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Easter Issue HawaiiVOLUME 77, NUMBER 8 CatholicFRIDAY, APRIL 11, 2014 Herald$1 Easter Issue The Fourteenth Station of the Cross – “Jesus is laid in the tomb” – is depicted in a mosaic at the Benedictine Monastery in Waialua. HCH photo | Darlene Dela Cruz 2 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • APRIL 11, 2014 Bishop Larry Silva Hawaii 2014 EASTER MESSAGE Catholic cannot remember any period during my lifetime that has been more challenging for the Catholic Herald Church in our country. We try to be faithful to the teachings of Christ, and we are criticized for Newspaper of the Diocese of Honolulu Founded in 1936 I being too rigid. We insist that being a disciple of Jesus is a costly proposition, and not simply an Published every other Friday exercise in being nice. We repent of the terrible sin of clergy sex abuse and work harder than any PUBLISHER Bishop Larry Silva other institution to assure that such a horrible thing will never happen again, and the past is con- (808) 585-3356 tinually dug up and thrown in our faces making us liable for what may or may not have happened [email protected] EDITOR before we had anything to say about the matter. The important separation of Church and State that Patrick Downes is built into our Constitution is now interpreted to mean that religion should have no voice whatso- (808) 585-3317 [email protected] ever in the public domain. The freedom of religion that we have taken for granted as one of the cor- REPORTER/PHOTOGRAPHER nerstones of our nation is now reduced to freedom of worship confined within the walls of the church Darlene J.M. Dela Cruz (808) 585-3320 but not allowed to breathe freely in the light of day. The Church that many look to as a moral com- [email protected] pass because of its long and deep reflection on human nature and how it thrives best when following ADVERTISING Shaina Caporoz the law of God, is now trumped by a secular morality of “ego-theism” in which every individual is (808) 585-3328 deemed a god who decides morality for him or herself, without any reference to how we are made or [email protected] CIRCULATION to the one and only God who made us. Donna Aquino As bad as it sometimes seems, other ages and places in the world have seen worse. It was less than (808) 585-3321 [email protected] a century ago that Catholicism was outlawed in Mexico, and priests and faithful parishioners were HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD tortured and executed in the name of purging society of their “perverted” ideas, ideas that often criti- (ISSN-10453636) Periodical postage paid at Honolulu, Hawaii. Published ev- cized the ruling class and upset them very much. In some countries in the Middle East even today ery other week, 26 issues a year, by the Catholics and other Christians are suffering severe persecutions for their faith, losing life, home and Roman Catholic Church in the State of Hawaii, 1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI livelihood. 96813. The laments above, however, should not be construed as whining. Jesus, our Lord and Master, also ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Hawaii: $24 was criticized, rejected, tortured, and cruelly put to death, not because he was so nice to everyone, Mainland: $26 Mainland 1st class: $40 but because he insisted on living and speaking the truth, no matter who might be offended by it. He Foreign: $30 spoke the truth in love to call us all to repentance, to turn away from sin and believe in the Good POSTMASTER Send address changes to: News of God’s liberating love for us all. His gospel was demanding beyond the tolerance of his crit- Hawaii Catholic Herald, 1184 Bishop ics, and so the horror of the cross became his lot. But he bore all these sufferings patiently, forgiving Street, Honolulu, HI 96813. those who had rejected him, refusing to be violent toward those who showed him such cruel violence. OFFICE Hawaii Catholic Herald And in the end, of course, he rose from the dead, vindicating himself, his teachings, and his power. 1184 Bishop St. He continues to live in his beloved Body, the Church, and we are undeservingly blessed to be mem- Honolulu, HI 96813 PHONE bers of that sacred Body of Christ. (808) 585-3300 The story of his Passion, death and resurrection is not a “once upon a time” story, but is the story FAX (808) 585-3381 of his disciples throughout the ages. St. Paul tells us in Colossians 1:24: “Now I rejoice in my suffer- WEBSITE ings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake www.hawaiicatholicherald.com of his body, that is, the church.” And so the story of his death and resurrection is our story, for our E-MAIL [email protected] day, and our time, as we journey as disciples of the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Jesus never prom- NEWS DEADLINES ised that it would be easy, but he did promise us joy even in the midst of difficulties, if we keep our Nine days before publication date. ADVERTISING DEADLINES eyes fixed on him and his ultimate victory over sin and death. So we celebrate Easter to rejoice not Nine days before publication date. only in the countless blessings we have, but also to be strengthened in our struggles and difficulties, ADVERTISING INFORMATION knowing that if we remain faithful to Jesus he will give us the victory. And so we constantly sing For a rate card or other information, call Shaina Caporoz, 585-3328. A rate card is “Alleluia!” “Praise God!” He saves us from our sins and calls us to be his instruments in turning all also available at www.hawaiicatholicher- hearts away from sin and toward the Good News of his everlasting presence and love. He alone gives ald.com. Click on “Advertising.” “PASS IT ON” POLICY us the courage to be faithful to our mission through the power of the Holy Spirit he breathed upon To share an issue of the Hawaii Catholic Herald with a friend, write or call us and us that first Easter night. We, who always remain sinners, do not let our sins keep us from our mis- we will send him or her a free copy. Or sion, because we put them into the merciful hands of the Master who conquered sin and death. give them yours and we will send you another one while supplies last. May you, in all your joys and struggles, continue to sing a heartfelt and joyful “Alleluia!” Happy LETTERS TO THE HERALD Easter! Letters are welcome. Letters should pertain to a story or issue in the Ha- waii Catholic Herald, be courteous, and not exceed 250 words. Letters must be signed and include an address and phone number for verification. Letters may be edited for length and clarity. Most Rev. Larry Silva Send them to Letters to the Herald, 1184 Bishop of Honolulu Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI 96813 or to [email protected]. MEMBER Official notices Catholic Press Association Bishop’s calendar Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace, Reverend Ronie Pillos as Admin- Kapaa, effective May 15, 2014. ADDRESS CORRECTIONS downtown Honolulu. istrator of St. Theresa Parish, To make corrections to your April 11, 7:00 am, Hawaii Bishop Silva has also appoint- subscription name or ad- Prayer Breakfast, Hilton Hawai- April 19, 8:00 am, Holy Satur- Mountain View, effective May ed Reverend Anthony Rapozo the dress, cut out the address ian Village, Waikiki. day Morning Prayer and Prepara- 19, 2014. Vicar Forane of the Kauai Vicari- label from the front page tory Rites with Elect, Cathedral Bishop Silva has appointed (reverse side). April 11-12, Diocesan Pasto- ate, effective May 15, 2014 until of Our Lady of Peace, downtown Reverend Rex Rilveria as Paro- Please correct my name. ral Council, St. Stephen Diocesan June 30, 2017. Honolulu; 8:00 pm, Easter Vigil, Please correct my ad- chial Vicar of St. John Apostle & Bishop Silva announces the Center (SSDC), Kaneohe. Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa, Ka- dress. Evangelist Parish, Mililani, effec- retirement of Deacon George April 13, 10:00 am, Procession lihi. tive May 1, 2014. We are receiving two Thorpe from diaconal ministry, copies. Please cancel this and Mass for Palm Sunday, Cathe- April 20, 10:30 am, Mass for Bishop Silva announces that effective May 1, 2014. one. dral of Our Lady of Peace, down- Easter Sunday, Cathedral of Our Reverend Ramelo Somera, cur- town Honolulu. Bishop Silva has appointed El- Please cancel this sub- Lady of Peace, downtown Hono- rently Administrator of St. Cath- scription. April 17, 6:00 pm, Holy Thurs- lulu. erine Parish, Kapaa, and Vicar len Cleghorn as the Chairperson of the Catholic Scouting Commit- MAIL TO day Evening Mass of the Lord’s April 23, 11:00 am, Mass for Forane for the Kauai Vicariate, Donna Aquino Supper, Cathedral of Our Lady of Administrative Professionals’ Day, will become a full-time Chaplain tee of the Diocese of Honolulu, Hawaii Catholic Herald Peace, downtown Honolulu. SSDC. with the United States Army, and effective immediately for a term 1184 Bishop Street Honolulu, HI 96813 April 18, 8:00 am, Good Fri- April 24, 10:00 am, Diocesan will therefore leave the parish on of three years ending June 30, QUESTIONS? day Morning Prayer, Cathedral Department Heads, SSDC. May 15, 2014. 2017. Call Donna, 585-3321 of Our Lady of Peace, downtown Bishop Silva has appointed The diocesan offices will be Honolulu; 12:00 pm, Good Fri- Announcements/Appointments Reverend Anthony Rapozo as closed on Friday, April 18, 2014 day Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion, Bishop Silva has appointed Pastor of St.
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