MBMBaM 391: Jeff Wolfworthy Published on January 29, 2018 Listen here on TheMcElroy.family Intro (Bob Ball): The McElroy brothers are not experts, and their advice should never be followed. Travis insists he’s a sexpert, but if there’s a degree on his wall, I haven’t seen it. Also, this show isn’t for kids, which I mention only so the babies out there will know how cool they are for listening. What’s up, you cool baby? [theme music, “(It’s a) Departure” by The Long Winters, plays] Justin: Hello, everybody, and welcome to My Brother, My Brother and Me, an advice show for the modern era. I’m your oldest brother, Justin McElroy! Travis: I’m your middlest brother, Travis McElroy! Griffin: I’m your sweet baby brother and 30 Under 30 media luminary, Griffin McElroy. Justin: Are you ready for more footballll? Griffin: I’m ready for twice the amount of football I currently consume, which would still... Justin: An undetermined night of the week party! Griffin: Whew! [sing-song] It’s all night, and the balls are hot; don’t touch the balls, ‘cause you’ll burn your hands! Justin: [sing-song] We have a bunch—some announcers to be determined that are gonna get it kickstarted. Travis: [sing-song] Or maybe, like, hand-off start it. We don’t know, we haven’t finished out the rules yet. Griffin: [sing-song] There may not even be a ball this time. It’s football of the mind, XFL. Justin: You’ve probably guessed we’re... starting an XFL team. [laughs] Griffin: And you—everybody’s been asking us to do this, even before Vince came out and made his definitely real announcement about the thing that’s definitely, definitely gonna happen, which is the XFL. Very exciting new football proposition where a catch is a catch, and you can’t ever protest for any reason, ever. Travis: [laughs] Griffin: And it’s very—I mean, I—to me, both those is... yeah, Vince. I definitely get it. I don’t... get it. Justin: As somebody who got in early with the XFL, with our new—the next XFL, the XXFL, we have gotten, like—first off, the first thing we had to figure out was, of course, the team. What are they? Travis: Yeah. Justin: Um, I’m pushing for the Milton Somethings. Now, Huntington— Travis: Oh, I thought you literally meant, like, what species are we going to put on the field. Okay, you mean, like— Griffin: ‘Cause XFL, it’s—yeah, Trav brings up a good point. Could be anything out there. Bunch of frogs. Justin: [laughs] They’re all pumas. Travis: Yeah. Justin: A bunch of pumas. The name of the team is “The Jaguars.” Travis: Yep. Griffin: Yeah. Justin: And people are not gonna—they’re gonna—there’s gonna be a lot of, uh, dissonance there. Griffin: And as long as this thing’s just a big old stinkin’ middle finger to the NFL, we might as well just make it The Jacksonville Jaguars. Justin: If—okay. Griffin: Fucking come at us, ‘cause it’s a different thing, Bortles. Travis: ‘Cause that’s the thing about the XFL, it’s literally no rules, no rights. And it’s so— Griffin: Well, Travis, I do have to stop you right there, ‘cause there’s one very important rule. Travis: What’s that? Griffin: And that is you can never express your dissatisfaction with anything for any reason, ever. Travis: Okay. Griffin: Or else Vince will come to his house—to your house, even—you’ll come to Vince’s house. Travis: Yeah. Griffin: ‘Cause that’s how he does it. And he’ll unhinge his jaw, and he’ll eat ya. Travis: Oh, okay. Justin: The rule is—and we have a list of some—where did I put my list of... rules? [paper rustling] It’s in this stack. Oh, here it is, here it is. Um, so the first rule of the XFL, obviously, is if you kneel during the anthem, you have to eat an entire airplane tire. And that is... stringent, I will agree... Griffin: Draconian, I might argue. Justin: Draconian. It—the penalty actually goes up, so the second time you kneel during the anthem, you are gonna have to consume an entire landing gear. And if you’re particularly frustrated, and you feel compelled to kneel—by the end of the season, I mean, you could be eating an entire airplane. Travis: Well, this is why—I’ve actually heard some owners and players already planning how they’re gonna work around this, is they’re gonna kneel once, eat the tire, but never get up? Griffin: Yeah. Yeah. Travis: And then you just— Griffin: Just do all the football from sort of a... from a sort of prone position. Travis: Kneeling position. Yeah. Griffin: Yeah. Um... Travis: And listen, it’s tough, but if you get, like, kneepads with wheels on them, call ‘em kneelies, uh, it’s successful. Griffin: And then, yeah, we can definitely market that to the eight people who are gonna watch this. Um, hey, Vince? You dumb asshole? Travis: Uh-huh? Griffin: Do you realize the fucking delicious Footloose-esque situation you are setting? Justin: [laughs] Griffin: “Now, no—this is a sports with no protesting! You hear—” The first fucking guy that gets down on the knee is going—it is going to be so much more powerful, you big dumb asshole. Justin: [laughs] Travis: It’s going to be like fucking Babe Ruth calling his shot... Griffin: Are you— Travis: ...but if Babe Ruth just held up a middle finger to everybody. Griffin: “[gruff voice] I’ve got this idea for a new football league that will generate the most powerful political statement ever created by sport—” [normally] What the fuck? Are you out of your fucking mind, Vince? Justin: You can’t ever—like, I’ll never experience the thrilling level of dancing... in an area where dancing has been forbidden. ‘Cause that—that would just be the best, funnest dance that you could do, I think. Uh, and— and that is the situation that he has developed here, where it’s like, “Protests? Well, no, not here.” Like, that’s the best protest you can do! Is when they tell you you can’t! That’s the best time! Travis: That’s actually how protesting works! Justin: Yeah, that’s the best time! Griffin: That’s how it works, dog! Jesus, Vince. Griffin and Travis: [mockingly] Vince. Justin: It’s just disgusting, man. It’s just—there’s no way. Griffin: [normally] It’s bad—it’s bad in every way. So I guess it’s— Justin: The towns had had one before, right? Griffin: Yeah. Justin: You’re not gonna tr—fool them once, et cetera, et cetera. You’re not—so it’s gonna be all... second-stringer towns, right? Or third-string towns. ‘Cause I guess the first string has NFL, and the second string had the XFL the first time. So now, you’re down to, like, third-tier towns. And that’s not to besmirch the good name of Milton, but if this thing tanks, I didn’t want Huntington all tied up with it. We did have our own arena football team, The Huntington... Griffin: The River City Locomotives. Travis: Locomotives. Justin: River City Locomotives, thank you Griffin. Griffin: Great team. Loooots of fumbles. [laughs] So just—number the stars, and it’s about that many fumble-inos. Justin: I was actually in an ad for The River City Locomotives. Griffin: Mm. Justin: When they were looking for a new mascot. And my thing was, I just strode around the stage, going, “Choo-choo! Choo-choo!” And if I remember how the ad went, I got the job. Griffin: Yeah. Justin: So if you can get that on YouTube somewhere... Travis: Yup. Justin: ...just please let me know. Travis: And if I remember correctly, I think our dad owned one percent of The River City Locomotives? Griffin: He—well, he was the MC of The River City Locomotives, which meant we got free soda. Which uh, i—if we do get the XFL team, The Milton... Big Lads, going, then I’m hoping that that is a benefit that will continue, ‘cause then I will be full in full-throated support of this new, exciting, not-going-to-happen... Travis: Well, first of all, you have to do full-throated support. Like, that’s the problem. It’s like... Justin: So we’re probably not gonna do that team. [sighs] I don’t think we should probably support that, [laughs] I don’t think. Griffin: I mean, I can try out. I mean, they’re gonna need eight teams of 40 people each. That’s what, like, 800 people, and uh, I think I stand a pretty good shot. Never could make the Commack Middle School... basketball team, but I actually think I stand a better chance of getting in on this new football... league. And then my friend, Stone Cold Steve Austin, is gonna come in, and be like, “You can’t escape me, Vincent!” crush a High Life, and then crush Vincent’s skull right there, in front of God and everyone. And then we’ll be the new kings of football. And you’ll kneel, but to us. Travis: [laughs] Griffin: Me and my friend, Austin. Which is what I call him, even though it’s his last name.
Greatestgentour.Com Now to See a Live Podcast That's the Exact Opposite of This
Note: This show periodically replaces their ad breaks with new promotional clips. Because of this, both the transcription for the clips and the timestamps after them may be inaccurate at the time of viewing this transcript. 00:00:00 Ben Harrison Promo The following is a message from Uxbridge-Shimoda LLC. 00:00:02 Sound Effect Sound Effect [Computer beeps.] 00:00:03 Music Music Fun, jazzy background music. 00:00:04 Adam Promo Have you been the victim of a bad live podcast experience? Has this Pranica ever happened to you? You bought a ticket to your favorite live podcast, and when you get there, there aren't any seats for you, so you have to sit in the bathroom because the toilet is the only unoccupied seat? And because the sounds of flushing and people having diarrhea, you can just barely hear the sound of laughter? But it's not the kind of laughter where you can tell the podcast hosts are doing well. It's the kind of laughter where you know the hosts are eating shit. 00:00:31 Adam Promo And when the show is over and you wipe yourself off, there isn't any toilet paper. So you use your underwear and try to flush those down the toilet. But the toilet gets clogged on all your underwear, and giant dookies you spent 90 minutes making, and starts overflowing, so you just leave it there and go out to the meet and greet. But you aren't feeling normal, because you aren't wearing underwear, because you're feeling the inside of your pants in a way you've never felt before, so you're awkward in your own body.
ECHO: a music-centered journal www.echo.ucla.edu Volume 5 Issue 1 (Spring 2003) It May Look Like a Living Room…: The Musical Number and the Sitcom By Robin Stilwell Georgetown University 1. They are images firmly established in the common television consciousness of most Americans: Lucy and Ethel stuffing chocolates in their mouths and clothing as they fall hopelessly behind at a confectionary conveyor belt, a sunburned Lucy trying to model a tweed suit, Lucy getting soused on Vitameatavegemin on live television—classic slapstick moments. But what was I Love Lucy about? It was about Lucy trying to “get in the show,” meaning her husband’s nightclub act in the first instance, and, in a pinch, anything else even remotely resembling show business. In The Dick Van Dyke Show, Rob Petrie is also in show business, and though his wife, Laura, shows no real desire to “get in the show,” Mary Tyler Moore is given ample opportunity to display her not-insignificant talent for singing and dancing—as are the other cast members—usually in the Petries’ living room. The idealized family home is transformed into, or rather revealed to be, a space of display and performance. 2. These shows, two of the most enduring situation comedies (“sitcoms”) in American television history, feature musical numbers in many episodes. The musical number in television situation comedy is a perhaps surprisingly prevalent phenomenon. In her introduction to genre studies, Jane Feuer uses the example of Indians in Westerns as the sort of surface element that might belong to a genre, even though not every example of the genre might exhibit that element: not every Western has Indians, but Indians are still paradigmatic of the genre (Feuer, “Genre Study” 139).
Expert Panelists Consider Community Development's Next Wave Intro
Expert Panelists Consider Community Development’s Next Wave Intro In spring of 2015, LISC NYC’s Executive Director, Sam Marks invited friends of LISC - top economists, policy analysts, journalists, community development gurus and current leaders of some of the city’s top community development corporations - to join staff in strategizing around critical questions facing New York’s community development sector. What can LISC NYC and its community development partners do to counter global and national trends exacerbating economic polarization? What is community development’s role in shaping the city’s upcoming neighborhood rezonings, preserving affordable housing, and, building human capital? How can the industry scale up even as it consolidates and redeploys resources to new areas and programming? Over the course of three panel discussions moderated by Marks, presenters and LISC NYC staff shed some light on next wave strategies for New York City’s neighborhoods. Panel 1: Global City/Global Trends: Panelists explained the global trends driving high real estate prices, economic polarization, gentrification and displacement and debated about the levers available to city government, LISC NYC and community developers to alleviate the harsh impacts on low and moderate income New Yorkers. Jonathan Bowles, Executive Director, Center for an Urban Future . Adam Davidson, co-founder and co-host, Planet Money . Ingrid Gould Ellen, Paulette Goddard Professor of Urban Policy and Planning, Director of the Urban Planning Program, New York University Wagner; Faculty Director, Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy . Chris Herbert, Managing Director, Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies Panel 2: Community development past, present and future: Former LISC NYC directors distilled their experiences using real estate strategies to address neighborhood issues and considered strategies to meet current challenges.
The Adventure Zone: Live in San Jose! Published on May 16Th, 2019 Listen on Themcelroy.Family
The Adventure Zone: Live in San Jose! Published on May 16th, 2019 Listen on TheMcElroy.family [theme music plays] Audience: [applause] Griffin: I have uh, asked Paul to play some scene-setting music. Paul, if you could play the scene-setting music as I read the opening monologue… [scene-setting music plays loudly] Griffin: If you can make it much quieter than that, that would be amazing. Audience: [laughs] [scene-setting music disappears entirely] Griffin: A little bit louder. [scene-setting music plays] Audience: [laughs] Griffin: Perfect. Travis: Split the difference. Griffin: The year is 20XX… Audience: [laughs] Griffin: The world as you know it has ended. The once burdened forests and lush prairies peppered across Faerun lay fallow, swallowed up in cyclones of dust and exhaust. The land‘s great thriving cities are hollowed out wastelands, scoured tirelessly by electronic eyes for any remaining signs of life. Signs… of resistance. Audience: [laughs and cheers] Griffin: The rain of organic beings has long since been brought to a violent end by the world‘s new ruling class – robots. Audience: [cheers] Griffin: Sentient machines of various shapes, sizes, and functions that have reduced the world‘s human, dwarf, elf, orc, really, all non-robot populations down to a handful of barely surviving enclaves, all eking out a harrowing existence beneath the smog-filled sky. It‘s really very bad. Audience: [laughs] Griffin: There‘s no grass anymore. Where there used to be grass, now there‘s just like, little wires all over, which is what robots like instead of grass. Clint: [laughs] Audience: [laughs] Griffin: Playgrounds that used to be full of children‘s laughter are now filled with like, pipes and batteries and stuff.
Lisa Donovan Has Been Hailed by Critics As an All- Around Entertainer Who Can Do It All
Lisa Donovan has been hailed by critics as an all- around entertainer who can do it all. As an actress, she won an award from the Southern California Motion Picture Council as "Outstanding Newcomer of the Year." As a singer, Lisa consistently receives rhapsodic reviews from the toughest critics in the business. As a comedienne, she's been praised for performing comedy with Lucille-Ball-like precision timing. And as a dancer, she received high critical praise from no less a publication than The New York Times. Lisa just finished a two-year run as Mother Superior in the delightful, world-famous musical comedy NUNSENSE at the now-named Westgate Hotel, formerly the Las Vegas Hilton, the hotel Elvis Presley called home. Lisa proved her enormous singing range on the long-running television show FACE THE MUSIC, which was broadcast first in national syndication and later on cable networks for more than a decade. On that show Lisa performed everything from soft rock to light opera and set some Guiness-type world records. In all, she sang parts of more than eleven thousand musical numbers. On the New York stage, Lisa starred in a revival of BABES IN ARMS, directed by the legendary Ginger Rogers, who hand-picked Lisa for the role. That's the play in which Lisa received all that praise from The New York Times, which actually likened her to a young Ginger Rogers. Lisa has performed non-musically as well. On the stage in Los Angeles, she played all three female roles in Sean Waldron's chilling drama about atomic radiation poisoning.
{PDF EPUB} Garfield Presents...Babes & Bullets by Jim Davis
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Garfield Presents...Babes & Bullets by Jim Davis "Babes and Bullets" begins with a full-color segment of Garfield following some mysterious saxophone music to a closet, where he finds a trench coat and hat. Putting these on, he takes on the persona of Sam Spayed, Private Eye, and the story shifts from comic-strip …Reviews: 4Format: PaperbackAuthor: Jim DavisGarfield presents babes and bullets : Davis, Jim, 1945 ...https://archive.org/details/garfieldpresents00daviJul 19, 2010 · Garfield presents babes and bullets Item Preview remove-circle ... Garfield presents babes and bullets by Davis, Jim, 1945 July 28- Publication date 1990 Topics Strip cartoons, United States Publisher London : Ravette Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks; chinaPages: 70Babes & Bullets by Jim Davishttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2776094James Robert "Jim" Davis is an American cartoonist who created the popular comic strip Garfield.Other comics that he has worked on are Tumbleweeds, Gnorm Gnat, Slapstick, and a strip about Mr. Potato Head. Jim Davis was born in Fairmount, Indiana, near Marion, where he grew up on a small farm with his father James William Davis, mother Anna Catherine (Carter) Davis, brother Dave, and 25 cats.3.8/5Ratings: 27Reviews: 3People also askHow old is Jim Davis from Garfield in disguise?How old is Jim Davis from Garfield in disguise?Jim Davis was born on July 28, 1945 in Marion, Indiana, USA as James Robert Davis. He is a writer and producer, known for Garfield's Babes and Bullets (1989), Garfield in Disguise (1985) and Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties (2006).Jim Davis - IMDb Buy a cheap copy of Garfield Presents Babes & Bullets book by Jim Davis.
HAL LEONARD INSTRUMENTAL2012 ENSEMBLE catalog addendum Concert Band • Marching Band • Jazz Ensemble • Orchestra • Essential Elements • Rubank • Methods This brochure details products which have been created since publishing the 2011-2012 Hal Leonard Instrumental Ensemble Catalog. Please see this catalog, HL 90008184, for a complete listing of titles available, or visit our website at www.halleonard.com 1033585 Addendum.indd 1 5/18/12 2:31 PM 2 MARCHING BAND Inv. No. Title (Arranger) Series/Grade Price Inv. No. Title (Arranger) Series/Grade Price _____ 40004100 30-Second Blasters _____ 03745581 Kernkraft 400 (arr. Jay Dawson/Jim Reed) ......APCMB3 ......... $60.00 (arr. Paul Lavender/Will Rapp) ..CNTMB3 ......... $55.00 _____ 03745577 Afro Blue _____ 03745573 Kickbutt Cadences Vol. 2 (arr. Paul Murtha/Will Rapp)......ESPRT2 .......... $55.00 (Will Rapp) ................................ESPRT3 .......... $45.00 _____ 40004084 Americano (arr. Tom Wallace/ _____ 03745569 The Lady Is a Tramp Tony McCutchen) ......................APCMB3 ......... $60.00 (arr. Paul Murtha/Will Rapp)......PFELT4 ........... $65.00 _____ 40004080 Blackbird/Yesterday _____ 40004076 Magical Mystery Tour/Lady Madonna (arr. Tom Wallace) .....................APCMB3 ......... $80.00 (arr. Tom Wallace) .....................APCMB3 ......... $80.00 _____ 40004102 Bully(arr. Tom Wallace/ _____ 03745579 Misirlou (arr. Tim Waters) ...........ESPRT2 .......... $55.00 Tony McCutchen) ......................APCMB3 ......... $60.00 _____ 40004094 Moves like Jagger (arr. Tom Wallace/ _____ 03745563 Captain America March Tony McCutchen) ......................APCMB3 ......... $60.00 (arr. Paul Murtha) ......................PFELT3 ........... $65.00 _____ 40004096 On the Floor (arr. Tom Wallace/ _____ 03745567 Come Fly with Me (arr. Paul Murtha/ Tony McCutchen) ......................APCMB3 ......... $70.00 Will Rapp) ..................................PFELT4 ........... $65.00 _____ 03745565 Party Rock Anthem _____ 03745601 Crocodile Rock (arr.
Party Rock Anthem” - LMFAO by Chris Wagner Background/Summary: “Party Rock Anthem” Is the Hit Song from the Electro-Pop Group LMFAO
CPYU 3(D) REVIEW Song/Video: “Party Rock Anthem” - LMFAO By Chris Wagner Background/summary: “Party Rock Anthem” is the hit song from the electro-pop group LMFAO. The group’s name is an acronym often used in texting which stands for “laughing my f***ing a** off” though the band’s name is pronounced by saying each letter. Off of the album Sorry for Party Rocking, the song has spent over 20 weeks on the Billboard Hot 100 chart where it spent 6 consecutive weeks at the #1 spot. The duo that makes up LMFAO consists of Stefan Kendal Gordy, known as Redfoo and Skyler Husten Gordy, who goes by SkyBlu. Their musical style is geared toward partying while their looks combine a modern and 80’s induced vibe. Discover: What is the message/worldview?: The video opens up with text explaining that Red- foo and SkyBlu slipped into a coma after exces- sive “party rocking” the night before “Party Rock Anthem” was released. 28 days later, they wake up from their comas and walk out into a seem- ingly deserted city street. They encounter one young man down the street, dancing, but as they try to get his attention another young man quickly attempts to warn them that ever since “that song” was released the entire world has been “shuffling” or dancing to the irresistible sound. Those who haven’t succumbed to the “shuffling” bug yet are dance-attacked on the streets until they themselves give in to the craze. At first Redfoo and SkyBlu attempt to resist, but eventually begin shuffling themselves.
00:00:00 Jesse Promo Hey all, it’s Jesse. As 2020 draws to a close, think about what Thorn you’re thankful for, other than—I’m willing to bet—2020 drawing to a close. What got you through the year? Odds are, if you’re hearing my voice, public radio was one of the things. Public radio gave you accurate, dependable news about the election on the pandemic, information about local stories that matter to you. You got fun and fascinating interviews from shows like Bullseye. If you wanna show your gratitude at the end of this year, consider supporting your local public radio station. Public radio stations really need your help right now, more than ever. And it’s really easy to do! Just go to Donate.NPR.org/bullseye and give whatever you can. And thanks. 00:00:43 Music Transition Gentle, trilling music with a steady drumbeat plays under the dialogue. 00:00:44 Promo Promo Speaker: Bullseye with Jesse Thorn is a production of MaximumFun.org and is distributed by NPR. [Music fades out.] 00:00:55 Music Transition “Huddle Formation” from the album Thunder, Lightning, Strike by The Go! Team. 00:01:03 Jesse Host It’s Bullseye. I’m Jesse Thorn. If you’re a fan of comics, odds are you’re familiar with Adrian Tomine already. Maybe you read his series Optic Nerve or know his books, like Killing and Dying and Shortcoming. They’re reminiscent of Daniel Klaus or Jaime Hernandez, maybe Harvey Pekar: dark, realistic, but with an edge of humor as well.
Top 200 Most Requested Songs Based on millions of requests made through the DJ Intelligence® music request system at weddings & parties in 2015 RANK ARTIST SONG 1 Ronson, Mark Feat. Bruno Mars Uptown Funk 2 Journey Don't Stop Believin' 3 Cupid Cupid Shuffle 4 Swift, Taylor Shake It Off 5 Walk The Moon Shut Up And Dance 6 Williams, Pharrell Happy 7 Black Eyed Peas I Gotta Feeling 8 Diamond, Neil Sweet Caroline (Good Times Never Seemed So Good) 9 Sheeran, Ed Thinking Out Loud 10 V.I.C. Wobble 11 Houston, Whitney I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) 12 AC/DC You Shook Me All Night Long 13 Bon Jovi Livin' On A Prayer 14 DJ Casper Cha Cha Slide 15 Mars, Bruno Marry You 16 Maroon 5 Sugar 17 Morrison, Van Brown Eyed Girl 18 Usher Feat. Ludacris & Lil' Jon Yeah 19 Legend, John All Of Me 20 B-52's Love Shack 21 Isley Brothers Shout 22 DJ Snake Feat. Lil Jon Turn Down For What 23 Outkast Hey Ya! 24 Brooks, Garth Friends In Low Places 25 Beatles Twist And Shout 26 Pitbull Feat. Ke$Ha Timber 27 Def Leppard Pour Some Sugar On Me 28 Jackson, Michael Billie Jean 29 Sir Mix-A-Lot Baby Got Back 30 Trainor, Meghan All About That Bass 31 Beyonce Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) 32 Loggins, Kenny Footloose 33 Rihanna Feat. Calvin Harris We Found Love 34 Lynyrd Skynyrd Sweet Home Alabama 35 Bryan, Luke Country Girl (Shake It For Me) 36 Sinatra, Frank The Way You Look Tonight 37 Lmfao Feat.
Here are the nominees for the “2011 MTV Video Music Awards”: VIDEO OF THE YEAR Adele Tyler, The Creator Title: Rolling In The Deep Title: Yonkers Album: 21 Album: Goblin Director: Sam Brown Director: Wolf Haley Label: XL/Columbia Label: XL Recordings Production Company: Flynn Production Company: Happy Place Producer: Hannah Chandler Producer: Tara Razavi Katy Perry Bruno Mars Title: Firework Title: Grenade Album: Teenage Dream Album: Doo-Wops and Hooligans Director: Dave Meyers Director: Nabil Elderkin Label: Capitol Label: Elektra Production Company: Radical Media Production Company: Little Minx/RSA Producers: Robert Bray, Danny Lockwood Producer: Anne Johnson Beastie Boys Title: Make Some Noise Album: Hot Sauce Committee Part Two Director: Adam Yauch Label: Capitol Records Production Company: Directors Bureau Producer: Samantha Storr BEST FEMALE VIDEO Adele Katy Perry Title: Rolling In The Deep Title: Firework Album: 21 Album: Teenage Dream Director: Sam Brown Director: Dave Meyers Label: XL/Columbia Label: Capitol Production Company: Flynn Production Company: Radical Media Producers: Hannah Chandler Producers: Robert Bray, Danny Lockwood Beyonce Nicki Minaj Title: Run The World (Girls) Title: Super Bass Album: 4 Album: Pink Friday Director: Francis Lawrence Director: Sanaa Hamri Label: Parkwood Entertainment/Columbia Label: Young Money/Cash Money Records Production Company: DNA Production Company: 305 Films Producer: Justin Diener Producers: Kimberly S. Stuckwisch, Michelle Larkin & Keith "KB" Brown Lady GaGa Title: Born This Way Album: Born This Way Director: Nick Knight, Haus of Gaga Label: Streamline/Interscope/Konlive Production Company: Factory Films, Ltd. Producers: Nicole Ehrlich, Steven Johnson BEST MALE VIDEO Cee Lo Green Eminem feat. Rihanna Title: F*** You Title: Love The Way You Lie Album: The Lady Killer Album: Recovery Director: Matt Stawski Director: Joseph Kahn Label: Elektra Label: Aftermath Records Production Company: Refused TV Production Company: H.S.I.
A Garfield Fan Reviews the Garfield Movie for As Long As I Can
A Garfield fan reviews The Garfield Movie For as long as I can remember, I have been a very huge fan of Garfield. My parents owned a couple of the reprint books when I was a kid, and I loved to read and re-read them over and over again. I watched the Garfield and Friends TV show whenever I could, and I also got a lot of the Garfield books put out alongside the comics, like the Pet Force series. I probably got on the nerves of my parents and a lot of my friends just talking about Garfield constantly. And I loved his cartoons so much that he was one of my biggest inspirations to become a cartoon artist myself. If it weren’t for Garfield, I probably would have never set foot into art school, and you probably would have never seen me here on Deviant Art (or Furaffinity, or whichever website you‘re reading this from). So you could imagine when around 2002 or 2003 how excited I was when the Garfield website announced a movie adaptation. Around this time the comic was turning 25 years old, and the movie seemed like it would be a landmark commemoration. I remember checking the site constantly to get updates on who was being cast, which characters from the comic were appearing, and new characters created specifically for the movie. I didn’t like that the movie was going to be live action with a CGI Garfield rather than completely animated, but that wouldn’t mean the movie would be bad, would it? When I started seeing the first trailers for the movie, I didn‘t know what to think of them.