Open Your Heart
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Open Your Heart Again this year, you can Open Your Heart to 01(1 in the annual campaign to aid the needy of this area. Beginning December 8th and continuing through the 20th, KFYR will again lend its facilities to the furtherance of the cam- paign. At 10:30 p.m. each week night during this time, KFYR will begin its special Open Your Heart program, with KFYR and its staff donating their services during these broadcasts. Members of the staff - engineers, announcers and others - will be on hand to play your requests and to accept your telephoned offers of gifts, clothing, food, or cash. This is the seventh consecutive year in which KFYR has car- ried on its Open Your Heart broadcasts. Each year listeners throughout the area served by KFYR have been more generous in aiding in the Open Your Heart campaign. This year, let's all join hands to set a new mark - to show that we all want to Open Our Hearts. VOL. IV, No. 6 DECEMBER, 1952 Brickbats, Bouquets & Viewpoints LOOK FOR STARS To the Editor: To the Editor: Dialites is a great help to us, be- cause it gives us so much informa- Hope I am not late renewing my tion on program times. We enjoy subscription to Dialites as I would- every minute we listen to KFYR, n't like to miss any. I like the and it's great to hear the announcers Dialites very much. My husband "act ". and I look for the stars from the T. F. Galster programs we hear on KFYR. Beulah, N. Dak. Mrs. Leonard Reynolds Mandan, N. Dak. INTERESTING THINGS FIBBER AND MOLLY To the Editor: To the Editor: Myself with my entire family We like Dialites and read it from have enjoyed Dialites very much. I cover to cover. We're glad Fibber & wish to renew my subscription Molly are back on KFYR since we again, so enclosed find one dollar. listen to all the good programs on There are many interesting things station. in it! your Mrs. Jacob M. Isaak Mrs. Gust Lindberg Anamonse, N. D. Lostwood, N. Dak. MISS DA To the Editor: You have a splendid arrangement of your winter programs, but I miss Mr. District Attorney in your line- up for Wednesday nights. I like the mysteries of all types and I only wish there were more. Vern J. Koenig Published monthly by the Meyer Bismarck, N. Dak. Broadcasting C o m p a n y, Bismarck, North Dakota; Frank E. Fitzslmonds, station manager. Jack Swenson, editor. To the Editor: Subscriptions to Dialites may be Here is my renewal to Dialites. I have taken it for years and really entered by sending your name, ad- it. dress, and $1.00 for a year's subscrip- enjoy tion to Dialites, clo KFYR, Bismarck, Mrs. Roscoe Harpster North Dakota. Single copies 10c. Ekalaka, Mont. Please print name and address clear- ly, and specify whether subscrip- tion is new or renewal. To the Editor: Got our first copy of Dialites and editor be ad- are very pleased with the little Letters to the should is a well dressed to "The Editor, Dialites, clo magazine. Surely dollar KFYR Bismarck, N. D. Names will spent. be withheld at the writer's request, Mrs. Ralph J. Hatzenbihler but all correspondence must bear Center, N. Dak. the writer's name and address. -2- To the Editor: "VOICE BOX" I enjoy KFYR very much and To the Editor: have been in your studios quite a What a pleasant surprise to learn few times. I enjoy seeing the writing I won a prize in your recent "voice and pictures on the stairway to your box" contest. The steak knives are studios. Your programs are excel- beautiful, and I wish to thank the lent. I also enjoy Dialites, the best Meyer Broadcasting Company for little magazine in the world. the opportunity to win them. much Nancy McElwain We enjoy your Dialites very -the only drawback is that I must Denhoff, N. D. sit right down and look it through upon receiving it, even if I'm at the STATION busiest time of the day. FAVORITE Again, thanks, and let's have more To the Editor: contests to test our skill. Enclosed is a dollar to renew Mrs. Richard Schroeder Dialites; I surely wouldn't want to miss one single copy of the great Beach, N. D. little magazine. KFYR is my favor- To the Editor: ite radio station, and I enjoy listen- I have received the very nice ing to all the swell programs, such Hickock billfold that I won in your as "What's the Weather," "The Dialites "voice box" contest. I want Northwest Farm Front," and Mike to thank you very much. Dosch on the Hammond Organ. I enjoy Dialites and station KFYR They are grand listening. very much. Mrs. Stella Postovit Richard P. Bubel White Earth, N. D. Center, N. D. To the Editor: From the sound of your warm the letter, we feel that people like I wish to thank you and all you could also be our favorite staff of Dialites for the beautiful keep it tuned to matched pearl set awarded me as a listeners! So contest. They are 550! -Ed. prize in the recent lovely. Mrs. Wm. Fricke WHAT'S NEW Baldwin, N. D. To the Editor: RARELY WINS so much for your Thank you ever To the Editor: friendly reminder to let me know my my Just a few lines to express that it's time for me to renew thanks and appreciation for that subscription to that very informa- wonderful gift I received for being tive, intersting and picture- packed I most one of Dialites' contest winners. radio magazine. I think it's the was quite thrilled and surprised interesting magazine in the whole the Kitchen Tool it's all about "what's when I received northwest with I didn't expect to be a winner, I don't want to miss set. new on radio." because I very seldom am. a single copy of Dialites. I am very happy to know that you I always read it from cover to winners. it. selected me as one of the cover and enjoy every bit of The set is beautiful, and thanks Albert Chalupnik again. Dickinson, N. D. Marie Ebner Mott, N. D. To the Editor: These winners and others who When I read Dialites and hear have sent such gracious notes you on the radio, it seems that I of thanks are very welcome. know all of you. Good luck to all of Dialites is pleased that the you. prizes were so much appreciated Carlton F. Levorsen and we have our heads together Elgin, N. D. cooking up a new contest. -Ed. -3- 4- Kids say "Howdy" to Howdy -Doody For a man with a personality Hatters to New York a year and split three ways, Bob Smith - chief introduced the young trio to her impresario and guiding light of network radio audience. "Howdy Doody" on NBC television This resulted in several months and radio- is a remarkably well - of vaudeville bookings in and adjusted person. around New York. Station WGR, He is (1) Buffalo Bob, (2) the then offered Bob a permanent job voice of the puppet Howdy Doody as staff pianist and vocalist. He left on the vastly popular Saturday the trio, stayed with WGR until morning children's show; and (3) to 1944. his two sons - Robin, 10 and Ron- For the next two years, at WBEN, nie, 8, he is Daddy - "but only," he Buffalo, Bob built a reputation as said, "when I'm home, in New Ro- one of Western New York's best - chelle." known radio names. His talents as emcee, a singer, pianist and ar- The favorite of millions of Ameri- ranger identified him with many can children, Bob Smith started out of the most popular musical pro- in life to become a musician. He grams, and he was featured on hasn't done badly. Today he plays most of the network programs ori- the piano, organ, accordion, saxo- ginating in Buffalo. Competing with phone, clarinet, trombone, trumpet, strong network opposition, he broke guitar, contrabass, slide whistle, audience -building records with his sweet potato, a set of perfectly local programs. pitched bicycle horns, a washboard pan. Early in 1947, a few months after and frying Bob moved to New York City and He mastered the more conven- WNBC, where he did an early - tional musical instruments in the morning radio show for three years, above list when he was still pre- he was assigned to emcee a Satur- paring to become a high school day morning children's radio show. music teacher. He won a scholar- It was called "Triple B Ranch," and ship to the Oberlin College (Ohio) was a quiz show with a Western music school, but had to turn it format. Bob revived a character he down when his father diéd and Bob had created in Buffalo, named "El- went to work. mer," who always addressed the Born in Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 27, children with "Howdy Doody, kids!" 1917, Bob started piano lessons at Soon the children called him the age of five, much to his own `Howdy Doody." chagrin. He preferred baseball to Bob is married to the former Mil- music. His father's stern hand, the ¡red Metz, a classmate all the way metronome and an alarm clock to -hrough eighth grade and a neigh - keep him practicing combined to )or when they went to different turn out an accomplished young nigh schools.