Diversion of Forest Land in Raibag Taluk of Gokak Division Lor Improvement of Approach Road, in Favour of Iws
Karnataka Forest Department No : A7/LND/FCP^(REDL/GKK/CR-8/20 16-ll . Office of the, Chief Conservator of Forests, Belagavi Circle, Belagavi. Dated '48-9-2016. 'he Addl.Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, (Forest Conservation) "Aranya Bhavan", 18th Cross, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru - 03. Sir, Sub :- Diversion of forest land in Raibag Taluk of Gokak Division lor improvement of approach road, in favour of IWs. KREDL, Bangalore - reg... Ref :- Proposal No. FP/I(A/WIND/1389312015 received from DCF, Gokak through OSMFCP, on27-9-2016. ***:f* With reference to the above subject, the Deputy Conservator of Forests, Ghataprabha Division, Gokak has submitted the necessary proposals through OSMFCP, for diversion of 0.94 ha. of forest land in Gokak Division in favour of Assistant General Manager, M/s. Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited, Bangalore, for improvement of approach road. Details of forest land proposed for diversion is as under. Sl.No. Location Forest land required (Ha) 1 Katakabhavi F.S.No. 148 0.14 2 Byakud F.S.No. 191 0.39 a J Bendwad F.S.No. 176 0.41 Total 0.94 The DCF, Gokak has inspected the spot on 4-8-2016 and has observed that the proposed forest areas is a degraded forest land and that, there is no tree growth in the proposed forest area. Further, he has reported that no rare, endangered species of flora & fauna are found in the proposed area and that, the project does not affect any'monument of historical, recreational, archaeological importance. It is not a part of National Park or Wildlife Sanctuary.
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