Running Head: FAILURE TO REPLICATE RETROCAUSAL RECALL 1 Failure to Replicate Retrocausal Recall Imants Barušs and Vanille Rabier King=s University College at The University of Western Ontario © 2014 Imants Barušs and Vanille Rabier Author Note Imants Barušs, Department of Psychology, King=s University College at The University of Western Ontario; Vanille Rabier, Department of Psychology, King=s University College at The University of Western Ontario. Vanille Rabier is now at Bimini Biological Field Station, Bahamas. This study began as Vanille Rabier=s undergraduate thesis in psychology at King=s University College. This research was supported by King=s University College and Medical Technology (W. B.) Inc. The authors thank Daryl Bem for providing us with the software and instructions for running the experiment; Carolyn van Lier, Jennifer Stewart, and Terra Duchene for interacting with participants; Arwen Sweet for data entry; Sauro Camiletti for advice about statistics; Julia Mossbridge for feedback about the study; and Shannon Foskett for literature searches, critical comments, and proofreading. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Imants Barušs, Department of Psychology, King=s University College at The University of Western Ontario, 266 Epworth Ave., London, Ontario, Canada N6A 2M3. E-mail:
[email protected] Running Head: FAILURE TO REPLICATE RETROCAUSAL RECALL 2 Abstract In two temporally inverted memory experiments, Daryl Bem found that participants had better recall for words that were practiced after the recall task than for control words that were not practiced after the recall task. We attempted to replicate the second of Bem=s two experiments with the addition of a personality measure.