JUNE 2019

Karen Pinch Serves in Multiple Ways “As the Father has sent me, even so I By Cherie C. Binns send you.” And when Karen Pinch and her husband Steve he said this He have been long- breathed on them and time Christ the said, “Receive the King members and were married by Father Joseph Creedon. Their son Holy Spirit.” Ryan, 23, and daughter Emily, 19, were both raised in the faith at CTK. JOHN 20:22-23 Steve is a Union Fire District Chief and also works full time as a guidance counselor in the Narragansett School District. Karen has been an occasional writer for the Mustard Seed and also did a stint as a crossing guard for Religious Formation classes on Sunday and Young People. I met with Karen mornings. at her offi ce in Richmond, where she In the last issue, Karen was has served as Town Administrator featured in the “Did You Know?” since a week after retiring from the section and in this issue, we will fi nd State Police in the out more about her appointment to Spring of 2015. Karen says her then and work on the Diocesan Advisory Board for the Protection of Children (Continued on page 2)

ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Anointing of the Sick does f Meet Sara McCormick, graduating senior at and winner not always take place in the of the DAR’s Good Citizen Award (page 5). hospital. See page 3 to read f High school students lead the Liturgy of the Word for fi rst and second how the “last” sacrament is graders (page 7). celebrated in community f Three young parishioners confi rmed in March describe what the sacrament for the living. means to them (page 8). "#(/$%&"012 1 2$3#" OLYHV

Karen Pinch of minors. The board is comprised Roberts who has been involved in this (Continued from page 1) of a majority of lay personnel and work since that system was enacted. includes Pinch, as well as a former Roberts states that Bishop Tobin has administrative position with the Rhode Island Attorney General, a removed fi ve individuals from their police seemed to fi t well with the Rhode Island District Court Judge, a offi ce of priest during his time as our needs of the town and was later told retired State Police Major, the Bishop bishop. For more detail, please go to her “resume was the job description” of another Christian denomination in these links: for what she was ultimately hired Rhode Island, and a member of the https://www.providencejournal. to do. The Town of Richmond Episcopal Church. Pinch made clear com/opinion/20180825/my-turn- allows Karen the fl exibility to attend that Bishop Tobin adamantly stresses kevin-obrien-church-in-ri-has-long- meetings at the diocese during work the need for honesty and transparency fought-abuse days as many of her work hours with throughout the process as the https://www.providencejournal. the town extend into the evening Advisory Board strives to determine com/opinion/20190211/my-turn- hours. what constitutes a credible allegation. dennis-j-roberts-ii-diocese-has- In part, because of her two It is important for people to pursued-justice-zealously decades as a Rhode Island State Police know that each and every accusation offi cer, Karen was asked last fall to of sexual abuse that is reported to be a part of the Providence Diocese’s the diocese is immediately reported Advisory Board to Protect Children to both law enforcement at the state and Young People. Karen tells me level and the Attorney General’s 0XVWDUG6HHG a former colleague with the State Offi ce. Law enforcement then Mustard Seed is a quarterly Police and fellow Christ the King has the opportunity to conduct a newsletter of Christ the King Parish parishioner, Kevin O’Brien, was hired thorough investigation that may in Kingston, R.I. Its mission is by the diocese when he retired from lead to conviction and punishment. to celebrate the good stewards in the State Police. He now heads the Kevin O’Brien will then conduct an our midst and to inspire others Diocesan Offi ce of Compliance and internal investigation to determine to deepen their commitment to investigates any and all complaints if there have been any improprieties stewardship. lodged against anyone working or violations of diocesan policies and Co-editors: Kathy Pesta, Marie within the diocesan structure in any procedures. When even a single act White capacity. These complaints include of sexual misconduct is established, not only sexual misconduct but any the offender is removed permanently Production Editor: David Smith potential criminal activity or other from ecclesiastical ministry after Contributors: Cherie Binns, Sara matter requiring investigation. Karen appropriate process with canon law. and Jason Marshall, Kathy Pesta, said, “Having worked with Kevin for Karen provided me with two links Lisa Rodier, Marie White 23 years in the State Police, I have to Providence Journal articles that We need your help in fi nding all the a lot of confi dence in his honesty may further enlighten readers to the people in the parish who do so many and integrity and am convinced process that has been developed in great things. that all matters will be investigated this diocese to prevent or deal with thoroughly and objectively.” abusers. The fi rst one is written by Please contact us at any time: Kathy Pesta When asked about her duties on O’Brien detailing what has been in at [email protected], or place proactively since 1993 in the the board, she told me that currently Marie White they are working with the Bishop in diocese as well as giving a description at [email protected] an advisory capacity to develop and of this committee and its actions publicly release the names of priests and charge. The second is written credibly accused of the sexual abuse by former Attorney General Dennis

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By Kathy Pesta sacrament. The reception of Penance, the forgiveness of Many of us remember a sacrament we the person’s sins, was the second part. This was followed once called “Extreme Unction,” also by Viaticum, a word meaning “provisions given for a commonly called “The Last Rites.” journey.” Thus, Viaticum is the Eucharist given to a It involved a priest coming into the person before he or she dies as it is the greatest provision hospital room of a dying person while for the person’s fi nal journey from life to death. relatives waited tearfully outside. We Since the 1970s, however, following the reforms knew that inside the room the priest was absolving the of the Second Vatican Council, this sacrament is more person of sin, anointing the person with sacred oils, and, commonly referred to as “Anointing of the Sick.” No if the person were able, giving the person Eucharist. longer is it given only to those near death, but to any Sometimes, the priest came to our homes to administer Catholic facing diffi cult and/or chronic physical and this sacrament. In those days, many Catholics kept a little (Continued on page 4) box in their homes sometimes called Last Rite Kit or Sick Call Kit which contained a crucifi x, candles, and holy oil to be used for the administration of the sacrament. For most, the sacrament was synonymous with death. It was with this thought in mind that my paternal grandmother, who desperately wanted to live to be a hundred so that she could get her picture in the local paper, reacted rather harshly one day with her parish priest. She expected to reach her goal. Longevity ran in her family. In fact, when my grandfather died at 88, she told everyone, “I warned him if he didn’t take care of himself that he’d die young.” So on a Sunday in her ninety-fi fth year when the priest, intending to give her Communion, found her sleeping on the couch, she, fearing he was there to give her the “Last Rites,” opened one eye slowly and said, “Get out of here, Father. I’m not dead yet!” Actually, it was a little more salty than that, but we’ll leave it there. In short, the sacrament we now call Anointing of the Sick was for a long time shrouded in mystery, in silence, and even in fear. The name Extreme Unction came into use in the second part of the twelfth century. “Extreme” referred to the fi nality of life, from the Latin, “in extremis” meaning “at the point of death.” “Unction” is a synonym for “anointing.” So, Extreme Unction was the fi nal anointing for a Catholic after the anointings of Baptism On a Sunday afternoon in April, approximately 60 people and Confi rmation (and Holy Orders for priests). The gathered in church at Christ the King to receive the healing anointing itself was one part of the administration of the grace of Jesus at a special Mass of Anointing.

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member is hit with a serious illness was deeply experienced Anointing of the Sick by Mary as she watched her beloved Son carry his heavy (Continued from page 3) cross. The Second Station is “Jesus Falls the First Time,” emotional challenges. Today, it is sometimes received more reminding us that we, too, will surely fall, but the Fifth than once by those with on-going illnesses as well as by and Sixth Stations, “Simone of Cyrene helps Jesus Carry the elderly. And, it is no longer the solitary experience it His Cross” and “Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus” remind once was. According to the Catechism of the Catholic us of the many people who help us as we face our illness. Church, “Like all sacraments the Anointing of the Sick is a liturgical and communal celebration, whether it takes Anointing of the Sick place in the family home, a hospital or church, for a single person or a whole group of sick people” (CCC, Part Two, So, what’s the same? Chapter Two, Article 5, III, 1517). Of course, when it is f The elements of the sacrament: Anointing, Penance, received at the point of death, it may still be referred to as and Eucharist the Last Rites. In recent years many parishes in the Western Church f Olive oil blessed each year at the Holy Week Chrism have offered communal celebrations, inviting parishioners Mass and others who struggle with illness to come to special What’s different? Masses of healing to experience the same compassion Jesus f A new name showed to the sick in the gospels. f An understanding that the sacrament is a celebration On a Sunday afternoon in April, approximately sixty of God’s love people gathered in church at Christ the King to receive the healing grace of Jesus at a special Mass of Anointing. f An awareness that the sacrament does not necessarily During this liturgy, each person was anointed on the herald death (my grandmother would have been forehead and on the palms of the hands by pastor and happy) and that it may be celebrated more than celebrant, Father Jared. In the homily, Father Jared once if a new serious illness occurs or symptoms highlighted the communal aspect of dealing with illness by thought to be in remission reappear using the Stations of the Cross as a paradigm, challenging f The knowledge that Anointing of the Sick is best the congregants to remember that no one walks alone, that celebrated in community, surrounded by loving and the challenges we face in sickness are like the challenges supporting family and friends Jesus faced on his journey to Calvary. He reminded us that the “why me?” that most households feel when a family

More than 60 CTK parishioners and guests from other parishes attended the March 9 Lenten Refl ection given by Father Richard Friedrichs, Pastor Emeritus of St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Warwick, titled “Parable of the Prodigal Son: An Invitation.” (near right) Father Friedrichs chats with Sisters Aideen Langan,CP and Una O’Connor, CP before the talk. !"#$%& "((& • )!*( +,-. • 8 2$%1"015*(%" LQVSLUHXV

GOOD CITIZEN Sara McCormick Receives DAR Award

By Lisa Rodier A self-proclaimed political and By the time you read international relations enthusiast, Sara this, Sara McCormick’s was honored that someone took the senior year at The Prout time to recognize and nominate her School will likely be well for the award. “Mr. Sweeney knows in her rearview mirror, that I’m very interested in history as the driven young woman preps to and international relations. When I head off to found out about the award and what in the fall. But one memory that it meant, I was proud to have been will likely remain front and center selected. DAR is a long-standing, for the 17-year-old Christ the King prominent organization within the parishioner is her selection as a that does a lot of charity recipient of a prestigious Daughters work.” As part of the nomination of the American Revolution (DAR) process, Sara was charged with Good Citizens Award. Nominated writing an essay in two hours or less, addressing the question of what kinds in early 2019 for the award by her Tracy Heffron,Chapter Regent of the of problems Americans should expect history teacher, Michael Sweeney, DAR Narragansett-Cooke-Gaspee to confront in the future. Chair of Prout’s Social Studies 1895 RI Chapter, presents Sara She credits her love of history, Department, Sara also received a $250 McCormick with the 2019 DAR performance, and her Catholic scholarship from the organization. Good Citizen Award. Sara is the upbringing for shaping her into The mission of DAR, a non- daughter of parishioners David and the individual she’s become. “One profi t volunteer women’s service Jacqueline McCormick. organization, is to promote historic of my favorite classes, a two-year preservation, education and International Baccalaureate (IB) patriotism. Award recipients must World History course taught by How does her Catholic faith demonstrate dependability, service, Mr. Sweeney, connected events that relate to all this? “When I think of leadership and patriotism in school happened in the past to events taking being a Catholic, I think of it as an and the community, and at home. place today. Mr. Sweeney challenged opportunity to do a lot of good in the A member of the National Honor us, in the future, to realize when world. It’s given me a foundation for Society at Prout, McCormick was also situations from the past are being my morals. Attending Prout allowed active in performing arts at the school. repeated and [to be the ones] to me to gain a Catholic education, and She was co-President of the school’s change them!” Theater, she says, has gave me a more optimistic outlook on theater company, held the position given her a great foundation for life the world. Politics and policy are the of dance captain, and acted in the challenges such as public speaking – a best means, I feel, to make positive school’s many plays and musicals, cornerstone for those interested in change in the world. Getting an including most recently as the lead in politics and making change. She’d award like this gives me motivation to South Pacifi c. She also participated in love to intern at the State House, and keep doing what I’m doing.” an a capella group and dance classes ultimately, possibly pursue a career in at school. At Salve Regina, she plans to government, reporting or theatrical study political science and theater arts. performing/dance.

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If you advertise it, they will come. Parish Council chair Lynda Tisdell says that all Parish Council meetings are always open to all parishioners, but the council made a special effort to spread the word for its annual open meeting in March. Over 30 parishioners participated in a lively meeting with questions about staffi ng, suggestions for liturgies and a fair amount of recruiting by leaders of other parish groups. (left above) Earl Fenney and Sandra Shaw are new At-Large Members on the council. (center) Bob Wegland, who is also a member of the Finance Council, gave a brief recap of the parish’s fi nancial health. (right) Bob Maher, who last year started a cancer support group, encouraged other parishioners to step forward when they see a need for a new ministry or spiritual activity.

CTK Veterans visit WW II Foundation. In February veterans and other guests from Christ the King Parish toured the WW II Foundation on Main Street in Wakefi eld. (left) Foundation Director Tim Gray describes the recently acquired piece of the USS Arizona as he welcomes fellow parishioners. (center) Joe Fitzgerald and Eugene and Rose Marie Sidoti discuss the exhibit in front of a uniform display. (right) Tim and Bob O’Neil view a collection of side arms and tactical maps used in the European Theater.

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PASSING THE BATON High School Boys Work with the Little Ones

By Sara and Jason Marshall struggling with how to keep their When our boys entered high school, high school aged kids engaged and we were seeking ways to keep them involved at church. We decided to involved in the parish. Helping with personally invite a few of Ethan’s the Liturgy of the Word for the and Will’s friends to help. Long-time younger children seemed to be a good friends and active parishioners Luke fi t for our family as well as for our Slom and Nate McConnell soon sons’ schedules. responded. Both our sons, Ethan Longalucco Each week we electronically send to say. We are proud each week when and Will Marshall, attend The Prout them the gospel to review and ask we attend Mass with our own teens School, which requires yearly service them to think about how they can and often with other friends in tow. from its students. At fi rst, the boys relate and explain this to fi rst and We hope to continue this work next worked under our supervision as second graders. We also share ideas year and invite more high school age assistants. about the activity and anything we students to become involved. This is This year, our second year doing can offer to make the lesson more a liturgy that we can make work with this work, our family took over the engaging. The boys are expected to their busy schedules and keep them job of organizing the liturgy. While arrive at 9:00 on Sunday morning coming to Mass. These boys are great we have a couple of other families to set up and prepare before the role models in our parish community that help out, there were some weeks 9:15 Mass. While we are present to and how wonderful for the younger that we were still fi lling in. I’d heard supervise and provide guidance, it’s students to see how important it is from some of our friends and fellow the boys who are teaching the lesson. to stay connected to their faith and parishioners that they were also After the lesson, we debrief and talk participate in stewardship even after about what went really well and what Confi rmation. we could do differently. The boys have been improving with each lesson and recently we enjoyed their drawing of the fi g tree and written defi nition Did You Know? on the white board. Youth Minister and Jill of all It’s been so exciting to watch trades, Eva Mancuso, attended them develop and really begin to Youth Day as well as three days take ownership of this Liturgy of of conferences at the Los Angeles the Word with the children. We Youth Congress in March. Her had already witnessed at Monsignor attendance will surely translate into Clarke School how much younger more great ways to challenge our students love to learn from the older youth. Ethan Longalucco (center) opens ones. It is now proving true through Director of Music Tom Kendsia a Liturgy of the Word for fi rst and the Liturgy of the Word as well! It also attended, sharing his musical second graders with a prayer. Ethan is seems like the younger students are a gifts with other attendees and joined by Nate McConnell (left) and little more engaged and interested in providing music for the event. Luke Slom. what these high school students have

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IN THEIR OWN WORDS Living a Christian Life

By Marie White f Now that you have been pushed me to do anything I could On March 30, confi rmed, how will you continue to help out. In eighth grade, I was 2019, 78 students to use the grace you have received? encouraged to do some sort of made their f What are some of the ways you stewardship. I decided to sing. Having Confi rmation at already live a Christian life? some singing experience in the outside world, I knew that singing wouldn’t Christ the King Parish, along with fi ve f What is it about Christ the King be uncomfortable for me. So I said yes other students who were confi rmed Parish that encourages young at SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral in to what I was offered just to see what people to get involved in parish would and could happen.” Providence. At Christ the King, young activities and ministries? people make their Confi rmation in Here in their own words is their Mia Saracino the eighth grade. “This preparation helped me enhance witness: “Confi rmation is an initiation, my faith because it helped me to dive not a graduation! It doesn’t represent Daniel Macari deeper and what we’ve done, it represents what “In the past year of preparing to be truly learn we must do!” writes Father Jared in confi rmed, I have learned where I to fully “A New Age for Confi rmation” on the stand in my community. Not only experience Christ the King website (http://ctkri. that, but I and org/sacraments/confi rmation/). learned how understand I asked three students – Daniel to improve it God. Macari, Mia Saracino, and Ruth and become Something Rousseau – to tell us what the a part of it. that also sacrament of Confi rmation means to This has helped me was all of the stewardship them. My questions included: enhanced opportunities that I was given. Even f How has your faith been my faith by though I go to a Catholic school, enhanced by what you have showing me going to Confi rmation preparation learned in the past year preparing why this on Sundays gave me extra exposure for Confi rmation? world needs me and why I need this to God which helped me to become world. I plan to keep singing in the closer to God than I ever have been church’s choir. The music that we before. “Then there listen to every week on Sunday has a “Now that I have been confi rmed, appeared to them warm, welcoming sound to it. Which I realize how fulfi lling it feels to help is why I’m able to enjoy it, and sing those in the communities around me. tongues as of fi re, to it. I plan to continue to use the grace I which parted and “Every week I go to church on have received to help complete church came to rest on Sunday, I avoid eating meat on Friday, fundraisers and become a lector at and try to look at the good in the Christ the King. each one of them.” world while trying to help improve “One way I lived a Christian life (ACTS 2:3) the bad. What I mean is, volunteering before I made my Confi rmation was to help others out, or being grateful for what I have. For me, my parents (Continued on page 9)

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group such as helping with the Keep to trust in Jesus even when I face Living A Christian Life the Heat On fundraiser and even problems. I became very interested in (Continued from page 8) service opportunities, such as the the many Bible stories we were taught Earth Day Cleanup on April 28 and and I will strive to learn more about going to a Catholic school. I also upcoming service opportunities like each Bible teaching. tried to perform works of stewardship the Youth Mission Trip this summer.” “In some ways, I already live a to fellow Rhode Islanders through Christian Life including going to fundraisers at school and serving Ruth Rousseau church every week, altar serving meals at the Boys and Girls Club on “My faith has been enhanced because during Masses, and doing community the South Side of Providence. during each confi rmation class we service both inside and outside the “Something about Christ would church. Christ the King encourages the King that encouraged me learn new young adults to join activities and personally to get involved in the teachings groups led by the church because they parish activities and ministries is from the want us to go closer to God and to how modern and progressive our Bible. trust in him.” church is. Our church appeals to a Now that I Thank you, Daniel, Mia and young population, and gives young have been Ruth, for your honest and faith-fi lled people plenty of opportunities to give confi rmed, I answers. And congratulations to the back to their community. While in will continue entire Confi rmation Class of 2019 my Confi rmation class, there were to grow in and Confi rmation Coordinator Eva numerous opportunities for service the faith and love of Jesus Christ. Mancuso and the teachers for their projects that appealed to our age Confi rmation class has taught me diligence and hard work. Young Stewards “We CAN change the world and make it a better place.” – Nelson Mandela

Great work, Sophia Jones, for giving the annual Mother’s Day Baby Shower a jump start by running one of your own fi rst! You obviously took your seventh grade year of faith formation seriously with its emphasis on service.

Congratulations, Peter LoPresti, Claire Jalbert, Abigail Hedglen, Jacob Conley, and Mary Beth Clarke (shown here with Betty Parillo), for winning this year’s Parillo Family Scholarships. Keep up the great work!

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To everything there is a season and a time for everything under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:11 A Time to Love: A Time to Build Up: New Parishioners Con! rmations Mr. and Mrs. Danny & Hollie Moone Jackson Borge (Thomas) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher & Patricia Joyce and family Ava Brock (Catherine) Mr. and Mrs. Michael & Lauren Reppucci and family Matthew Brock (Sebastian) Mr. Christopher O’Brien Abigail Cabrera (Cecilia) Ms. Diane Hewitt Matthew Cabrera (Patrick) Ms. Janis Nepshinsky Luke Campbell (Patrick) Mr. and Mrs. Gus and Suzanne Steppen and family Cole Capizzo (Michael) Mrs. Mary Badger Kayla Carlson (Hope) Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Courtney Hughes and family Evalynn Carroll (Rose) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and Alyson Carty and family Abagail Garofalo (Lucy) Mr. and Mrs. John and Kathleen Plante Mason Caruso (Gummarus) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Daniels Brooke Chelo (Theresa) Mrs. Doris MacDonald Grace Clark (Grace) Mr. Christopher Lafond Grace Coley (Charlotte) Benjamin Collins (James) A Time to be Born: Sarah Cottrell (Mary) Alexandra Crowshaw (Alexandra) Baptisms Emma Crump (Elizabeth) Charles William, son of Robert and Jessica Quintin Kaden DiBattista (James) Kinsley Jane, daughter of Corey and Kayla Benton Molly Donnellan (Gianna) Jack Thomas, son of Chase and Kristina Fields Olivia Edgar (Ruth) Abigail Grace, daughter of Matthew and Kathleen Braden Edwards (Joseph) Danilowicz Ellie Edwards (Catherine) Hayes Hunter, son of Kyle and Theresa Hemmerle Owen Ennis (James) Cameron James, son of Jason and Amy Kizzee Lauren Fewlass (Lucy) Logan Scott, son of Brad and Erin Knight Sophia Fogarty (Sarah) Abigail Sherry, daughter of David and Amy Urban Grace Frank (Ann) Avery Elizabeth, daughter of Keith and Megan Lagasse Andrew Gibbons (Thomas) Lilliana Lindsay, daughter of James and Marlaina Moran

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Daniel Goba (Sebastian) Bridget Robenhymer (Elizabeth) Carmen Goff (Cecilia) Mia Rosato (Christina) Elizabeth Goulart (Rose) Ruth Rousseau (William) Rebecca Goulart (Grace) Mia Sarocino (Genevieve) Ian Grosso (Peter) Pearl Sears (Margaret) Alexa Harrahan (Elizabeth) Angelo Simone (Angelo) Cameron Joyce (Martin) Kyla Speredelozzi (Gertrude) Olivia Kay (Anne) Lily Stuart (Rose) Margaret Keegan (Margaret) Erin Sullivan (Alessandra) Nicholas Krajewski (Peter) Katelyn Sullivan (Catherine) Carolyn Lafferty (Michael) Maille Sullivan (Elizabeth) Thomas Leonard (William) Keller Sweet (Thomas) Zoe Lockwood (Frances) Emily Thomas (Teresa) Daniel Macari (Dunstan) Joseph Walsh (William) Grace MacKrell (Claire) Nathan Ward (Denis) Travis Maldonis (Thomas) Mary Whaley (Anne) Kaylin Marcotte (Rose) Hannah Wojciechowski (Mary) Zachary Marques (Florian) Katherine Martone (Patrick) A Time to Grow: Danica Mason (Anne) Tanner Mitchell (James) Full Initiation (RCIA) Jackson Monast (Michael) Amy Gannon Connor Moynihan (Joseph) Brady Murdock (Peter) A Time to Die: Jack Murphy (Cloud) Mitchell O’Rourke (Michael) Deaths Brianna Olszewski (Mary Francis) Roland Dyer Adam Pelletier (Sebastian) Myrt Cetenich Christian Pereira (Sebastian) Alberta Rose Laura Pezzullo (Elizabeth) William Buckley Cole Perry (Patrick) Phyllis Goodwin Cameron Petrangelo (Joseph) Susan Fanning Jack Pezza (John) Sheila Horne Maryna Pezzullo (Pelagia) Harold Fracassa Joseph Porcelli (Paul) Catherine Jacob Cole Perry (Patrick) Katherine Wilcox Jack Renzulli (Luke) Lester LeBlanc Tyler Rielly (Mark) Crist Costa Alexander Riley (Dominic)

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