Rolando Kristiansand, Norway Gonzales Martinez +47 41224721
[email protected] JOBS & AWARDS M.Sc. B.Ec. Applied Ph.D. Economics candidate Statistics Jobs Events Awards Del Valle University University of Alcalá Universitetet i Agder 2018 Bolivia, 2000-2004 Spain, 2009-2010 Norway, 2018- 1/2018 Ph.D scholarship 8/2017 International Consultant, OPHI OTHER EDUCATION First prize, International Young 12/2016 J-PAL Course on Evaluating Social Programs Macro-prudential Policies Statistician Prize, IAOS Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT International Monetary Fund (IMF) 5/2016 Deputy manager, BCP bank Systematic Literature Reviews and Meta-analysis Theorizing and Theory Building Campbell foundation - Vrije Universiteit Halmstad University (HH, Sweden) 1/2016 Consultant, UNFPA Bayesian Modeling, Inference and Prediction Multidimensional Poverty Analysis University of Reading OPHI, Oxford University Researcher, data analyst & SKILLS AND TECHNOLOGIES 1/2015 project coordinator, PEP Academic Research & publishing Financial & Risk analysis 12 years of experience making economic/nancial analysis 3/2014 Director, and building mathemati- Consulting cal/statistical/econometric models for the government, private organizations and non- prot NGOs Research & project Mathematical 1/2013 modeling coordinator, UNFPA LANGUAGES 04/2012 First award, BCG competition Spanish (native) Statistical analysis English (TOEFL: 106) 9/2011 Financial Economist, UDAPE MatLab Macro-economic R, RStudio 11/2010 Currently, I work mainly analyst, MEFP Stata, SPSS with MatLab and R . SQL, SAS When needed, I use 3/2010 First award, BCB competition Eviews Stata, SAS or Eviews. I started working in LaTex, WinBugs Python recently. 8/2009 M.Sc. scholarship Python, Spyder RECENT PUBLICATIONS Disjunction between universality and targeting of social policies: Demographic opportunities for depolarized de- velopment in Paraguay.