No. D2-41715/2021/KC സിി േപാലീസ ് ഓഫീസ,് ക 04972763332 തീയതി. 06-08-2021

േലല വിിളംബരം

ക സിി േപാലീസ് ജിയിെല ക െടൗ , ചര, മി, ക ാഫിക് എേഫാെറ ണി് , വളപണം, തലേരി, നമാഹി, തലേരി ാഫിക് എേഫാെറ ണി് , കതി, െചാി, ധമടം, പറ്, പാ, െകാളവ , കവം, മ എീ േപാലീസ ് േഷ പരിസരം ചര ഡംപിംഗ് യാഡിമായി ിവം,അവകാശികളിാം ആയ 407 വാഹന േകരള േപാലീസ ് ആ് 2011 െസ 56 , 11.09.2018 തീയതിയിെല സാ ഉരവ ് ന 60/2018/ആഭരം എിവ കാരം അവകാശിക ഇാ വാഹളായി പരിഗണി് MSTC ലിമിഡിെറ െവൈസ ് ആയ േഖന 27.08.2021 തീീയതിി 11.00 മണിി ത 15.30 മണിിവെര ഇ-േലലം നടതാണ്. MSTC ലിമിഡിെറ െവബ് ൈസി BUYER ആയി റജി െച ് േലലി പൊതാണ്. MSTC ലിമിഡിെറ െവബ ് ൈസി BUYER ആയി റജി െചിവം േലലി പെവമായ വിക് േലലി ഉെ വാഹന ഇേ ദിവസം ത 25.08.2021 വെര ദിവസളി രാവിെല 10 മണി ത ൈവേരം 5 മണിവെര ബെ വാഹനം ിി േഷ െഹൗസ് ഓഫീസെട അമതിേയാട് ടി പരിേശാധിാതാണ്. േലലമായി ബെ സംശയ 0497-276339 എ നറി ബെടാതാണ്.

SL. POLICE CLASS OF VEHICLE ARE % of REG. NO. Remarks NO. STATION VEHICLE KEPT GST LOT 1 Motor Cycle - Chakkarakkal 1 Town KL 13 E 2406 18% Scrap Above 95Cc Dumping Yard Motor Cycle - Chakkarakkal 2 Kannur Town KL 13 Q 8521 18% Scrap Above 95Cc Dumping Yard Motor Cycle - Chakkarakkal 3 Kannur Town KL 13 L 5791 18% Scrap Above 95Cc Dumping Yard Motor Cycle - Chakkarakkal 4 Kannur Town KL 57 _47 18% Scrap Above 95Cc Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 5 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 L 8511 18% Scrap Dumping Yard KL 13 AA Chakkarakkal 6 Kannur Town Motor Cycle 18% Scrap 2982 Dumping Yard Motor Cycle - Chakkarakkal 7 Kannur Town TNO 388 18% Scrap Above 95Cc Dumping Yard Motor Cycle - Chakkarakkal 8 Kannur Town KL 13 Q 78 18% Scrap Above 95Cc Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 9 Kannur Town Motor Cycle DS 13 S 8129 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 10 Kannur Town Motor Cycle NO NUMBER 18% Scrap Dumping Yard

D2-41715/2021/KC 3e60f2 Hero Honda Chakkarakkal 11 Kannur Town KL 10 N 9388 18% Scrap Passion Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 12 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 11 L 1048 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 13 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 11 P 7382 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 14 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 11 S 3343 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 15 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 12 A 2146 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 16 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 12 C 9135 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 17 Kannur Town Bajaj Boxer Ct 99 KL 13 3498 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Motor Cycle - Chakkarakkal 18 Kannur Town KL 13 E 4635 18% Scrap Above 95Cc Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 19 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 E 904 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 20 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 F 4087 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 21 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 H 6687 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 22 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 H 7458 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Motor Cycle - Chakkarakkal 23 Kannur Town KL 13 H 9782 18% Scrap Above 95Cc Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 24 Kannur Town Passion Plus KL 13 H 9804 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Motor Cycle - KL 13 H Chakkarakkal 25 Kannur Town 18% Scrap Above 95Cc 987 Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 26 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 K 344 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 27 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 K 4469 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 28 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 K 8__ 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 29 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 L 6196 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 30 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 L 8316 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 31 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 M 1658 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 32 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 M 406 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 33 Kannur Town Passion Plus KL 13 N 9030 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Motor Cycle Ct Chakkarakkal 34 Kannur Town KL 13 N 9332 18% Scrap 100 Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 35 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 P 1920 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 36 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 P 4395 18% Scrap

D2-41715/2021/KC 3e60f2 36 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 P 4395 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 37 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 P 7095 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 38 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 P 9909 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 39 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 Q 3447 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 40 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 Q 9683 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 41 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 R 1336 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 42 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 R 1489 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 43 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 R 2782 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 44 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 R 8522 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 45 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 R 9141 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 46 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 R 9432 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 47 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 S 1596 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 48 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 S 3579 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 49 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 S 6797 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 50 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 T 3514 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 51 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 T 6639 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 52 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 T 7791 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 53 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 X 1748 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 54 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 X 7581 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 55 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 Z 9318 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 56 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 14 D 6752 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 57 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 14 E 8813 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 58 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 18 B 4931 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 59 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 23 B 4228 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Motor Cycle - Chakkarakkal 60 Kannur Town KL 49 1515 18% Scrap Above 95Cc Dumping Yard Chakkarakkal 61 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 56 H 4495 18% Scrap Dumping Yard

D2-41715/2021/KC 3e60f2 Chakkarakkal 62 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 58 925 18% Scrap Dumping Yard NO NUMBER Chakkarakkal 63 Kannur Town Motor Cycle 18% Scrap APACHE Dumping Yard NO NUMBER Chakkarakkal 64 Kannur Town Motor Cycle 18% Scrap SUZUKI 150 Dumping Yard NO NUMBER Chakkarakkal 65 Kannur Town Motor Cycle SKELETON 18% Scrap Dumping Yard AUTO NO NUMBER Chakkarakkal 66 Kannur Town Motor Cycle 18% Scrap GREEN BIKE Dumping Yard NO NUMBER Chakkarakkal 67 Kannur Town Motor Cycle PASSION 18% Scrap Dumping Yard PLUS NO NUMBER Chakkarakkal 68 Kannur Town Motor Cycle 18% Scrap PULSAR Dumping Yard NO NUMBER Chakkarakkal 69 Kannur Town Motor Cycle BLACK 18% Scrap Dumping Yard PULSAR NO NUMBER Chakkarakkal 70 Kannur Town Motor Cycle BLUE 18% Scrap Dumping Yard PULSAR Motor Cycle Chakkarakkal 71 Kannur Town TN 45 T 3220 18% Scrap Pulsar 150 Dumping Yard Motor Cycle Bajaj Chakkarakkal 72 Kannur Town KL 59 B 5212 18% Scrap Discover Dumping Yard Motor Cycle - Chakkarakkal 73 Kannur Town KL 13 L 3630 18% Scrap Above 95Cc(N) Dumping Yard Lmv - 3 Wheeled Chakkarakkal 74 Kannur Town Vehicle For KL 13 H 8938 18% Scrap Dumping Yard Transport- Goods Lmv - Psv For KL 07 AH Chakkarakkal 75 Kannur Town Personal Use 18% Scrap 4918 Dumping Yard Below 1500 Cc

76 Chakkarakkal Motor Cycle NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

77 Chakkarakkal Motor Cycle NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap


1 Kannur Town Autorikshaw KL 13 A 4793 Station Premises 18% Scrap KL 13 W 2 Kannur Town Motor Cycle Station Premises 18% Scrap 7035 3 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 Q 8980 Station Premises 18% Scrap

4 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 A 1307 Station Premises 18% Scrap

5 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 K 2679 Station Premises 18% Scrap

6 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 B 3511 Station Premises 18% Scrap

D2-41715/2021/KC 3e60f2 7 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 17 C 362 Station Premises 18% Scrap

Motor Cycle - 8 Kannur Town KL __ 9161 Station Premises 18% Scrap Above 95Cc Motor Cycle - 9 Kannur Town KL 14 B 5054 Station Premises 18% Scrap Below 95Cc Motor Cycle - 10 Kannur Town KL 59 A 1249 Station Premises 18% Scrap Above 95Cc Motor Cycle - 11 Kannur Town NO NUMBER Station Premises 18% Scrap Above 95Cc Motor Cycle - 12 Kannur Town NO NUMBER Station Premises 18% Scrap Above 95Cc 13 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 11 D 1741 Station Premises 18% Scrap Motor Cycle - 14 Kannur Town KL 13 K 3478 Station Premises 18% Scrap Above 95Cc 15 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 13 K 9483 Station Premises 18% Scrap Motor Cycle - 16 Kannur Town NO NUMBER Station Premises 18% Scrap Above 95Cc Motor Cycle - KL 01 Y 17 Kannur Town Station Premises 18% Scrap Above 95Cc 5783 Motor Cycle - 18 Kannur Town NO NUMBER Station Premises 18% Scrap Above 95Cc 19 Kannur Town Autorikshaw KL 13 D 2406 Station Premises 18% Scrap Motor Cycle - 20 Kannur Town NO NUMBER Station Premises 18% Scrap Above 95Cc 21 Kannur Town Motor Cycle KL 60 A 417 Station Premises 18% Scrap Scooter Suzuki 22 Kannur Town KL 13 W 6829 Station Premises 18% Scrap Access 23 Kannur Town -150 KL 58 B 5439 Station Premises 18% Scrap

24 Kannur Town KL 13 U 9131 Station Premises 18% Scrap

25 Kannur Town Hero Honda KL 13 L 6267 Station Premises 18% Scrap

26 Kannur Town Tvs Man 100 KL 13 J 5105 Station Premises 18% Scrap

27 Kannur Town Bajaj Discover KL 13 U 4755 Station Premises 18% Scrap

28 Kannur Town Yamaha Fz 16 KL 13 AD 91 Station Premises 18% Scrap

29 Kannur Town Yamaha Libro KL 13 K 8207 Station Premises 18% Scrap Mahindra KL 13 AB 30 Kannur Town Station Premises 18% Scrap Centuro 1615 31 Kannur Town Yamaha Motor KL 58 L 7952 Station Premises 18% Scrap

32 Kannur Town Scooter Chetak KL 13 C 6279 Station Premises 18% Scrap

D2-41715/2021/KC 3e60f2 Motor Cycle 33 Kannur Town KL 50 A 3350 Station Premises 18% Scrap Pulsar Motor Cycle Bajaj KL 10 AA 34 Kannur Town Station Premises 18% Scrap Pulsar 180 3537 Motor Cycle 35 Kannur Town KL 13 L 2714 Station Premises 18% Scrap Bajaj C T 100 LOT 3

1 Motor Cycle KL 59 J 8933 Station Premise 18% Scrap

2 Mayyil Scooter KL 59 F 5406 Station Premise 18% Scrap

3 Mayyil Motor Cycle NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

4 Mayyil Motor Cycle kl 13 F 9574 Station Premise 18% Scrap KL 13 Q 5 Mayyil Motor Cycle Station Premise 18% Scrap 9064 6 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 H 5173 Station Premise 18% Scrap

7 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 J 4589 Station Premise 18% Scrap

8 Mayyil Scooter K 59 M 3832 Station Premise 18% Scrap

9 Mayyil Motor Cycle NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

10 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 P 9021 Station Premise 18% Scrap

11 Mayyil M/C Passion KL 13 G 4540 Station Premise 18% Scrap

12 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 K 9809 Station Premise 18% Scrap

13 Mayyil M/C Passion KL 13 Q 7681 Station Premise 18% Scrap

14 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 S 4907 Station Premise 18% Scrap

15 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 N Station Premise 18% Scrap

16 Mayyil Motor Cycle NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

17 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 R 767 Station Premise 18% Scrap

18 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 59 G 5744 Station Premise 18% Scrap

19 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 01 AB 999 Station Premise 18% Scrap

20 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 C 8906 Station Premise 18% Scrap

21 Mayyil Motor Cycle NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

22 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 D 2877 Station Premise 18% Scrap

D2-41715/2021/KC 3e60f2 23 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 05 4935 Station Premise 18% Scrap

24 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 J 9165 Station Premise 18% Scrap

25 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 L 4 Station Premise 18% Scrap

26 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 J 7318 Station Premise 18% Scrap

27 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 D 7967 Station Premise 18% Scrap

28 Mayyil Motor Cycle NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

29 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 17 F 1788 Station Premise 18% Scrap

30 Mayyil Motor Cycle NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

31 Mayyil Scooter KL 13 F 2339 Station Premise 18% Scrap

32 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 U 474 Station Premise 18% Scrap

33 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 M 6034 Station Premise 18% Scrap

34 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 H 6774 Station Premise 18% Scrap

35 Mayyil Scooter KL 13 F 4268 Station Premise 18% Scrap

36 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 58 H 7534 Station Premise 18% Scrap

37 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 58 J 341 Station Premise 18% Scrap

38 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 P 2268 Station Premise 18% Scrap

39 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 08 L 3536 Station Premise 18% Scrap

40 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 S 7252 Station Premise 18% Scrap

41 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 K 5461 Station Premise 18% Scrap

42 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 14 G 3067 Station Premise 18% Scrap

43 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 D 4112 Station Premise 18% Scrap

44 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 59 2477 Station Premise 18% Scrap

45 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 14 B 6259 Station Premise 18% Scrap

46 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 12 B 2998 Station Premise 18% Scrap

47 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 L 7974 Station Premise 18% Scrap

48 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 Q 4090 Station Premise 18% Scrap

49 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 Q 79 Station Premise 18% Scrap

D2-41715/2021/KC 3e60f2 50 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 E 8972 Station Premise 18% Scrap

51 Mayyil Motor Cycle KL 13 N 524 Station Premise 18% Scrap


1 Mayyil Goods Auto KL 13 U 3223 Station Premise 18% Scrap

2 Mayyil Ace/Goods NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

3 Mayyil Autorikshaw NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

4 Mayyil 407 Truck NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

5 Mayyil 407 Truck NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

6 Mayyil 407 Truck NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

7 Mayyil 407 Truck KL 13 N 8548 Station Premise 18% Scrap

8 Mayyil Autorikshaw KL 07 621 Station Premise 18% Scrap

9 Mayyil Autorikshaw KL 05 531 Station Premise 18% Scrap

10 Mayyil Goods Auto KL 13 P 5373 Station Premise 18% Scrap

LOT 5 Traffic E U 1 Motor Cycle KL 11 U 8765 Station Premise 18% Scrap Kannur Traffic E U 2 Motor Cycle KL 13 R 4838 Station Premise 18% Scrap Kannur Traffic E U KL 13 AL 3 Motor Cycle Station Premise 18% Scrap Kannur 2958 Traffic E U 4 Scooter KL 58 F 398 Station Premise 18% Scrap Kannur Traffic E U 5 Motor Cycle KL 13 W 1304 Station Premise 18% Scrap Kannur Traffic E U 6 Motor Cycle KL 13 T 3042 Station Premise 18% Scrap Kannur Traffic E U 7 Motor Cycle KL 13 L 3673 Station Premise 18% Scrap Kannur Traffic E U 8 Motor Cycle KL 13 R 223 Station Premise 18% Scrap Kannur Traffic E U 9 Motor Cycle KL 03 H 7160 Station Premise 18% Scrap Kannur Traffic E U 10 Motor Cycle KL 14 A 6601 Station Premise 18% Scrap Kannur Traffic E U 11 Motor Cycle WRI 3500 Station Premise 18% Scrap Kannur Traffic E U KL 07 AQ 12 Motor Cycle Station Premise 18% Scrap Kannur 1504 Traffic E U

D2-41715/2021/KC 3e60f2 Traffic E U 13 Motor Cycle KL 10 V 4899 Station Premise 18% Scrap Kannur Traffic E U 14 Motor Cycle KL 13 V 569 Station Premise 18% Scrap Kannur Traffic E U 15 Motor Cycle KL 13 N 9845 Station Premise 18% Scrap Kannur Traffic E U 16 Motor Cycle KA 51 J 1438 Station Premise 18% Scrap Kannur Traffic E U 17 Motor Cycle GJ 05 FQ 550 Station Premise 18% Scrap Kannur Traffic E U 18 Scooter KL 13 R 6206 Station Premise 18% Scrap Kannur Traffic E U 19 Motor Cycle KL 5 W 8662 Station Premise 18% Scrap Kannur Traffic E U 20 Motor Cycle KL 13 L 438 Station Premise 18% Scrap Kannur Traffic E U 21 Motor Cycle KL 13 S 3181 Station Premise 18% Scrap Kannur Traffic E U 22 Motor Cycle KL 59 F 2402 Station Premise 18% Scrap Kannur LOT 6

1 Motor Cycle KL 13 W 7294 Station Premise 18% Scrap

2 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 W 3295 Station Premise 18% Scrap

3 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 01 R 382 Station Premise 18% Scrap KL 01 AH 4 Valapattanam Motor Cycle Station Premise 18% Scrap 5392 5 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 11 J 5095 Station Premise 18% Scrap

6 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 G 7042 Station Premise 18% Scrap

7 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 C 3233 Station Premise 18% Scrap

8 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 11 M 4489 Station Premise 18% Scrap

9 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 Q 6636 Station Premise 18% Scrap

10 Valapattanam Motor Cycle UR 07 T 4289 Station Premise 18% Scrap

11 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 Q 9015 Station Premise 18% Scrap KL 13 AC 12 Valapattanam Motor Cycle Station Premise 18% Scrap 6980 13 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 60 950 Station Premise 18% Scrap

14 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 T 3392 Station Premise 18% Scrap

15 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 W 6679 Station Premise 18% Scrap

D2-41715/2021/KC 3e60f2 16 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 Z 8023 Station Premise 18% Scrap

17 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 59 D 5609 Station Premise 18% Scrap

18 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 Q 8885 Station Premise 18% Scrap

19 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 E 2067 Station Premise 18% Scrap

20 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 L 2183 Station Premise 18% Scrap

21 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 2 A 1128 Station Premise 18% Scrap

22 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 7 Q 8133 Station Premise 18% Scrap

23 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 N 4972 Station Premise 18% Scrap

24 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 58 A 5378 Station Premise 18% Scrap

25 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 59 A 1683 Station Premise 18% Scrap

26 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 K 523 Station Premise 18% Scrap

27 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 V 8567 Station Premise 18% Scrap

28 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 V 8113 Station Premise 18% Scrap

29 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 R 3310 Station Premise 18% Scrap

30 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 H 1415 Station Premise 18% Scrap

31 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 58 N 7449 Station Premise 18% Scrap

32 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 P 2860 Station Premise 18% Scrap

33 Valapattanam Motor Cycle NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

34 Valapattanam Motor Cycle NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

35 Valapattanam Motor Cycle NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

36 Valapattanam Motor Cycle NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

37 Valapattanam Motor Cycle NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

38 Valapattanam Motor Cycle NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

39 Valapattanam Motor Cycle NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap KL 13 AC 40 Valapattanam Motor Cycle Station Premise 18% Scrap 1178 41 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 G 5895 Station Premise 18% Scrap

42 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 14 D 609 Station Premise 18% Scrap

D2-41715/2021/KC 3e60f2 43 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 N 6048 Station Premise 18% Scrap

44 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 14 G 6281 Station Premise 18% Scrap

45 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 R 1737 Station Premise 18% Scrap

46 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 N 401 Station Premise 18% Scrap

47 Valapattanam Motor Cycle TN 73 M 6104 Station Premise 18% Scrap

48 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 V 6272 Station Premise 18% Scrap

49 Valapattanam Motor Cycle TN 75 751 Station Premise 18% Scrap

50 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 T 4981 Station Premise 18% Scrap

51 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 F 6700 Station Premise 18% Scrap

52 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 T 9204 Station Premise 18% Scrap

53 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 S 3057 Station Premise 18% Scrap

54 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 58 D 1519 Station Premise 18% Scrap

55 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 H 5491 Station Premise 18% Scrap

56 Valapattanam Motor Cycle NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

57 Valapattanam Motor Cycle NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

58 Valapattanam Motor Cycle NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

59 Valapattanam Motor Cycle NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

60 Valapattanam Motor Cycle NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

61 Valapattanam Motor Cycle NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

62 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 R 9332 Station Premise 18% Scrap

63 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 7 AB 3782 Station Premise 18% Scrap

64 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 58 B 8273 Station Premise 18% Scrap

65 Valapattanam Motor Cycle KL 13 4869 Station Premise 18% Scrap


1 Valapattanam Autorikshaw KL 13 H 8621 Station Premise 18% Scrap

2 Valapattanam Autorikshaw KL 13 C 3402 Station Premise 18% Scrap

3 Valapattanam Autorikshaw KL 59 G 3229 Station Premise 18% Scrap

D2-41715/2021/KC 3e60f2 4 Valapattanam Autorikshaw KL 13 D 7356 Station Premise 18% Scrap

5 Valapattanam Autorikshaw KL 13 Q 8724 Station Premise 18% Scrap

6 Valapattanam Autorikshaw KL 13 T 4354 Station Premise 18% Scrap

7 Valapattanam Car Maruthi KL 13 T 3153 Station Premise 18% Scrap

8 Valapattanam Car Wagnor NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

9 Valapattanam Car Ambassador KDE 3910 Station Premise 18% Scrap

10 Valapattanam Maruthi Van NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap

11 Valapattanam Car Maruthi KL 13 E 7171 Station Premise 18% Scrap

12 Valapattanam Pick Up KL 13 K 5837 Station Premise 18% Scrap

13 Valapattanam Car Maruthi KL 13 H 5941 Station Premise 18% Scrap

14 Valapattanam Car Ambassador KL 13 A 2294 Station Premise 18% Scrap

15 Valapattanam Autorikshaw NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap


1 Autorikshaw KL-13-K-9080 Station Premise 18% Scrap

2 Thalassery Motor Cycle DL 4 SZ 7004 Station Premise 18% Scrap

3 Thalassery Motor Cycle KL-13-K-4395 Station Premise 18% Scrap

4 Thalassery Motor Cycle KL-13-M-2213 Station Premise 18% Scrap

5 Thalassery Motor Cycle KL-56-D-5574 Station Premise 18% Scrap


1 T/W-Bajaj KL 57 8818 Station Premise 18% Scrap T/W- Hero Honda 2 New Mahe KL 18 D 7075 Station Premise 18% Scrap Hunk T/W-Susuki 3 New Mahe KL 10 F 7204 Station Premise 18% Scrap Samurai 4 New Mahe T/W -Tvs Victor TN 38 V 8525 Station Premise 18% Scrap T/W -Yamaha MP 10 D 5 New Mahe Station Premise 18% Scrap Rxz 5958 LOT 10 Traffic E U 1 Motor Cycle KL 56 A 7358 Station Premise 18% Scrap Thalassery Traffic E U 2 Motor Cycle KL 13 P 1409 Station Premise 18% Scrap

D2-41715/2021/KC 3e60f2 2 Motor Cycle KL 13 P 1409 Station Premise 18% Scrap Thalassery Traffic E U 3 Scooter KL 18 L 7955 Station Premise 18% Scrap Thalassery Traffic E U 4 Motor Cycle KL 13 G 1455 Station Premise 18% Scrap Thalassery Traffic E U 5 Motor Cycle KL58 B 962 Station Premise 18% Scrap Thalassery Traffic E U 6 Scooter NO NUMBER Station Premise 18% Scrap Thalassery LOT 11

1 Kathirur Yamaha Crux KL-11-X-3235 Station Premise 18% Scrap

2 Kathirur Honda Activa KA-01-EX-272 Station Premise 18% Scrap

3 Kathirur Bajaj Pulsar-150 KL-58-C-4504 Station Premise 18% Scrap

4 Kathirur T V S Motor Star KL-11-V-4720 Station Premise 18% Scrap

5 Kathirur KL-13-J-7407 Station Premise 18% Scrap Hero Honda 6 Kathirur KL-13-H-522 Station Premise 18% Scrap Splender Hero Honda 7 Kathirur KL-13-E-4387 Station Premise 18% Scrap Cd100 Ss Hero Honda KL-07-AL- 8 Kathirur Station Premise 18% Scrap Passion 9548 9 Kathirur Yamaha Crux KL-14-C-6135 Station Premise 18% Scrap Hero Motocorp 10 Kathirur PY-03-2596 Station Premise 18% Scrap Ltd Splendor 11 Kathirur Bajaj Platina PY-03-5754 Station Premise 18% Scrap TN-37-AW- 12 Kathirur Bajaj Pulsar Station Premise 18% Scrap 7251 13 Kathirur Motor Cycle KL-02-M-2333 Station Premise 18% Scrap

LOT 12

1 Chokli Motor Cycle KL 13 K 7656 Station Premise 18% Scrap

2 Chokli Motor Cycle KL 13 F 7729 Station Premise 18% Scrap

3 Chokli Motor Cycle KL 18 B 2842 Station Premise 18% Scrap

4 Chokli Motor Cycle KL 58 4361 Station Premise 18% Scrap KL 07 AQ 5 Chokli Motor Cycle Station Premise 18% Scrap 9248 6 Chokli Motor Cycle KL 58 3167 Station Premise 18% Scrap

7 Chokli Motor Cycle KL 13 G 2048 Station Premise 18% Scrap

D2-41715/2021/KC 3e60f2 8 Chokli Motor Cycle KL 13 Q 8400 Station Premise 18% Scrap

9 Chokli Motor Cycle KL 58 D 2378 Station Premise 18% Scrap

10 Chokli Autorikshaw KL 58 C 9658 Station Premise 18% Scrap

11 Chokli Motor Cycle KL 13 K 4276 Station Premise 18% Scrap

12 Chokli Motor Cycle KL 18 C 8978 Station Premise 18% Scrap

13 Chokli Motor Cycle KL 58 3544 Station Premise 18% Scrap

14 Chokli Motor Cycle KL 11 B 1241 Station Premise 18% Scrap

15 Chokli Motor Cycle KL 13 K 377 Station Premise 18% Scrap KL-18-C- 16 Chokli Motor Cycle Station Premise 18% Scrap 8862 17 Chokli Motor Cycle KL-58-B-7190 Station Premise 18% Scrap

LOT 13

1 Dharmadam Motor Cycle KL-11-Z-3250 Station Premise 18% Scrap

2 Dharmadam Motor Cycle KL-43-7352 Station Premise 18% Scrap

3 Dharmadam Motor Cycle PY-03-9426 Station Premise 18% Scrap

4 Dharmadam Motor Cycle KL-58-M-2199 Station Premise 18% Scrap

5 Dharmadam Motor Cycle KL-59-C-2721 Station Premise 18% Scrap

6 Dharmadam Motor Cycle KL-58-E-1891 Station Premise 18% Scrap

7 Dharmadam Motor Cycle KL-08-J-1334 Station Premise 18% Scrap KA-05-EV- 8 Dharmadam Motor Cycle Station Premise 18% Scrap 7448 9 Dharmadam Motor Cycle KL-07-L-4438 Station Premise 18% Scrap

10 Dharmadam Scooter KL-13-B-2447 Station Premise 18% Scrap

11 Dharmadam Motor Cycle KL-13-D-1703 Station Premise 18% Scrap

12 Dharmadam Motor Cycle KL-13-Q-1213 Station Premise 18% Scrap

13 Dharmadam Motor Cycle KL-11-Q 4480 Station Premise 18% Scrap

14 Dharmadam Scooter KL-11-K-3707 Station Premise 18% Scrap

15 Dharmadam Scooter KL-13-M-9213 Station Premise 18% Scrap

16 Dharmadam Autorikshaw KL-13-C-7934 Station Premise 18% Scrap

D2-41715/2021/KC 3e60f2 16 Dharmadam Autorikshaw KL-13-C-7934 Station Premise 18% Scrap

17 Dharmadam Ape Goods KL-58-K-2143 Station Premise 18% Scrap

18 Dharmadam Autorikshaw KL-13-F-4639 Station Premise 18% Scrap

19 Dharmadam Motor Cycle KL-18-Q 8333 Station Premise 18% Scrap

LOT 14

1 Maruthi 800 KL-11-B-9163 Station Premise 18% Scrap

2 Kuthuparamba Autorikshaw KL-58-L-4158 Station Premise 18% Scrap Lmv - 3 Wheeled 3 Kuthuparamba KL-58-J-7803 Station Premise 18% Scrap Vehicle For Tr(N) 4 Kuthuparamba Motor Car(Lmv) KL-58-B-145 Station Premise 18% Scrap Motor Cycle - 5 Kuthuparamba KL-05-U-1405 Station Premise 18% Scrap Above 95Cc(N) 6 Kuthuparamba Maruti 800 KL-13-B-1212 Station Premise 18% Scrap

LOT 15

1 Motor Cycle KL-58-P-1258 Station Premise 18% Scrap

2 Panoor Motor Cycle KL-13-D-7979 Station Premise 18% Scrap TN-37-BQ- 3 Panoor Scooter Station Premise 18% Scrap 4035 4 Panoor Motor Cycle KL-06-C-4112 Station Premise 18% Scrap

5 Panoor Motor Cycle KL-13-Q-5241 Station Premise 18% Scrap

6 Panoor Motor Cycle KL-17-C-9139 Station Premise 18% Scrap

LOT 16

1 Kolavallur Honda Activa KL-58-H-5905 Station Premise 18% Scrap King 4S Auto 2 Kolavallur KL-58-M-132 Station Premise 18% Scrap Riksha LOT 17

1 Motor Cycle KL 05 P 3392 Station Premise 18% Scrap

2 Kannavam Motor Cycle KL 58 9528 Station Premise 18% Scrap

3 Kannavam Motor Cycle KL 59 432 Station Premise 18% Scrap

4 Kannavam Motor Cycle KL 59 C2872 Station Premise 18% Scrap

5 Kannavam Motor Cycle KL 13 K 1310 Station Premise 18% Scrap

D2-41715/2021/KC 3e60f2 6 Kannavam Motor Cycle KL 13 L 7287 Station Premise 18% Scrap

7 Kannavam Motor Cycle KL 18 B 5468 Station Premise 18% Scrap

8 Kannavam Motor Cycle KL 58 C 4279 Station Premise 18% Scrap

9 Kannavam Motor Cycle KL 13 S 4769 Station Premise 18% Scrap

LOT 18

1 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL-58-9335 Station Premise 18% Scrap

2 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL-13-K-5745 Station Premise 18% Scrap

3 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL-13-L-4900 Station Premise 18% Scrap

4 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL-13-G-422 Station Premise 18% Scrap

5 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL-13-F-8347 Station Premise 18% Scrap

6 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL-11-T-8555 Station Premise 18% Scrap

7 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 58 A 5917 Station Premise 18% Scrap

8 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 58 G 5646 Station Premise 18% Scrap

9 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 13 G 5556 Station Premise 18% Scrap

10 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 13 H 1535 Station Premise 18% Scrap

11 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 13 H 4847 Station Premise 18% Scrap

12 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 18 D 9574 Station Premise 18% Scrap

13 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 18 B 3802 Station Premise 18% Scrap

14 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 13 U 9482 Station Premise 18% Scrap KL 07 AU 15 Mattannur Motor Cycle Station Premise 18% Scrap 8217 16 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 04 S 3757 Station Premise 18% Scrap

17 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 13 M 2759 Station Premise 18% Scrap

18 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 13 N 3025 Station Premise 18% Scrap

19 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 13 H 4407 Station Premise 18% Scrap

20 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL-58-B-9367 Station Premise 18% Scrap

21 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 13 J 279 Station Premise 18% Scrap

22 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 13 L 8620 Station Premise 18% Scrap

D2-41715/2021/KC 3e60f2 23 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL-58-9335 Station Premise 18% Scrap

24 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 17 2386 Station Premise 18% Scrap

25 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL-12-E-8705 Station Premise 18% Scrap

26 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL-58-145 Station Premise 18% Scrap

27 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 13 J 1009 Station Premise 18% Scrap KL-10-AA- 28 Mattannur Motor Cycle Station Premise 18% Scrap 2232 29 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 13 K 1775 Station Premise 18% Scrap

LOT 19

1 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL-58-B-7278 Station Premise 18% Scrap

2 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL-13-P-4542 Station Premise 18% Scrap

3 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL-13-L-5093 Station Premise 18% Scrap

4 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL-58-F-3635 Station Premise 18% Scrap

5 Mattannur Scooter KL-14-H-834 Station Premise 18% Scrap

6 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 58 C 9610 Station Premise 18% Scrap

7 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 58 G 2934 Station Premise 18% Scrap

8 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 58 C 6296 Station Premise 18% Scrap

9 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 13 H 649 Station Premise 18% Scrap

10 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 60 4806 Station Premise 18% Scrap

11 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 13 P 7807 Station Premise 18% Scrap

12 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL 58 A 2575 Station Premise 18% Scrap

13 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL-58-C-7713 Station Premise 18% Scrap

14 Mattannur Motor Cycle KA 42 J 1879 Station Premise 18% Scrap

15 Mattannur Motor Cycle KL-13-Q-6398 Station Premise 18% Scrap

ഇളോ ആ ഐ പി എസ്

D2-41715/2021/KC 3e60f2 ജിാ േപാലീസ ് േമധാവി

സീകാവ് : 1. സംാന േപാലീസ് േമധാവി , േകരളം - ഉപരിപം സഹിതം അറിവിേലായി. 2. അഡീഷണ ഡയറ ജനറ ( ഇ്റലിെജസ ് ), എസ്സിആബി ആാനം. 3. േപാലീസ് ഇെ ജനറ , സംാന ൈം െറേകാസ് ബേറാ. 4. േപാലീസ് ഇെ ജനറ, ഉര േമഖല, േകാഴിോട് 5. െഡപടി േപാലീസ ് ഇെ ജനറ, ക േറ്, ക 6. ജിാ പിക് റിേലഷ ഓഫീസ, കരിന് ഉപരിപം സഹിതം അറിവിേലം ഖ പളി പരസം നതിനായി. പക് : 1. എാ ജിാ േപാലീസ് േമധാവികം വിലമായ പരസം നതിനായി. 2. നാോി് എ സി പി കരിന് അറിവിം അനതരനടപടികമായി. 3.എസിപി. DCRB കരിന് േപാലീസ് െവബ ് ൈസി പരസം നതിനായി. 4. ജിയിെല എാ േപാലീസ് ഓഫീസമാം അറിവിേലം വിലമായ പരസം നതിമായി. ബെ എസ്എ്ഓ- മാ ലിിെല േലാ് കാര വാഹന തരം തിരി ് LAYOUT െചതി അടിയിര നടപടിക സീകരിേതാണ.്

D2-41715/2021/KC 3e60f2