1941-02-09 [P
GOLDEN GLOVES TOURNEY OPENS TUESDAY ★ ★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ "W "W * * * * ★★★ MORE THAN 125 Juniors Of Fear Horse Show Plan Exhibition Cape ** ^ Today ON FIGHT LISTS ■&---4_ Of Furious ^ Prize Pair Four Fast Nighrts PROYGRIDTCZAR* ^ By Jack Sords SUTTON STABLES Fights Scheduled At College HI-Y TROUNCES Field 'NOf Afe Legion < Scores CAP . WILL BE SCENE Sbcdrd PRESBYTERIANS fastest and most f BASKETBALL The biggest, 31 Horsemen Will Take tourna- Young Navy 34, Duke 32. elaborate Golden Gloves Covenant Cagers Event Here At N. C. State Daivdson 43. Stage Rally in Wilmington Part In 51, ment ever presented Arkansas 36, Baylor 31. But Fail To at 8 2 O’Clock Overtake will open Tuesday night W. and M. 52, Virginia Tech 50. Baptists o’clock at the exhibition building Randolph-JMecon 36, Apprentice Sun- 26. at field, just south of Some of the finest horses in east- Legion The Hi-Y of Clemson 62, The Citadel 38. basketball tea™ s™.., set Park, with the finest array ern North Carolina will be on ex- High Point 54, Elon 42. talent which the Star-News hibition today as the juniors of the boxing Virginia 49, V. M. I. 26. schedule by club has trouncing the First F--s and the Brigade Boys Cape Fear Horse Show association Appalachian 51, Catawba 34. byterian cagers 39 to 37 in a a fait ever been able to offer fight- stage their annual competition at Wingate 27, N. C. State Frosh 23. finish on the Y. M. C. A. 56, Union 48. court y„. hungry public in Southeastern the Sutton stables on the Princess Hamilton Lockhaven Teachers 39, Shipping- terday afternoon.
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