137–138 Service Component Architecture (SCA) SchedulerConfig component, 122 standard, 319–320 Scheduler Config Service, 122 ServiceContext, 220 SchedulerConfigServiceImpl class, 122 Service Data Objects (SDO), 65–66 Scheduler container, 143–144 Service Data Objects (SDO) standard, 320 Scheduler directory, 310 service declarations, 94–96 Scheduler Service, 137–138, 144 ServiceGroupContext, 220 SchedulerServiceImpl class, 137 Service Integration Bus (SIB), 13, 84, 272, scriptLibraries directory, 310 320 SCScopeComponentImpl class, 132 chains, 249–250 searchForAndRegisterBus method, 258 channels, 248–249 searchForBusInListWhereServerIsMember communications, 246–254 method, 258 component architecture, 255 SecureClassLoader, 25, 27 introduction to, 244–245 Security component, 121 JsMainImpl class, 256–262 SecurityComponentImpl class, 121 location transparency, 245 SecurityConfig component, 114 quality of service models, 244 SecurityHooks class, 201–202 startup and operation, 254–268 Security Service, 102, 121 thread pools, 250 SecurityServiceListener interface, 256 Web Services Gateway and, 268–269 security.xml file, 9–10 Web Services Notification and, 269 SelectionAdvisor class, 305 Service Integration Bus Messaging Engine, SelectionCriteriaImpl class, 305 8–9, 12, 244 semaphores, 253 Service Message Objects (SMOs), 320 sendGroupStateUpdate method, 279 service-oriented architecture (SOA), 101, 319 sendJMSResponse method, 217 ServiceRefProcessor object, 235 SendListener interface, 251 Service Registry, 35, 38–39, 60, 64, 66 354 NINDEX

services, 38–39 SOA. See service-oriented architecture creation of, 146–150 SOAP, 90 OSGi, 57–64, 87–93 SOAPAcceptorChannel component, 115, viewing WAS Eclipse services, 82–86 135 services command, 62 SOAPAcceptorChannelComponentImpl ServiceTracker objects, 57, 60 class, 135 Service Integration Bus, 151 SOAP Acceptor Channel Service, 115 servlet API, 1 SOAPContainerChannel component, 115, ServletContextFacadeExtensionPoint object, 135 179 SOAPContainerChannelConmponentImpl ServletRequest object, 188 class, 135 ServletResponse object, 188 SOAPEnvelope class, 213 servlets, 188 SOAP messages, 218–219, 239–240 ServletWrapper class, 187 SOAPMonitorChannel component, 126 sessionaffinityBroke method, 303–304 SOAPMonitorChannelComponentImpl class, SessionBeanO class, 171 126 session beans, 153 ss command, 62 SessionEventAdapter class, 303–304 SSLJSESSION cookie, 296 SessionEventDispatcher class, 303–304 SSLJSESSION handling, 301–305 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), 11, 85 stack-based architecture, 18–19 SessionManagerConfig class, 303 stack frames, 18 session replication, 305–306 stack operations, 18 setAdminMain method, 256 StaffServiceImpl class, 325 setAttributes method, 259 staffservice.StaffService service, 325 setClientComponentMetaData class, 225 startBean call, 169–170 setClientComponentMetaData method, 227, startChainsByAcceptorID method, 184 234 startChains method, 184 setClientModuleMetaData method, 227, 234 startChannels method, 180 setConfigParms method, 234 start command, 62 setConfigurationContext method, 230–231 startComponents method, 156, 168, 178 setCustomProperties method, 265 startConditional method, 260 setCustomProperty method, 265 startEndpoints method, 180 setManagedRuntime method, 225 startMessagingEngine method, 259 setServiceRefInfo method, 230–231 start method, 146–147 setupWsddPort method, 208 EJB container, 154, 156, 159, 161 SfControllerService component, 124 EJBContainerImpl component, 166, 168 SfControllerServiceImpl class, 124 EJS container, 169 shared memory, 33 JsMainImpl class, 257 shared objects, 29 JsMessagingEngineImpl class, 263 showMessagingEngines method, 259 MessageStoreImpl class, 267 shutdown method, 180, 279 Transaction component, 288 shutdownModules method, 232 WASAxis2ClientImpl component, 234 SIB. See Service Integration Bus WASAxis2ComponentImpl component, SIBLink, 245 223 SIB Messaging Engine, 89, 274 WebContainerImpl class, 179 SIB Service, 255 WsContainer class, 177, 178 SIBXMediationComponent class, 321 WSServerImpl component, 201–202 SIBX modules, 321 startProcessing method, 288 SimpleTargetedChain class, 214 startServer.bat, 81 simplifier, 32, 81 single sign-on (SSO), 121 startTransports method, 180, 184 SIP container, 85 startup command line, 100 SIP facilities, 91 startup.jar file, 49–51, 55 NINDEX 355

StartUpService class, 141 TCPChannel.DCS thread pool, 284 StartupService component, 141 TCPInboundChannel, 305, 284 startWsServer extension, 94 TCP/IP communications, 1, 195 stateChanged method, 158, 232, 260, 262 temp directory, 310 StatefulBeanO class, 171 Templates wizard screen, 68 Stateful Passivator, 169 terminateClientConfigurationContexts StatelessBeanO class, 171 method, 231–232 StateMachineDefinition class, 325 terminate method, 168 StAX, 218 terminateRecovery method, 289 stopAllHAGroups method, 280 Testarossa JIT compiler, 30, 31–33 stopBean call, 169–170 ThreadMonitor component, 113 stopChains method, 184 Thread Monitor Service, 113, 137–138 stop command, 62 ThreadPool component, 140 stopComponents method, 156 ThreadPoolImpl class, 140 stopConditional method, 260 ThreadPoolManager, 305–306 stopMessagingEngine method, 259 Thread Pool Manager Service, 101, 133, stop method 144–145 EJB container, 154, 159, 161 ThreadPoolMgr component, 112–114 JsMainImpl class, 258 thread pools, 250 JsMessagingEngineImpl class, 263 threads, 25–26 MessageStoreImpl class, 267 thread synchronization, 25–26 Transaction component, 288 Tivoli Performance Viewer, 115 WebContainerImpl class, 180 Tivoli Workload Scheduler, 144 WsContainer class, 177, 178 tmsStorage directory, 310 WSServerImpl component, 202 TPVService component, 115 storeMetaDataFileList method, 236 Trace Service, 114 storeMetaDataInApplication method, TraceService component, 114 230–231 tranlog directory, 310 storeModuleMetaData method, 229, 230 TransactionAffinityModule class, 305 strings command, 299 Transaction component, 123, 125, 131 SubjectInfoImpl class, 283 transaction log management, 273–274 SubjectPost class, 283 transaction management, 169–170 subscribe method, 281 Transaction Manager, 274, 285–291 subscribeProxy method, 281 TransactionRecovery component, 134, 291 Sun Java reflection, 70 transactions , 15 ACID properties, 284 superclasses, 23 execution flow, 286 switch analysis, 32 recovery and, 284–286 synchronization, 276 transformTransportsToChains method, 184, synchronized keyword, 25–26 195 systemApps directory, 310 transport chains, 150 System.gc method, 24 TransportChannelLoader component, 114, SystemWebServices component, 115–116, 115 135–137 Transport Channel Load Service, 114 transport channels, 150 NT TransportMap component, 130 TaskConfigMonitor component, 125 TransportMapImpl class, 130 TaskConfigMonitorImpl class, 125 Transport Map Service, 130 Task Management MBean Service, 125 Transport Receiver, 218, 239 Task Management Service, 125 TransportReceiver classes, 239 TaskmanagementServiceMapper class, 125 Transport Sender, 218, 239 TaskMgmtMBean component, 125 TreeBuilder class, 302 TaskMgmtServiceMapper component, 125 TreeMap implementation, 27, 34, 277 356 NINDEX

Trust Association Interceptors (TAI), 121 virtualhosts.xml file, 113, 130 Tuscany Java implementation, 320 Virtual Machine Services, 27 Tuxedo, 1 Virtual Partition Memory, 5, 15 two-phase commit, 273 TxController component, 119 NW TxControllerComponentImpl class, 119 warAdjust method, 202 TXRecoveryMode component, 139 warMetaDataCreated method, 206 TxRecoveryModeServiceImpl class, 139 warMetaDataDestroyed method, 231 TxRecoveryServiceImpl class, 134 WAS. See WebSphere Application Server TxRecoveryServiceImpl implementation, 291 WAS 6.1, 36 Tx service, 102 WAS 7, 36 TxServiceImpl class, 123, 131, 286–290 WAS7Monitor bundle type attribute, 107–108 adding monitoring code to, 70–81 dependencies, 69 NU executing functionality, 81–82 UDDIReg directory, 310 generating, 67–69 underscore (_) character, 36 WASAxis2ClientImpl component, 234–235 Unified Clustering Framework (UCF) class, WASAxis2ComponentImpl class, 223, 232 210 WASAxis2ComponentImpl component, uninstall directory, 310 223–224 uninstall methodm 180, 310 WASAxis2ConfigurationBuilder class, Unit of Work Controller, 169 237–238 universalDriver directory, 310 WASAxis2MetaDataImpl class, 237 updatePolicy method, 279 WASAxis2MetaDataProcessor class, 236–237 URIMapper class, 187 WASAxis2Service interface, 232 URLClassLoader, 25 WAS cells, 271–272 URL stream handling, 92 WAS clusters, 272 UserManagement component, 125 WAS Eclipse services, viewing, 82–86 UserManagementProcess class, 125 WASMonitorBundleChanges.XXXX.log, 81, UserTransaction objects, 285 83–84 UserTransactionWrapper class, 169–170 WASMonitorJobChanges.XXXX.log, 81–83 util directory, 310 WASMonitorServiceChanges.XXXX.log, 81, 87 Utility class, 69–77 WASMonitorStartup.XXXX.log, 81, 93 utility infrastructure services, 87 WAS-ND. See WebSphere Application Server 7 Network Deployment (WAS-ND) NV WAS runtime, 87–88, 99–100 validateClusterConfig method, 287 base application server functionality, value propagation, 31 127–142 VariableMap component, 113 base EJB container functionality, 144–145 Variable Map Service, 113 base server container components, variables.xml file, 113 108–126 verification, 25 base server functionality, 100–126 vertical clustering, 9, 272, 294 component and service creation for, VetoableChangeListener interface, 176, 180, 146–150 256 component loading and services, 108 vetoableChange method, 180, 259 core WAS infrastructure services, 101–102 view changes, 276 implementation, 102–105 VirtualHost class, 183 operation of, 151–152 Virtual Host handling, 183 plug-ins, 99–100 Virtual Host Manager Service, 183 plugin.xml file, 102–105 VirtualHostMgr component, 113, 130 Scheduler container, 143–144 VirtualHostMgrImpl class, 130 transport channels and chains, 150 Virtual Host Mgr Service, 113, 130 web container initialization, 145–146 NINDEX 357

WASWebServicesServerMetaDataImpl class, WebServicesAdminComponentImpl class, 201 222 WBIAServiceImpl, 322 Web Services Business Activity (WS-BA), 135 WCChannel class, 195 web services deployment descriptor (WSDD), WCChannelLink class, 195–196 205, 208 WCCM. See WebSphere Common Configura- WebServicesEngine class, 213 tion Model Web Services Feature Pack, 5, 13, 217, 86 WCCRequestImpl objects, 195–196 Web Services Gateway, 13, 268–269 WCCResponseIMPL class, 196 Web Services Notification, 269 WCCResponseImpl objects, 195–196 WebServicesSecurity component, 122 WebApp class, 12, 180–182, 185–187 Web Services Security Service, 136–137 WebAppCollaborator object, 188 Web Services Service, 135, 206–208 WebAppFilterManager class, 186 WebServicesServlet class, 212–217 WebAppImpl class, 187 WebServicesServletbase class, 212 WebAppInovationCollaborator, 188 Web Services System Service, 115–116, 135 WebApp objects, 183, 187 WebSphere Application Server (WAS) web container, 10–12, 85, 92, 175–197 7.0 architectural overview, 3 Channel Framework Service and, 195–196 base server container startup, 105–108 collaborator component, 187–195 cell and cluster topology, 10 functionality, 179–181 class naming, 103 initialization, 145–146, 175–176 component and service creation in, JSF pages and, 197 146–150 JSP pages and, 197 configuration files, 9–10 lifecycle management, 177–179 container creation sequence diagram, 156 request processing, 181 containers, 106 WebApp class, 12, 180–182, 185–187 core infrastructure services, 101–102 WebContainer class, 4, 182–183, 185–187 directory structure, 307–313 WebContainerImpl class, 146, 176–181 Eclipse/OSGi runtime in, 35–97 WSWebContainer class, 180–185 Enterprise Edition, 2 WebContainer class, 182–183, 185–187 enterprise features, 7–9 WebContainerCRImpl class, 176, 178 Express Edition, 2 WebContainerImpl class, 4, 146, 176–181 extending, 96 WebContainer interface, 4 extension products for, 319–327 Web Container Service, 4, 136–137, 145, 176 high-availability deployment, 8 WebContainerService interface, 176 high-level architecture, 3–13 WebContainer WorkloadRegular instance, historical context, 1–2 182 implementation across platforms, 7 web directory, 310 monitoring internals of, 64–82 WebGroup class, 12 overview, 13 WebGroup objects, 181 primordial components, 105–108 WebMetaDataFactory object, 178 service registry, 101 Web Service for Remote Portlets (WSRP) services and strategy pattern, 5 standard, 326 Standard Edition, 2 Web Service Init component, 239 standards compliance, 84 web services, 86, 90, 199–241 starting with Eclipse/OSGi, 50–54 Axis2 and, 218–234 static infrastructure configuration, 294 JAX-RPC, 200–217 underlying communications, 7 major components, 200 versions, 1–2 support, 13 viewing Eclipse in, 82–86 WebServicesServlet class, 212–217 viewing OSGi in, 87–93 WSChannelManager class, 208–212 web services support, 13 WSServerImpl class, 200–208 See also WAS runtime 358 NINDEX

WebSphere Application Server 7 Network WorkQueue class, 277 Deployment (WAS-ND), 2, 8-9, 89 wp.ext.jar plugin, 326 high availability and, 271–273 wrapper classes, 169–170 WESB and, 320 WrapperManager class, 170–171 websphereBeginRequest function, 300 WS Addressing Base Service, 135 WebSphere Business Integration Server WS-Addressing support, 92 Foundation (WBISF), 2 WS_ApplicationServer, 127 WebSphere Common Configuration Model ws-applicationserver-startup.xml file, 127 (WCCM), 86, 119–121, 135–136, WSAWSComponentImpl class, 135 320, 323 WSBA component, 135 WebSphere Embedded Messaging Publish WSBBSBinder component, 120 and Subscribe (WEMPS), 243 WS-BPEL standards, 84 WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus (WESB), WsByteBufferPoolMgr component, 114 84, 319–323 WS Byte Pool Buffer Manager Service, 114, websphereExecute function, 300 136–137 websphereFindServer function, 300 WSChannelManager class, 201–202, 208–212, websphereGetDLWMTable function, 300 223 websphereHandleRequest function, 300 clusterIdenFromDWLMClient method, websphereHandleSessionAffinity function, 210–211 300 clusterIdenFromEPR method, 210 WebSphere MQ, 13, 124, 243–245 createChannelChain method, 209–210 WebSphere MQ Format and Protocol createChannel method, 209 (MQFAP), 13, 124, 244 getVCFactory method, 211–212 WebSphere MQ Message Descriptor getWSOutboundConnection method, 212 (MQMD), 246 identityToCFEndPoint method, 211 WebSphere Platform Messaging Engine, 13 methods, 209–212 WebSpherePluginConfig directive, 299 object creation, 208–209 WebSphere Portal 6.1, 83, 85 WsComponentImpl class, 146–147, 154, 176, WebSphere Portal Server, 326 286–287 WebSphere Process Server, 2, 84, 319, WsComponent interface, 154, 176 323–325 WsContainer class, 105, 127, 150, 176–178 websphereReplyToBrowser function, 300 WsContainerImpl class, 146 websphereUriMatch function, 300 WSDD. See web services deployment WLCImpl class, 125–126 descriptors WLC (Workload Controller) component, WSHTTPConstants class, 305 125–126 WS-I Basic Profile, 86 WLM. See Workload Manager WSLauncher class, 51, 53 WLMChainEventListener component, 120 WSModel class, 295 WLM Chain Event Listener Service, 120 WSModels class, 207, 227, 235 WLM component, 116–117, 210 WSModelsLoader class, 207 WorkArea component, 134 WSNComponentImpl class, 269 WorkAreaPartition component, 134 WSPreLauncher class, 51, 53 Work Area Partitions, 134 WSSecurityComponentImpl class, 122 WorkAreaPartitionServiceServer class, 134 WsServer class, 105 WorkAreaServiceServer class, 134 WsServerImpl class, 105, 112 workload controller, 92 WSServerImpl class, 135, 200–208 WorkloadController class, 125–126 WSServerImpl component, 199 Workload Management, 88 adjust method, 202 Workload Manager (WLM), 116–117, 210 destroy method, 202 Workload Partitions (WPARs), 15 ejbMetaDataCreated method, 204–205 WorkManager component, 131, 325 initialize method, 201 Work Manager Partition Service, 134 jarAdjust method, 203 Work Manager Service, 131, 133 metaDataCreated method, 204 NINDEX 359

metaDataDestroyed method, 204 WSWebContainer class, 10, 180–185, 195 metadata management methods, 203–206 WSWebContainer object, 179–180 running state methods, 202 start method, 201–202 NX stop method, 202 XA transactions, 285 warAdjust method, 202 XidManager interface, 267 warMetaDataCreated method, 206 XML configuration files, 9–10, 86, 313–315 WsServerLauncher class, 51–54 XML standards, 84 WSServerMetadatamerger object, 235 X/Open CAE Distributed Transaction WsServiceRegistry, 101, 112 Processing XA standards, 285 WsSessionMgrComponentImpl class, 303, 305 NY WSStartServer class, 51, 53 young objects, 33–34 WSSysServerImpl class, 135 WSTCPChannelFactory class, 208–209 NZ wstemp directory, 310 zOS platform, 108, 167, 176, 183, 185