exchange1997–98 ANNUAL REPORT ALUMNI MAGAZINE THE MARRIOTT SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY 6 DEPARTMENTS 5 Financial Report 12 School News 18 Faculty News 23 In Brief 24 Alumni Cover Illustration by Chris McAllister contents 1997–98 annual report FEATURES Strategic Priorities 2 “There is much to be done to keep us moving forward in a rapidly changing world.” —By Dean Ned C. Hill Responsibility to Family, Business, and Humankind 6 “I would like to make a few suggestions that will help us as we develop ourselves and our families in understanding more fully this great ‘business adventure’ that is so critical to maintaining our foremost position in the world.” —By Jon Huntsman FALL 1998 Ned C. Hill, Publisher Published by the Marriott School of Management, Brigham Young THE MARRIOTT Joseph D. Ogden, Managing Editor University, Provo, Utah. Copyright 1998 by Brigham Young University. J. Lee Simons, SCHOOL OF Editor All rights reserved. All communications should be sent to exchange, Byron Bronk, Copy Editor MANAGEMENT 490 Tanner Building, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602. Debbie Johnson, Art Director Telephone (801) 378-5083. E-mail at:
[email protected] BRIGHAM Mark Philbrick, Photographer YOUNG Quinn Warnick, Assistant Editor The views expressed in exchange are those of the various authors and UNIVERSITY Catherine Scott, Assistant Editor not necessarily the Marriott School of Management. 1 exchange Fund Raising Initiatives Alumni Rela Physical Space Issues Faculty Faculty Recruiting and PRIORITIES Retention Improved