FAA Noise Hearing
• TECHNICAL REPORTDATA {Pleaereadln_ec Ionxon the rcrcrtcbelbre ¢omp et ng) ,i l: REPORT NO, 2. , 3. REC)PJEN'r's ACCESSlQI_NO • 14'"r_Tl'E_ N_ sU'°TITLa • t_.REPORTDATE • i_ L , " -Background,D0numont fop Railroad Noise . ', December 1975 - " :[ ! - ,, . B PERFORMING OROANIZAT Ot'l COCE - - i. Emission :Standards, - . ' ' "" ' • ' • " , EPAj ONAC: " ,_: ": r AUTHO_ 5 r. .... _ PERPORM NG ORQAN ZAT ON REPORT NC , _. ! 9, PEAFOR&_INGORCIAN[ZATIONNAMEANDAODHEI]S 10 ERrJORAM_LEMENTNO" • .:, :- '" ,' it Of_ice':o_-: Noise Abatemeht and Control , - r. " : ' ." ['; Rnviponmenca ! Protection Agency" . r_ CONTRA_T/GRANrTN0ii " , ' " ',:-'.'" ;"_anhin_,toniDi''C'0,:204'60 • • " " ' . ,'"" • .:, 12s,,oNso._AGeNCy_AMEAN.Aoo,.= ' I3TV_Eo_REPO.ANT .pE.oD¢OVE.EC ' I_ff'_ "',::.'.:, .:;, _ ' -, . ,.X, '- : , .' . ..... 14._PONSORINOAOENCY CODE , , :L ,,, _ ,, , , - Ia.AUUTH_T.-_;:..:,.;:... -.:-.,,';,.. ,,,' ,, ........ , ..... ,............ .;,<_,.,,-.;_hls documen_ con_alns the technical, .econo_e,. health and.,.-..,. - _:,_::wol_ape:.analyse_ and,othex, pertinent:data and,_nformatlon" utilized_ "- "L:,\;.by, th_ Envivonmcn_al .Protection,:A_oney in _the: deve!opment, o_-'th ,_ ' ;:= .-;:, _inal Intav_tate..Rall Carrie -Noise Emlasion. Re lation...%,-:.-_ _ ', ,_ m ,,, , , .... --- ., • ,, , .... = _._Roloa'=o_>14nl;L_J._odJ;)_-_,_,:..,-_k=_:'c.._o==¢umTv=_¢'r_,..,_._,,_-.,_:_.e,,_=,,.,.,',.. -_ R 3 EPA 550/9.?_005 BACKGROUND DOCUMENT FOR RAILROAD NOISE EMISSIONS STANDARDS DECEMBER197S /t U.S, EnvironmentalProtectionAsency , Officeof NolaeAbatementand Control i Wa_hlnston,D.C. 20460 ! T_ a_un_mt tun lacm _pn_n_ for lit_ i gylllll_ Ity, I I d9¢1, riot O_llllttte • 111/9_, ' eplsifhzltlOn or rt_lillon, PREFACE On December 31, 1975, the Environmental Protection Agency issued a regulation governing noise emissions from interstate rail carriers. That regulation was issued under Section 17 of the Noise Control Act of 1972, This document presents and discusses the background data used by the Agency in setting the standards contained in the regulation.
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