Guy Leckenby Department of Nuclear Physics Mobile: 0468 549 876 Research School of Physics and Engineering Email:
[email protected] The Australian National University Website: 57 Garran Road Birth date: August 17, 1995. Acton ACT 2601 Australia. Nationality: Australian. Current position Honours Student, Department of Nuclear Physics, The Australian National University. I am currently working on developing a new ionisation detector for Accelerator Mass Spectrom- etry analysis of 53Mn in the search for near-Earth supernova remnants. Research Experience Feb-Nov 2017 Improving Ionisation Detection for AMS analysis of 53Mn in Dr Anton Wallner the near-Earth Supernova search. Characterising a new ionisation Honours Project detector with an improved anode configuration to better discriminate between long lived isotope 53Mn and isobaric interference from 53Cr. Jun-Nov 2016 Characterisation of Optical Vortices. Intensity and phase prop- Dr Ben Buchler erties were investigated for optical vortices generated by precision ma- ASC Project chined spatial phase mirrors. Feb-May 2016 Spectral Energy Distribution for two features of NGC 5128. Dr Christian Wolf Deep field images of Centaurus A (NGC 5128) from the SkyMapper ASC Project telescope were analysed computationally using ESO-MIDAS to remove foreground objects and compare spectrometric colour ratios. Feb-May 2015 Interpreting 3D Hydrodynamic models of the Solar atmo- Prof Martin Asplund sphere with Python. The 3D time-dependent models of stellar at- ASC Project mospheres constructed by Prof Asplund were analysed using Python. This project primarily focused on learning to write modules in Python. Work Experience 2014-2016 Chameleon Software: Support Officer. Over two summers, I Summer Job worked for Chameleon Software writing support documentation for their rehabilitation management program Case Manager.