Corps in Manhattan Yearling Jacek Zapendowski (Front) Pumps His Fist After Crossing the Finish Line at the 9Th Annual Tunnel to Towers Run Sunday in Lower Manhattan

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Corps in Manhattan Yearling Jacek Zapendowski (Front) Pumps His Fist After Crossing the Finish Line at the 9Th Annual Tunnel to Towers Run Sunday in Lower Manhattan SeptemberArmy Football 30, 2010 1 vs. Temple, noon Saturday, Michie Stadium. OINTER IEW ® PVOL . 67, NO. 38 SERVING THE COMMUNITY OF WE S T VPOINT , THE U.S. MILITARY ACADEMY SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 Corps in Manhattan Yearling Jacek Zapendowski (front) pumps his fist after crossing the finish line at the 9th annual Tunnel to Towers Run Sunday in lower Manhattan. Zapendowski is surrounded by members of his G-1 Company and nearly 1,200 West Point cadets who participated in the run and supported the event. More on the event on page 3. TOMMY GILLI G AN /PV Baker to receive Thayer Award From Staff Reports of Graduates has presented the award to an Baker also served as the 67th secretary of outstanding citizen of the United States whose the treasury from 1985 to 1988 under President James A. Baker, III, former secretary of state service and accomplishments in the national Reagan. under President George H.W. Bush, will receive interest exemplify personal devotion to the ideals As treasury secretary, he was also chairman of the Sylvanus Thayer Award in a ceremony hosted expressed in the West Point motto, “Duty, Honor, the President’s Economic Policy Council. by the West Point Association of Graduates Oct. Country.” From 1981 to 1985, he served as White House 7 at West Point. Some of the recipients include Gen. Colin L. chief of staff to President Reagan. Baker’s record The Corps of Cadets will conduct a review Powell, Walter Cronkite, Bob Hope, Generals of public service began in 1975 as under secretary in his honor at 5 p.m., on the Plain before the of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower, Douglas of commerce to President Gerald Ford. private award presentation. The review is open MacArthur and Omar Bradley, astronaut Neil It concluded with his service as White House to the public. Armstrong and former Presidents Bush and Ronald chief of staff and senior counselor to President Since 1958, the West Point Association Reagan, to name a few. Bush from August 1992 to January 1993. James A. Baker, III 2 September 30, 2010 Commentary Pointer View is during such times of pain that Corinth…“We can comfort others with the suicide is fi nal. the will and desire to live can be same comfort that we have received from Reach down deep into the reservoir of life severely reduced. But the point that God.” (2 Corinthians 1:4). The Cadet Prayer and fi nd the strength, determination and hope I want to make is that “life is always says it well, “soften our hearts with sympathy to live for another day. more valuable than our current pain for those who sorrow and suffer.” Reach out to a friend and fi nd the help or unpleasant situation, so in the My encouragement to you is if you are in needed to carry the heavy load you bear. And midst of pain, choose life. the midst of pain and suffering at this moment with each day, the pain will lessen and the will The pain and suffering that we you will honestly evaluate your situation. to live will grow. experience in this life can be used Life is of such enormous value. Pain and Your life is of great value, so don’t ever for a greater purpose. In the midst suffering is for a temporary period. Death by forget that simple truth. of pain, we can sense our need for help. That help can come in many different forms. We are given the FIRE PREVENTION WEEK—OCT. 3-9 The Value of Human Life opportunity everyday to reach out for help Submitted by the West Point Fire & Emergency Services Fire Prevention during times of suffering. When we seek Division and the West Point Safety Office Commentary by help, then the burden we are carrying can be Chaplain (Maj.) Randy Griffin lightened by the support of others. Every year, more than 3,000 people die in home fi res in the United States, and most West Point Protestant Community Suffering and pain can also serve to are in homes without a working smoke alarm. Chaplain and Post Chapel Pastor heighten our awareness and need of God. To prevent these deaths, the West Point Fire and Emergency Services Division, as part The words from Psalm 46 help to provide a of Fire Prevention Week 2010, is sponsoring “Smoke Alarms: A Sound You Can Live (Editor’s Note: This is the fi fth in a series reminder of this thought. The psalmist writes With,” to raise awareness about how working, properly installed smoke alarms can lower of articles presented as part of the September … “God is our refuge and strength, an ever a person’s chances of dying in a fi re. Suicide Prevention month activities at West present help in trouble … be still and know The “Smoke Alarms: A Sound You Can Live With” is aimed at educating and enforcing Point. For additional information on the that I am God … the Lord Almighty is with the importance of smoke alarms, the sound of a smoke alarm and what to do if a smoke Army’s Program, go to us.” The more we seek the presence of God alarm sounds in your home. mil/hr/suicide/default.asp. Need to talk in times of pain the more we will understand The provided home safety investigation is a fun activity for the Family to do together. with someone? Call the free, 24-hour Crisis how valuable human life truly is. Children of all ages can be great detectives for fi nding many of the answers. Intervention Hotline––1-800-273-TALK One other positive effect that pain and You will have to do some searching around your home, but it will be well worth the (8255).) suffering can have is to help prepare us effort. to provide encouragement and comfort to Step 1—LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! I hope that if you are taking the time to others. One of the most rewarding reasons Is there at least one smoke alarm: read this article, then you will come to the that suffering has value is experienced by Inside each bedroom? Yes or No; conclusion that life is of great value. My those who can say with conviction, “I know Outside all sleeping rooms? Yes or No; purpose in writing this piece is to provide how you feel, I’ve been in your shoes.” On every level of your home, including the basement? Yes or No. continued awareness of how suicide should Feeling isolated is one of the hardest parts Action item: Figure out how many smoke alarms you need to make each of the above NEVER be an option for any crisis we of suffering. It can feel like you’re all alone questions a ‘Yes.’ experience in this life. in your pain, and that makes the times of Step 2—WHAT HAVE YOU GOT? A conviction of the value of human life suffering feel that much worse. But when To fi nd the answer to some of the questions below, look on the back of your smoke will provide a sense of strength during times you can maintain an attitude of knowing you alarms. You’ll have to take them down to do so, so make sure you put them back up. of crisis. As a matter of fact, the teaching of are not alone and there are others who have What kind of smoke alarms do you have? (Place “X” on line) the Christian faith and other major religions is experienced similar pain, then life can be ___ Photoelectric? that human life is of enormous worth because viewed as being much more valuable than ___ Ionization? we were created in the very image of God the present affl iction. ___ Combination Photoelectric/Ionization? (Genesis 1:26). The end result of suffering is it can often Action item: There are two types of smoke alarms. The ionization type is generally However, life does involve a certain develop a sense of compassion and mercy more responsive to fl aming fi res while the photoelectric is generally more responsive to amount of pain and suffering along the way. within us. Those who suffer tend to have fi res that begin with a long period of smoldering. For many people, the pain of fi nancial loss, the tender hearts toward others who are in pain. Make sure your home has both ionization and photoelectric or combination smoke death of a Family member or close friend, or This newfound sense of compassion can alarms. the severing of a close relationship can seem help us understand more clearly the words overwhelming and impossible to survive. It of the Apostle Paul written to the Church of See FIRE PREVENTION, Page 12 POINTER V IEW ® The Army civilian enterprise newspaper, the Pointer View, is an authorized publication for members of the Department of 40 Mulberry Street, Middletown, NY 10940 Defense. Contents of the Pointer View are not necessarily the offi cial views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Depart- ment of the Army or West Point. The Point er View ® is an unoffi cial pub li cation au tho rized by AR 360-1. The editorial content of the Pointer View is the responsibility For information, call (845) 341-1100 of the West Point Directorate of Public Affairs & Communications, Bldg. 600, West Point, New York 10996, (845) 938-2015. The Pointer View is printed weekly by the Times Herald-Record, a pri vate fi rm in no way connect ed with the De partment of the Army, under ex clu sive con tract with West Point.
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