Chairman: County Councillor Dick Madden

Panel Members: Chelmsford City Council – City Councillors Richard Ambor, Michael Holloway, Ray Ride and Bob Shepherd

Essex County Council – County Councillors John Aldridge, Jenny Chandler and Mike Mackrory

Officers: Chelmsford City Council – Michael Adewole and Claire Harris

Essex Highways – Sonia Church and Jon Simmons

Secretariat: Chelmsford City Council - Brian Mayfield

Ref. Page Item Owner Paper 1 Welcome and Introductions Chairman Verbal 2 Apologies for absence All Verbal Minutes of meeting held on 20th June 2018 3 3 to 8 Chairman Report to be agreed as correct record

Matters Arising from Minutes of the previous 4 All Verbal meeting Approved Works Programme Update 5 9 to 10 HLO Report 2018/19 6 11 to 28 Potential Schemes List for consideration HLO Report 7 29 to 30 Section 106 Update HLO Report Highway Rangers Update and 2018/19 8 31 to 40 HLO Report Revenue Spend Update 9 Any other business All Verbal 10 Date of next meeting – 13th December 2018 All Verbal

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CHELMSFORD CITY LOCAL HIGHWAYS PANEL MINUTES 20 JUNE 2018 at 13:00 at the Civic Centre, Chelmsford

Chairman: Councillor Dick Madden

Panel Chelmsford City Council – Members: Councillors Richard Ambor, Michael Holoway, Ray Ride and Bob Shepherd

Essex County Council – County Councillors John Aldridge, Jenny Chandler, Mike Mackrory

Officers: Michael Adewole - Chelmsford City Council, Sonia Church - Essex Highways, Laura Medhurst – Chelmsford City Council, David Green - Chelmsford City Council and Jon Simmons - Essex Highways

Also present: County Councillor Jude Deakin, City Councillor Bob Massey and County Councillor Stephen Robinson

Secretariat: Brian Mayfield - Chelmsford City Council

Item Owner 1. Welcome and Introductions

The Chairman welcomed those present.

2. Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Claire Harris, Chelmsford City Council.

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the meeting on 13 March 2018 were agreed as a correct record.

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4. Matters Arising from Minutes of the Previous Meeting

LCHE172023 – High Street, Chelmsford – Officers of the County and City Councils were in discussion about linking this scheme with planned public realm works in Tindall Street.

LCHE142019 A1245/A32 RAB – Councillor Ride had been given the information requested.

LCHE171004 Pump Lane j/w Crocus Way, Springfield – It had been ascertained that there would be no duplication of work and expenditure on this scheme

LCHE181002 A1016 Westway j/w Robjohns Road – It was intended to look at whether a detector loop would be best for this location before considering a box junction. Councillor Deakin pointed out, however, JS that a box junction was already there. Officers would investigate further and keep Councillor Deakin informed.

LCHE162060 Springfield Green, Springfield – Councillor Mackrory JS would be kept informed with progress on this scheme

LCHE162143 Copperfield Road j/w Dickens Place – The Panel was told that these were two distinct and independent schemes. It was pointed out, however, that the cycleway from the Persimmon development would cross Copperfield Road at the zebra crossing before continuing on the other side and therefore the possibility existed of combining LHP and Section 106 funds to create a comprehensive scheme that would include improving the visibility of the crossing. The normal criteria for the provision of Halo lights at pedestrian crossings at casualty reduction sites were not met in this instance.

It was requested that:

(a) the Panel write to the Cabinet Member to clarify the policy DM around the use of Halo crossing lights and whether they could be provided at this site; and

(b) in the meantime it be determined who is responsible for JS maintaining the trees near the crossing and they be requested to cut them back to improve its visibility.

LCHE172025 – A114 London Road nr Britvic RAB – There was no Section 106 money available for this scheme and no affordable alternative to providing either a signalled crossing or underpass. Councillor Deakin said that she would discuss with officers the possibility of using CIL funds for some form of crossing.

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The Panel was informed that the Direct Delivery Team would soon be starting work in Chelmsford and suitable schemes for them were being identified.

5. Approved Works Programme Update 2018/19

The Panel was informed that the new County Council Cabinet Member for Infrastructure which includes responsibility for Highways, Kevin Bentley, had reviewed the arrangements for the preparation of LHP budgets and had informed district councils that the County Council would match fund any money that the districts were prepared to contribute to their local LHP budgets up to £100,000. Chelmsford City Council had said that it would provide £100,000 and therefore, added to the existing budget of £500,000 and the match funding from the County Council, the budget for this Panel in 2018/19 would be £700,000.

It was AGREED that the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Councillor Mackrory would, after discussions with the officers, produce a list of schemes that could be funded from the additional £200,000, pass it to the other Panel members for their views and agree which of them JS should be added to the 2018/19 programme. The additional schemes would be reported to the next meeting.

The Panel discussed or was updated on the following schemes:

LCHE172023 – High Street, Chelmsford – It was thought that this scheme would be ideal for the Direct Delivery Team to carry out.

LCHE152057 Old , Chelmsford – It was confirmed that traffic calming features were required in 20mph zones. The Chairman would discuss with officers whether requests for 20mph zones should continue to be supported. JS LCHE142019 A1245/A132 Roundabout, Rettendon – The scheme was being fed into a route based strategy for the A132 west of the A130. The route based strategy would be shared with local councillors JS when available.

LCHE162149 The Meads, Chelmsford – The Chairman said that he would discuss the options for this scheme with officers and it would JS be brought back to the next meeting

LCHE162146 Waterhouse Lane, Chelmsford – Councillor Deakin expressed disappointment that nothing could be done to improve the junction. Jon Simmons offered to meet her to discuss the scheme.

LCHE156006 Victoria Road nr Riverside Leisure Centre – The drainage improvements had been identified as possible S106 works associated with development at former PO Sorting Office. It was also

13 March 2018 Chelmsford

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suggested that the drainage improvements be co-ordinated with any planned resurfacing work to Victoria Road.

LCHE172023 High Street, Chelmsford – It was anticipated that the police would be willing to enforce the TROs once the correct signage was in place.

LCHE162104 Well Lane to The Heights, Danbury – Councillor Ambor thought it likely that the proposed scheme would only work if the width of the road was reduced to prevent parking on both sides. Nonetheless, option was preferred.

It was AGREED that the recommendations in the detailed schemes for LCHE162059 North Avenue, Chelmsford, LCHE162039 Highwood Road, Edney Common, LCHE162038 Highwood Road, Loves Green SC and LCHE152057 Old Moulsham be approved.

The Panel AGREED to a suggestion by officers that the detailed information required for some schemes should in future be sent electronically to local County and City Council members for comments when they are received from the designers.

6. Potential Schemes List

The Panel was requested to review the current Potential Schemes List and remove any that it did not wish to consider for future funding.

AGREED that the Potential Schemes List be confirmed without change.

7. Highways Rangers and 2018/19 Revenue Spend Updates

The Panel considered a summary of the Chelmsford City Highways Rangers work programme for January to March 2018 and details of the Panel’s revenue budget for 2018/19.

AGREED that the Highways Rangers Update report be noted.

8. Section 106 Update

The Panel received an update on Section 106 highway schemes.

AGREED that the Section 106 Update report be noted.

9. Other Business

School Crossing Patrols

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It was pointed out that the reduction in the number of patrols could largely be the result of insufficient numbers applying for vacancies.

Condition of signs posts

Essex Highways would examine whether the poor condition of some SC sign posts could be caused by the way in which highway verges were cut.

Direction signs

Reference was made to the fact that new direction signs in Chelmsford still read “Town Centre” instead of “City Centre”.

Potential Schemes List

The prioritisation of schemes from this list for the 2019/20 programme would be decided at the Panel’s December meeting.

Highway Rangers

The Panel was told that the reasons for the Highway Rangers no MA longer cutting back foliage at height as a matter of routine would be investigated.

The meeting closed at 14:21 Chairman

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Page 8 of 40 Chelmsford City Local Highway Panel - Approved Works Programme 2018/19

Schemes Key Completed Cancelled Update

Scheme Ref Cost Code Scheme Parish Finish Scheme Stage Works Description Allocated Budget Comments Category

Approved Schemes - Safer Roads for 2018/19 delivery

Westway j/w Robjohns Road, Chelmsford - Improvements to traffic signal Chelmsford Non Relocation of existing traffic signal detection loop to improve 1 LCHE181002 Dec-18 Safer Roads Total scheme £8,500 detection loop Parished junction for south bound vehicles turning right

Chelmsford Non 2 LCHE181003 Highbridge Road j/w A1099, Chelmsford - Lane markings Sep-18 Safer Roads Total scheme Provision of lane markings at roundabout £23,500 Parished

3 LCHE181001 A414 j/w A12 Hammonds Lane Roundabout, Sandon - Signing/lining Sandon Dec-18 Safer Roads Total scheme Signing and lining improvements £23,500

Approved Schemes - Prioritised for 2018/19 delivery

Traffic Design of bend signage improvements (Chevron/bend 4 LCHE162055 Hammonds Road/Church Road, to - Bend signs Boreham Dec-18 Design £2,000 Management warning signs)

Traffic Passing Bay signage to identify passing bay and prevent Tree Preservation Order on trees around passing bay that 5 LCHE152014 Brick House Lane, Boreham - Signs Boreham Dec-18 Total scheme £4,500 Management obstruction need to be cut back

Chelmsford Non Traffic 20 mph zone - Moulsham Drive/Lady Lane/Hamlet Road/St Implement Zone Signage/Road Markings in 2018/19 and 6 LCHE152057 Old Moulsham, Chelmsford - 20mph zone Quarter 4 Implementation £97,500 Parished Management Johns Road/Vicarage Road/Moulsham Street consider Traffic Calming measures in 2019/20

Chelmsford Non Traffic 7 LCHE172023 High Street, Chelmsford - Signage Improvements Quarter 4 Total scheme Improvements to Prohibition of Cycling Signage £25,000 Parished Management

Pedestrian guard railing to stop vehicle movements but would Chelmsford Non Traffic 8 LCHE172026 Road j/w A1016 Westway, Chelmsford -TMI Quarter 4 Total scheme also require TRO with loading restrictions on Waterhouse £13,000 Parished Management Lane.

Savernake Road near Rossendale Road, Chelmsford - Review of No Chelmsford Non Traffic 9 LCHE162160 Quarter 4 Feasibility Study Review of No Entry Point £4,000 entry Parished Management

Chelmsford Non Public Rights of Investigation into installing drainage in existing surfaced city 10 LCHE148002 PRoW Footpath 95 Chelmsford - Drainage Quarter 4 Feasibility Study £4,000 Parished Way centre footpath

Waterhouse Lane j/w Beaches Road and Forest Drive, Chelmsford - Chelmsford Non Traffic 11 LCHE162146 Quarter 4 Total scheme Provision of yellow box junction £4,500 Traffic Management Improvements Parished Management

Traffic 12 LCHE172021 Road, Danbury -TMI Danbury Dec-18 Feasibility Study Study into improvements to traffic warning signs £4,000 Management

Penny Royal Road/Mayes Lane to Woodhill Road, Danbury - Walkable 13 LCHE163005 Danbury Dec-18 Walking Design Footway/walkable verge £3,000 verge

Traffic 14 LCHE142052 Danbury Vale, Danbury - Flood alleviation study Danbury Dec-18 Feasibility Study Feasibility Study into flood alleviation works £4,000 Management

Traffic 15 LCHE162141 Main Road nr j/w Church Road, - Walkable verge East Hanningfield Dec-18 Design Design of walkable verge under LCHE132068 £7,000 Management

Traffic Measures to stop vehicles driving along independent footway - 16 LCHE162166 Pryors Road, - Bollards Galleywood Dec-18 Total scheme £5,500 Was Quarter 4, now Quarter 3 Management lockable bollard

Great and Little Traffic Improvements to speed limit repeater signage 17 LCHE152015 School Lane, - Speed limit repeater signs Sep-18 Total scheme £5,000 Completed June 2018 Leighs Management (size/frequency)

Page 9 of 40 Chelmsford City Local Highway Panel - Approved Works Programme 2018/19

Schemes Key Completed Cancelled Update

Scheme Ref Cost Code Scheme Parish Finish Scheme Stage Works Description Allocated Budget Comments Category

Approved Schemes - Prioritised for 2018/19 delivery (Continued)

Great and Little Traffic 18 LCHE152114 O/s 50-62 Shimbrooks, Great Leighs - Parking Dec-18 Implementation Removal of existing planting area and resurfacing £13,000 Was Sept -18 - Awaiting programme date for installation Leighs Management

Great and Little Public Rights of Improvement measures to PRoW signage and bridge 19 LCHE158005 PRoW network, Great & - Signage & Bridge improvements Quarter 4 PRoW team £18,500 Leighs Way improvements

Traffic 20 LCHE142073 South Street, - Speed Indicator Device (SID) pole Great Waltham Aug-18 Implementation SID Pole £3,500 Complete July 2018 Management

Ford End C of E Primary School, B1008, - Advisory 20mph with Traffic 21 LCHE172018 Great Waltham Dec-18 Total scheme Advisory 20mph speed limit with Wig-wag flashing lights £4,000 Wig-wags Management

Great And Little Traffic 22 LCHE162164 B1008, Ford End - 40mph buffer Quarter 4 Total scheme 40mph buffer on Chelmsford approach £8,500 Leighs Management

Traffic 23 LCHE152091 Chalk Street/Warren Road/Hoe Lane, Rettendon - Signs Rettendon Aug-18 Total scheme Horse and Rider warning signage £6,000 Completed July 2018 Management

Traffic 24 LCHE152081 Mayes Lane, Sporhams Lane, Butts Green Road, Sandon - Signs Sandon Aug-18 Total scheme Horse and Rider warning signage £6,000 Completed July 2018 Management

Traffic 25 LCHE162060 Springfield Green, Springfield - Pedestrian crossing improvements Springfield Quarter 4 Implementation Zebra crossing, with lighting improvements £88,500 Village Green issues being investigated Management

Tyrells School, Springfield - Tavistock Road/Bodmin Road/Taunton Traffic Consultation and 26 LCHE152066 Springfield Quarter 4 20 mph zone £6,500 Road, Springfield - 20mph Management Design

Traffic Lining improvements - remove centre hatching near parking Was Sept-18 - Design Team currently arranging road space 27 LCHE162158 O/s 322 Springfield Road, Springfield - Lining improvements Springfield Dec-18 Total scheme £12,500 Management bay and introduce single centre line to show road narrows with NRSWA team

Traffic Was Sept -18 - Permission being sought to work near gas 28 LCHE162144 Pump Lane and Colchester Road, Springfield - Signs Springfield Dec-18 Total scheme To improve Gateway Signage £6,500 Management main

Phase 1 - Cycle link/junction improvements - Warning signs 29 LCHE174001 Church Lane j/w Lawn Lane, Springfield - Phase 1 - Cycling Springfield Dec-18 Cycling Total scheme £15,500 Was Quarter 4, completed in Quarter 3 & advisory cycle lane across junction

Woodham Ferrers Passenger 30 LCHE165026 Main Road, - Bus Shelter Quarter 4 Total scheme New wooden bus shelter £12,000 and Bicknacre Transport

Lordship Road/Ongar Road/the Green/Mayfield Road/Orchard Close, Traffic 31 LCHE162086 Writtle Dec-18 Total scheme Junction improvements following Feasibility Study £50,000 Writtle Management


This Potential Scheme List identifies all of the scheme requests which have been received for the consideration of the Chelmsford City Local Highways Panel.

At the June 2018 Panel meeting a decision was made to form a Sub-Group to prioritise schemes that could be funded through additional match funding. The Sub-Group met in July 2018 and considered the schemes on the Potential Scheme List, they then prioritised schemes to a value of £200,700. The Panel are asked to review the Sub-Group scheme prioritisations and subject to the match funding being agreed, these can then be added into the 2018/19 Approved Works Programme.

There are currently potential schemes with an estimated cost of £1,891,250 as shown in the summary below -

Potential Schemes List (Version 37)

Estimated Scheme Costs Ref. Scheme Type Total Priority Schemes

1 Traffic Management £652,250 £114,200

2 Walking £63,000 £0

3 Cycling £944,000 £25,000

4 Passenger Transport £97,000 £47,500

5 School Crossing Patrol £29,000 £14,000

6 Public Rights of Way £106,000 £0

Total £1,891,250 £200,700


On the Potential Schemes List the RAG column acknowledges the status of the scheme request as shown below:

RAG Description of RAG status Status

G The scheme has been validated as being feasible and is available for Panel consideration

A The scheme has been commissioned for a feasibility study which needs completing before any Panel consideration

R A scheme which is against policy or where there is no appropriate engineering solution

V A scheme request has been received and is in the initial validation process

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Priority Ref Location Description Problem Requested by Parish Scheme stage Cost Code Estimated cost Comments RAG Scheme

Validation - Five entry point locations, improved Woodham Ferrers & Improved Gateway Signs to reflect operation of 1 Parish Council Bicknacre Total scheme LCHE172037 £24,300 gateway features, with signs to also show G P Bicknacre Treatments Community Speed Watch Team "Community speedwatch village"

Hammonds Flood warning sign 2 Road/Church Road, improvements - To allow Manually operated flood warning signs Councillor Boreham Total scheme LCHE152010 TBC Awaiting cost estimate from suppliers/contractors V Boreham automatic operation

Main Road (at Parish Council has agreed for scheme to be northern Broomfield Lack of Village Gateway feature to 3 Village Gateway Treatment Parish Council Broomfield Total scheme LCHE142002 £5,000 considered once any changes at adjacent G Parish boundary), define entry to Broomfield roundabout have been finalised Broomfield

Problems at peak times with egress of Validation - Recommendation to install KEEP Court Road j/w Main Traffic management 4 traffic from Court Road onto Main Residents Broomfield Total scheme LCHE172010 £6,000 CLEAR road marking on Main Road to allow G Road, Broomfield improvements Road vehicles to turn out of Court Road onto Main Road

Validation - Study to consider options, needs to Church Green, address land ownership as possible Village Green, 5 Kerbing Wooden sleepers need replacing Parish Council Broomfield Feasibility LCHE172020 £4,000 G Broomfield also include consultation with Conservation Officers and Arboriculture Officers

School Lane, Improvements to conspicuity In Validation - ATC 30mph speed limit - Eastbound 6 Speed of traffic Councillor Broomfield Total scheme LCHE182024 TBC V Broomfield of zebra crossing 26.2mph & Westbound 28.2mph

Signage improvements to (1) vehicular access to ERO Validation - Site (2) agreed and Site (1) not Essex Records Chelmsford Non 7 on Navigation Road and (2) Lack of signage Councillor Total scheme LCHE142085 £500 necessary as building visible from location. Section G Office, Chelmsford Parished outside pedestrian entrance 106 monies to be considered if available to ERO

Cars mounting pavement Cars park on one side of road and Validation - Bollards could lead to vehicles having to Park Avenue, Chelmsford Non 8 causing conflict with when two vehicles try to pass, they Councillor Total Scheme LCHE152016 £7,800 reverse to allow passing. Recommendation is for G P Chelmsford Parished pedestrians routinely mount the pavement waiting restrictions to create passing places

Validation - Option to encourage residents to apply 29-59 North Avenue, Chelmsford Non for dropped kerbs and park on their frontage and 9 Improved parking Lack of residents parking Residents Feasibility LCHE152095 £5,000 G Chelmsford Parished Feasibility Study/Design into creating parking within adjacent green area

Validation - Recommends Feasibility Study into 7.5t Delivery vehicles for Moulsham Street Old Moulsham, 7.5 tonne environmental Chelmsford Non environmental weight limit, to include HGV traffic 10 routinely driving through Old Residents Feasibility LCHE152096 £10,000 G Chelmsford weight limit Parished surveys and details of any delivery vehicles using Moulsham Old Moulsham to access Moulsham Street shops

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Priority Ref Location Description Problem Requested by Parish Scheme stage Cost Code Estimated cost Comments RAG Scheme

In validation - Four ATC carried out - Corporation Road - 30mph speed limit - East bound 26.7mph & West bound 27.4mph, Swiss Avenue - 30mph speed limit - East bound 25.5mph & West bound Admirals Park 27.4mph, Langton Avenue - 30mph speed limit - Estate, North-West Chelmsford Non 11 20mph zone Speed of vehicles Councillor Total scheme LCHE152115 TBC South bound 25.4mph & West bound 24.6mph, V Chelmsford Parished Kings Road - 30mph speed limit - Southwest bound (Boarded Barns) 25.4mph & Northeast bound 26.1 mph. Good compliance with existing 30mph speed limit. Remaining 26 ATC will cost £6,500. Need to await impact of Old Moulsham 20 mph speed limit.

Validation - Feasible to install directional signage on Magistrates Court, existing street furniture from Bus/Train station to Directional signs to Lack of directional signs to Chelmsford Non 12 New Street, Councillor Total scheme LCHE162140 £6,000 Magistrates Court. Possible Wayfinder scheme also G P Magistrates Court Magistrates Court Parished Chelmsford being implemented by CCC may cover this signage request

Validation - Recommends Feasibility Study into Stump Lane, Narrow footway for pedestrians over Chelmsford Non 13 Footway improvements Councillor Feasibility LCHE152126 £5,000 priority working and to then consider footway G Chelmsford railway bridge Parished widening

Validation - Results of speed survey at two locations - Eastbound 30.0mph & 29.7mph Westbound 30.9mph & 27.6mph. Good compliance with posted 30mph speed limit. Copperfield Road is a Priority Route 2 and Dickens Place is a Local Road, traffic flow priority would be on the PR2. Would be against policy (Traffic Management Copperfield Road j/w Traffic management Chelmsford Non Strategy) to hold up traffic on a PR2. September 14 Dickens Place, Speed of traffic Councillor Survey LCHE162143 £500 G improvements Parished 2016 - Joint site visit carried out and new automatic Chelmsford traffic count carried out - 35m E of Nickleby Road - 30mph limit - East bound - 29.6mph & West bound - 30.6mph. Good compliance to speed limit, some evidence of speeding during hours of darkness. Road is a Priority Route 2 and a mini-roundabout would be against policy. Suggestion is to carry out Road Safety Assessment

Chelmsford College, Pedestrian/vehicular Cars parking too close to College Validation - Formalise crossing point, remove Chelmsford Non 15 Vicarage Road, improvements to College access and no defined pedestrian Councillor Total scheme LCHE162167 £9,500 KEEP CLEAR road marking and implement double G P Parished Chelmsford Access dropped kerbs yellow lines across junction Validation - suggests that if echelon parking were introduced this could increase available parking by O/s Parade of shops, 10 spaces though scheme costs could be high, Parking improvements - Chelmsford Non 16 90-106 Kings Road, Lack of parking for shops Councillor Design LCHE152004 £2,000 recommendation for detailed design which will also G P echelon parking Parished Chelmsford provide target costs. Dec 17 removed from 2017/18 Rolling Programme and returned to Potential Scheme List

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Priority Ref Location Description Problem Requested by Parish Scheme stage Cost Code Estimated cost Comments RAG Scheme

King Edward VI From Feasibility Study Panel prefers combination of Grammar School From Feasibility Study - - Option 1 (Recommended) Enhanced Road Safety and Chelmsford Improvements to Speed of traffic at pedestrian Chelmsford Non 17 Councillor Total scheme LCHE172008 £10,000 education for school children and Monitoring of G P County High School kerbing/pedestrian guard rail crossings Parished crossing at school times. And Option 2 £10,000 - for Girls, Broomfield and signage kerbing/guard rail/signage improvements Road, Chelmsford

North Avenue, Pedestrian crossing Chelmsford Non Section 106 design completed and being 18 Difficult for pedestrians to cross road. Councillor Total scheme LCHE162059 NA G Chelmsford improvements Parished implemented awaiting programme date

The Meades, Measures to prevent verge Verge routinely being driven over at Chelmsford Non £14,000 + Utility 19 Councillor Total scheme LCHE162149 Feasible scheme but will involve BT diversion G P Chelmsford damage S/o 1 Parished diversion costs

A114 London Road Pedestrian crossing Concerns around pedestrians Chelmsford Non Signalised crossing not feasible other options being 20 nr Britvic RAB, Councillor Total Scheme LCHE172025 TBC V improvements crossing A114 Parished considered Chelmsford

Savernake Road (Harewood Road to Chelmsford Non 21 Parking improvements Congestion caused by parked cars Councillor Total scheme LCHE182006 TBC In validation V Writtle Road), Parished Chelmsford

Validation - ATC data - 30mph speed limit - Sunrise Avenue, Traffic Management Chelmsford Non 22 Speed of traffic Councillor Total scheme LCHE182013 NA Southbound 22.1mph & Northbound . Good speed R Chelmsford Improvements Parished compliance

In validation - LHP previously funded parking Near 83-89 Avon Chelmsford Non improvements scheme on Avon Road. Parking bays 23 Verge improvements Parking on verges damaging them Councillor Total scheme LCHE182018 TBC V Road, Chelmsford Parished were provided and measures to stop parking on other verges.

Near 65-71 Chelmsford Non In validation - ATC data - 30mph speed limit - 24 Melbourne Avenue, Traffic island improvements Speed and vehicle damage Councillor Total scheme LCHE182019 TBC V Parished Eastbound 25.2mph & Westbound 23.9mph Chelmsford

Thames Avenue, Chelmsford Non 25 Verge improvements Vehicles routinely parking on verges Councillor Total scheme LCHE182032 TBC In validation V Chelmsford Parished

Cherwell Drive, Verge/parking Chelmsford Non 26 Vehicles routinely parking on verges Councillor Total scheme LCHE182031 TBC In validation V Chelmsford improvements Parished 20 mph zone/limit - Old Moulsham, Moulsham Drive/Lady 20mph Zone Signs/Road markings to be Chelmsford Non 27 Chelmsford - 20mph Lane/Hamlet Road/St Johns Speed of traffic Councillor Implementation LCHE152057 £160,000 implemented in 2018/19. Could still require Traffic G Parished zone/limit Road/Vicarage Calming features, depending on driver compliance Road/Moulsham Street Validation - ATC 40m south of j/w Swiss Avenue, Park Avenue, Traffic management Chelmsford Non 28 Speed of traffic Councillor Total scheme LCHE182023 NA 30mph speed limit - Southbound 23.0mph & R Chelmsford improvements Parished Northbound 23.6mph. Good speed compliance

Church Road j/w Vehicles turning into road then unable 29 Road, No through road signage Parish Council Chignal Total scheme LCHE172016 £2,400 Validation - Provide No through road signage G P to turn around

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Priority Ref Location Description Problem Requested by Parish Scheme stage Cost Code Estimated cost Comments RAG Scheme

Chignal Hall Lane j/w Existing verge being overrun dragging Validation - Feasibility/design recommended into 30 Mashbury Road, Remove bennet junction Parish Council Chignal Smealy Feasibility LCHE152093 £3,000 G mud onto road junction improvement options Chignal Smealy

Width restriction on road, to Sporhams Lane, In validation - Need to await results of request for 31 prevent goods vehicles Vehicles damaging verges Parish Council Danbury Total scheme LCHE142092 TBC V Danbury Quite Lane status damaging verges

Well Lane to The Vehicles routinely parking/blocking Feasible to make one-way with carriageway and 32 Heights - Service One-way road Parish Council Danbury Total scheme LCHE152104 £57,000 G service road footway improvements Road, Danbury

S/o Vita Bella, The Footway widening works - Validation - Feasibility Study into footway widening 33 Tye, East kerbing/resurfacing to open Narrow footway for pedestrians Parish Council East Hanningfield Feasibility LCHE152105 £3,000 to consider extent of highway, statutory undertakers G Hanningfield up full width apparatus and fully cost any scheme proposal

Validation - Kerbing introduced previously on The Tye (nr j/w Old western side of road. Recommendation is for Church Road/Main Kerbing and verge Vehicles over running verge and detailed design, obtaining statutory undertakers 34 Parish Council East Hanningfield Design LCHE152113 £3,000 G Road), East reinstatement causing damage apparatus drawings and road safety audit. This will Hanningfield provide a feasible design and an accurate target cost Galleywood Village Improved Gateway Signs to reflect operation of 35 Parish Council Galleywood Total scheme LCHE172048 TBC In validation V Gateways treatments Community Speed Watch Team

Validation - Reintroduced to Panel - Speed/volume data shows HGV's usage very low. Unsuitable for HGV signage considered not recommended as this road is similar to others in the vicinity and could lead School Road, Good 7.5T environmental weight Goods vehicle using route as an 36 Parish Council Surveys LCHE152017 £2,000 to excessive blue signs. Parish Council have asked G Easter limit alternative route damaging road for scheme to be considered by the Panel. Next stage would be for HGV Origin and Destination Survey using Automatic Number Plate Recognition cameras

Validation - This is an access road to a small group of properties. In first instance any speeding issues should be raised through Police. A street lighting Chelwater, Great Traffic management Speed of vehicles on access road and 37 Councillor Survey LCHE162151 £1,500 survey could be carried out to determine lux levels G Baddow improvements existing street lighting of existing lights to see if they are emitting enough light, if not it could be a maintenance issue to upgrade the lighting heads

Validation - If Panel wish to consider a scheme first stage would be a camera survey to determine Bell Street, Great 38 Footway improvements Lack of footway Parish Council Great Baddow Surveys LCHE162179 £500 pedestrian usage, resulting scheme could be G Baddow expensive and affect parking. Also alternative route along High Street/Pump Hill is only 50m longer.

Church Street/High Validation - Provide three dropped kerbs with tactile 39 Street/Vicarage Dropped kerb improvements Lack of crossing points Parish Council Great Baddow Total scheme LCHE162180 £12,000 G P paving where possible Lane, Great Baddow

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Priority Ref Location Description Problem Requested by Parish Scheme stage Cost Code Estimated cost Comments RAG Scheme

Maldon Road, Great Improvements to existing crossing 40 Dropped kerb improvements Parish Council Great Baddow Total scheme LCHE162181 £5,000 Validation - Recommendation is for tactile paving G Baddow point

In validation - School pedestrian entrance is off a Public Right of Way (Footpath 20) with agreement The Bringey, Great Pedestrian guard railing at Pedestrians exiting school in possible 41 Councillor Great Baddow Total scheme LCHE162185 TBC of land owner staggered barriers could be put in V Baddow Baddow Hall Junior School conflict with vehicles front of school entrance. School confirm land between footpath and school not theirs.

Validation - Recommendation for design of crossing Church Street, Great Pedestrian crossing 42 Pedestrian safety Councillor Great Baddow Design LCHE172043 £4,000 including consultation to provide target cost for G Baddow improvements scheme

Validation - Suggested area for parking is owned by Parish Council, who could create parking on this land subject to any necessary planning/highway Hatchfields, Great 43 Parking lay-by Lack of parking within Village Parish Council Great Waltham Feasibility Study LCHE162148 £3,000 agreements needed. Limited parking restrictions G Waltham within Village. Could carry out Feasibility Study at £3,000 but scheme costs could be very high and would need any land dedicated as highway

Pedestrian footway - 1.2m Highwood Road walkable verge, crossing Edney Common to point at Highwood Road and Technical Note (costing £4,000) previously shared 44 Loves Green, removal of informal layby at Lack of footway/walkable verge Parish Council Highwood Design LCHE142040 £3,500 G with Panel March 2015 including St Pauls St Paul's Church, estimated Church cost £105,000 next stage detailed design

Implementation of traffic management improvements - Highwood Road, Remove centre white Edney Common - 45 line/renew SLOW road Speed of traffic Parish Council Highwood Implementation LCHE162039 £12,000 From completed design G Traffic management markings, build outs at play improvements ground/public house with priority flow

Implementation of traffic Highwood Road, management improvements - Loves Green - Traffic Remove centre white 46 Speed of traffic Parish Council Highwood Implementation LCHE162038 £14,000 From completed design G management line/renew SLOW road improvements markings/build outs at school with priority flow

Page 17 of 40 Traffic Management Total Value of schemes £652,250

Priority Ref Location Description Problem Requested by Parish Scheme stage Cost Code Estimated cost Comments RAG Scheme

Validation - Three speed surveys North Hill (N) Lt Baddow (60m N of The Rodney PH) Was request for Speed South - 31.8mph & North - 34.9mph The Ridge j/w Indictor Poles (x3) and SID The Ridge (mid) Lt Baddow Runsell Lane and Fir on rotation - South - 33.7mph & North - 32.1mph 47 Tree Lane and To remind traffic of 30 mph speed limit Parish Council Little Baddow Total scheme LCHE152084 £9,000 G P Recommendation to review The Ridge (s) Lt Baddow Holybread Lane, size/number of repeater South - 33.2mph & North - 29.3mph. Little Baddow signs Speeds do not meet criteria for a SID. Recommendation is to review size/number of speed limit repeater signs

Pratt's Farm Lane j/w Validation - Provide new Unsuitable for HGV sign 48 Domsey Lane, Little HGV signage improvements Signage too low for HGV's Parish Council Little Leighs Total scheme LCHE172042 £2,650 on higher post, will also require some vegetation to G Leighs be cut back

Validation - Speed data 60 mph South bound 21.1mph & North bound 19.8 mph - Feasible to implement a 30mph speed limit but Chatham Green, 30mph speed limit through 49 Speed of traffic Parish Council Total scheme LCHE172027 £23,000 there would need to be 30mph signs at either end of G Little Waltham Hamlet the new limit and repeater signs along the new limit, Change in speed limit would also require a formal consultation where objections may be made.

Nr Belsteads School, Pedestrians in road warning School pedestrians routinely crossing 50 Back Lane, Little Councillor Little Waltham Total scheme LCHE182005 TBC In Validation V signs road Waltham

Validation - Signalisation of bridge could cost £160k, Bridge over River Frequently two cars try to cross bridge it is first advised to carry out Road Safety Signalisation of priority 51 Crouch, Hawk Hill, at same time causing a "face to face" Parish Council Rettendon Feasibility LCHE152001 £2,000 Assessment of proposal to address any safety G working over bridge Battlesbridge stand off in middle of bridge concerns/risks of signalisation. Recommendation to monitor improvements to signage on bridge

A132 Burnham Road, Rettendon, Traffic management Lack of bus service to Residential In validation - Awaiting results of A131 Route 52 Residents Rettendon Total scheme LCHE172009 TBC V O/s Hayes Country improvements Park and pedestrian crossing facilities Based Strategy Park Rettendon Improvements to height Roundabout, A1245 Vehicles getting stuck at low railway Validation - Signage improvements at roundabout to 53 restriction signage and Parish Council Rettendon Total scheme LCHE172045 £5,200 G P j/w Hawk Hill, bridge direct goods traffic Industrial Estate Signage Rettendon

Vicarage Road, Skreens Park Road Validation - Gateway treatments and speed limit 54 Village Gateway treatments Speed of traffic Parish Council Total scheme LCHE172013 £18,500 G and Stonehill Road, signing improvements Roxwell

Brock Hill nr j/w Traffic management Validation - Recommendation to install junction 55 Wavereley Crescent, Speed of traffic near junction Parish Council Total scheme LCHE162172 £3,000 G P improvements warning signs and SLOW road markings Widford

Page 18 of 40 Traffic Management Total Value of schemes £652,250

Priority Ref Location Description Problem Requested by Parish Scheme stage Cost Code Estimated cost Comments RAG Scheme

Validation - Against Officer recommendation Woodhill Road (S/O Bollards to prevent verge Bollards/footway improvements could relocate 56 Sandon School), Vehicles parking on footway Parish Council Sandon Total scheme LCHE142065 £10,500 R parking parking problem further down the road towards a Sandon bend

Sporhams Lane, Suggestion to be classified Narrow lane, often used as a "rat run" In validation - Awaiting impact of five Quiet Lanes 57 Parish Council Sandon Total Scheme LCHE152012 TBC V Sandon as a Quiet Lane or short cut currently being implemented in County 67-69 Downham Request to change VAS to In validation - ATC data - 30mph - Eastbound 58 Road, Ramsden Speed of traffic Parish Council Total scheme LCHE182012 TBC V SID unit 35.6mph & Westbound 33.3mph Heath

Validation - 30mph speed limit, Southeast bound 33.5mph and Northwest bound 33.5mph. School Road Recommendation was to carry out Feasibility Study (Crowsheath Lane to Traffic management Speed of traffic within 30mph speed 59 Parish Council South Hanningfield Total scheme LCHE162162 £28,000 into traffic calming options. Further validation work G Village Hall), improvements limit now recommends three Village gateway treatments Downham and size/frequency improvements to existing 30mph speed limit repeater signage

Marsh Farm Road, Traffic management HGV's using car park at the end of South Woodham Validation - Unsuitable for HGV signage could be 60 South Woodham Town Council Total scheme LCHE162163 £4,500 G P improvements Marsh Farm Road Ferrers considered Ferrers

In validation - Degree of pedestrian conflict survey Lawn Lane near carried out results 0.482x10^8 feeding into Improved pedestrian Pedestrians having difficulties 61 junction with Orford Councillor Springfield Total scheme LCHE152002 TBC validation process. Existing tree currently obscure V crossing facilities crossing Crescent, Springfield sight line. Now carrying out new PV² at adjacent crossing point 60m north of this location

O/s 19-33 Shelley Validation - Extending parking bays would provide 62 Extension of parking bays Insufficient parking for residents cars Councillor Springfield Total scheme LCHE172031 £60,000 G Road, Chelmsford two additional spaces

Canvey Walk j/w FP Traffic management Conflict between pedestrians/cyclist Validation - Provide tactile crossing points to 63 Councillor Springfield Total scheme LCHE172032 £4,500 G P 46, Chelmsford improvements on footpath and vehicles highlight crossing to pedestrians

Measures to prevent Chancellor Avenue vehicles loosing control on Vehicles loosing control on 64 j/w Parish Council Springfield Total scheme LCHE152009 TBC Awaiting results of feasibility study A roundabout and hitting roundabout Way, Springfield adjacent wall

Helston Road/Pump Validation - Pedestrian guard railing and tactile 65 Staggered barrier Cycle/pedestrian conflict Councillor Springfield Total scheme LCHE172001 £3,500 G Lane, Chelmsford paving

Railway Bridge, Footbridge/footway 66 Pump Lane, Narrow footway over railway bridge Councillor Springfield Total scheme LCHE182021 TBC In Validation V improvements Springfield

Eastern Approach, Gradient of existing dropped kerb too 67 Realign dropped kerb Councillor Springfield Total scheme LCHE182028 £15,500 Validation - Reprofile ramp/footway at dropped kerb G Springfield steep

Page 19 of 40 Traffic Management Total Value of schemes £652,250

Priority Ref Location Description Problem Requested by Parish Scheme stage Cost Code Estimated cost Comments RAG Scheme

Validation - Feasibility Study suggested following 68 High Street, Stock Route enhancement study Speed of traffic Parish Council Stock Feasibility LCHE132043 £3,000 request for 20mph speed limit/average speed G camera

Validation - Option 1 approach Parking Partnership Brookmans Road j/w Bollards on verge to prevent for junction protection parking restrictions, Option 2 69 Vehicles damaging verge Parish Council Stock Total scheme LCHE142089 £25,000 G Back Lane, Stock verge damage reduce width of verge, install HGV overrun to allow easier turning for larger vehicles

The Square j/w High Validation - resulting scheme could cost £62k and 70 Parking improvements Lack of parking Parish Council Stock Design LCHE172024 £8,000 G Street, Stock provide two additional parking spaces

Stock Rd/Ship Rd, Holiday Hill/Blind Ln, Church Rd, Validation - Feasible to install water depth markers 71 Road/Depth markers Flooding sites Parish Council Total scheme LCHE162137 £6,000 G Middlemead/ though this would not address cause of flooding. Broadmead, West Hanningfield

In validation - Speed data in 40mph limit Northeast - 26.3mph/Average 82 vehicles a day and Southwest Hall Lane, West Suggestion to be classified 72 Speed of traffic Parish Council West Hanningfield Total scheme LCHE152123 TBC 25.7mph/Average 60 vehicles a day. Awaiting V Hanningfield as a Quiet Lane impact of five Quiet Lanes currently being implemented in County

O/s St Peters Primary School, Advisory 20mph speed limit Validation - Implement 20mph when lights flash 73 Speed of traffic Parish Council West Hanningfield Total scheme LCHE172007 £14,400 G Church Road, West with Wig-Wag flashing lights signage with Wig-Wag flashing lights Hanningfield

Lordship Road j/w Feasibility Study into Recommendation from Route Enhancement Study, Recommendation from Route 74 Fox Burrows Lane, junction/carriageway Parish Council Writtle Feasibility LCHE152088 £5,000 suggestion is to await results of any future G Enhancement Study Writtle improvement development on Fox Burrows Lane

Feasibility Study into Writtle College Main carriageway/footway 75 Access, Lordship Speed/volume of traffic Parish Council Writtle Feasibility LCHE152089 £5,000 Recommendation from Route Enhancement Study G /signing/lining/street Road, Writtle lighting/verge improvements

Validation - Speed data - 60mph speed limit - 150m SW of A414 - Northeast bound - 41.5mph & Southwest bound - 37.5mph, 930m SW of A414 - South bound - 46.4mph & 49.9mph, 560m Northeast of Nathans Lane - Northeast bound - Highwood Road, 46.5mph & Southwest bound - 46.6mph. Based on 76 Edney Common to 50mph speed limit Speed of traffic Parish Council Writtle Total scheme LCHE152124 £10,000 G speed data - 30mph limit near A414 not feasible as Loves Green recorded speeds are too high, also environment of road would not assist a 30mph limit as properties not apparent to drivers. It could though be possible to consider a 50mph limit, which may reduce some of the higher speeds along the road

Page 20 of 40 Traffic Management Total Value of schemes £652,250

Priority Ref Location Description Problem Requested by Parish Scheme stage Cost Code Estimated cost Comments RAG Scheme

Lodge Road/Bridge Traffic management In validation - Three PV² surveys feeding into 77 Street/The Green/St Concerns around junction Parish Council Writtle Total scheme LCHE162178 TBC V improvements scheme validation Johns Green, Writtle

Pedestrian crossing 78 The Green, Writtle Pedestrian safety Councillor Writtle Total scheme LCHE172041 TBC In validation V improvements

In validation - Suggestion as to extend bus cage not The Green nr j/w Measures to stop verge Vehicles routinely over-running the 79 Parish Council Writtle Total scheme LCHE172044 £4,500 favoured by Parish Council. Looking at other G Ongar Road, Writtle damage verge options

Lordship Road, Reduce existing 40mph 80 Speed of traffic Councillor Writtle Total scheme LCHE182029 TBC In validation - awaiting speed/volume traffic data V Writtle speed limit to 30mph

Page 21 of 40 Walking Total Value of schemes £63,000

Priority Ref Location Description Problem Requested by Parish Scheme stage Cost Code Estimated cost Comments RAG Scheme

Penny Royal Road/Mayes Lane Implementation of footway to Lack of footway/walkable Estimated costs, design under 1 Parish Council Danbury Total scheme LCHE163005 £63,000 A to Woodhill Road, link two parts of Village verge review Danbury

Page 22 of 40 Cycling

Total Value of schemes £944,000

Priority Ref Location Description Problem Requested by Parish Scheme stage Cost Code Estimated Cost Comments RAG Scheme

Longstomps Improvements to National Cycle Not a priority scheme within Chelmsford Non 1 Cycleway, Create shared footway/cycleway Route 13, along busy section of Cycling team Total scheme LCHE154003 £100,000 Chelmsford Cycling Action G Parished Chelmsford Longstomps Plan

Design of replacement footbridge West Park, Install a 3.5m replacement bridge currently not part of Highways Chelmsford Non 2 Cycling team Design LCHE154006 £65,000 Validated by Cycling team G Chelmsford on existing alignment Network, which would need to be Parished addressed

Springfield Priority Scheme for LHP in Options to improve connection of Chelmsford non 3 Green/Timsons Lack of connectivity Cycling team Total scheme LCHE164015 £298,000 terms of Chelmsford Cycling G existing routes Parished Lane Action Plan

CH17 - Panel has funded design Removed from 2017/18 to convert southern footway Melbourne Avenue, Chelmsford Non Rolling Programme & 4 between Chignal Road and North Cycling route improvement Cycling team Total scheme LCHE154007 £25,000 G P Chelmsford Parished returned to Potential Scheme Avenue - widen near West List Avenue Removed from 2017/18 Convert/widen footway to Chelmsford Non Rolling Programme & 5 Princes Road Cycling improvements Cycling team Total scheme LCHE154009 £95,000 G cycleway/footway Parished returned to Potential Scheme List Chelmer Park Shared footway/cycleway on Priority Scheme for LHP in Cycle Route, Lack of cycle network connectivity 6 Beehive Lane between Skinners Cycling team Galleywood Design LCHE154002 £227,000 terms of Chelmsford Cycling G Beehive Lane, to Galleywood Lane and Chelmer Car Park Action Plan Galleywood

Church Lane j/w Phase 2 - Cycle link/junction Draft Design presented at 7 Lawn Lane, improvements - 3m shared Need for cycling improvements Safer roads team Springfield Total scheme LCHE174002 £119,000 G June 2017 Panel meeting Springfield cycleway across Park

Priority Scheme for LHP in Writtle Cycle Route, 8 Solar lights/studs at 10m intervals Mainly rural unlit route Cycling team Writtle Total scheme LCHE154005 £15,000 terms of Chelmsford Cycling G Writtle Action Plan

Page 23 of 40 Passenger Transport Total Value of schemes £97,000

Priority Ref Location Description Problem Requested by Parish Scheme stage Cost Code Estimated cost Comments RAG Scheme

Validation - Feasible to install approx.30m of pedestrian guard Chelmsford Bus Pedestrians are frequently Measures to improve Chelmsford Non rail. As Duke Street is in a 1 Station, Duke Street, crossing straight across wide Bus Provider Total scheme LCHE165031 £6,000 G P bus/pedestrian safety Parished conservation area guard railing Chelmsford forecourt would need to reflect this (ornate/painted black)

Validation - Raised kerbs could Chignal Corner Bus be installed. Footway was being Stop (west bound), O/s Passenger Chelmsford Non 2 Request for raised kerbs Low kerbs at bus stop Total scheme LCHE175005 £11,000 considered as possible shared G 57/59 Roxwell Road, Transport team Parished footway/cycleway under Chelmsford Chelmsford City Growth Fund

Opposite Manor Farm Validated by Passenger 3 Shop, Maldon Road, New metal bus shelter Lack of bus shelter Councillor Great Baddow Total scheme LCHE175006 £6,500 G P Transport team Great Baddow

The Street, nr Winkford Existing bus shelter is no Validated by Passenger 4 Replacement bus shelter Parish Council Great Waltham Total scheme LCHE165034 £10,000 G P Close, Little Waltham longer water tight Transport team

Bus stops to Barrow Farm Upgrade bus stops - Raised Metsons Lane, Riding Stable for Disabled do Passenger Validated by Passenger 5 kerbs and dropped crossing Highwood Total scheme LCHE165022 £12,000 G P Highwood not meet accessibility Transport team Transport team point standards

Nr Allotments Blasford KEEP CLEAR road marking Validated by Passenger 6 Bus stop not clearly defined Parish Council Little Waltham Total scheme LCHE175001 £3,000 G P Hill, Little Waltham in existing bus stop Transport team

Validated by Passenger Transport team - Scheme Heath Road, Ramsden Existing shelter is at the end of 7 Replacement bus shelter Parish Council Total scheme LCHE165033 £9,500 includes removal of existing G Heath its life shelter, new base and then new shelter

West-bound bus stop Request received by SWF on Broughton Road, Town Council for a new South Woodham Validated by Passenger 8 New metal bus shelter Town Council Total scheme LCHE175002 £5,000 G near junction with passenger shelter to be Ferrers Transport team Inchbonnie Road. installed.

Page 24 of 40 Passenger Transport Total Value of schemes £97,000

Priority Ref Location Description Problem Requested by Parish Scheme stage Cost Code Estimated cost Comments RAG Scheme

Request received by SWF Bus stop on Hullbridge Town Council for a new South Woodham Validated by Passenger 9 Rd, opposite The New metal bus shelter Town Council Total scheme LCHE175003 £5,000 G passenger shelter to be Ferrers Transport team Railway public house. installed.

Request received by West Bus Stop outside St. Hanningfield Parish Council for Validated by Passenger 10 Peter's C of E Primary New wooden shelter Parish Council West Hanningfield Total scheme LCHE175004 £9,000 G a new passenger shelter to be Transport team School installed.

Stop Name Woodham Validated By Passenger 11 Hall, Main Road, New wooden bus shelter Replace bus shelter Parish Council Woodham Ferrers Total scheme LCHE155026 £10,000 G P Transport Team Woodham Ferrers

Ongar Road (Nr j/w Existing shelter badly Validated by Passenger 12 New metal bus shelter Parish Council Writtle Total scheme LCHE185002 £6,000 G East View) Writtle damaged and barriered off Transport team

Re-assessed by Design Team, Pair of bus stops, raised Lack of bus stops at Doctors Passenger recommendation is now for 13 Lordship Road, Writtle Writtle Feasibility LCHE165032 £4,000 G kerbs flags/poles Surgery Transport team feasibility study and informal consultation

Page 25 of 40 School Crossing Patrols Total Value of schemes £29,000

Priority Ref Location Description Problem Requested by Parish Scheme Category Scheme stage Cost Code Estimated cost Comments RAG Scheme

Kings Road Primary Bollards on service road to School on Crossing Patrol School Crossing Chelmsford Non School Crossing Feasible to install kerbs and 1 be relocated to prevent Total scheme LCHE146003 £14,000 G P Corporation Road, improvement Patrol team Parished Patrols bollards parking Chelmsford

Victoria Road nr Riverside Leisure Standing water causing Drainage improvements at School Crossing Chelmsford Non School Crossing From completed design - 2 Centre, Chelmsford problems for pedestrians Implementation LCHE156006 £15,000 G crossing point Patrol team Parished Patrols Possible S.106 monies available - Drainage crossing road improvements

Page 26 of 40 Public Rights of Way Total Value of schemes £106,000

Priority Ref Location Description Problem Requested by Parish Scheme stage Cost Code Estimated cost Comments RAG Scheme

Investigation on-going into PROW Footpath 95 installing drainage in Chelmsford Non Awaiting results of 1 PROW improvement PRoW team Total scheme LCHE148002 TBC A Chelmsford existing surfaced city centre Parished Feasibility Study footpath

Great Leighs Water meadow/natural Surfacing and Drainage Validated by Public Rights 2 Footpath 41 (Part springs affecting a well PRoW team Great Leighs Total scheme LCHE158006 £28,000 G improvements of Way team of The Essex Way) used PRoW

Surfacing and Drainage Little Waltham improvements - 365m Path is routinely very Validated by Public Rights 3 PRoW team Little Waltham Total scheme LCHE158007 £21,000 G Footpath 28 length and average 2m muddy throughout the year of Way team width

To create a link between Bridleway 11 Validated by Public Rights 4 Bridleway 11 and Bridleway Bridleway 11 cut off by A12 PRoW team Total scheme LCHE158004 £35,000 G Margaretting of Way team 44/54

Boggy and uneven surface Bridleway 10, Mill Bridleway 10 South in sections makes South Validated by Public Rights 5 Lane Ramsden Hanningfield surface PRoW team Total scheme LCHE158003 £15,000 G bridleway a difficult route to Hanningfield of Way team Heath improvements follow for some users

Footpath 63, Footpath surface Footpath surface in need South Validated by Public Rights 6 PRoW team Total scheme LCHE158010 £7,000 G South Hanningfield improvements with planings of improvement Hanningfield of Way team

Page 27 of 40

Blank Page

Page 28 of 40 Chelmsford City Local Highway Panel - Section 106 Programme 2018/19

Schemes Key Completed Cancelled Update

Ref. Anticipated Scheme name Parish Activity code Delivery method Comments Current stage No. finish

Chelmsford Non Traffic Management Improved pedestrian and cycle access in the vicinity of 1 CHELMER VILLAGE RETAIL PARK 10001320 Implementation Completed Parished Improvements Chelmer Village Retail Park

Install Pedestrian Island on Springfield Rd Between Stump STUMP LANE/SPRINGFIELD RD Chelmsford Non Traffic Management 2 10002408 Lane and Oaklea Ave & Footway widening in Stump Lane Validation Completed IMPROVEMENTS Parished Improvements from junction with Springfield Rd to junction

ALBERMARLE LINK CYCLEWAY Chelmsford Non 3 10002587 Cycling Design Cycleway link for developer to install Design Only Oct-18 DESIGN Parished

ARNHEM ROAD PASSENGER Chelmsford Non Passenger Transport 4 10002807 Passenger Transport Improvements to stops in Arnhem Road Design Only Completed TRANSPORT IMPROVEMENTS Parished - Bus stops

ARNHEM ROAD PASSENGER Chelmsford Non Passenger Transport 5 10002807 Passenger Transport Improvements to stops in Arnhem Road Implementation Mar-19 TRANSPORT IMPROVEMENTS Parished - Bus Stops

WATERHOUSE LANE PASSENGER Chelmsford Non Passenger Transport 6 10002824 Passenger Transport improvements within vicinity of site Design Only Completed TRANSPORT IMPROVEMENTS Parished - Bus Stops

WATERHOUSE LANE PASSENGER Chelmsford Non Passenger Transport 7 10002824 Passenger Transport improvements within vicinity of site Implementation Mar-19 TRANSPORT IMPROVEMENTS Parished - Bus Stops

NORTH AVE PEDESTRIAN CROSSING Chelmsford Non Traffic Management Pedestrian crossing facility in North Avenue at the Kings Road 8 10002583 Design Only Sep-18 FACILITY Parished Improvements End

TRAVIS PERKINGS PASSENGER Chelmsford Non Passenger Transport 9 10002805 Passenger Transport improvements within vicinity of site Design Only Oct-18 TRANSPORTWORKS VoS Parished - Bus Stops

Chelmsford Non Traffic Management Install a Zebra crossing at Wood Street/ Galleywood Rd 10 WOOD STREET ZEBRA CROSSING 10001391 Design Only Sep-18 Parished Improvements junction

Passenger Transport 11 DANBURY VILLAGE FLAGS & POLES Danbury 10002825 Replace Flags and Poles in Danbury Village Design Only Completed - Bus Stops

Passenger Transport 12 DANBURY VILLAGE FLAGS & POLES Danbury 10002825 Replace Flags and Poles in Danbury Village Implementation Mar-19 - Bus Stops

Page 29 of 40 Chelmsford City Local Highway Panel - Section 106 Programme 2018/19

Schemes Key Completed Cancelled Update

Ref. Anticipated Scheme name Parish Activity code Delivery method Comments Current stage No. finish

GALLEYWOOD PASSENGER Passenger Transport Passenger Transport Improvement's including upgrade to bus 13 Galleywood 10002823 Design Only Oct-18 TRANSPORT IMPROVEMENTS - Bus Stops shelters.

MALDON ROAD PASSENGER Passenger Transport 14 Great Baddow 10002822 Minor Passenger Transport works such as flags and posts Design Only Completed TRANSPORT IMPROVEMENTS - Bus Stops

MALDON ROAD PASSENGER Passenger Transport 15 Great Baddow 10002822 Minor Passenger Transport works such as flags and posts Implementation Mar-19 TRANSPORT IMPROVEMENTS - Bus Stops

BEEHIVE LANE J/W FIRECREST Traffic Management 16 Great Baddow 10001430 Look at measure to prevent bus over running corner Design Only Sep-18 JUNCTION IMPROVEMENTS Improvements

Passenger Transport 17 METSONS LANE SHELTER UPGRADE Highwood 10002820 Upgrade bus shelters in Metsons Lane Design Only Completed - Bus Stops

Traffic Management 18 ROXWELL PARKING RESTRICTIONS Roxwell 10001427 Look at parking restrictions in village centre Implementation Sep-18 Improvements

RUNWELL ROAD PASSENGER Passenger Transport 19 Runwell 10002808 Improvements to bus stop/shelter adjacent to Church Design Only Sep-18 TRANSPORT IMPROVEMENTS - Bus Stops

RAINSFORD ROAD PED ISLAND Passenger Transport 20 Sandon 10002809 Drainage works & improvements to pedestrian island Design Only Completed IMPROVEMENTS - Bus Stops

SOUTHEND ROAD PASSENGER Passenger Transport 21 Sandon 10002826 Replace flags and poles in Southend Road Design Only Completed TRANSPORT IMPROVEMENTS - Bus Stops

SOUTHEND ROAD PASSENGER Passenger Transport 22 Sandon 10002826 Replace flags and poles in Southend Road Implementation Mar-19 TRANSPORT IMPROVEMENTS - Bus Stops

FERRERS ROAD, SOUTH WOODHM South Woodham Traffic Management 23 10001393 Install cycleway on Ferrers Road to link with the new Toucan Design Only Sep-18 FERRERS CYCLEWAY Ferrers Improvements

Page 30 of 40 Chelmsford City Highway Rangers - Works Summary April to June 2018

Type of Work Confirm REF Parish/Ward Road Name Location Comments Date Completed Required Number

South Woodham Other (explain in 1 CCC Creekview Road Creek View Road Install 1 x Street Name Plate 3rd April 2018 Ferrers notes) South Woodham Other (explain in 2 CCC Hullbridge Road Hullbridge Road Install 2 x Street Name Plate 3rd April 2018 Ferrers notes) South Woodham Other (explain in 3 CCC Broughton Road Broughton Road Install 1 x Street Name Plate 4th April 2018 Ferrers notes) South Woodham Other (explain in 4 CCC Fennfields Road Fennfields Road off Old Wickford Road Install 1 x Street Name Plate 4th April 2018 Ferrers notes) Village sign just before the Ford End 5 CCC Great Waltham Road Sign cleaning Sign has been tagged (graffiti) and needs to be cleaned 5th April 2018 recreation ground Other (explain in 6 CCC Springfield Timsons Lane Timsons Lane Install 2 x Street Name Plate 5th April 2018 notes) Other (explain in 7 CCC Chelmsford Town Lucas Avenue Lucas Avenue Install 2 x Street Name Plate 5th April 2018 notes) Other (explain in 8 CCC Springfield Springfield Green Springfield Green Install 1 x Street Name Plate 5th April 2018 notes) White Hart Lane opp Beaulieu Other (explain in 9 CCC Springfield White Hart Lane Install 1 x Street Name Plate 5th April 2018 Boulevard notes) Other (explain in 10 CCC Springfield Peel Road Peel Road Install 2 x Street Name Plate 5th April 2018 notes) Other (explain in 11 CCC Chelmsford Town Chelmer Valley Park & Ride Assist on tanker 6th April 2018 notes)

12 CCC Great Waltham South Street Cherry Garden Sign cleaning Clean 2 signs 9th April 2018

Side of 17 Upper Moors on remote 13 CHE1801001 Great Waltham Upper Moors Vegetation trimming Small tree overhanging footway needs to be cut back 3184757 9th April 2018 footway Opp lamp column 11 at back of 14 CHE1801029 Springfield Pump Lane Vegetation trimming Overgrown vegetation blocking footpath 10m 3204234 9th April 2018 Woodhouse Lodge South Woodham Other (explain in 15 CCC Ferrers Road Opposite Compass Gardens Install 1 x Street Name Plate 10th April 2018 Ferrers notes) South Woodham Other (explain in 16 CCC Ferrers Road On Inchbonnie roundabout Install 4 X Street Name Plate 10th April 2018 Ferrers notes) Other (explain in 17 CCC East Hanningfield Old Church Road Jct with Back Lane Install new dog waste bin for Parish Council 10th April 2018 notes) Other (explain in Remove wheelie bin and replace with x2 dog waste bins 18 CCC Great Baddow Recreation Ground Recreation Ground 10th April 2018 notes) at recreation ground for Parish Council

Page 31 of 40 Chelmsford City Highway Rangers - Works Summary April to June 2018

Type of Work Confirm REF Parish/Ward Road Name Location Comments Date Completed Required Number

George Street car George Street Car Park, Anchor Street 19 CCC Chelmsford Town Vegetation trimming Cut back overgrown vegetation 11th April 2018 park end

20 CHE1801014 Galleywood Douglas Close Between 8 & 10 Vegetation trimming Growth across 2/3 of width of footway, 12m in length 3202326 11th April 2018

21 CHE1801015 Galleywood Brazier Close Between 18 & 29 Vegetation trimming Moss growth on footway surface, 30m in length 3202351 11th April 2018

22 CHE1801028 Galleywood Greys Lane Opposite no1 Vegetation trimming Growth on footway surface, 18x0.6 3201754 11th April 2018

23 CHE1801008 South Hanningfield Carisbrooke Side of 56 Vegetation trimming Approx.20m overgrown and overhanging vegetation 3199339 12th April 2018

South Woodham From junction of Hullbridge Road to opp 450m overgrown vegetation and brambles on to 24 CHE1801009 Burnham Road Vegetation trimming 3167863 job already done. Ferrers lamp column footway by 3/4 in places. From Sewage Works towards Le Overgrown vegetation reducing available footway width 25 CHE1801011 Rettendon Main Road Vegetation trimming 3190081 job already done. Benaix by 50%, 80m in length South Woodham In between junction of Brent Avenue Slight vegetation overgrown on to street lights lamp 26 CHE1801012 Hullbridge Road Vegetation trimming 3169957 12th April 2018 Ferrers and The Chase column 2, 3, 4 and 6 South Woodham Saltcoats Other (explain in 27 CHE1801018 Opp 9-10 ADJ to illuminated sign SB6 Chevron sign slipped down needs refaxing 20232967 12th April 2018 Ferrers Roundabout notes) South Woodham 28 CHE1801025 Inchbonnie Road Opp 114 - 110 Vegetation trimming Growth across footway 25mts 3182350 12th April 2018 Ferrers Other (explain in Lower Street Name Plate obstructing view exiting on to 29 CCC Springfield Beardsley Drive At junction 13th April 2018 notes) main road Other (explain in 30 CCC Springfield Springfield Road Outside 379 by bus stop Install 1 new city litter bin 13th April 2018 notes) Other (explain in 31 CCC Chelmsford Town Bunnywalks By lamp column 13 Install 1 new city litter bin 13th April 2018 notes)

32 CCC Writtle A414 Three Mile Hill Verge Vegetation trimming Clear debris from damaged city sign 13th April 2018

Overhanging vegetation blocking 50% of the footway 33 CHE1801003 Chelmsford Town Chignal Road Opp junction with Chignal Road Vegetation trimming 3187417 16th April 2018 3m x 1m Other (explain in 34 CCC Chelmsford Town High Street Outside 2 Replace damaged litter bin 16th April 2018 notes) Other (explain in 35 CCC Chelmsford Town Moss Walk Lewis Drive End Replace 1 x Street Name Plate 16th April 2018 notes) Top of slip road to A12 towards 36 CHE1801038 Sandon Maldon Road Vegetation trimming Vegetation encroaching onto footway, 10m in length 3183142 17th April 2018 Colchester outside P & R

Page 32 of 40 Chelmsford City Highway Rangers - Works Summary April to June 2018

Type of Work Confirm REF Parish/Ward Road Name Location Comments Date Completed Required Number

Other (explain in 37 CCC Chelmsford Town North Avenue North Avenue Install 2 benches & 2 litter bins 18th April 2018 notes) Other (explain in 38 CCC Chelmsford Town Waterhouse Lane Parks Department Training 19th April 2018 notes) Other (explain in 39 CCC Chelmsford Town North Avenue North Avenue Install bins finish off street furniture 20th April 2018 notes)

40 CHE1801037 Chelmsford Town Haig Court Opposite Haig Court Vegetation trimming Vegetation encroaching onto footway 150m in length 3207594 23rd April 2018

Other (explain in 41 CCC Chelmsford Town Meadows Meadows Remove old litter bins & Install new ones 24th April 2018 notes) Meadows & High Other (explain in 42 CCC Chelmsford Town High Street Install new city litter bins 25th April 2018 Street notes) Overhanging vegetation blocking 20 % of the footway 43 CHE1801004 Chelmsford Town Chignal road Rear of Pickwick Avenue Vegetation trimming 3187416 26th April 2018 55m x 1m Other (explain in 44 CCC Chelmsford Town Drovers Way Depot Equipment training 27th April 2018 notes) Other (explain in 45 CCC Chelmsford Town High Street Town centre Check street furniture 30th April 2018 notes) Other (explain in 46 CCC Boreham Drovers Way Drovers Way Replace signs & Convex mirrors 1st May 2018 notes) From opposite Hydewood to Tyndales Growth on footway surface reducing available width by 3rd & 8th & 9th May 47 CHE1801017 Danbury Maldon Road B1418 Vegetation trimming 3203196 Lane up to 50% 200m in length 2018 Drovers Way 48 CHE1801027 Boreham Between exit from A12 to Winsford Way Vegetation trimming Vegetation blocking 70% of the cycle path 3186851 4th May 2018 Roundabout Drovers Way 49 CHE180200 8 Boreham Between exit from A12 to Winsford Way Vegetation trimming Vegetation blocking 70% of the cycle path 3186851 4th May 2018 Roundabout East Hanningfield Opposite Gt Gibcracks Chase to Growth on footway surface, reducing available width by 10th & 11th & 14th May 50 CHE1801013 Sandon Vegetation trimming 3188457 Road opposite Butts Green Road up to 50%, 200m 2018 East Hanningfield 51 CCC East Hanningfield Various Vegetation trimming Cut back vegetation 15th May 2018 Road

52 CHE1802017 South Hanningfield Middlemead Opposite Broad Mead Vegetation trimming Loose material on footway surface, 45m in length 3212400 15th May 2018

South Woodham 53 CHE1802014 Haddon Mead Back of 5 Vegetation trimming Approx. 4m overgrown brambles 3211713 15th May 2018 Ferrers Other (explain in 54 CCC Sandon Howe Green South End Road Sweep & litter pick 17th May 2018 notes)

Page 33 of 40 Chelmsford City Highway Rangers - Works Summary April to June 2018

Type of Work Confirm REF Parish/Ward Road Name Location Comments Date Completed Required Number

55 CCC Sandon Woodhill Road St Andrews Church Vegetation trimming Cut back foliage alongside footpath 17th May 2018

56 CHE1802022 Danbury Runsell Green Os The Old Bakery Sign cleaning No through road sign dirty 3218667 18th May 2018

57 CHE1802020 Danbury Hopkirk Close Between 8 & 9 Vegetation trimming Vegetation encroaching onto footway, 5m in length 3213005 18th May 2018

Vegetation encroaching onto footway reducing available 58 CHE1802019 Danbury Pedlars Path Between Pedlars Path & no 37 Vegetation trimming 3212726 18th May 2018 width by up to 0.5m

59 CCC Danbury VARIOUS Various Sign cleaning Clean signs 18th May 2018

60 CHE1802021 Danbury Daen Ingas Around lamp column 8 Vegetation trimming Vegetation obscuring street light 3213374 21st May 2018

61 CHE1802023 Chelmsford Town Oliver Way Opp j/w Copperfield Road Sign cleaning Superstore direction sign dirty 3218704 21st May 2018

Waterhouse Lane Cut down weeds and overhanging branches from 62 CCC Chelmsford Town and Crompton Waterhouse Lane and Crompton Street Vegetation trimming 22nd May 2018 footpath Street South Woodham Other (explain in 63 CCC Inchbonnie Road Opp Broughton Road Install 1 x Street Name Plate 22nd May 2018 Ferrers notes) Other (explain in Remove old recycling bins frame, slabs & wheelie bins 64 CCC Chelmsford Town Admirals Park Park 23rd May 2018 notes) and make safe afterwards Rushleydale and 65 CCC Springfield Rushleydale/ Canvey Walk Vegetation trimming Cut back vegetation 23rd May 2018 The Ray Other (explain in 66 CCC Runwell Church End Lane Church End Lane Install 2 dog waste bins for Parish Council 24th May 2018 notes) Other (explain in 67 CCC Chelmsford Town Church Lane Opp Lawn Lane Install 1 x Street Name Plate replace damaged one 24th May 2018 notes) East Hanningfield Opposite Gt Gibcracks Chase to Growth on footway surface, reducing available width by 68 CHE1802010 Sandon Vegetation trimming 3188457 already done Road opposite Butts Green Road up to 50%, 200m Other (explain in 69 CCC Chelmsford Town High Street Town Centre Repairs to street furniture 25th May 2018 notes) Other (explain in 70 CCC Great Baddow Brook Lane Junction with West Hanningfield Clear soil fly tip 29th May 2018 notes)

71 CCC Springfield Trinity Road South of Holy Trinity Church Sign cleaning Clean signs 29th May 2018

72 CCC Chelmsford Town Princes Road Outside college to school Vegetation trimming Cut back vegetation 29th May 2018

Page 34 of 40 Chelmsford City Highway Rangers - Works Summary April to June 2018

Type of Work Confirm REF Parish/Ward Road Name Location Comments Date Completed Required Number

South Woodham Clements Green Other (explain in 73 CCC Hullbridge Road End Install 1 x Street Name Plate 30th May 2018 Ferrers Lane notes) South Woodham Other (explain in 74 CCC Starboard View Starboard View Install 1 x Street Name Plate 30th May 2018 Ferrers notes) West Belvedere and Other (explain in 75 CCC Danbury West Belvedere and Runsell Lane Install 2 x dog waste bins 30th May 2018 Runsell Lane notes) Other (explain in 76 CCC Springfield Beardsley Drive 43-63 Repair Street Name Plate 31st May 2018 notes)

77 CCC Runwell Viking Way Viking Way to Regency Close Vegetation trimming Cut back alleyway 31st May 2018

78 CCC Boreham Drovers Way Drovers Way Grass Cut verges & hedges 1st June 2018

South Woodham Other (explain in 79 CCC Merchant Street Merchant street Install 2 x Street Name Plate 4TH June 2018 Ferrers notes)

80 CHE1806012 Galleywood Beehive Lane Between 407 - 431 Vegetation trimming Vegetation encroaching onto footway, 200m 3227577 5th June 2018

Between Deadmans Lane & Equestrian 81 CHE1806012 Great Baddow Beehive Lane Vegetation trimming Vegetation encroaching onto footway, 200m 3227567 5th June 2018 Centre Other (explain in 82 CCC Broomfield Copperfield Road Intersection with Oliver Way Install 2 x Street Name Plate 6th June 2018 notes) Bishop Court Other (explain in 83 CCC Springfield Bishop Court Gardens Install 1 x Street Name Plate 6th June 2018 Gardens notes) Other (explain in 84 CCC Springfield Lawn Lane Lawn Lane Install 1 x Street Name Plate 6th June 2018 notes) Other (explain in Two warning signs not facing oncoming traffic, need 85 CHE1806004 Stock High Street Os The Havard Inn 3221579 6th June 2018 notes) turning Other (explain in 86 CCC Chelmsford Town Baddow Bypass Centre reservation Litter pick centre reservations 7th June 2018 notes) South Woodham 87 CHE1806017 Haddon Mead Back of no 5 Vegetation trimming Approx., 4m overgrown brambles 3211713 8th June 2018 Ferrers South Woodham 88 CHE1806028 Hullbridge Road Side of 2 Vegetation trimming Approx., 10m slightly overgrown veg with brambles 3212203 8th June 2018 Ferrers South Woodham 89 CCC Hullbridge Road Opp 168-166 Vegetation trimming Trim back by empty piece of land covering footway 8th June 2018 Ferrers South Woodham Abbotsleigh Road & Outside 35 Abbotsleigh and 52 90 CCC Vegetation trimming Trim back vegetation where possible. 8th June 2018 Ferrers Leighlands Road Leighlands Road

Page 35 of 40 Chelmsford City Highway Rangers - Works Summary April to June 2018

Type of Work Confirm REF Parish/Ward Road Name Location Comments Date Completed Required Number

Other (explain in 91 CCC Sandon Park & Ride Sandon Park & Ride Assist on tanker 11th June 2018 notes)

92 CCC Springfield Lawn Lane Opp Paignton Avenue / Humber Road Vegetation trimming Trim back vegetation where possible. 11th June 2018

93 CCC Springfield Stablecroft Stablecroft & Harness Close Vegetation trimming Trim back vegetation and brambles 11th June 2018

Cut back verge to make sight line for traffic turning out 94 CHE1806027 Galleywood London Hill Junction at Bekeswell Lane Vegetation trimming 3223717 12th June 2018 of the lane, 25m Other (explain in 95 CCC Chelmsford Town Hobart Close Alleyway to rear of property Clear fly tip 12th June 2018 notes) Other (explain in 96 CCC Great Baddow Great Baddow Park Repair dog waste bins 12th June 2018 notes)

97 CHE00017035 Writtle Ongar Road Rear of 2b Chequers Road Vegetation trimming Ivy hedge now blocking the footway 3232138 13th June 2018

Other (explain in 98 CCC Galleywood Watchouse Road Nr Galleywood Motor Spares Repair litter bin 14th June 2018 notes)

99 CHE1806009 Springfield Saddle Rise Rear of 29 Vegetation trimming Overgrown veg, blocking footway 20m 3219107 14th June 2018

100 CCC Springfield Lawn Lane Footpath Vegetation trimming Cut back/ remove branch blocking footpath 14th June 2018

101 CCC Springfield Rushleydale o/s 67 Rushleydale Vegetation trimming Cut back prickly bushes obstructing the footpath 14th June 2018

Vegetation overhanging round and blocking the sight 102 CHE1806011 Writtle St Johns Road On the bend of 19 Vegetation trimming 3225427 15th June 2018 line 35m x 2m From lamp column 53 outside 184 to Vegetation encroaching onto footway reducing available 103 CHE1806023 Great Baddow Galleywood Road Vegetation trimming 3227562 15th June 2018 Dorset Avenue width by up to 50 %, 400m South Woodham 104 CCC Tanners Way Station Approach Vegetation trimming Cut back vegetation overgrowing footway 20th June 2018 Ferrers

105 CCC Runwell Saxon Close Saxon Close Vegetation trimming Cut back vegetation /brambles blocking footpath 20th June 2018

Other (explain in 106 CCC Runwell Browns Avenue Browns Avenue Install 1 x Street Name Plate 21st June 2018 notes)

107 CCC Chelmsford Town Kings Road Outside 19 / 21 Vegetation trimming Trim back branches hanging down over footway 21st June 2018 Cut back overhanging vegetation that May block the URGENT 108 CHE 3232138 Broomfield School Lane Outside Broomfield Primary School Vegetation trimming drivers view of the belisha beacons at the zebra 21st June 2018 REQUEST crossing.

Page 36 of 40 Chelmsford City Highway Rangers - Works Summary April to June 2018

Type of Work Confirm REF Parish/Ward Road Name Location Comments Date Completed Required Number

109 CCC Great Waltham Howe Street Nr Langleys, Howe Street Vegetation trimming Cutting back around village signs 22nd June 2018

110 CCC Springfield Sherbourne road Sherbourne Road/Torquay Road Vegetation trimming Cut back weeds in alleyway 22nd June 2018

Other (explain in 111 CCC Galleywood Watchouse Road Toilet Block Repair broken door handles on toilet block 22nd June 2018 notes) Woodham Ferrers Other (explain in 112 CCC Leighmans Road Leighmans Road Repair Street Name Plate X1 25th June 2018 And Bicknacre notes) Other (explain in 113 CCC Chelmsford Town Meadow Walk Town Centre Move litter bin 25th June 2018 notes) Cut back road side and pathway from Highwood Road 114 CCC Highwood Bulimers Way Bulimers Way/Highwood Road Vegetation trimming 26th June 2018 cycle path

115 CCC Highwood Ongar Road Ongar Road Vegetation trimming Cut back vegetation around signs 26th June 2018

116 CCC Writtle Writtle Road By Hylands School Vegetation trimming cut back vegetation from verge 27th June 2018

Other (explain in 117 CCC Chelmsford Town Badgers Close Badgers Close Install 1 x Street Name Plate 28th June 2018 notes) Other (explain in 118 CCC Springfield Portway Portway Install 1 x Street Name Plate 28th June 2018 notes)

119 CCC Writtle Lordship Road Lordship Road to Roxwell Road Vegetation trimming Cut back pathway 29th June 2018

120 CCC Chelmsford Town Chelmer Village From nursery Vegetation trimming Cut back pathway from nursery to public footpath 29th June 2018

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Page 38 of 40 Chelmsford City Local Highway Panel - Revenue Spend Summary 2018/19

Allocated Ref Scheme name Description Requested by Parish Date requested Budget Highway Rangers Service in 1 £86,337 01/04/2018 2018/19 Chelmerton Avenue, Great 2 Automatic traffic count Councillor Great Baddow £200 09/04/2018 Baddow

A1060 Bishops Stortford Road 3 Automatic traffic count Parish Council Roxwell £200 09/04/2018 near Hill Farm Cottages, Roxwell

Nr Bedsteads School, Back 4 Automatic traffic count Councillor Little Waltham £200 12/04/2018 Lane, Little Waltham

Galleywood Road nr j/w Pertwee Degree of Pedestrian/Vehicle 5 Councillor Great Baddow £800 08/05/2018 Drive Great Baddow Conflict Survey

Lawn Lane north of j/w Paignton Degree of Pedestrian/Vehicle 6 Councillor Springfield £800 08/05/2018 Avenue, Chelmsford Conflict Survey

Vicarage Road, Skreens Park 7 Road and Stonehill Road, Automatic traffic count X3 Parish Council Roxwell £600 08/05/2018 Roxwell

Near 65-71 Melbourne Avenue, Chelmsford Non 8 Automatic traffic count Parish Council £200 10/05/2018 Chelmsford Parished

Chelmsford Non 9 Sunrise Avenue, Chelmsford Automatic traffic count Councillor £200 11/05/2018 Parished

Page 39 of 40 Chelmsford City Local Highway Panel - Revenue Spend Summary 2018/19

Allocated Ref Scheme name Description Requested by Parish Date requested Budget

Chelmsford City - In Broomfield, 10 Rotation of three VAS units HLO Various £1,435 17/05/2018 Stock and Woodham Ferrers

St Marys C of E Primary School Adjust timings of wigwags Woodham Ferrers & 11 Woodham Ferrers & Priory Parish Council £200 04/06/2018 associated with School 20mph Bicknacre Primary School, Bicknacre

67-69 Downham Road, 12 Automatic traffic count Parish Council South Hanningfield £200 04/06/2018 Ramsden Heath

St Johns Green, Bridge Street Degree of Pedestrian/Vehicle 13 Parish Council Writtle £2,400 18/06/2018 and Lodge Road, Writtle Conflict Survey (x3)

Chelmsford Non 14 Park Avenue, Chelmsford Automatic traffic count Councillor £200 20/06/2018 Parished

Railway Bridge, Pump Lane, Non-Motorised User Survey (Two 15 Councillor Springfield £700 26/06/2018 Springfield day)

Old Church Road, East 16 Automatic traffic count Councillor East Hanningfield £200 06/07/2018 Hanningfield

Chelmsford VAS repairs - (1) VAS Repairs - (1) New Radar unit, Stock Road, Stock (2) Priory Chelmsford Non 17 (2) New batteries & (3) New Control HLO £1,996 09/07/2018 Road, Bicknacre & (3) Aubrey Parished Board Close, Broomfield

18 Lordship Road, Writtle Automatic traffic counts X2 Councillor Writtle £400 27/07/2018

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