The Monad.Reader Issue 17 by Douglas M. Auclair
[email protected] and Neil Brown
[email protected] and Petr Pudl´ak
[email protected] January 9, 2011 Brent Yorgey, editor. Contents Brent Yorgey Editorial3 Douglas M. Auclair List Leads Off with the Letter λ 5 Neil Brown The InterleaveT Abstraction: Alternative with Flexible Ordering 13 Petr Pudl´ak The Reader Monad and Abstraction Elimination 35 2 Editorial by Brent Yorgey
[email protected] You may have noticed this edition of The Monad.Reader is rather late. This is because for the past eight months I have been the prisoner of giant, evil, imperative- programming-obsessed naked mole rats. I have managed to stay connected to the outside world by training earthworms to transmit IP packets, but as you may imagine, this is rather slow. The earthworms have been working nonstop to bring you this issue, which consists of three fun articles I hope you will enjoy: Doug Auclair explains the ins and outs of difference lists, a functional list represen- tation allowing fast concatenation and appending; Neil Brown presents his new InterleaveT abstraction for flexible interleaving of streams of behavior; and Petr Pudl´akexplains abstraction elimination { the process carried out by lambdabot's @pl command { in terms of the Reader monad. By the way, if you happen to meet \me" in real life, beware! It is actually an evil robotic replica. List Leads Off with the Letter λ by Douglas M. Auclair
[email protected] The list data type provides a powerful way to operate with a collection of objects using a very simple syntax.