Almost flat K-theory of classifying spaces Jos´eR. Carri´on∗ Marius Dadarlaty Department of Mathematics Department of Mathematics Penn State University Purdue University University Park, PA, 16803 West Lafayette, IN, 47907 United States United States
[email protected] [email protected] March 20, 2015 Abstract We give a rigorous account and prove continuity properties for the correspondence between almost flat bundles on a triangularizable compact connected space and the quasi-representations of its fundamental group. For a discrete countable group Γ with finite classifying space BΓ, we study a correspondence between between almost flat K-theory classes on BΓ and group ho- ∗ momorphism K0(C (Γ)) ! Z that are implemented by pairs of discrete asymptotic homomor- phisms from C∗(Γ) to matrix algebras. 1 Introduction Connes, Gromov and Moscovici [3] developed and used the concepts of almost flat bundle, almost flat K-theory class and group quasi-representation as tools for proving the Novikov conjecture for large classes of groups. For a compact manifold M; it was shown in [3] that the signature with coefficients in a (sufficiently) almost flat bundle is a homotopy invariant. Moreover, the authors indicate that they have a reformulation of the notion of almost flatness to bundles with infinite dimensional fibers which allows them to show that if Γ is a countable discrete group such that all classes of K0(BΓ) are almost flat (up to torsion), then Γ satisfies the Novikov conjecture [3, Sec. 6]. The problem of constructing nontrivial almost flat K-theory classes is interesting in itself. Sup- pose that the classifying space BΓ of a countable discrete group Γ admits a realization as a finite simplicial complex.