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Folder 42 Turkey fFC·76 )11-42) ,,,.. · --,' CROSS REFERENCE ON FOR: Amendment to this License Extension of this License Renewal of this License . Correspondence concerning this application Other (Specify) For relative material - SEE: EVACUATION OF REFUGEES TO TURKEY OCT 21 1944 Dear Mr. Katzld c I tMnk you will be interested in the enclosed photoetatio copies of several neWBpaper / articles which appeared following Mr; Hirschmarm '.s press conference upon his reoent return to the United States. Very truly yours, J. w. Pehle Exeautive Director ,/ Jrr. Herbert Katzld, Uhited Statea Embaasy, Ankara, Turkey. OCT 211M ;.ey dear Mr. Ambassador a I think you will be interested in the enclosed photostatic copies of several newspaper ; articles l'lhich appeared following Air. Hirschmrum t s press conference upon his recant return to the United States, Very truly yours, ·~ :·.~~'D.-Y~} ~ 01 t4o- !tl)i1CJ J. W. Pehle Executive Director The Honorable " Laurence A. Steinhardt, The American Ambassador, Ankara, Turkey. Jlinolof.lurcn. RBHutchison :hd 10-20-44 AUGg 19f.t Dear lre.r I am sending you herewith the third supplement tor 11 \iar Refugee .Board - :ProJects and Documents". ~ncluded with the material is a set of instructions indicating the order 1n which the new material is to be 1no<'rted and which of the old material ie to be deleted. Sincerely, {~)~~ Ur. Ira H1rachmann, Spec1nl Re~reaentative of the War Refugee Board, United States Embaesy, Ankara, ~~ey. ;.;nc:hoeurea. AUG8. It* Dear Mr. ltatzkil I am sending 70u herewith the third IIU"PJ)lemnnt for "liar Refugee Board - ProJeota and DocUIIIentsA. lnoluded with the mnterial 18 a set· of instructions indicating the order in which the new material is to be inserted and which of the old material is to be deleted. Very truly yours, fiUt;nedj ~ • lo l'e.IU.It J. w. Pehle Executive Director Mr. Herbert Kntaki, ofo United Statea Embnasy, Ankara, Turkey. r---. Enolosureil. U%' ~Hutchisonlagr S..5-44 JUl. 4 1944 Dear Mr. lahldl I nm sending 7ou herewith the second supplement for "War RefUgee Board - ProJects and Doc'W!Ienta". Included with the material is a set of· instructions ind1catine the order in which the nev material 1a to be inserted and vhioh of the old materi~l is to be deleted. · /<j.H g·IJeC!.) ;; • w. l:ohl~ J. w. Pehle Exeouttn ~reotol'. 'Mr. Herbert Xatz..~i, o/o United.Statea Embaeay, Ankara, !rurkey. Enoloaurea. I ~ ~JRBHutohiaon:agr 7-1~44 ~ ~ ~un JUN 241944 Turkey'• Opportunity to Save " ..........vea of Thouaanda. •. ' Te THE EDITOR OF THE ~-· undreds of thou!!Snds of"'pe~eecufed ews. can be saved by. action ot tlia · klsh government. Across t)le bor· er from Turkey · these people are · lng murdered, thousands of men, women arijl children are l)ldlng In eel• Iars and caves, in woods and swamps, waitl~g for only one thing:-the chance tn cro~s that border and escape the murderers who are hunting them down. But this Turkish border Is closed ·to U.e hel~ess and deSJII!l'8te · pe.,ple. whose only chance for life ·u~· get• tlv;. across the frontier. · G 'liultiea U. ,i these people wlll not .bee ~ per-o ,m 'ent residents have bee : given. Peifulsslon to enter. the gates of Tur· key is stlll lacking. This cannot-It mUBt not-continue. We appeal to .' the government of Turkey to change this policy immedl· . ately. We call on the Turkish ·.people to join all other humanitarian nation• by dem""ding that their government heed the dictates of humanity and de­ . cency. Turkey can do these things, Opening her fronti~rs to refugees fro!ll murder, ahe can· p~ovlde for their '~ "- safety by establlshing tempor)lry emer· ·· gency refugee shelteril for as .many peop._Ie_ as ·possible; .by giving-!·_· ansi..t pemlts to all who wish t \ pasa th ugh that country to other - p.vena of fuge. JOHAN J. SMERTEN ,. ,. v :;;~~::r~~~~:~;~~':,- >:';.',~:~!!••'-'~- ···-- ------- ---·-~-~ ·---- ··- - JUN 211944 h• Berbert8 M:r. LeavUt aaked •hat the follow~ into:rma.Uon lie forwarded to you pureuant to 70\U' re,ueatl tlo Jlr. Joel"'.ArontTiol to futnllh f'ou the namee indicated to him by Mr. Heuberger' of J•wl•h leadere atlllln Tqoelav1a. · · !the follow1nc two persona ate reportled to lie ln lacl't1tl Dr. iobert Gluoketabl; lleeloky, who until a few aonthe ago vat ttlll haadllDC Jewish oo~munity mattere throU«h an offloe at frenkova 9. Dr. Duklo Jll&de l.t-repol'ted to be in ltlpade. llr. oU'onovlcl eta tee t-t lb'. La'f' Slf~Cer aa4 Oto Sleleeao, tll.e la\\e:r llelrJB a oousiil'•o: Jbo. lnbercer, are both relS.ble ,.,,• ._, trbo ..,, vUh lla:r8hal flto•r. arrq and can be T&I'J uaetli1, I hope that. your tr1p to Turkey t1as a pleaaint one. Wlth beat regards, I aa Ill'. ..,... , latlkl, ltpretentatlYe of .....o/o ._,rloaa··~·· 14(il'd, labat.r, ' .Aakara, ful'key. · DECLASSil'liW State Dept. Letter, 1-11-72 , By R. H. Parks DateSfP 1 2 1972 ~bbk w 6/19/44 IJW11f ~ E ~ 0 R A N D U U !cro:::: Noel l.rortovici To: Mr. )loses A. Leavitt c;lr. i-!Eorbert Katzid teleph.~ne ;;;Ei Friday night at home &nd insisted a.gain that I give yau the nr""nes of ~:.erc~ons, LEdcated to me by lVir. Neuberger of the Yugoslavian ~ron) !:ere &s J svcifrl le&dEol'S ,still in Yugoslavia. Za!?reb: Dh. F.OBI:HT GLUCi\:Sl';.HL; ;usSICKY, ,:.ho until & few mo'lths ago was stilll1andling Jewish co:f.:nunity mc.tters through ar1 office at Trenkova 9. Belgrade:m:. mrt.:rc ?lADE Tr;o relie.ble )ersons, who are with Marshal Ti to 1 s Ju•rny and who can be very useful are: DR. LAV SIRGER and OTO STEI'NER, the latter being a cousin of llir. Neuberger. :;lr. Katzki would like to have these names forwarded to him through the War F.efugee Board. l1A:cls THE UNDER $E·CRETARY OF STATE WASHINGTON Tr.; ·-::' -!_r-i 2_ l ,:;.c:l<no:..-_--] ::,.rlr;o von~· l1lF;.-."CT"!=!n-~UP1 of tr-.~ qth.- enf'lo~inr· t1v:. :-".,.·o:>o~>"'-·0 e ..,l--1P to ~~rh·-~ ~.o:H:lor .St.Pi nh·~· .... 1~t. Th-i ('"' 1"' s 1····er! ·-=:Pnt ---~,_th the : ·-t-~--ition o:_- one .ser:tPrtee in r;l-)-j_ch I telJ. hi rr. rx:"' .... ~OE: : ly to u-:-:R hi~ own ~j_~­ ~::-et~cn ir: th•· :-:::tte" o:" st~·'rir~:> th;ore. I r- ..... ~p __, t;.J~i~. cot=:r.·ten!'A- 1-·r.:·f!~ n;:::~ T h:--"Tro 5nst h!:li! :1 no""'~{"'r.~.1_--}·pt,t~~· -f'T'OT" tho :,rnhr>..--.,~,r10T' tel1:inp­ T'1P. hor:" iTT'no-rt·qr.t. -.;-· i ., +o hi!T' to ~Pt h!'-1~1-:: t.o -1:",\.-i_C" ,....0Fntry hv JuJ."r 1 Po-..--· L!f!' ... Pr·.:::l urgent rP~~onq~ n-~ I -'-ir1 110t i"~nt. hi_rr. to fRel- thr.t T ~~· s not t;.kir.r- t}:-i .-. 5_nto ·-"c~oun-t-.--. f,!r. J. ''!. Pchle l'iar Re£'1WeP. ExAcutiv Office of the President V'!r-f' D. C. MAY 271944 tzy- dear Mr. Steinhardt& Thank you for your kind letter of May 10, 1944. I am looking forward with pleasure to meeting you in Washington to congratulate you in person for the !lljlgni£ioent job Which· you have done and also to discuss with you the many t:tlfficult problems confronting the War Refugee Board in Turkey. While it would have been extremely helpful to have joint discussions in Washington wl th both you and Mr. Hirschmann,. I am· sure that Ji:OU. understand clearly my reasons for feeling that Mr. Hirschlliann should retunl'to Turkey at once. It is clear -that Mr. Hirschmann's effectiveness will be limited by your absence frQll the. scene, but I am sure that you Will make all necessary arrangements for the &lbassy staff to assist lh'· Hirachmann in every way possible. In the event that it beoQ11es necessary during ycnw abs«moe to. discuss refugee rnat~fill's representatives or the ?.Urkish Go'V'emntent, I assume that you will have indica.ted to the 1!4fibassy officer cl:ial'ged with thie responsibility the deiirabUity of having Mr. H~schmann a<iPC'.IIlpaily him and participate in the discussions. I am confident. that d1U'ing .V.Q•lll'--&ta.v--i:Q--WeiSh:l.llll:tOl~li'lH'hal~cga:la-~~~~-·~~-..... -.-·~-----1 fran you an even greater understanding of the· probl• . Y!>l,l . in refugee matters and perhaps shall be able .to arrive at possible l'tlJ~uu:J..oiiU of problems 'i'lhioh stUl confront us in this field. With kindest regards 1 I am SincerelY yours, (118ned) .r ••• P*l• . ; AmbassadOr Lawrenqe G. Steinhardt, American &bassy, j_ Ankara, 'furkey. ~bk - 5/24/44 1) l THE FOREIGN SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AMERICAN EMBASSY Ankara,• May 10, 1944• l<ir. John VI, Pehle, Executive Director, 111:1r Refugee Bo!ird, Executive Office of the President, Washington 25, D. c, hly dear Mr, Pehl e: I am most grateful to you fQr your kind and thoughtful letter of Hpril 22 and purticularly for the time and trouble you took in outlining to me the very considerable achievements oi' the Board under your direction in the short space of time since its creation, At the sl.illle time lll!:IY I express to you my appreciation for the generous sentlinents to which you have given expression concerning the assistance that it has been my good fortune to have been able to render the Board.
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