ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED NEWSPAPER Home | 3 Business | 14 Sport | 22 Qatar Airways Qatari bourse Wade leads expands Mideast market cap Australia to services with increases to ODI win over flights to Abha. QR598bn. England. FRIDAY 4 SEPTEMBER 2015 • 20 Dhul-Qa’da 1436 • Volume 20 Number 6543
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[email protected] Editorial: 4455 7741 | Advertising: 4455 7837 / 4455 7780 Qatar crush Bhutan SEC issues new Wars put 13m out of guidelines for Independent Schools staff school in Mideast DOHA: The Supreme Education Council (SEC), has issued fresh guidelines for members of Over 8,850 schools no longer usable, says Unicef teaching and non-teaching staff of Independent Schools and has AMMAN: More than 13 mil- Syria, it said education was pay- of at least 950,000 children. retained the ban on teachers lion children are being denied ing a “massive price” after four It detailed scenes among the giving private tuition. an education by Middle East year and a half years of conflict. 1,200 schools in Iraqi host com- A teacher found giving pri- conflicts, the UN said yesterday, One in four schools have been munities that have been turned vate tuition could lose his or warning “the hopes of a genera- closed since the conflict erupted, into shelters for those displaced her job. Also, it is understood tion” would be dashed if they causing more than two million by violence, with up to nine fami- that there are smoking zones in cannot return to classrooms. children to drop out and putting lies per classroom forced to pre- Independent Schools so teachers In a report on the impact close to half a million in danger of pare meals in courtyards.