Stimulating Effects of Inosine, Uridine and Glutamine on the Tissue Distribution of Radioactive D-Leucine in Tumor Bearing Mice
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RADIOISOTOPES, 33, 7376 (1984) Note Stimulating Effects of Inosine, Uridine and Glutamine on the Tissue Distribution of Radioactive D-leucine in Tumor Bearing Mice Rensuke GOTO, Atsushi TAKEDA, Osamu TAMEMASA, James E. CHANEY* and George A. DIGENIS* Division of Radiobiochemistry and Radiopharmacology, Shizuoka College of Pharmacy 2-1, Oshika 2-chome, Shizuoka-shi 422, Japan * Division of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy , College of Pharmacy, University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 40506, U.S.A. Received September 16, 1983 This experiment was carried out in search for stimulators of the in vivo uptake of D- and L-leucine by tumor and pancreas for the possible application to 7-emitter labeled amino acids in nuclear medical diagnosis. Inosine, uridine, and glutamine which are stimulators of the in vitro incorporation of radioactive L-amino acids into some tumor cells significantly enhanced the uptake of D-leucine into the pancreas, while in Ehrlich solid tumor only a little if any in- crease was observed. Of the compounds tested inosine showed the highest stimulation of pan- creas uptake in the range of doses used, resulting in the best pancreas-to-liver concentration ratio, a factor of significant consideration for pancreas imaging. The uptake of L-leucine by the tumor and pancreas was little affected by these compounds. Key Words: inosine, uridine, glutamine, tissue distribution, radioactive D-leucine, tumor bearing mice, pancreas imaging cine, and L-alanine into Ehrlich or Krebs ascites 1. Introduction carcinoma cells resulting from treatment with High radioactivity uptake of some radioactive inosine, uridine, or glutamine. These findings D-amino acids by the tumor and pancreas of suggest that these compounds might bring about tumor-bearing animalsl' '2) or by the pancreas of the increased in vivo uptake of amino acids. normal mice3' and rats4' has been reported sug- This paper deals with the in vivo effects of gesting the potential utility of 7-emitter labeled some nucleosides and glutamine on the radio- D-amino acids for the detection of tumor and activity uptake of 14C-labeled D- and L-leucine by pancreas. With regard to enhanced amino acid the tumor and normal tissues of mice bearing uptake, Gotto, et al.5' and Belkhode, et al.6' de- Ehrlich solid tumor. The compounds tested were scribed the increased in vitro incorporation of effective on the uptake of D-leucine by the pan- the 14C-labeled amino acids L-isoleucine, L-leu- creas, but only slightly enhanced the uptake of radioactivity from the leucine isomer by the † 担 が ん 動 物 に お け る 放 射 性D-ロ イ シ ソ の 組 織 内 tumor. 分 布 に 対 す る イ ノ シ ン , ウ リ ジ ン,グ ル タ ミ ン の 促 進 効 果 。 五 島 廉 輔,武 田 厚 司,為 政 脩,James 2. Experimental E. Chaney*, George A. Digenis*:静 岡 薬 科 大 学 放 射 薬 品 学 教 室,422静 岡 市 小 鹿2-2-1,*ケ ン タ ッ 2.1 Radioactive chemicals キ ー 大 学 薬 学 部,ア メ リ カ 合 衆 国 ケ ン タ ッ キ ー D-(1-14C)-Leucine and L-(U-14CJ-leucine were 州,レ キ シ ン トン,40506. products of ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc., U.S.A. (25) 74 RADIOISOTOPES Vol. 33, No, 2 and Amersham International Ltd., U.K., respec- tively. The radiochemical purities were checked by paper chromatography before use. 2.2 Tumor-bearing animals Ehrlich solid tumor-bearing mice were ob- tained by subcutaneous injection of 0.2 ml of Ehrlich ascites cell suspension (108 cells/ml phy- siological saline) into the abdominal region of ddY strain mice (16•`18g) 7 days before use. 2.3 In vivo uptake experiment A group of five tumor-bearing mice was in- travenously injected with 0.2 ml of physiological saline containing radioactive D-or L-leucine (92.5 kBq (2.5,iCi)/ml, 1•~10-3M) and a test com- pound of varing doses. One hour later, the animals were sacrificed by exsanguination after being anesthetized by ether inhalation, and the tumor region and organs were excised from the mice. Preparation of the trichloroacetic acid 1: control, 2: inosine (50 mg/kg), 3: inosine (TCA)-soluble and -insoluble fractions from these (100 mg/kg), 4: inosine (200 mg/kg)•¬ tissues and the radioactivity measurement of the : TCA-insoluble fraction, samples were performed according to methods •¬ TCA-soluble fraction described elsewhere.•h Fig. 1 Effect of inosine on radioactivity uptake by tumor and organs of mice bearing 3. Results and Discussion Ehrlich solid tumor after injection of 14C 3.1 Effect of inosine -labeled D-leucine. Figure 1 shows the effect of inosine on radio- activity uptake by the tumor and organs of thesis and ultimately protein synthesis. However, tumor-bearing mice after injection of 14C-labeled the result in this experiment indicates that inosine D-leucine. Contrary to an expectation based on operates by influencing the transport of D-leucine increased in vitro uptakes' a, the radioactivity rather than protein synthesis. uptake of the isomer in the tumor was slightly To test whether inosine metabolites or inosine decreased by the administration of inosine. On itself plays a role in the above described increas- the other hand, the pancreas radioactivity uptake ed membrane transport of D-leucine by the pan- from 14C-D-leucine was enhanced 4075% by creas, inosine was intravenously injected two inosine treatment. This increase in radioactivity hours before administration of the radioactive uptake was observed only in the TCA-soluble amino acids. No difference between the co- and fraction (amino acid pool), whereas the uptake pre-administration of inosine on radioactivity in the TCA-insoluble fraction (crude protein) uptake from D-or L-leucine by the pancreas was somewhat decreased. Inosine hardly affect- was observed, suggesting that inosine itself acts ed the incorporation of L-leucine into either directly on uptake of D-leucine. the TCA-soluble or -insoluble fractions of the pancreas. Belkhode, et al.s'reported that prelim- 3.2 Effect of uridine inary cleavage of inosine to ribose-1-phosphate Gotto, et al, s' showed that uridine gave appeared to be required for the stimulation of slightly more stimulation of in vitro incorporation some L-amino acids, since the increased formation into Ehrlich ascites tumor cells than did inosine. of ribose-1-phosphate might stimulate RNA syn- In the present in vivo experiments, the radio- (26) Feb. 1984 R. Goto, et al.: Stimulation of radioactive D-leucine uptake 75 1: control, 2: uridine (50 mg/kg), 3: uridine (100 mg/kg), 4: uridine (200 mg/kg)•¬ 1: control, 2: glutamine (23.4 mg/kg), : TCA-insoluble fraction,•¬ 3: glutamine (117 mg/kg), 4: glutamine (234 : TCA-soluble fraction mg/kg)•¬ Fig. 2 Effect of uridine on radioactivity uptake : TCA-insoluble fraction,•¬ by tumor and organs of mice bearing : TCA-soluble fraction Ehrlich solid tumor after injection of Fig. 3 Effect of glutamine on radioactivity 14C -labeled D-leucine. uptake by tumor and organs of mice bearing Ehrlich solid tumor after injec- activity uptake from D-leucine into Ehrlich solid tion of 14C-labeled D-leucine. tumor was only slightly increased by uridine treatment at doses of 50 and 100 mg/kg, but was and L-leucine was investigated. As shown in inhibited at 200 mg/kg (Fig. 2). The trend Fig. 3, the radioactivity uptake of D-leucine by observed for the relationship of pancreas uptake the pancreas increased about 30% at a glutamine to uridine dose was similar to that observed for dose of 234 mg/kg, whereas no increase was seen the tumor, but the degree of increased pancreas for the tumor. Glutamine did not affect radio- uptake was smaller than for that due to inosine activity uptake from 14C-L-leucine into any of administration. No enhancement of L-leucine the tissues studied. uptake was observed for the pancreas. Of the tissues examined, inosine, uridine and glutamine enhanced the radioactivity uptake of 3.3 Effect of glutamine 14C-D-leucine into the pancreas only and did not Herscovics and Johnstone7', from a study of alter 14C-L-leucine radioactivity uptake into any the stimulatory effects of glucose, uridine, and of the organs. We have already reported8)•`12) cytidine on the incorporation of 14C-formate into that there are some differences in the membrane Ehrlich tumor cell protein in vitro, suggested transport properties of D- and L-leucine observed that the increased intracellular concentration of in in vitro experiments using Ehrlich ascites glutamate in the presence of these agents leads tumor cells; these differences include the binding to an increased availability of glutamine neces- of the isomers to the carrier membrane protein, sary for the synthesis of purine nucleotides and the rate of efflux, the temperature dependence proteins. On the basis of this suggestion, the of transport, etc. Therefore, these differences in vivo effect of glutamine on the uptake of D- in the uptake of the isomers by the pancreas (27) 76 RADIOISOTOPES Vol. 33, No. 2 Table 1 Effect of inosine, uridine and glutamine creas-to-liver ratios of radioactivity uptake from on pancreas-to-liver ratios of radioactiv- 14C-D-leucine and these findings will be the ity uptake from 14C-D-leucine subject a further report13) The authors wish to thank Miss Mayumi Wada of laboratory (Shizuoka) for her technical assistance. References Numbers in parentheses show the doses (mg/kg) 1) Tamemasa, O., et al.: Gann, 69, 517 (1978) of the respective compounds. 2) Tamemasa, O., et al.: ibid., 73, 147 (1982) 3) Goto, R., et al.: Chem.