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CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK P A G Hornets thump Matanzas, 28-6, are 3-0 E PAGE 1B 2 75¢ WEDNESDAY, September 23, 2009 / 28 PAGES, 2 SECTIONS • Where has the wildlife gone? So, OK, just use the fees there RYAN SMITH News-Leader Nassau County could lose author- ity to spend about $100,000 collect- ed in impact fees for city transpor- tation projects, but city and county commissioners have had trouble agreeing on how the money should be used. The city still wants action on a 14th Street widening project, but the coun- ty favors improvements at Sadler Road and Citrona Drive to get the money spent sooner. Debate over the use of transporta- tion impact fees dominated a large part of the discussion at Monday’s meeting of the Amelia Island Joint Local Planning Agency – Fernandina Beach and Nassau County commis- sioners. On the agenda Monday night were three proposed projects: lengthening the turn lane at the intersection of Sadler and Citrona, intersection FEES Continued on 3A Getting older by the minute ANGELA DAUGHTRY News-Leader Almost a year ago, then city com- missioners voted to give the county $150,000 over the course of three years to redevelop a county-owned North 14th Street property for a new Council on Aging facility. The trouble is, the current group of city commissioners has not been able to agree on why the money was pledged in the first place – to help pay for demolition, to help find grants or to guarantee a deed restriction that the property would be used only for “the PHOTOS BY DON LAY/FOR THE NEWS-LEADER public good.” Egans Creek Greenway is home to butterflies, young night herons and red dragonflies, from top on left, and anhingas, alligators and rac- The problem was finally addressed coons, from top on right, among other wildlife.
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