Society of the Silurians ANNUAL JOURNALISM AWARDS DINNER The National Arts Club 15 Gramercy Park South Wednesday, May 17, 2017 Published by The Society of The Silurians, Inc., an organization Drinks: 6 P.M. • Dinner: 7:15 P.M. Meet old friends and award winners of veteran New York City journalists founded in 1924
[email protected] MAY 2017 Silurians Celebrate The Best BY MICHAEL SERRILL relationship. The Record wins three Medal- t’s hardly surprising that Donald lions and three Merit certificates. Trump finds his way into some The paper provided its readers with Icompelling winners of the Soci- exemplary coverage of the Sept. 29 ety of Silurians Excellence in Journal- Hoboken Terminal train crash, of ism awards. But more stunning is the patient abuses at the Bergen County broad sweep of vivid, moving stories Medical Center, and of issues sur- and photography that illuminates rounding transgender youth. coverage of a Hoboken train crash Other big winners include Vanity and Chelsea bombing, the harrow- Fair, which wins in three of the mag- ing years in a Riker’s solitary cell azine categories, and The New York for a mentally challenged girl, the Daily News and Associated Press, worlds of transgender youths, and which each take home two Medal- how the children of 9/11 cope with lions, with the News also winning their losses. two Merit awards and the AP one. Long Island’s Newsday and The But the biggest winner of all—in Record of northern New Jersey dom- terms of his impact on journalism—is inated the contest for news coverage Anthony Mancini, honored this year in 2016.