Issue 14 Volume 4 April - June

World Health Day 2007: Invest in Health – Build a Safer Future

he official ceremony for World Health Day 2007 was organized by the TGovernment of Union of , on 7 April 2007, Saturday, at Nay Pyi Taw. The ceremony was inaugurated by the Secretary 1 of the State Peace and Development Council, Lt Gen , who delivered a key note address. It was also attended by Major General Wai Lwin, Commander of Nay Pyi Taw Command, Ministers and Members of the National Health Committee, Representatives form UN Agencies, National and International NGOs and officials from the Ministry of Secretary 1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Thein Sein delivers a speech at the Health. World Health Day 2007 opening ceremony at Nay Pyi Taw. According to the agenda, Prof Adik Wibowo, WHO Representative to Myanmar Plianbangchang, the WHO Regional Director Health. Fours speakers from various read out the Message from Dr Samlee for the South-East Asia Region, for the departments under the Ministry of Health, World Health Day 2007. Following the namely; Dr Phone Myint, Director, inaugural ceremony, the invited guests Department of Planning, Dr Soe Lwin Nyein, viewed the World Health Day Mini- Deputy Director, Department of Health, Dr Exhibition displayed by the Ministry of Than Zaw Myint, Director, Department of Health and WHO Country Office, Myanmar. Medical Sciences and Dr Myo Khin, Deputy After the official ceremony a Director General, Department of Medical Technical Seminar on "Invest in Health, Research, central Myanmar, gave Build a Safer Future" was organized by presentations related to global health WHO in collaboration with the Ministry of security and investment in health. Later Health. The seminar was moderated by Prof participants made questions, comments and Adik Wibowo, WR-Myanmar, Prof Than discussions. WHO Country Office, Myanmar Myint, Director General of Department of hosted a luncheon to mark the successful Medical Sciences and Dr Kyaw Nyunt Sein, conclusion of World Health Day 2007 ceremony and technical seminar. The panel of moderators for the Technical Seminar. Deputy Director General of Department of

Workshop on "Evidence based approach to Cancer Management"

Workshop on "Evidence based Participants were from various approach to Cancer Management" was specialties such as medical oncology, Aconducted at the Department of radiation oncology, surgery, gynecology, Medical Research, Lower Myanmar from 14 maxillo-facial surgery, ENT, pathology and to 15 June 2007. chest medicine. Dr. Kyaw Min, Director General, Highlights of the workshop for the Department of Medical Research (Lower first day were the presentations by Myanmar) delivered the opening speech. Associate Professor Dr. Soe Aung, Dr. Nihal Singh on behalf of Professor Associate Professor Dr. Soe Oo Maung and Adik Wibowo, WHO Representative to Professor Han Win on medical oncology, Myanmar delivered a speech. radiation oncology, surgical management of common malignancies respectively. Highlights of the workshop for the Dr Kyaw Min, Director General, Department of second day were the presentations by Medical Research (Lower Myanmar), delivering the Professor Than Than Tin, Professor Khin opening speech. Maung Lwin, Professor Thein Tun and common cancers namely cervical, breast, lung, Professor Khin Maung Aye on the ENT and gastrointestinal cancers. The management of gynecological malignancies, discussion also highlighted on issues relating maxillo-facial malignancies, ENT to prevention and provision of effective malignancies and lung malignancies medical treatment for cancer patients. respectively. Recommendations of the workshop were There was also group work in which the drafted and finalized, after which the participants discussed and presented on workshop concluded on the evening of the the updates , current and latest trends for Presentation by Prof Han Win on surgical second day. management of common malignancies. prevention and management of five most World Health Organization - Myanmar 7th Floor, Yangon International Hotel, 330 Ahlone Road, Dagon Township, Yangon, Myanmar.

National workshop on low-cost water supply, sanitation and hygiene intervention

morning session of the workshop and supply, sanitation and for change provided a brief overview on the concepts towards healthy behavior. of low-cost intervention, achievements of 3. To acquire more specific and reliable the past decade, gaps and constraints, data with regard to water supply, country issues and challenges and verifiable sanitation and hygiene. indicators. 4. To include sanitary disposal of refuse The workshop started with three and garbage in the environmental working groups doing exercises and sanitation programme in addition to use brainstorming on identification of problems of sanitary latrines. and actions needed to address these issues 5. In the township and rural level, planning, regarding water supply, sanitation and not only for increase in coverage but hygiene interventions. Group discussions and also to strengthen and develop healthy presentations reflected the true situation behavior to be included and for which follow up actions were implemented. Presentation on low-cost water supply, sanitation and recommended. hygiene intervention 6. In project planning, focus should be The second day of the workshop towards interventions which are continued with the same groups working on he national workshop on low-cost water effective and easily implemented by the preparation of a frame work on low-cost supply, sanitation and hygiene community itself. water supply, sanitation and hygiene intervention was conducted from 17-18 T interventions at the township and rural level. The workshop was attended by (25) May 2007 at Royal Kumudra Hotel, Nay Pyi After presentation and plenary discussion participants from respective government Taw. The opening speech was delivered by Dr. on township and rural planning, consensus departments which include Environmental Tin Min, Deputy Director General (Medical was reached regarding the follow up actions Sanitation Division (ESD) of DOH, Central care), on behalf of the Director General, to be taken. Health Education Bureau (CHEB) of DOH, Department of Health. School Health (Department of Health), The outcome of the workshop were the The objectives of the workshop were: Department of Development Affairs (DDA), following recommendations: 1) To promote awareness on low-cost water General Administrative Department (GAD), 1. To organize the community in line with supply, environmental sanitation and Department of Education Planning and their needs and provide necessary personal hygiene Training (DEPT), Ministry of Science and training, support and field supervision Technology (MOST), WHO, UNICEF, 2) To develop sustainable low-cost for sustaining the activities for water Township Health Department (Pyinmarnar), interventions. supply, sanitation and hygiene. Township Health Department (Laiwai), Swa After the opening session, U Myint Kyi, 2. To use integrated approach in the Station Hospital and National and WHO National Consultant, moderated the implementation of activities for water International NGOs.

HINARI and HELLIS training workshop

ith the support of WHO, the The HINARI program, set up by WHO Department of Medical Sciences together with major publishers, enables W conducted the HINARI (Health developing countries to gain access to one Internetwork Access to Research Initiative) to the world's largest collections of and HELLIS (Health Literature, Library and biomedical and health literature. Over 3750 Information Services) training workshop from journal titles are now available to health 25th June to 29th June 2007 in Yangon at the institutions in 113 countries, benefiting many Medical Education Centre conference hall. The thousands of health workers and workshop was targeted to build capacity in researchers, in turn, contributing to HELLIS libraries who have not yet integrated improved world health. The HINARI the HINARI into their library services. website can be found at The workshop was facilitated by Mr Steven Glover, Librarian, Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, Christie Hospital NHS Mr Steven Glover giving the training to the participants and research scientists at the HINARI Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK and and HELLIS training workshop at the Medical assisted by Ms Marla Win, Librarian from Education Centre. WHO country office, Myanmar. Based on this background during one week 17 register for their institutes. Additional librarians from national institutes of presentations include how to run a training different parts of Myanmar, an information workshop and how to manage references assistant from WHO country office, using Biblioscape Express 3. Myanmar and 6 research officers/scientists The workshop concluded with the key from Department of Medical Research were resource person discussing on how to take trained on-line. As part of the training, forward the knowledge and skills gained from participants and observers had the chance the workshop. Focusing on advocacy to observe demonstrations and practice in strategies such as promotion, marketing, accessing and retrieving full text articles advertising, disseminating the username and Participants at the HINARI and HELLIS training from HINARI website using Pubmed and password to eligible institution members, workshop. MyNCBI. They also had the opportunity to training, and communication.

2 WHO Myanmar newsletter Issue 14 volume 4 April - June 2007 telephone: (95-1) 212 606 - 9 telefax: (95-1) 212 605 email: [email protected]

Responding the outbreak of Poliomyelitis - Maungdaw township

n April 2007, after a polio-free period As a response to this outbreak, polio of over seven years, polio out break has mop up immunization campaigns are being Ibeen reported from Maungdaw Township conducted as per the schedule mentioned of North Rakhine State. As on 12 June, eight below; cases have been diagnosed as virologically „ An initial house to house mop-up with confirmed polio cases as P1W (Polio type 1) monovalent Oral Polio Vaccine – type1 have been isolated from the specimens of (mOPV1) in 18 townships of Rakhine and these cases. Chin between 14 and 18 May. A national team conducted an immediate „ A second house to house sub National active search and ORI. An international rapid Immunization Day (SNID) round with response team (RRT) was invited to Myanmar mOPV1 to include Rakhine, Chin, and visited Maungdaw from 1 to 4 May. The Ayeyarwady, Magway, West Bago; team concluded that several factors have covering a total of 83 townships, contributed to this polio outbreak, including: targeting 2.5 million children z The re-introduction of wild poliovirus into commencing immediately after the it is recommended that all township medical neighbouring Bangladesh in 2006. measles round, in the second week of officers and their staff should be alerted to z Decline in national routine immunization June. the current polio outbreak. All Acute Flaccid coverage for all antigens in Myanmar in „ A third house to house SNID round with Paralysis (AFP) cases should be reported 2006 compared to 2005. mOPV1 to include the same 83 immediately by telephone to the state health z A gap of two years since the last polio townships, commencing in early July director and the Regional Surveillance Supplementary Immunization Activities with a 3 week interval after the second Officer (RSO). Reporting and investigating (SIA) in North Rakhine State in 2005. round. even doubtful AFP cases without awaiting „ Synchronize Supplementary Immuni- confirmation from the RSO. Provide weekly zation Activities (SIAs) with zero reports by telephone to the RSO. Mass Measles Campaigns (MMC) 2007 Bangladesh as far as possible, especially Inform NGOs and community leaders to successfully completed border transit points. advise the public to bring all newly paralyzed Considering the potential rapid spread children to the health services without delay. ass Measles campaign covering of wild poliovirus to other areas in Myanmar; the whole country has been Mcompleted between January to Avian Influenza May 2007 in three phases targeting all children in 9 months to 5 years age group. The coverage has been satisfactory in most n February 28, 2007 a second wave of clinical specimens for external of townships but rapid convenient of avian influenza outbreaks in verification. assessment done by the nationals and Opoultry was reported in Myanmar Other related activities have included internationals monitoring teams suggested (following the successful control of the first WHO supported training of Rapid Response that there may be pockets with poor ever reported outbreaks in 2006). Whereas Teams (including clinical, laboratory and coverage which should be revisited by last year poultry outbreaks occurred in veterinary staff) from 24 - 26 May in Nay special teams to reach high coverage in Sagaing and Mandalay Divisions, on this Pyi Taw. occasion a total of 7 outbreaks were those areas. As part of Avian Influenza and Influenza reported in 5 townships in Yangon Division Pandemic preparedness, support has also between 28 February and 31 March, followed Mass Measles Campaign coverage 2007 been provided through WHO to improve the by occurrences of the disease in Insein, facilities of hospitals in Taunggyi, Monywa, Yangon Division on May 22 and then in Bago Myitkyina, Magwe, Lashio, Kyaingtong and Township on 02 June. On each occasion, the Myeik, including upgrading isolation wards and Ministry of Health reacted quickly to the purchase of equipment for Intensive Care identify individuals at risk of contact with Units. To facilitate the process, a hospital infected poultry and institute appropriate assessment team including the WHO Avian follow-up, no human cases were reported. Influenza staff members visited all the Because Avian Influenza primarily selected hospitals between 8 May and 7 June affects poultry and waterfowl but also poses 2007. a risk to humans, WHO works closely with A landmark event for WHO was the it's sister agencies FAO and UNICEF, NGOs passing into effect of the revised and donors in supporting the Ministry of International Health Regulations (2005) on Health and the Livestock Breeding and 15 June 2007. The new IHR places a number Veterinary Department of the Ministry of of obligations on WHO and Member States, Livestock and Fisheries. In response to the but provides a framework for improving the outbreaks, regular meetings were arranged < 80% control of infectious diseases with potential to ensure a coordinated response. Support 80% - 89% for international spread such as SARS and was also provided by WHO to the National = 90% pandemic influenza and thus enhancing Global Health Laboratory, Yangon for the shipment Health Security.

Issue 14 volume 4 April - June 2007 WHO Myanmar newsletter 3 World No-Tobacco Day 2007: Smoke Free Environments

his year's World No-Tobacco Day Women Affairs Federation, was on 31 May 2007. The official vice- Tcommemoration ceremony of World Maternal and Child Welfare No-Tobacco Day 2007 was organized by the Association, representatives Ministry of Health at Nay Pyi Taw on 1 June from national and 2007. The ceremony was attended by the international NGOs. Commander of Nay Pyi Taw Command, The ceremony was Minister for Health and two Deputy opened by the commander of Ministers for Health, representatives from Nay Pyi Taw command, Major- United Nations Agencies, senior officials General Wai Lwin, who made from the Ministry of Health and other an opening speech. According ministries, vice-president of Myanmar to the agenda, Prof. Kyaw Major General Wai Lwin, Commander of Nay Pyi Taw Command, made an opening address at the official commemoration of Myint, Minister for Health World No-Tobacco Day 2007 at Nay Pyi Taw. delivered an address. Later, Prof. Adik Wibowo, WHO Plianbangchang. After the ceremony, the Representative to Myanmar, read out dignitaries and invited guests viewed the the message from WHO Regional mini-exhibition, displayed by the Ministry Director for South-East Asia, Dr Samlee of Health. The exhibition featured activities and successful events carried Prof. Adik Wibowo, WHO Representative to Myanmar, read out the message from WHO out by the national tobacco control Regional Director for South-East Asia, Dr programme in the past years and Samlee Plianbangchang at the opening activities related to this year's theme ceremony of the World No Tobacco Day 2007 "Smoke Free Environments". in Nay Pyi Taw.

Training workshop on information management and retrieval for HeLLIS network libraries he HeLLIS - "Health Literature, Myanmar. The participants were drawn Possible follow up of this workshop Library and Information Services or from HeLLIs libraries, such as would be to conduct similar workshop for T(HELLIS)" Network of the South- Universities of Medicine and medical/health librarians. East Asia Region was born in August 1979. Department of Medical Research. Ms Since then, the WHO South-East Asia Anchalee Chamchuklin, IMD, WHO Visit of DAF/SEARO to Regional Office has been supporting various SEARO and Ms Kanpirom Wiboonpanich, Myanmar activities aimed at achieving the objectives WHO Thailand facilitated the workshop. of the HELLIS Network. The Department Ms Marla Win, Librarian and Mr Tin Htoo of Medical Research Library (Lower Khaing, IT specialist from WHO Myanmar) is the focal point for HeLLIS Myanmar were the two national key libraries in Myanmar. resource persons. The training of trainers workshop on The objective of the workshop was information management and retrieval for to train the librarians in information HeLLIS network libraries was conducted at management following international the Medical Education Centre from 20 to standards by using PhpMyLibrary 22 June 2007, hosted by the Department software. This software is a PHP MySQL of Medical Science and WHO Country Library automation application. The Office in Myanmar. program consist of cataloguing, The workshop was attended by leading circulation, and webpac module. The r Jeffery Kobza, Director, librarians from medical libraries across programs has and import - export Administration and Finance, feature and it strictly follow the WHO/SEARO, New Delhi, USMARC standard for adding materials. M visited Myanmar during the period of 10 PhpMyLibrary is a free software (open to 13 June 2007 in order to familiarize source) developed by Philippines and himself with the implementation of the customized by U Aung Myint with an 3DF/Bridge Fund strategies. He also initiative and support from Ms Anchalee visited Pathein in Ayeyarwaddy division Chamchuklin, IMD, WHO SEARO. to have first hand knowledge of the Bridge Fund activities at the township Group photo of facilitators and participants of the training workshop on information level. The Myanmar Country Office management and retrieval for HeLLIS benefited from the visit of Mr Kobza to network libraries. focus on administrative aspects.

30 June - 6 July 2007 WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control - second session of Conference of the Parties, Bangkok, Thailand. 2 - 6 July 2007 Joint meeting of Health Secretaries of Countries of WHO SEA Region and Consultative Committee for Programme Development and Management, WHO/SEARO, New Delhi, India. 15 - 18 July 2007 Dr Samlee Plianbangchang WHO Regional Director for South-East Asia Region and Dr Myint Htwe, Director of Programme Management visit to Yangon in accepting invitation of H.E. Professor Kyaw Myint, Minister for Health, for launching the University of Public Health in Yangon, on 16 July 2007.

20-23 July 2007 Inter-Country training on Malaria country database, Summit Parkview Hotel, Yangon.

important dates 1 - 2 August 2007 Field Epidemiology Training Programme (FETP) workshop, Yangon. 4 WHO Myanmar newsletter Issue 14 volume 4 April - June 2007