Niftynotes news & information from the Diocese JULY/AUGUST 2013 Compiled by Nicola Mellors email:
[email protected] More than 160 churches open up over two weekends with special welcomes for visitors ver wondered what local community. My hope is that There will be a whole range of happens in a church tower visitors over the weekends will activities and events taking place Ewhen the bell ropes are want to find out more about the at the churches opening for the pulled? Ever wanted to see the faith that led these places to be weekends, from flower festivals mechanism of a church clock in built and that continues to and fair trade sales to displays of action as it strikes? transform people and Bibles and historical records, communities in this country and tours, tower trips, sporting These are just two of the activities the wider world.” activities, musical events and on offer as 160 churches join much more. Many will also be together to give a special getting into the summer spirit welcome to visitors over two with strawberry teas and cream weekends in July. teas available. The Open Churches Weekends Further details (on the 13th/14th & 20th/21st of July) have been organised by the or contact Diocese of Southwell & heather.sirrel@southwell. Nottingham’s Church History, 07736286056 Project for the fourth year to order a free guide leaflet. running, following a successful pilot in 2010. In this month’s issue: Bishop Paul said: “These 2 News in brief weekends will give many more Project coordinator, Heather people the chance to discover or Sirrel, said; “Everyone is 4 Events & information rediscover the rich variety of welcome – families, walkers, churches we have across the historians, pilgrims, locals, 5 Prayer Diary county.