Beacon Magazine Issue 107 70 pence where sold

Inside this Issue: • Welcome From the Chair • Carols by Candlelight • Ramblings The Quarterly Magazine The Quarterly Magazine of Ivinghoe Parish Council The Team... Beacon Welcome from the Chair he Beacon Magazine would not reach your door without the kind CONTENTS World War One Centenary Thelp of the volunteer band of distributors. Many thanks to them all; Andy Welcome from the Chair 3 his issue is particularly special as Beezer, Les Hyde, Pat Roach, Geoff Neighbourhood News 6-13 we remember the sacrifi ce made Travis and Rob and Anne Cattle – Tby the local men and women it couldn’t be done without you! Ecumenical Enlightenment 18-23 made during the First World War. On If you have any skills that will help the front cover you will have seen the Cultivation Clippings 30-34 us to keep the magazine going or you picture of the Tommy Silhouette located Karen Groom, would like to submit an article, please School Stuff 38 in Ivinghoe Aston, there are also Tommy Chair, Ivinghoe let us know as we are always looking silhouettes located in Ivinghoe and Great Parish Council for new and varied talents! Beyond the Boundary 44 Gap as a reminder and a sign of respect. Sporting Scoop 48 Later in this edition Rikki Harrington writes about Ivinghoe Aston’s soldier donated by The Armistice and Armed Councillor Communication 50-59 Private John Ruffett. Forces Communities Programme and The fi rst world war had a great impact they ask us to think about the Armed on the parish, in 1915 a battery of the Forces Community today and they BEACON COPY AND Royal Garrison Artillery was billeted in work with veterans and families funding ADVERT DEADLINES the village and their departure to France projects to help integrate military and is recorded in local photographs. Many civilian communities, fund non-core

We aim to get the magazine distributed local horses were requisitioned for army healthcare including stress and give extra around the beginning of every February, May, service and the parish lost soldiers in support where needed. August and November. To ensure your article Gallipoli, Somme and Ypres and many Thank you to Ivinghoe & WI Editor: Bridget Knight or feature makes the edition you would like suffered after the war. The names of for their kind donation of £150 for the Tel: 07960 605393 please see the submission deadlines below: the 15 local fallen are listed on the war Ivinghoe Tommy Silhouette. The WI in Email: [email protected] memorial in St Mary’s churchyard, our partnership with Brookmead School will Advertising Manager: Bridget Knight war memorial was dedicated in 1920 one be yarn-bombing Ivinghoe with poppies Tel: 07960 605393 of the fi rst in the country. this month. We also have ‘There But Not There’ Email: [email protected] February 2019 Edition – 4 January 2019 silhouettes located in Ivinghoe Aston Table Tennis May 2019 Edition – 4 April 2019 Design and Artwork: Laila Palfrey and Ivinghoe including St Mary’s church. The parish has its fi rst all-weather Table August 2019 Edition – 4 July 2019 Tel: 01525 222214 These clear silhouettes located on Tennis Table located on Ivinghoe Lawn, November 2019 – 4 October 2019 Email: [email protected] benches, bus stops and pews were this was partly funded by a kind donation from Bucks County Councillor Anne BEACON MAGAZINE ADVERTISING RATES: Wight’s Leadership Fund, the council has applied for further funding to cover 1/4 page £58 per year NB: Rates are for 4 editions. the remaining costs. The table tennis 1/3 page £65 per year table is available for everyone to use 1/2 page £95 per year Artwork must be supplied free of charge. u Full page £130 per year as a jpeg or a pdf fi le.

2 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 3 BEACON COMMUNITY CHOIR


Brownlow Bridge IvinghoeIn Flower order to celebrateand the Beacon Community Choir’s 10th anniversary year, they At the time of writing we are waiting Produce Show for further information about Brownlow The Ivinghoewill Flower be performing and Produce two exciting works by two well known and loved composers. Bridge which we will update you on Show was a great success with over through our website, Facebook page 300 entries this year, thank you to the and of course the public monthly parish organisers ofZIMBE! the event COME and everyone SING THE SONGS OF AFRICA council meetings. that took part. 1st Ivinghoe and Pitstone Beavers (5 3/4 -8 year olds) Bucks best kept Village Website Alexander L’Estrange’s phenomenal fusionMonday 6 of traditional-7pm with Tom as Watermill Coloney leader African song and jazz, COUNCILLORS NEWS Competition Please checkZimbe! the website is at times for regular touching and moving, Tuesday 6at other- 7pm with Jakki as Windmill Coloney leadertimes funky and grooving but

Ivinghoe was pleased to receive a updates: incredibly up-lifting. 1st Ivinghoe and Pitstone Cubs (8-10 year olds) certificate of merit for being highly Wednesday 7-8:30pm (Dan) Akela as Windmill Pack leader commended in The Gurney cup. Thursday 6:30-8pm (Rob) Shere Khan as Watermill Pack leader Congratulations to our neighbours PICTURES AT AN EXHIBITION in for winning the 1st Ivinghoe and Pitstone Scouts (10 1/2 -14 1/2 year olds) DeFraine cup. Friday 7:30-9pm Andrew as Troop Leader With Lyrics and Music newly written and Composed by John Cameron, Pictures at an Exhibition 2018 is a new take on the well-lovedFor any enquiries or to join the waiting list please contact us Mussorgsky Suite, taking inspiration from an eclectic choice of 19thon, and [email protected] 20th Century works. The variety of Or our Group Scout Leader, Keith Steers on [email protected] or 07899 696722 artistic styles is matched with a kaleidoscope of musical genres, from ethnic to

rock, jazz to rap to a capella choir. As Mussorgsky’sWe are also raising money to rebuild the village a purpose built scout hut and are selling composition, some movements are linked by “Promenades”, bricks but thisto supporters for £10 each. Please email the above address for details. time jazz flavoured, with BEACON COMMUNITY CHOIR increasingly unsettling time signatures.

10TH ANNIVERSARY YEAR In order to celebrate the Beacon Community Choir’s 10th anniversaryBoth year, worksthey will willbe performing be performed by Beacon Community Choir, will feature the two exciting works by two well known and loved composers. Children’s Choir from Brookmead School, and will be accompanied by Jazz ZIMBE! COME SING THE SONGS OF AFRICA Quintet. Alexander L’Estrange’s phenomenal fusion of traditional African song and jazz, Zimbe! is at times touching and moving, at other times funky and grooving but always incredibly up-lifting. Don’t miss this wonderful musical celebration, so look out for further information PICTURES AT AN EXHIBITION in local press and advertising. With Lyrics and Music newly written and Composed by John Cameron, Pictures at an Exhibition 2018 is a new take on the well-loved Mussorgsky Suite, taking inspiration from an eclectic choice of 19th, Rainbows: Monday 4.30 – 5.30pm Pitstone Memorial Hall and 20th Century works. The variety of artistic styles is matched withIf a you kaleidoscope would of like musical further details, please contactGuider: [email protected]. Elaine Thorogood 01296 661540 genres, from ethnic to rock, jazz to rap to a capella choir. As Mussorgsky’s composition, some movements are linked by “Promenades”, but this time jazz flavoured, with increasingly unsettling Brownies: Monday 5.45 – 7.15pm Pitstone Memorial Hall time signatures. Guider: Elaine Thorogood 01296 661540

Both works will be performed by Beacon Community Choir, will feature the Children’s Choir from Girl Guides: Tuesday 7.00 – 8.30pm Millennium Room, Brookmead School, and will be accompanied by Jazz Quintet. Pitstone Memorial Hall Guider: Yvonne Ashton 01296 660044 If you would like further details, please contact: [email protected] To join us, please visit our website at

4 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 5 RikkIAbout

11/11 This edition will have arrived very close the names and villages of those who in terms of our life style and opportunities, to 11th November 2018, the 100th died. From 6pm on Sunday, refreshments but she was very moved by the genuine anniversary of the armistice which ended will be available in the car park and the happiness and kindness of those with a so fi ghting on land, sea and air between Beacon Community Choir will perform much harder existence. An example was the allies and Germany. The silhouettes their special tribute at 6.30. Visitors will be Marta “the samosa lady” in Mozambique, seen around are poignant reminders of able to write their own special message who lived in a shack with 14 other people the sacrifi ces made by local people, one of remembrance on a white pebble, carry behind the market. She and her samosas of whom was 17-year-old Private John it up the Beacon and lay it with others to were a huge hit with Sophia’s group. NEIGHBOURHOOD NEWS Ruffett, a machine gunner with The form a cairn. A beacon will be lit at 7pm. Sophia is grateful to all who supported Bedfordshire Regiment, who grew up If you would like to come, please email her fund-raising events. It is clear that on Vine Farm, Ivinghoe Aston. He died [email protected] or call her trip was of great benefi t to her and just a month before the end of the war. 01442 851227. to those whom she met. Indeed, there You can read about our local hero at was enough money left over to make a Nobody expects the IA bartering for food in local markets and substantial donation to a charity aimed at mkha/projects/jt/letters/docs/letters/ inquisition (especially twice) cooking on open fi res; walking on zip wires teaching Mozambique fi shermen how to l-ivinghoe-aston.html, or Google John For the issue a year ago I spoke to Sophia through the forest canopy. All character- fi sh without harming other creatures such Ruffett, Ivinghoe Aston. Razak, who was preparing for her World forming stuff. as whales, dolphins and turtles. Perhaps Challenge expedition to southern Africa. Highlights for Sophia included above all, it fostered a teamworking ethic Well, she’s been and gone and done it, interactions with local children, exchanging that will stand her in good stead through so I thought it would be good to fi nd out language, songs, dances, knowledge university and beyond. how she got on. She visited South Africa, and food. The wildlife experiences were Lesotho, Swaziland and Mozambique, also amazing. She went on a sea safari Rikki Harrington learning a great deal about human life in a small, ribbed boat, snorkelling with Brampton, Ivinghoe Aston 01525 220625; and wildlife in those countries, whilst a pod of 15 dolphins and having close [email protected]. undertaking valuable community projects encounters with humpback whales. Sadly, such as providing water tanks, painting no whale sharks were seen, which she Please get in touch if you have any classrooms with educational murals, had been particularly looking forward to. news, views or ideas! building fences and clearing plastic from On land, she scored four of the big fi ve: beaches. There were tales of long journeys lion, elephant, rhino and buffalo, missing Rikki Harrington over rough terrain in rattling minibuses with out on leopard but seeing a host of other no seat belts; riding horses from Lesotho fascinating mammals, birds and reptiles. The Ashridge Estate will be joining a across the border into South Africa and These included the exceptionally rare sable nationally-organised tribute called “Battle’s back; two-day fully-laden treks; treks down antelope, of which she saw three on the Over”. From 2pm on Saturday 10th and snake-infested gorges (well, one snake 27 left in the Kruger National Park. Their throughout Sunday, a commemorative was spotted); scrambling up steep, rocky vehicle also found itself in the middle of trail will be laid out from the Beacon car hillsides; drinking yellow water (after a group of lions chasing buffalo. park to Ivinghoe Beacon. It will be marked adding purifi ers); digging hole-in-the-ground Sophia said that the whole experience with stones painted by local people, giving loos with the best views in the world; helped her to understand how lucky we are

6 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 7 WI News... Ivinghoe & Pitstone Branch

ell we have had another Our charity for this year is Buddy successful but busy year and Bags. It supports families that have to Wall of our 100th celebrations are leave their homes very quickly due to behind us. domestic violence. For our 100th year we fundraised We have had a craft day and a felt enough money to provide two outside making day, all very productive and fun. NEIGHBOURHOOD NEWS tables and seats for both villages and We have a Wreath making day coming we also provided each village with up on the 15th December 2018 – we a defibrillator. (We had a speaker still have some spaces left if you are and a demonstration on the use of interested. The cost is £20. defibrillators.) We also donated £500 to In October and November, we made our local school. poppies for displays in both villages. All We have had a variety of interesting of the children at Brookmead School also speakers on topics from WW11 Waging made a poppy. We also purchased two a Secret War, Fun with Morris, An silent soldiers for each village – you have Accordian Adventure, 40 Year’s of Bomb probably seen them! Disposal, The Beauty of Orchids and the As this is my last year as President I History of Pants – all excellent speakers. would like to say a big thank you to all November is our Annual General our members who helped to make it an Meeting and we will have elected a excellent but very busy three year’s! Our new President and Committee. Then Committee has worked extremely hard to round off the year we will have our and with membership up to 52 I hope Christmas Party. that will continue. I would like to wish Our random readers are still going our new President and Committee all the strong as is our knit and natter and our best for the next three year’s. diner’s clubs. Please contact Sue Jones for any We have catered for afternoon tea further information or if you are for The Afternoon Club, interested in joining the W.I. on Champagne Cream Tea refreshments 01296 660436. at our Church Fete, a Valentine lunch, our annual quiz and an afternoon tea for Ashenden W.I. We also had another visit to Potten End W.I. for a very successful Suffragette evening. Sue Jones, President

8 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 9 Ivinghoe Town Hall... News!

e still need new committee Wednesday: 8:30am and 11am members to help run this Natural Pilates Andrea (07855 138005) Wvaluable village asset. If you would like to join then please contact Wednesday: 7pm – 8:30pm Yoga Andy Beezer on 01296 660960 or email Sally Craig (07753-985155) [email protected]. Thursday: 7.00pm – 10.00pm W.I. Ivinghoe Town Hall regular events: 2nd Thursday of each month NEIGHBOURHOOD NEWS The Town hall is an ideal location for Sue Jones (01296 660436) family parties or weddings so don’t forget to book early. NOTE: We have ‘slot availability’, on Also, have a look at the regular Weekly Monday AM’s, Tuesday and Wednesday events held at the Ivinghoe Town Hall. PM’s, Thursday AM/PM’s and Friday PM’s.

Why not try one of these regular Also, please try the web site at weekly events? where you can see regular activities and search Monday: 4pm – 8pm – Ballet for Hall availability dates, and make a Lisa (07834 281434) Booking enquiry on-line. If you prefer to enquire in person then FORD END WATERMILL Tuesday: 9.45am – 12pm – Beacon Art call Stephen Swinbank (The Booking IVINGHOE, Marion (01296 668429) Secretary) on 01296 660680. Or emai: The only working watermill to survive intact in the county. The mill, [email protected] recorded in 1616 but probably much older, was in use until 1963. Tuesday: 7pm – 8pm – Zumba The Post Offi ce and Shop direct Now restored by volunteers and run by Ford End Watermill Society, telephone number is: . Carolyn (07941 092673) 01296 660682 it retains all the atmosphere of a small farm mill of the late 1800s. Visitors can work the sack hoist and mill wheat on a rotary hand quern. Tuesday: 8.15pm – 10.15pm – Morris Andy Beezer Stoneground wholemeal flour for sale on milling days. ‘New Moon’ Dancers Martin Lindridge OPENING TIMES 2018 nd th (07803-149490) Afternoons 2.00–5.00pm 2 April - Easter Monday, 15 April - Sunday, LOCATION th th th 7 May - BH Monday, 13 May - National Mills Weekend, 28 May BH – Station Rd, Ivinghoe, Bucks LU7 9EA Monday, 17th June - Sunday, 15th July - Sunday, 29th July – Sunday, 12th August 600 metres from the church along th th th Station Road. – Sunday, 27 August - BH Monday, 16 September - Sunday, 14 October –as The B488 to . part of Apple Fayre. MILLING DEMONSTRATIONS (water level permitting) between 2.30pm-4.30pm approx Last admission 4.30pm. Admission: Adults: £3 children (5–15) £1 Ample car parking – no toilet facilities. Restricted disability access School and other parties welcome by arrangement. Contact: Mill Manager - Chris Tugby, [email protected] or Telephone: 01442 825421.

10 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 11 New initiatives might include: Email: Hub News... Saturday Sales: Table-top sales on one Ivinghoeoldschoolcommunityhub@ or more Saturdays a month will bring people into the Hub and Café , out of ookings for Community Space are casual weekend interest, Book now. Our Hub run by this community for all. happily back up to around £600 Seasonal Markets would perhaps HOW TO BOOK HUB SPACE: Booking Bper month, including now Guides double-up on the two already established space within the Hub is easy but needs to every week, a meeting held by the Tring – renaming our pre-Christmas Market and follow through by the Hirer who: and District Model Railway Society, and Easter Market to ‘Wintry’ and ‘Springy’ 1.Approaches café team who man the Hub an interesting Medical Writers’ Group! Barbecue, which was planned as a bonding will separate it from the Church’s more Diary 7 days a week at café counter or the An exciting enquiry received from the and planning exercise with the new café religious event – thus, Springy, Summery, Hirer approaches Trustee team via phone television programme ‘Endeavour’ for use team. Although disappointingly poorly Autumnal and Wintery Markets. 01296-661666 or NEIGHBOURHOOD NEWS of the Hub as a TV backdrop – although no attended was a lovely evening for those Springy Market – Easter Egg Hunt, emailIvinghoeoldschoolcommunityhub progress on this as yet! who did attend. Petting Zoo, Pastel Coloured Bunting So – Many thanks to fellow In September 2018 the really very and Eggs, Young Plants and Baby Animal Half space £9/£7 per hour or whole hall Trustees in continuing to provide successful, and very well received, Flower Context. £12/£10 per hour. (or an element of the IT this Community Space and Service – and Vegetable Show was held here, with Summery Market held around Café’s Room after negotiation) Something for everyone. We are open to 100+ Children’s entries being displayed in Birthday in June and accented on 2. The process is explained by obtaining suggestions, and very keen on gaining the Scout Hut. Trustees Karen, Bob, Claire picnicking and open air fun. from either source a vital Booking some new vigorous volunteers for day and myself had joined with allotmenteers Autumnal Market would accent on Form which includes the extra special to day Hub caretaking short tasks. Keep John Lowe, Julie Wills and Simone Leboff harvesting of produce, seed swapping, options bookable, the insurance cover yourself in the loop and follow us on social in forming the organising group, resulting Flower and Vegetable Show activity, and and awareness of the hirers cleaning up media and by just joining in. Our cloakroom in a lovely, traditional robust and bounteous local Morris Band appearance hopefully. obligations - to be filled in and returned regularly groans with additional posters and village event! Photographs are on the Wintery Markets will be held around within 7days and the fee paid – if not then - fliers for everything happening locally. Do Hub Facebook page, our website and our Hub opening anniversary season and no later than 3 days before the date booked. send us your contact email. other social media now, do take a peek. celebrate the Community’s help. LOOK 3. By this returned form and fee, the Heritage Book – it has proved a great The HUB Sustainability Exercise – Bob OUT for posters on our 2018 Wintry booking is made formal and then success, and we have well covered our has completed the Task Schedule as a Market in the HUB Nov23rd 6-10pm. penned into diary which means it cannot costs; it has proved very popular, and we Calendar of tasks needed to be done, and Since May 2018 on Tuesdays 11am- be over-ridden or double booked – This are continuing to receive orders from this I prepared Task Cards to explain in detail 12am at the Hub. the free community booking then translates to our ‘digital diary’ Community and elsewhere! what each tasks demanded and a Map exercise classes are going very well graphically – charted monthly by Bob to August 2018 gave us the Old Scholars’ to show where everything related to the and have turning lives around. Suitable ensure visual awareness of all bookings- Reunion – by now a traditional warm event, tasks is kept. So come on and volunteer for people with less mobility – gentle posted on Facebook Page, web-site and hosted this year successfully by Trustees a half hour a week please. HUB Monies movement to music, designed to get the email data-base, hard copy on Notice Board Sylvia and Margaret – and Butch Baker viewable on website. whole body moving, whilst introducing for Public viewing. Remember we are of the Barron Knights (and one time Cub Forward planning must include some strengthening and stretching searching for more volunteers to help Scout here at the Old School) gave an recruiting additional Trustees and a call-out exercises too. Exercises will be a good run the Ivinghoe Hub. interesting talk of his experiences in Rock for volunteers on some more fun shared mixture of standing and seated work but it Also bring us your DIY skills please! Music. Worthy of mention also is the fact tasks like washing and re-varnishing the can be adapted to suit the individual. They The Hub is for this Community, and that some of the costs were borne by the Hub Hall floors. Then trawl for volunteer are very friendly and welcoming and are run by this Community! Many Thanks! Cloakroom Second Hand Book scheme, trustees within this group? I suggest we aimed at those people who might not think You are all so welcome to join in! also run by Sylvia and Margaret in the get on with the new Building Plaque finally that exercise is for them. If you, or anyone cloakroom area – for which many thanks! to have erected by our Hub Opening you might know, are interested – contact Also we held the Trustees and Café Staff 5th Anniversary! Andrea: Tel 07855 138 005 Carol Tarrant, Chair of Trustees

12 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 13 Our Hub run by this community for all

HOW TO BOOK HUB SPACE: Booking space within the Hub is easy but needs to follow through by the Hirer who: 1. Approaches café team who man the Hub Diary 7 days a week at café counter or the Hirer approaches Trustee team via phone 01296-661666 or email [email protected] Half space £9/£7 per hour or whole hall £12/£10 per hour. (or an element of the IT Room after negotiation)

2. The process is explained by obtaining from either source a vital Booking Form which includes the extra special options bookable, the insurance cover and awareness of the hirers cleaning up obligations – to be filled in and returned within 7 days and the fee paid – if not then – no later than 3 days before the date booked.

3. By this returned form and fee, the booking is made formal and then penned into diary which means it cannot be over-ridden or double booked – This booking then translates to our ‘digital diary’ graphically – charted monthly by Bob to ensure visual awareness of all bookings- posted on Facebook Page, web-site and email data-base, hard copy on Notice Board for Public viewing. PITSTONE VILLAGE HEALTH CENTRE Join in with your DIY skills please! You are all so welcome to join in! YARDLEY AVENUE, PITSTONE, LEIGHTON BUZZARD, BEDS, LU7 9BE 01525 223211 DR J R BELL, DR HEATHER WHITE, DR STEPHANIE JOHNSTON, DR KIRSTEN RIEMER, DR CHARLOTTE FISHER, DR LEE MITCHELL, & DR SHIV KORIA

We welcome patients from & Cheddington as well as the ‘Ivinghoes’ and Pitstone including Castlemead estate. We also offer a medication dispensing service to our patients who live in Cheddington and surrounding villages.

We are a dispensing practice offering a full range of health services at our surgery including Family planning, Midwifery, In-house blood tests, Travel and Minor surgery, Weekly visiting hearing aid service and ear wax microsuction.

14 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 15

Streamline JTS DECORATING GROOMS SERVICE Paving & Builders FARM AND PROPERTY We specialize in: MAINTENANCE • Block Paving SHOP FRESH MEAT & POULTRY • Driveways & Patios FIRST CLASS DECORATION WITH 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE FREE RANGE EGGS & VEGETABLES • All Roofing BVCL 100 CLUB Private and commercial properties all CHEESE, OLIVES, PIES, PATÉS & NUTS Why choose us? Now in its 4th Year! interior, exterior decoration and coving. FREE LOCAL DELIVERY • All Work Guaranteed Wall, Floor Tiling and Plastering. OPENING TIMES • Over 25 Years’ Experience Come and join our many prizewinners Floor stripping and renovation local Thursday 9.00 - 12.30 • Written Quotations and help to support your local Library. references available, Friday 8.30 - 5.30 • Free Estimates contact: John Saturday 8.30 - 12.30 • Pay on completion Why not pick up a pack at the Library Orders can be placed outside these times by telephone in Ivinghoe? Or email T: 01525 240372 Office: 01582 380040 [email protected] for further M:07809 113090 WILLOWDENE FARM Mobile: 07947 812363 IVINGHOE details and an online application form. Email: [email protected] TEL: 01296 668326 Email: [email protected] Innovation Centre & Business Base, Luton, LU2 8DL. James B Chadburn FBHI Fine Antique clocks & Barometers FIRST THURSDAY FRIENDS

Specialist in repairs & Friendly chat, board games for those restorations. who wish and a choice of cake with Valuations & clock endless tea or coffee at just £2.

finding service. ALL WELCOME BELLOWS MILL EATON BRAY Advice & assistance on On the first Thursday of each month at formation & disposal of 2p.m. in the Millennium Room at Attractive short term and overnight private clock collections. accommodation Pitstone Memorial Hall in idyllic surroundings of old water mill. Quality clocks/barometers Licensed for civil wedding ceremonies Bought & sold. We plan to reintroduce film shows on alternate and receptions for up to 80 guests. months as soon as possible. Small meeting room. Telephone 01525 221165 Mobile 07790 000629 Want more information? For details phone 01525 220548 E-mail: [email protected] 01296 668005 or email [email protected]

16 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 17 Carols by Candlelight Beacon Community Choir ing along to your favourite carols A concert for the whole family, Carols with the Beacon Community Choir, by Candlelight is the perfect start to the Sin the beautiful candlelit setting of Christmas season. St. Mary’s Church, Ivinghoe. The choir Accompanist Craig Nathan with will be joined by children from the Tring Aylesbury Grammar School Brass Park School of Performing Arts, and Ensemble the Breakspeare Signing Choir, Abbots Langley. ECUMENICAL ENLIGHTENMENT Tree of Light commemorations offer comfort at Christmas

he Florence Nightingale There are a number of different ways Hospice Charity Tree of Light to commemorate loved ones through the Tcommemorations are open to Hospice’s Tree of Light events. Sponsor anyone in our community who wishes to a light in memory of them and write a spend some time quietly remembering dedication which will appear in the Books friends and family members who have of Honour which can be viewed at the died. The ceremonies are open to all, Hospice in December and early January, regardless of religion or spirituality, and it and at the two Tree of Light events. Carols by Candlelight doesn’t matter whether your loved ones Or come along to one or both Tree of were cared for by Florence Nightingale Light services which will take place at Hospice or died at home or in hospital. the Head Office of Florence Nightingale “The Tree of Light events are designed Hospice Charity at Walton Lodge, Walton to give people a space where a part of Street, Aylesbury, at 5pm on Sunday 2nd Sunday 9th December 2018, 6pm the season is set aside to commemorate December and at St Peter and St Paul’s loved ones,” says Ann Kenny, the new Church, at 4pm on Saturday St Mary the Virgin, Ivinghoe Bereavement Support Team Lead at 8th December. the Hospice. “Christmas can often be To sponsor a light in memory of musical director Judith Sheridan a time of conflicting emotions, or it can someone, please call our Fundraising be so busy that those who are grieving Team on 01296 429 975 to request a can’t find a time to process feelings of Tree of Light Form or find out more at sadness which may come to the fore at Tickets £10 (children free) from Lindsay Hewlett this time of year.” 01296 660670 [email protected] or on the door

18 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 19

Join us for:

Ivinghoe & Pitstone Chapel Fellowship We are a small and friendly group of local Christians who meet to worship God in a fairly informal way, in song, in prayer, and with messages brought by a variety of local preachers.We meet on Sunday mornings at 10.30am SUNDAY in the Millennium Room at Pitstone Memorial Hall for TH services that last about an hour, followed by social chat 9 DECEMBER over a cup of tea or coffee. 2.30 – 4PM ALL ARE WELCOME Why not come and join us? ST. MARY’S CHURCH

FIRST THURSDAY FRIENDS IVINGHOE Come and enjoy a family fi lm on the fi rst CRAFT, FOOD AND ACTIVITIES FOR ALL Thursday of each month. AGES Time 2pm (approx) 4.15pm in the millennium room COME AND JOIN US! INTERESTED? If you would like more information please call: 01296 668005

20 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 21 PITSTONE CHURCH IVINGHOE HAND-BELLS This year we shall be holding our third Christmas Memory We have a beginners group meeting fortnightly in the Tree event. As both the previous ones have been dogged by church ringing the beautiful hand-bells that belong to bad weather we are holding it on two sundays the 9th and St. Mary’s Church Ivinghoe. 16th December. If you missed the taster evening, and would like to have a Come and visit the church to include someone you would go, or see and hear what happens it is not too late so please like to remember on our tree, enjoy the decorated church get in touch or come along to a Monday evening meeting. and sample our mulled wine and mince pies. A warm We have fun, a break for refreshments and experience the

ECUMENICAL ENLIGHTENMENT welcome is promised to all. very special sound of our 139 year old bells. Gillian Arney Alex Wynne 01296 668336

22 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 23


Invite you to a Charity coffee morning supporting Rennie Grove Hospice Care at

Tell us your views on the Chilterns! IVINGHOE TOWN HALL Would you like to have your say on the future of the Chilterns? on We are developing our plans to care for the Chilterns for the next five years and beyond and we would love to hear your views. TUESDAY 13th NOVEMBER 2018 10 a.m. till mid-day Please fill out our survey with the chance to win £50 vouchers! Please come. Chat about the selected pictures on show.

24 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 25 26

St Mary’s Church Christmas Market on Market Christmas Church Mary’s St *Look out forourposters, (1 page ourfacebook check Stick them on your cards and post them in one of our many special in ofourmany postb one post them and yourcards on them Stick Group) This Christmas why not support not your local time save yourself why This and Christmas some Scouts Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine (5pm onFriday(5pm 14

and Villageand sites web pages and facebook The Scout The We will all that ensure cards We posting Christmas around cards You canYou information th the Scout Christmas post instead? post Christmas Scout the

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Wing and Ivinghoe and Pitstone Children’s Centre Timetable 10 September – 17 December 2018

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Play and Grow Getting to know your Child Health Clinic Bumps and Little 10.00am – 11.30am baby 10.00am – 11.15am Learners Wing Children’s Learning through play Invitation only Drop-in 10.00am – 11.30am Centre with activities for babies Winslow Health Team Learning through play Church Street and toddlers with activities for babies

November 2018: Issue 107 Wing £1 per family Development Checks £1 per family LU7 0NY 9.30am – 12.00 noon Childminders Invitation only Development Checks 01296 681163 1st and 3rd Tuesday Please contact your 9.30am – 12.00 noon 9.30am – 11.00am Health Visitor Invitation only Term time only Please contact your Health Visitor

Child Health Clinic Multilingual Baby and Development Play and Grow 9.30am – 11.00am Toddler Group Checks 10.00am – 11.30am Drop-in 10.00am – 11.30am Ivinghoe and Invitation only Learning through play South Aylesbury Health Starts 7 September Pitstone Children’s Please contact your with activities Team 1st and 3rd Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine Centre Health Visitor 0 - 5yrs Friday of the month High Street £1 per family Little Learners Ivinghoe Childminder Support 9.30am – 11.00am A friendly introduction to LU7 9EX Group Learning through play different languages 9.15am – 11.15am with activities for babies 0 through songs, games 01296 662363 2nd and 4th - 1yr and activities Monday £1 per family Term time only Everybody welcome Getting to know your baby Invitation only

Please check our Facebook page for regular updates @Wing, Ivinghoe&PitstoneCC Email addresses for both centres [email protected] 27 [email protected]

The King’s Head at Ivinghoe Merry Christmas & Happy New Year YOUR village’s fine dining restaurant

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Christmas will soon be here! Travel Impressions Celebrate in style with your friends, family and colleagues at the King’s Head. If you need help and advice with planning your next holiday, Our Festive Menu is just £29.95 and offers a choice of 3 starters, 3 main courses and 3 desserts. we will be extending our opening hours in January to include

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28 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 29 Ivinghoe Allotments Tales from the Plot

e have experienced a variety Show earlier and must congratulate allotments and their role in helping people I had anticipated and will have plenty of weather conditions so far the Hub trustees and the Pistone live healthier lifestyles, grow their own of pickled onions to last the Winter. Wthis year! Very cold with plants allomenteers for organising what was a food, develop friendships and bolster Depending on me eating less than four slow to grow and then the exceptionally very successful show. communities. It is still thriving and the a day! hot weather where the plants were During the Summer I was invited to interest in growing your own fruit and veg May I wish you all a happy festive

CULTIVATION CLIPPINGS CULTIVATION suffering and wilting despite copious judge the allotments in Pitstone and as has never been stronger since the WW2 season! amounts of watering with the hosepipe. I had not been there before I was very ‘Grow for Victory’ campaign. It does not compare with some good impressed with what I saw as I walked I forgot to mention earlier that my Mind how you go… steady rain! I am not complaining about around the site. I’m not ashamed to shallots this year turned out better than Ernie Ivinghoe Allotmenteer the weather, it is something we can do admit that I came away with a few nothing about. As plotholders, we make excellent ideas! John and Julie’s set the most of it and now we have had up there is truly unbelievable and the frost in September! hard work they have put into it is being The veggies that I put in the ground rewarded by their success at various this year varied in progress due to the shows around the country. weather conditions. Peas were well Sue and I also attended the Pitstone below average return, onions a whole allotment barbecue in August and we lot smaller than usual, butternut squash really had an excellent evening. The smaller, broad beans did not appear at all, allotmenteers all brought food along fi rst early potatoes good, second early to be cooked and their friendliness in saw an excellent return (good jacket sharing knowledge, ideas and what they potato size) and courgette and squash in had grown to me is what allotmenteering abundance. I now have plenty of soup in is all about. Thank you all for such a the freezer! My leeks did very well and pleasant evening. the curly kale is still thriving. However, This time of year is all about the 10 sweetcorn plants that I grew were maintenance and this week I cleaned completely destroyed the day before the out the greenhouse and I went to a Vegetable and Flower Show. I have never large garden centre to get a can of seen such devastation by an animal – greenhouse fumigator and I really could must have been very hungry badgers! not believe the amount of Christmas This year I had no fruit on the pear tree merchandise already on display! There is but a good yield from the apple tree, still two and a half months to go before blackcurrant bushes, gooseberry and the special day! Victoria plum tree. This year has also For your information, National been an excellent one for greenhouse Allotments Week 2019 will be held from tomatoes, so plenty of homemade 12th until 18th August, so put a note in tomato soup also in the freezer! your diaries. This fi rst started in 2002 I did mention the Vegetable and Flower as a means of raising awareness of

30 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 31 Allotment Diary Ivinghoe Golf Club

have never known such a continued and produce show, I should imagine hot, dry spell in all my years on my the committee who organised it were Iplot. The allotments lost a lot of their delighted with the turnout of both colour with paths becoming parched and exhibitors and visitors. I was quite dry. It was a running battle to keep on pleased to see the all important red top of the watering. My poor girls did not and blue place cards against some of like it at all but fortunately there is a lot my entries.

CULTIVATION CLIPPINGS CULTIVATION of shade in their runs for them. I did plant my spring and winter My runner beans decided to stop vegetables a bit later this year due to growing due to lack of rain but extra the heat, they have not suffered and watering brought them back and I am are looking very promising. Sprouts are still cropping now in October so all was a little bit behind for this time of year not lost. but I hope they will come good in time The weather really suited the for Christmas. Looking to Learn to Play or Improve your Golf? courgettes, cucumbers and squashes, My dahlias have put on a magnifi cent my beetroot was exceptionally sweet show again this year, being the national Book 6 lessons with our Pro Mark Flitney for this year. Sweetcorn did well but fl ower of Mexico the obviously enjoyed unfortunately myself and a fellow plot the long hot summer. £85.00, and if you decide to join we will refund holder lost most of them to badgers. Well, we are now into October, the the cost of your lessons. We did not have many visitors on seed catalogues will start to arrive, time our open day in August but several to refl ect on what did or did not work allotmenteers were on their plots to this year and start planning for 2019. speak to those who did come to see us. • Various Adult Membership schemes available starTng from less than September saw the Ivinghoe Flower Happy gardening, Gloria £8.00 per week. • Junior Membership £99.00 or only £20.00 with a Parent holding 7 day Membership. • Turn up and play Green Fees from £10.00 for 9 holes.

Discount Golf Shop with the largest Looking for a selecTon of equipment in the area local Venue for a Party? For further details contact: Pro Shop: Tel: 01296 668696 Our Clubhouse is available for Clubhouse: Tel: 01296 668696 E‐mail: [email protected] private hire for birthdays and celebraTons.

Ivinghoe Golf Club, WellcroY, Ivinghoe, Nr. Leighton Buzzard, Beds, LU7 9EF

32 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 33 Ivinghoe Flower and Produce Show 2018

hank you to the committee for Cookery Julie Haynes running such a successful fl ower Craft Carol Tarrant Tand produce show. This year Flowers & Plants Julie Lloyd we had 386 entries of which 51 were Fruit Emma Stone children’s entries, this is very encouraging

CULTIVATION CLIPPINGS CULTIVATION for the future. Vegetables Ingrid Gresby Thank you to the Scouts for offering Onions Ingrid Gresby teas, coffees and delicious cakes. Flower Arranging Ingrid Gresby There were some very impressive entries making the judges decisions Children’s Cup Winners: diffi cult and the overall cup winners were: 8 & Under Lucy Tilley 12 & under Erin McGuire Christmas Trees fresh from the farm

We look forward to next year’s show with even more entries. Top quality Christmas trees direct from the grower

We are located at Goose Hill Farm Ringshall, HP4 1ND on the B4506 between Ringshall & .

Look out for the giant Father Christmas.

10% off any tree with this advert.

Tel: 07717 408818 G.I. Rogers & Son

34 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 35 M. D. SPRING AUTOS Martin D Spring 28 years established trading W Roff Agricultural Services For all your vehicle’s needs Servicing,Servicing, Bodywork Class 4 repairs,and 7 MOTs MOTs onarranged, site, Exhausts, Exhausts, Welding, Tyres and Brakes • Hay & straw for sale Your vehicle can be picked up and returned free of charge Call now for a competitive quote • Paddock maintenance Telephone & fax: 01296 662280 • Fencing Mobile: 07860 847328 Unit 9, Airfield Ind Est, Cheddington Lane Long Marston, Tring, Herts HP23 4QR ( 07909 680807 ElsagE Farm, CHEddington

RGCAgricultural & Horticultural Engineers , Milton Keynes, Bucks MK17 0SA

Tel:(01296) 720066 [email protected] Sales, Service & Repairs Garden Tractors Chainsaws • Strimmers All Garden & Ground Care Equipment Compact Tractors, Quads etc. to most leading Service & Repairs makes of machine.

36 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 37 Ivinghoe & Pitstone’s Windmill PreShool

Windmill Pre-School in Ivinghoe is one of the top pre-schools nationally and highest rated locally

“Children make excellent progress in all areas of their learning and development because staff plan an outstanding range of activities…“

((BOUNCE)) is mini-trampoline fitness; it is a

“Children have fun and are purposefully engaged in all areas of this dynamic setting. dance-choreographed workout programmed

SCHOOLS STUFF They make excellent progress as staff recognise them as unique individuals…” to gain rapid results via HIIT training.

Source: Ofsted report June 2011 orning session mm And classes are now in Pitstone! Classes are running at Pitstone Memorial Hall. Aternoon session mm (includes Lunch Club) Mondays 6pm-7pm (child-friendly) Lnh Cl mm (subject to availability) Wednesdays 9:30am-10:30am (child-friendly)

Thursdays 6:15pm-7:15pm We welcome all children between 2 and 5 years from Pitstone, Ivinghoe & surrounding areas to our purpose-built premises behind Brookmead School five full days per week Book online here: IT’S NEVER TOO EARLY TO REGISTER YOUR CHILD For further info and to arrange a visit for you and your child please contact us: And follow us on Facebook for news and [email protected] or 01296 661031 (during sessions) offers: Any questions? Contact Abi indmillreshoolo ((BOUNCE)) is “the most effective or Olivia: Registered Chrit No [email protected] exercise yet known to man.” – NASA

Enjoy Home cooked food at the Waterside Café Pitstone Wharf, Cheddington Road, Pitstone, Bucks LU7 9AD Breakfasts, Lunches, Soup, Sandwiches, Toasties Homemade Cakes, Cream Teas plus a selection of Hot & Cold Drinks OPENING TIMES 10am to 3pm FRIDAY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY -10am to 2.30pm. 10am to 3pm BANK HOLIDAYS 10am to 3pm

On request for group bookings we can offer seating for 36people. Email: café

38 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 39

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...our volunteer befrienders do this every day Living with dementia can be isolating. Alzheimer’s Society volunteer befrienders make a difference. Find out more about volunteering with us by having a chat with Laura or Lisa on 01296 331722 or emailing [email protected]

We’d love to hear from you. Alzheimer’s Society operates in , Wales and Northern Ireland. Registered charity number 296645.

Dear Dog Walkers of the Parish

The walks round here are nice, we think you’ll all agree, And many people comment, on the views being so pretty. NEW MEMORY SUPPORT SERVICE IN BUCKINGHAMSHIRE But sometimes on the path you walk, you look and you do see, A squidgy thing you stepped on, is something that’s sh***y. If you are concerned about your memory, the earlier you seek help the better as there may be support or treatment available that can help you. So we kindly ask you, when Rover needs a poop, There are many different things that can cause memory problems but sometimes it can be an early You make a little effort; you simply bend and scoop, sign of dementia. And have a thought for fellow (wo)man, do not commit a sin, You know you need to pick it up, and put it in the bin! This new service helps you to take control of your situation by offering a single point of contact for:

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Get in touch today to find out more.

01296 331749

[email protected]

40 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 41 42 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 43 Ashridge Ramblings – Deer: delight and damage

allow Deer have roamed Ashridge for two thousand years, and are a Fdelight to encounter (farmers may beg to differ). They are thought to have been introduced to southern England by Following the long winter of 2017-2018 and the late Spring, colonies of honeybees are the Romans in the 1st Century AD. As

BEYOND THE BOUNDARY under tremendous stress. In the wild the survival chance of a honeybee swarm is about often happens with non-native species, 20%. Collected, and housed in a hive by a beekeeper, the survival rate triples. The they are not in perfect balance with the MBBKA needs the help of everyone in the area to ensure we collect as many swarms rest of our natural world. In the absence this year as possible. If you see a swarm of bees please contact the MBKA on the of a top predator or human intervention, swarm-line number below. We will send a beekeeper to collect the swarm and provide it they can build up populations capable with a new home. of causing signifi cant damage to our trees, and hence harm to the fauna Honey Bee Swarms: Swarms such as the ones pictured are merely relying on them for food and shelter. Colonies that are in transition. Normally these Swarms are found hanging from around The deer nibble young shoots and in the deer behaving somewhat more tree branch, fence post or any place where the swarm can gather the Queen while scouts are sent out to look for a more permanent home. A swarm saplings, and strip the bark from mature naturally. Large herds (40 plus) are less left alone will only be in place from just a few minutes to a few hours and trees. This harm can be measured by commonly seen. There have also been occasionally a few days. Generally, these swarms are very docile and the carrying out deer impact assessment. fewer collisions with cars. Hearing a swarming Bees usually will not sting. Before Honey Bees swarm they gorge This is done every spring at Ashridge. rustle in the woods, peering in and themselves with honey before leaving the hive. This makes it very hard for them to double over and sting. In order to maintain deer impacts at a seeing a few deer lunching or leaping, suffi ciently low level to ensure that the remains a delight of a walk in Ashridge – What Causes Honey Bees to Swarm: Honey Bees have a natural instinct to create new precious Ashridge ecosystem remains and always will. colonies by swarming. They may also swarm through overcrowding or because an old queen is thought to be fully functional, some deer have to be Incidentally, on a trip to Japan a few failing and they wish to raise a new one. Honey Bees usually swarm in early spring just as the colony is culled. This happens every Autumn, years ago I visited the Odaigahara building up numbers in anticipation of the upcoming honey flow but swarming can happen through to late summer and numbers targeted are based on the national park. In parts of this, the It is difficult to predict if weather conditions will lead to a large number of swarms in a particular year. results of the deer impact assessments deer problem is out of control. The MBBKA members attended nearly 100 calls to swarms last year and are on standby to collect throughout carried out on the estate. A spin-off devastation seen in the picture results our area in 2018 is the Ashridge venison, beloved of entirely from deer damage. They are If You See a Swarm: The collection of swarms an important part of the work of bee keepers. You many, sale of which goes some way contemplating introducing wolves or should never interfere with a swarm and pest control companies will not kill a swarm unless absolutely to covering the cost of the cull. Better feral dogs. Ashridge has no such plans. necessary. understanding of impacts in recent years Please contact: has led to larger culls. This has resulted Rikki Harrington MBBKA Swarm Hotline 07770370132 Brian Bush – Mid Bucks Beekeepers and BBKA Swarm Officer BBKA British Bee Keepers Association website

44 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 45 Cheddington Village Hall Wilstone Village Hall Goldfield Infants School Monday 7pm Mon & Wed 9.30am Tring Tuesday 9.45am Tue 6pm Low Impact Tue & Thu 7.30pm Thu (Lo) & Fri 9.45am Pitstone Memorial Hall Nora Grace Hall, Tring Sat 9.30am Wednesday 7.30pm Wed 11.30am Lite class

Pitstone &Ivinghoe

Girls football teams under 12s & under 14s school years 6, 7, 8 and 9.

Want to have fun and fancy giving football a try? ‘ Why not come along and join the fastest growing sport in the world, girls football

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46 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 47 Ageing well together campaign

et’s age well together We want to help residents like you to live long,

SPORTING SCOOP SPORTING Lhappy and healthy lives. That’s why we’re working with Active Bucks and other partners to encourage older residents across Buckinghamshire to try a new physical activity or sport session. Keeping active as we age is really important for our physical and mental health. It can help us keep up with the grandkids, provide a way to regularly see friends, ensure our minds stay sharp by learning new skills and ward off many preventable diseases. Current guidelines recommend that done for years, I have less aches and people aged 65 and over should aim to pains and I have lost signifi cant weight be moderately active for 150 minutes without any change to my diet. I am each week, that means an activity which racing up hills and inclines where before Let’s age well together raises your heart rate and makes you I would be puffi ng and panting. It feels breathe faster and feel warmer. exhilarating to get the heart rate up.” Keeping active is a fantastic way to make new friends Government recommendations also According to Ian, it’s the social which include two sessions of activity each makes it enjoyable with feeling fi tter and and help keep our health in check. week which strengthens the major healthier an added bonus. However, with muscles, like digging the garden, Pilates only two other men in the group, Ian is Active Bucks has a collection of fun, introductory or carrying heavy shopping bags. keen to get more men involved. physical activity sessions available to help us age There are hundreds of activities taking “It was the social thing more than place across the county to help you anything; we have grown together as well together. achieve these guidelines, and through a group of people. We didn’t know Active Bucks, your fi rst session is free. each other before and now we all look For hundreds of activities to keep fit and healthy visit: Try your hand at activities like nordic forward to the session. My wife Val will walking, gym, swimming, dance, martial tell you that I get really annoyed if I have arts, badminton, tennis, and yoga. to miss a session of this. So the big Ian 67, a retired graphic designer from message as far as I’m concerned is lets tried Nordic Walking last get more men doing it.” or call 01296 585842 year and has been hooked ever since. Like Ian, you can feel the social and “From the fi rst session in the cold wind physical benefi ts of being more active. and pouring rain, I loved it! I knew it was Sign up for an activity session today. doing me good. I feel fi tter than I have

48 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 49 Councillor News from the photo and I’m in the middle). consultation period to explore the various With the number of children in care options for their planned expansion of rising both nationally and within Bucks, the airport from 18 million passengers Anne Wight there is a greater need than ever for per annum to 38 million passengers per foster carers. if anyone feels that they annum. Their timeline for consultation is: hope you have all had a good summer, might be interested in fostering, do Mid 2018 - Non-Statutory Consultation and were able to get out and make please get in touch via my email or check – initial round of public consultation Ithe most of the fi ne weather which out the links on the BCC website below on the emerging strategic masterplan we enjoyed for most of the summer and I will be happy to put you in touch options for making best use of the Anne Wight months. Although the council has been with our fostering team. https://www. existing runway in the period up to 2050 Bucks County Councillor in August recess, quite a lot has been to achieve up to 36-38 mppa Ivinghoe Division going on both in Ivinghoe Division and in children-and-families/fostering/foster- Mid 2018- Mid 2019 – Ongoing Bucks over the past few weeks. with-bucks/becoming-a-foster-carer/ engagement and feedback review – project team reviews responses to Non- COUNCILLOR COMMUNICATION We Do Care Celebration Event Statutory Consultation while continuing and Bucks County Show dialogue with local stakeholders, leading I was honoured to have been able to to a preferred scheme attend the We Do Care Celebration Mid 2019 – Statutory Consultation Event for our children in care throughout – statutory consultation on the preferred the county, which was held in High scheme. Supported by the draft detailed Wycombe in August. More than 70 technical and environmental assessments of our kids in care, as well as recent Mid - Late 2019 – Further care leavers, attended with their foster engagement and feedback review – families, and were treated to several consideration of all comments provided bouncy castles, an ice cream van, Luton Airport Expansion during consultation, leading to fi nal design entertainers, juggling and a very tasty Consultation changes to our scheme. Finalisation of BBQ. Bucks Fire and Rescue as well It was a pleasure to see so many Environmental Impact Assessment as had vehicles care system and detailed his personal residents from Ivinghoe attending the Ivinghoe residents who wish to on display and teams to answer any journey through to his present work with London Luton Airport non-statutory download the full reports can do so at questions the kids had about the the BBC. It was wonderful to see our consultation event on 31 July at Pitstone the following web address, where there equipment and their important work. kids having such a great day out and it Memorial Hall. The team from London is also a Have Your Say option to receive The kids particularly enjoyed having was a privilege for me to have been able Luton Airport had many displays and further information via email. https:// their achievements celebrated in to attend to support them. staff members on hand to explain their a special and very moving awards The Bucks County Show was also expansion plans. For anyone who wasn’t As some residents have also ceremony, led by Cabinet Member for very well attended this year. BCC had a able to attend, London Luton Airport is expressed concerns over scheduled Children’s Services, Warren Whyte. Each marquee which included representatives growing faster than anyone could have night fl ights, just a reminder that the link child was presented with an individual from Transport for Bucks, Communities, predicted, and is now the fi fth busiest to make a noise complaint to the airport certifi cate of achievement and a gift Adult Social Care, Childrens’ Services, airport in the UK. At its current rate of is: voucher which was kindly donated by and Recycling and Waste, among other growth, LTN is forecast to reach its corporate/community/noise/making- The Entertainer toyshop. stalls. I was glad to support to our existing permitted capacity of 18 million a-noise-complaint The keynote speaker, Ashley John- fantastic Fostering teams, along with passengers per annum (mppa) in 2021. I would like to encourage all my Baptiste, was inspiring as he talked to Warren Whyte, Cabinet Member for Hence, London Luton Airport Ltd is residents to participate as fully as the kids about his own experience in the Childrens’ Services (Warren is far left in currently in the process of a lengthy possible in these consultations and u

50 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 51 to report any noise issues on the weblink roads worst affected in our division were a fair number of HGVs around to Legion is leading the nation in saying above. While BCC and AVDC have by the “Beast from the East” and an provide some good examples of where thank you to all those who served, aerospace planning offi cers working with exceptionally long and hard winter last an enforceable Freight Strategy would sacrifi ced, and changed our world. the airport on behalf of our residents, year. Many of the roads around our division benefi t residents throughout our division. All communities are being encouraged anecdotal resident information, opinions have now been properly resurfaced with Geoff will be compiling his ideas as to to join the movement by expressing their and viewpoints are invaluable in helping high quality plane-and-patch type repairs how best to take things forward, and will thanks this year, with 45 high profi le us to better represent you. Do please rather than jetpatching. Lammas Road in be reporting back in the next few weeks organisations already supporting the take a look at the proposals and if you Cheddington, Horton Wharf Farm Road, on those. movement. Partners include English have any questions or views on them, and the areas around Cooks Wharf have National Ballet, Diwali in the Square, please let me know and I will be happy all been improved over the summer. TfB Remembrance Sunday Highclere Castle, GCHQ, Cadbury, to take those forward to the planning. will continue to work to improve roads As the Centenary of the Armistice Sainsbury’s, M&S, the Coventry Building Of course, I am very conscious of the throughout the coming weeks in advance approaches, I would like to pay tribute Society, the RFU and many others. number of my residents who do not have of the adverse winter weather conditions. to all those who fell in the Great War. Over 250 community events have been access to the internet, email or broadband As part of my work, I am dedicated As we commemorate their sacrifi ce organised so far to say a mass ‘Thank for various reasons, and so residents can to the Transport for Bucks Working this year and their victory as the guns You’ to those who put Britain on the path always ring me in such cases so that I Group at BCC, which allows me to fell silent, I struggle to fi nd the words to becoming what it is today. can take things forward for them. provide feedback to TfB on the priorities to thank them for what they did. ‘Thank You’ will honour not only the of residents, as well as on areas Their steady and unfailing strength, 1.1 million British and Commonwealth Ivinghoe and Cheddington where residents feel there is room for determination and courage in the face of Armed Forces who lost their lives in Flower Shows improvement. I am always happy to a formidable enemy and against almost the First World War, but also those who This summer I was delighted to have pass on resident comments and views insurmountable odds is a source of played their part on the home front, and met quite a few of you as I attended the to this working group, or alternatively inspiration for all generations to come. those who returned to build a better life Ivinghoe and Cheddington Flower Shows. you can contact Bucks County Council I am honoured to be attending both for the benefi t of generations to come. I was rather struck by how so many directly via the webpage using the Chat Ivinghoe and Pitstone Remembrance To fi nd out more about the vast array residents have such a fl air for growing link, or via the link below under “All Day services this year as we remember of events to mark the Centenary, please near-perfect vegetables, and I was suitably Services” followed by choosing “Contact the Fallen of Buckinghamshire. do take a look at the Royal British Legion humbled when I considered my own Us”, where there are online forms for For those of you who, like me, fi nd webpage at attempts at home-grown veggies! There comments, compliments and complaints. themselves in awe of their self-sacrifi ce were so many fi ne baked goods, photos, TfB are also taking forward their on such a vast scale, The Royal British Anne Wright art and crafts on display at both events Freight Strategy initiative. To help and it was a pleasure to see everyone illustrate the impact of heavy goods come together as a community and vehicle traffi c on our villages here in Have you ever thought about ‘growing your own’? display the fruits of all their hard labour, Ivinghoe Division, I organised a walk Growing your own fruit and vegetables can be very a both literally and fi guratively! Well done to around some of the freight hotspots satisfying experience and in Ivinghoe we are very lucky all the prizewinners, and a special “Well in Pitstone, Ivinghoe and Slapton with to have some beautiful allotments just off Church Done” to Cheddington for having won parish councillors and the interim Freight Road, overlooking St Mary’s Church. The DeFraine Cup (for villages with a Strategy offi cer, Geoff Gardener, at If you are an Ivinghoe resident and would like some population of 1501-3000) for the Best Kept TfB. The group looked at the area by more information about availability of plots – we have Village in Buckinghamshire competition! Brookmead School, the newly-repaired them in a range of sizes – please contact the Parish Brownlow Bridge and the entrance to Clerk at [email protected] Horton on the B488 around the time Transport for Bucks Update NB: there may not always be an available plot but we do keep a Transport for Bucks has had a very busy of the afternoon school run. It was a waiting list! summer, mainly repairing some of the very informative afternoon, and there

52 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 53 From District Councillors Sandra Jenkins and Derek Town

Cambridge, Milton Keynes, be offered to those at risk and sleeping rough to become a Oxford Expressway during the winter months. ‘Full Universal Credit Service’ Corridor B announcement AVDC is working in partnership with Following the gradual national roll-out, Highways England announced that Corridor Aylesbury Homeless Action Group, Aylesbury Vale will become a ‘Full Universal B is its preferred route for the proposed the Buckinghamshire CCG, Oasis and Credit Service’ from Wednesday 26 Cambridge, Milton Keynes to Oxford Oxford Health and working closely with September 2018. Universal Credit is the Expressway, following a programme of Connection Support’s Rough Sleeper new benefi t for working-age people who are stakeholder engagement. This is the fi rst Outreach Service Team and other on low income or are out of work and claim of a number of key decisions that will be homelessness support agencies in the benefi ts. It’s replacing a number of benefi ts,

COUNCILLOR COMMUNICATION taken in respect of this locally and nationally Vale to develop innovative tailored support including housing benefi ts and tax credits, important project. Aylesbury Vale District solutions for those sleeping rough. and is administered by the Department of Council says the announcement is important They are also working to develop Work and Pensions (DWP). Residents, in in helping us to start to understand more accommodation solutions in partnership Aylesbury Vale, who are currently claiming about the Government’s plan for the area to our residents and businesses as with Advance Housing, the Vale of Aylesbury housing benefi t, will be gradually moved and to continue to work with partners to approximately 70% of the new road will Housing Trust and a local bed and breakfast to Universal Credit as and when their understand the potential implications with its pass through Aylesbury Vale. provider. This approach offers a holistic- circumstances change. members, local communities and partners. needs based service to clients to provide However, it is important to note that this The exact route to be confi rmed after AVDC support for rough accommodation, assessment and support will not affect everyone who claims housing consultations and planning reviews etc, will sleepers set to be boosted including dedicated access to mental health benefi t. Aylesbury Vale District Council roughly follow the old Oxford to Cambridge by government funding and substance misuse professionals to help is committed to ensuring its residents, railway. The section from Oxford to Bicester Aylesbury Vale District Council has received them sustain tenancies in the longer term. who claim benefi ts, are fully prepared has recently been reopened with a link a further provisional allocation of a quarter Further information on the £45 million when they are moved to Universal Credit. at Bicester to the London Marylebone to of a million pounds from the Ministry of funding to support rough sleepers can Information for residents, landlords and Birmingham line. The section from Bletchley Housing and Local Government for the be found here: partners regarding how Universal Credit to Bedford is still in use and never closed. funding year 2019/20 to continue to provide government/news/funding-allocated-for- could affect them has been provided on the The section from Bicester to Bletchley is support for rough sleepers in Aylesbury Vale. councils-to-help-rough-sleepers AVDC website, ‘mothballed’ and expected to reopen in Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP, uk/universal-credit, with further support and the next 3 years as part of the East West Communities Secretary, has announced Tring Station new access guidance available across the council’s social Link. Therefore the nearest the Expressway £45 million of provisional funding for Work is scheduled to start in October to media channels. will come to Cheddington will be between support for rough sleepers for 83 local replace the existing footbridge access to The council will be able to provide some Bletchley and Winslow. authority areas in 2019/20, including the platforms with a new bridge and lifts. support to people claiming Universal Credit, The Corridor A was the most southerly £250,867 for Aylesbury Vale. This funding The replacement facility will be built to the including offering the use of its Customer option and would have brought the road is in addition to the £223,789 secured for south of existing bridge and steps. The new Service Centre, located at The Gateway in works within 4 miles at Wing. Aylesbury Vale for 2018/19. access bridge will include elevators with the Aylesbury. The Customer Service Centre The expressway is just one of the The new funding will boost the support obvious improved access to wheelchairs, is fully equipped with computers and components of the government’s strategy available to people living on the streets and prams and less able travellers. The work free Wi-Fi and AVDC staff will be able to for the Cambridge-Milton Keynes-Oxford help them into accommodation. It will also is expected to take 12 to 18 months. No guide claimants through the online sign-up growth corridor and is of great relevance increase the amount of assistance that can changes at Cheddington Station. process. Residents, who are requested u

54 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 55 by the DWP to claim Universal Credit, focus from the council’s core services. urging residents to help us save money by the good of your local community, then should not delay in submitting a claim. The It’s probable that any work on these public responding now.” we want to hear from you! The fund is future monthly payments will be calculated spaces will be phased rather than carried Residents can respond online using a designed to be as inclusive as possible and on the same day each month based on out at the same time to minimise disruption unique 14-digit reference number which help projects which have found it diffi cult the day the claim is submitted. For more to our local residents and businesses. You is printed on the form. The online process to benefi t from traditional grant funding. information on Universal Credit visit: can take a look at the full Aylesbury Town also allows people to add the names of any In order to apply, projects must be within Centre Plan by visiting: https://www. new occupants as well as remove names Aylesbury Vale, be not for profi t, have a of those who no longer live at the address, civic value and be open and accessible Aylesbury Vale District centre-plan or request a postal application. For further to the community. As grant budgets are Council (AVDC) has approved information on the Electoral Canvass, visit: continuously under review, this fund is an a proposed £4.5million There’s still time to renew or innovative way to help council resources package of improvements your voter registration call 01296 585701. stretch further whilst helping projects who to Kingsbury and Market Electoral Canvass staff will be out and about struggle to access funds through traditional Square in Aylesbury town over the next few weeks, visiting properties £50,000 Our Vale fund now grant giving models. centre, fulfi lling actions in the that have yet to respond. All properties available for community Find out more details on the fund, Aylesbury Town Centre Plan in Aylesbury Vale received a ‘Household projects! eligibility criteria, and more on Our At a meeting of its full Council on Enquiry Form’ during the summer and a Aylesbury Vale District Council (AVDC) Vale crowdfunding in general at: Wednesday 19 September, AVDC agreed reminder in September, but around 7,700 has pledged £50,000 to the Our Vale to invest in the rejuvenation of the public responses remain outstanding. crowdfunding platform to help eligible spaces. The planned investment into Residents are required by law to confi rm projects transform shared spaces, inspire Kingsbury and Market Square will address or update the details of anyone at their visitors and enhance the district. AVDC Derek Town – 01296 661637 the operational and aesthetic challenges, address who is eligible to vote in the UK. launched Our Vale to connect and empower [email protected] while making improvements to the safety, The forms are pre-printed with the names of local communities and help shape the Vale sustainability and accessibility of the the occupants currently registered to vote for the better. Sandra Jenkins – 01296 668587 areas. The improvements will also look to at each address. A response is required; This fund is the next step in helping to [email protected] emphasise Kingsbury as the gateway to either to update their details if there are any create exciting, special and interesting the old town, celebrating Aylesbury’s rich changes, or to confi rm the information is community projects. If you’ve got a project District Councillors for Pitstone and heritage as a market town. still the same. idea which will help transform the Vale for Cheddington Ward As a continuation of what is already People who have moved address recently being achieved within ‘The Exchange’ are particularly encouraged to respond. development, the vision for both Kingsbury Across Great Britain, only 40% of people and Market Square includes creating a who have lived at an address for less than more attractive environment for residents, one year will be registered, compared to visitors and businesses, whilst helping the 94% of people who have been at their local economy by enhancing it’s presence property for more than sixteen years. Peter as a key retail, catering and leisure hub - as Brown, AVDC Electoral Services Manager, defi ned in the Aylesbury Town Centre Plan. said: “Although the canvass response rate The funding will be sourced from to date has been encouraging, nearly 10% specifi cally earmarked funding and grants, of homes in the Vale have yet to respond. including: existing Section 106 funding We take a number of prescribed steps to allocated to Aylesbury town centre, Heritage follow up on non-responding properties, Lottery Funding Townscape Grants and the and households that fail to respond New Homes Bonus. This will enable AVDC have to be personally visited. This is an to achieve its prospects without withdrawing expensive exercise, and we are therefore

56 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November November 2014: 2018: Issue Issue 91 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 57 Your local Councillors:

Cllr Karen Groom Cllr Pat Roach Areas of Responsibility: Allotments, Beacon Magazine, Areas of Responsibility: Health, Community Impact Bucks Beacon Villages Library, Conservation Area, Footpaths and Liaison, General Parish Maintenance, Lawn and Trees, Bridleways, Parish Maintenance, Ivinghoe Aston Village Local Area Forum Hall, Lawn Hire, Lawn and Trees, National Trust/Chiltern Add: Church View, Church Road, Ivinghoe LU7 9EU Soc., Planning Tel: 01296 668482 Add: Willowdene Farm, Ivinghoe, LU7 9EA Email: [email protected] Tel: 01296 668326 or Mob: 07882 3562411 Email: [email protected] Mrs Bridget Knight Cllr Claire Bamber Clerk to Ivinghoe Parish Council Areas of Responsibility: Conservation Area, Human Add: Parish Office, Ivinghoe Town Hall, Resources (Clerks employment and training), IPC Website High Street, Ivinghoe, Bucks LU7 9EP and Social Media (inc Facebook and Twitter), Planning Tel: 07960 605393 Sub-Committee, Police Liaison, Streets, Street Lights and Email: [email protected] Highways (inc Traffic Calming), Grants and Fundraising Add: Bruce Grove House, Great Gap. Ivinghoe. LU7 9DZ Tel: 01296 668134 or Mob: 07711 107 114 Email: [email protected] Cllr Anne Wight Bucks County Councillor Cllr Andrew Dicker Ivinghoe Division Areas of Responsibility: Allotments, Finance Add: 31 Redwood Drive, Wing, LU7 0TA Add: The Old House, 38 Station Road, Ivinghoe, LU7 9EB. Tel: 01296 682955 Tel: 01296 668444 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Cllr Sandra Jenkins Cllr Stephen Lott Tel: 01296 668587 Areas of Responsibility: Beacon Villages Library, Footpaths Email: [email protected] and Bridleways, Ivinghoe Aston Village Hall, Lawn Hire, Local Area Forum, Playgrounds (Ivinghoe and Ivinghoe Aston), Police Liaison, Town Hall Committee Add: 2 Yew Tree Close, Ivinghoe, LU7 9ET. Tel: 01296 668897 Email: [email protected] Cllr Chris Poll Cllr Anna Stone District Cllr Ward Areas of Responsibility: Education, Footpaths and Add: 43 Gooseacre, Cheddington LU7 0SR Bridleways, Town Hall Committee, Grants and Fundraising Tel: 01296 663 737 Add: Willowdene Farm, Ivinghoe, LU7 9EA Email: [email protected] Tel: 01296 668326 Email: [email protected]

Cllr Sheena Bexson Cllr Derek J Town Areas of Responsibility: Community Impact Bucks Liaison, Tel: 01296 661637 Planning sub-committee, Play Areas (Ivinghoe Aston & Email: [email protected] Ivinghoe), Streets, Street Lights and Highways (inc Traffic Calming). Email: [email protected]

58 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine November 2018: Issue 107 November 2018: Issue 107 Ivinghoe Beacon Magazine 59


Saturday 17th November 2018, 11am – 2pm ST MARY’S IVINGHOE & THE TOWN HALL

• Santa’s grotto • wine raffle

• children’s craft • hamper raffle

• lunches • jewellery

• crafts • gift baskets