Eierskap Blant Norges Største Bedrifter
Eierskap blant Norges største bedrifter En kartlegging av eierskap blant Norges største bedrifter: 2000-2015 Paal Bjarnoll Masteroppgave i historie Institutt for arkeologi, historie, kultur- og religionsvitenskap Universitet i Bergen Våren 2017 Abstract A study of Ownership among Norway’s 50 Biggest Companies 2000-2015 The topic of this master thesis is ownership among Norway’s 50 biggest companies for the years: 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015. The main goal of this research is to map the distribution between different kinds of ownership: state ownership, private ownership (Norwegian), foreign ownership (FDI) and joint ventures. To do so, the equity and stockholder information has been researched for the companies that includes in the study. The results shows that the state enterprises has increased their position from 2000 to 2005. A position that was more or less stable throughout 2010 and 2015. Private ownership has increased throughout the research-period, except for 2005, which marks the highest year for FDI. FDI had a bigger impact among the top 50 companies from 2000 to 2005, but the development after this has shown a decrease. Joint ventures had a presence among the biggest companies in 2000, with six companies. After this, it has had few or none companies represented on the list. 1 Forord Først og fremst vil jeg takke mine to veiledere, Camilla Brautaset og Harm Schrøter. Deres hjelp har virkelig vært uvurderlig. I tillegg vil jeg takke samtlige på masterseminaret På tvers av grenser, for kommentarer og råd underveis. Sist men ikke minst, vil jeg takke alle mine medstudenter som har vært med å skape et fantastisk studiemiljø i 3.
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