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JULY NEWSLETTER 2015_Layout 1 7/23/2015 1:54 PM Page 2 VOLUME XXIV JULY 2015 NO. 2 SOMETHING BORROWED: Former Grand Secretary W. Bro. Jim Daniel Something Old: University Lodge (C) at George Washington Memorial 2011 50 Year Celebrants 2012 SOMETHING BLUE: District Grand Lodge SOMETHING NEW: Newest offspring of our DGM! Mentor’s Workshop 2014 Say “ I DO” to Freemasonry! Published by: The District Grand Lodge of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands 45-47 Barbados Avenue, Kingston 5, Jamaica, W.I. Phone: (876) 926-6018 Fax: (876) 960-7776 E-mail: [email protected] JULY NEWSLETTER 2015_Layout 1 7/23/2015 1:53 PM Page 1 JULY NEWSLETTER 2015_Layout 1 7/23/2015 1:54 PM Page 3 JULY NEWSLETTER 2015_Layout 1 7/23/2015 1:54 PM Page 4 FREEMASON’S NEWS 1 This issue of the News for Credits the Freemason marks a new beginning in many respects. Administration: W.Bro. Robert Forbes PAGDC, DistGSec. After innumerable years as editor, W. Bro. Winston Proof Reading: W.Bro. S. LeRoi Lorde PDist SGW Wright PDistJGW has passed the baton of “editor- Printing: Phoenix Printery Ltd. ship” to W. Bro. Dr. Wade Editorial Committee: A. Morgan DGOrator; PDGSupWks. W.Bro. Dr. W. ‘Freddie” Clarke, PAGDC, P Dist. BGP W. Bro. Wright is so modest W.Bro. Robert Forbes PAGDC, DistGSec. that he has resisted all ef- Editor: forts of gathering sufficient W. Bro. Dr. Wade A. Morgan data about himself so as to DGOrator; PDGSupWks. pay him suitable honours. Be that as it may, the Dis- EDITORIAL trict Grand Lodge of Ja- maica and the Cayman by W. Bro. Dr. Wade A. Morgan Islands is most grateful for 02 Winning Inukshuk DGOrator; PDGSupWks. his many years of dedicated service as Editor. 04 New Master Mason New Installed Masters It also sees a hopefully successful change in façade in an effort to modernize its look. Although Freemasonry has existed and persisted Obituaries “since time immemorial” it has had no doubt to bend with the winds of time. Several steps have been taken to increase retention 05 Child Abuse Rally among our initiates and even long standing members and in this regard, the “new 06 Atholl Lodges look” Newsletter adds to those efforts. Bear in mind however, that the 09 New Star success of ANY newsletter depends on its contents, and I take this op- portunity of reminding Brethren 11 Jamaican Freemasons to submit articles they deem of and World War II import. These need not ALL be a 15 Why Freemasonry scholarly dissertation (although those are welcomed 17 Crafty Ladies too) but may be one or two paragraphs that show YOU, a proud English Freemason, in interaction with family, friends, work, 18 My Masonic Journey Lodge or community in some positive way. Accompanying pictures are highly recommended. 19 2014 Membership Analysis Please send those articles, as well as your feedback re this “new look” to [email protected]. Future issues may include them in a “letter 20 News From Cayman to the editor” section! Thanks for your kind attention and please enjoy the effort we have CONTENTS21 New Rulers made in providing a medium that we think is relevant and up to date. JULY NEWSLETTER 2015_Layout 1 7/23/2015 1:54 PM Page 5 2 FREEMASON’S NEWS The winning Inukshuk is? (Hamilton Lodge and Doric Lodge visits continue after 28 years) Brief History of this Tradition The brethren of Hamilton Lodge in summer 2014 continued a tradition dating back to 1987. In 1985 when W. Bro. Douglas Emanuel (PM) mi- grated to Canada, one of his per- ceived shortcomings in the social landscape of his newly adopted home was the manner in which he and his wife were “accepted” in their new environment. Having been a Freemason in Jamaica for over thirty years, W. Bro Emanuel decided that he would, as it were, put Freema- Brethren in front row from left to right: Robert Neita, Bill Houston, Andrew sonry to the test and apply for mem- McDonald, Herbert Hylton, Terrance Doyle, Walter Drane, Wayne Nicolson, bership in a Canadian Lodge. As he Christopher Burgess. Brethren in the 2nd row (l-r): David Eberhardt, John put it, “he sought a friend and found Houghton, Rob Rick, Rob Lyon, Keith Larocque, Michael Williams. Brethren a Brother”. in the back row (l-r): Geoffery Lee, Steve Hudson, Terry Spalding-Martin, Trevor Bailey, Ian Roxburgh and Corey Rick. Brethren from Hamilton Lodge in bold. Having established his bona-fides as a senior member of the Craft in Ja- more fun than work. In February cluded, a church service, a day visit maica, he was readily accepted as a 2012 when Doric last visited us in Ja- to the Cottage country some 200- member of the Doric Lodge Number maica the activities included, a miles north of Pickering, several bar- 424 GRC (Grand Registry of Canada) church service at Spanish Town An- b-ques at the homes of Doric and his first impression of life in his glican Church, beach trips to San San Brethren, visits to the Canoe and Pe- new home changed. He was so de- beach in Portland and Fort Clarence terborough Museums and a dance lighted at the manner in which he Beach, and tours which included Two cum dinner on Friday 11, July. Inter- and Nellie were received, that he Sisters Cave and Port Royal. This estingly the Peterborough Museum pledged that he could only recipro- was in addition to attendance at the had a special section on the history of cate by inviting members of his new regular meeting of the Hamilton Freemasonry in Canada. The sole Lodge to visit his mother Lodge in Ja- Lodge at which the Doric Brethren downside during the visit was the 7- maica as house guests of Jamaicans, did an exemplification of the first de- 1 thrashing of Brazil by Germany specifically Hamilton Lodge gree and a visit to the True Craftsman which, by and large, put an end to the Brethren. Needless to say the idea Lodge No. 921 (IC). Jamaican delegation’s scramble to see found favour with the Brethren of the some of the World Cup Games. Hamilton Lodge and it only took him Last summer (2014) a delegation of two years to encourage seven of his five Brethren, accompanied by their On Thursday the 10th of July Hamil- Doric Lodge brethren and their spouses were hosted by the brethren ton Brethren did an exemplification spouses to thaw out in the Jamaican of Doric and their families. Led by of the second degree work at a Spe- “winter”. The first visit began in the WM Bro Herbert Hylton the delega- cial Meeting of the Doric Lodge as it first week of February 1987 and since tion enjoyed seven days of fellowship is normally on vacation in July and then there have been 12 exchanges in- with the Doric Lodge Brethren. The August. It was a full house, with volving families of the brethren back delegation interestingly included two over eighty brethren from the sur- and forth between Jamaica and brothers who reside in Toronto area, rounding lodges, who having heard Canada. Bro. Robert Neita who resides in of the visits came to share the night. Pickering and is also a member of the Of interest was the number of Ja- Activities and Recent Visits Doric Lodge and W Bro. Trevor Bai- maican masons residing in Canada, ley and his spouse Ula who travelled who were in attendance. The leader Our fraternal visits have been a mix- from Toronto. The programme in- of the team was WM Herbert Hylton, ture of fun and masonic work, with JULY NEWSLETTER 2015_Layout 1 7/23/2015 1:54 PM Page 6 FREEMASON’S NEWS 3 Hamilton Lodge 1440 (EC) and Doric Lodge 424 (GRC) Inuksuit at the 2014 visit at Lake Kushog Lake, Canada. Note that on the right includes modern technology, a red stripe beer bottle, complements of Trevor, a clear and unmistak- able sign that a Jamaican was here. W. Bro. Trevor Bailey (Almoner and swimming despite the best efforts of places of veneration, drift fences used DC), Bro. Robert Neita (Tyler), W. the Doric folks; the water never un- in hunting or to mark a food cache. Bro. Michael Williams (JW, secrets derstood that it was summer. The traditional meaning of the inuk- and charge after), W. Bro Christopher shuk is “Someone was here” or “You Burgess (SW and tracing board) and On the cultural side the Brethren and are on the right path”. W. Bro. Ian Roxburgh (JD). Ladies were divided into two teams to see who could build a better Inuk- Next Visit The visit to Cottage Country, where shuk(see plate 2). Inukshuk, the sin- city dwellers retreat on weekends, is gular of inuksuit, means “in the In February 2017 it will be Hamilton worth mentioning. The Brethren had likeness of a human” in the Inuit lan- Lodge’s turn to play host to the an opportunity to appreciate the guage. They are monuments made of brethren of Doric Lodge again and rural Canadian life style and activi- unworked stones strategically placed we look forward to the brethren from ties on the numerous lakes. The by the Inuit and other natives of the the districts joining us in the activi- Brethren enjoyed immensely the ca- Arctic lands to communicate with ties. A major focus of both lodges maraderie at this family based gath- subsequent travelers and was crucial will be to immerse their young mem- ering which included kayaking, to their survival. The Inukshuk may bers into the tradition, to forge new boating and log shoots.