For updated version, please click on Principles of Communication Systems Chapter 4 (Part 3): Line Coding by Nurulfadzilah Hasan Faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
[email protected] Principles of Communicartion System by N Hasan By the end of this class you should be able to: • Explain the concept of different types of line coding • Solve problems involving line coding Principles of Communicartion System by N Hasan What is Line coding? • Process of converting binary data (sequence of bits) to a digital signal • The pattern of voltage, current or photons is modified to represent the digital data on a transmission link. • Ex. Binary “1” maps to +5V square pulse; Binary “0” to –5V pulse Principles of Communicartion System by N Hasan Line Coding Source: Principles of Communicartion System by N Hasan Why we need Line Coding ? • The purpose of line coding is to match the digital data output with the channel before transmission could take place. • Line coding also allow the following processed to be done to the digital data: 1. Synchronization 2. Error detection 3. Error correction Principles of Communicartion System by N Hasan Elements of line coding Principles of Communicartion System by N Hasan Data Rate versus Signal Rate 1 S c N baud r Principles of Communicartion System by N Hasan 1.7 Six main properties of line coding Principles of Communicartion System by N Hasan Line coding schemes Principles of Communicartion System by N Hasan Unipolar Encoding • Uses only one voltage level. • A positive voltage represents a binary 1 • Zero volts indicates a binary 0.