The Press by Its Use

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The Press by Its Use Crack Tear Wkip Happiness and prosparity depend to a SOMERSET HARKET REPORT. NO PEOPLE IN THE WORLD I The Seaside Library. History of Perry County. BEATTY JPJLAJNO PRESS. Eol Levi, a T S0ME11SET 'jjger of the erdant" "got Tery great extent upon good health. All Choice books longer for the few only. COBSECXXD WESK1Y BT THOS. JOHSOX. suffer as much with Kenralgie or Eieumatio do The Circumstances beyond my control have delayed bin back op ard propejii to go to the those suffering "iom Cold, best standard novels witbin the reach of every one of History oi Hoarsen38t or Potatoes f) bush complaints as Americans, and no nation is so Books usually sold from $1 to S3 given (un- the preparation and publication the 9RA5D SQUARE AND UPRIGH1. Somerset, Thartdar - S. 1877. dlffarer grocery men and 18 Perry County, On'o, which I have fox sometime s inji- - : hare them Cough, should tryDr. Bell's Cough Syrup prolific in remedies to cure, yet we come in changed and unabriged) for 10 aad 20 cents. - Sn jirej. tne most hjndkoir . 16 had in con temptation. in Buttkb per 1 tast Lvnne. by Mrs. Henry H kkI 20c. vie e muni .ceiured In , - "don't tale Tmt Eacssajy more," because contact every day with scores who are suffer- book, of six &r:-op- coin a curee. lb 08 The will volume, about a, . ,eg-cat- i It Iud 'ft 2 John Halifax, Gent., by Miss Mulock,. 20c beawre pub- . posfciu.e. ei c. e LOCAL AND JflSCXLliANEOUS. we remicded an ing without having found the cure they have 3 ,- hundred well bua,i and printed, and ana u him of ord'.ieice he waa .Jan.; Eyre, by Charlolto Bronte- 20c loo1! good T.a .e .irae. cuiulvtied "o "" j.ici 10 faoghtfor. To 4 A Woman- C. lished by a regular establishment, on cleicnjessa H. "t n Be snre you are right Solomon and then Haws.. those who have used Hater, Reade's new novel 20c workman-lik- e man- ciuuest, thro.'noui - violat ng. your Black-Indie- paper, good style, and in a f.e a ''Crack whip Sol" and we 8 5 The s, Jules Verne latest,.; 10c" in tire sca.e, auo u a nirpr &ijg go ahead. No you cause 8houubbs ner. It wiil Lvnia talipiory of the county by sound, im lin oi'.1 KATEH OF ADTERTISI5G. wi'l answer it. As fir ae yaor patronage doubt but will a SlDB 9 6 Last Davs of Pompeii, by Bulwer, jrte' townshiits. as fur as uraeticahlt? from the neriod of tne aod aympat' o o 40 7 by 0c- - wfcieu never us Fkathkbs.. lawson's Curative Adam Bede, George Eliot down to July 4th, cl'ajes under tLe most :". r of ia we ' Solo-nro- o great cox .notion. It would not surprise we need only to say the earliest white setrleTientt louc-j- . forb-da- 80 concerned don't want Bnt Okiom . 65 that it is compounded with 8 The Arundel Motto, by Mary Cecil Hav,... loo. wrfu; fcuace fu! j- - oJ Oo one week I 1877, close ol year, worK ih-- dceni"-s.rnaie- antiere 173 9 Old Myddelton's Money, by M. C. May, 10c. the ibelcueDDul ine Toajn n . V 'Mill mill Insertion. 0 c'jse your 10 if yon were make a table of the white bkasb the same scientific skill and care as heretofore, will give lames oi the earl? pioneers, of each iswudWri-- Krh "shebang" at o'clock t 10 The Woman iu White, by Wilkie Collins,.. 20c. the cu ?e !,f , , :o; - on A.lmlnUtratotsor fcieeutor's notice... - 100 No-t- h pole for a cue, and maintains the deserved reputation which township, as far as possie, introducing incidents jen, la,;- .t .en S ard also b'uesk'c , the have "qV A XI. ,H- - K wl nolle :. - 00 P.M. oj Snadty. Yen are no ui it has acquired by the wonderful cores has 11, The Mill oh the Floss, by George filiot, 20c connected i;h tne early settlements, and the J? '".oneo having elvertMng to publish will And moon, a ba!la, dif- Sontereet Ctratln Market. it 12 - progress of all pane of county. (artiee it benefit to our town wbateTer. Yoi have the son, aad n 'ot .the performed. To those who have never The American Senator, by Trollope, ... 2rc- gTowth and tbe Uwur to call at this office tested 13 A Priuee&s of Thule, bv William Black,..--.- . Also, as far at may be obtainable, a separate and . la g 1 18 2ik. 1US. ,. i4tuUi i?p-ovn- ferent countries for and whole Wiikat bush. we urge new, in- t.vv ckuiuv. "tli.r.j. ...... done noth'ig towards ft and we oher. 5 00 the Cubattvb a trial of its virtues for 14 The Bead Secret, by Wilkie Collins, ' lOe. distinct account oi each town, old and ClOVKK SKED the diseases below. 15 Roinoia, by George Eliot, 20c cluding, of course, overmyertov n, Somerset, doa't yon 1 do swi'r cheese to count "he pc"nts. Cobk H bush 40 named 'ia any t ling to 15 The English at Pole, ThrcnviJlc, Rehoboth,' Bristol, Lexington, V, per barrel, (retail) New - . 8 00 the Korth and the N' BEAT-T- S Flour Eminent and Skillful Physicians Field of Ice, by Jules Verne 10c Mourt Hope, Croeseu'vIMe, Wolftown, Maxviile. DARIEL F. injuie :,cck year whip Sol," Commissioner P'auk let oat fill:ng Flour, per barrel, (retail) old... .. - . 7 2o Mp - Mlllertown, . WaBli ngtoD, Kew tbe 52 17 Hidden Perils, by cU Hay, lOo. Oareld, Porterville, S.raitsville. U. 8. A.", crack your whip. Solomon. Oats bash - use tho Curative largely in their practice, and Id Barbara's History, by lia Edwards,. 20c Sego, Mount.Pcrry, Saltdllo, WhippsLOwn, Middle-tow- n. of tbe Co'umbus 8 ee'; on the S'ith. Bte bash - SO I. tibawin?e, McCuueville, per Ton . 22 00 prominent clergymen and editors recommend 10 A Terrible Teiuptatio Chas. Reado,. 10c. New NOTICE. Cbas. Ga'liger lowest his Middilipg per bash 50 cts. 20 Old Cuiiositj Shop, by C harles 20c. J one ion City, Gienfurd, Moxahaia. Hemlock, Our vsi the bidder, '- - 30 cts " j 18 (0 it from a knowledge of effeots. Dickens, pubi c schools directed by Prof. 8. " " " its 21 - Furnace, any - S.' . 15 00 Fouiriay, by Charles Ruade, 10c. Ferrara- Baird's Buikingliiir. and boots and shoes, 4 bid being eighty s: dollars. Mr. Plank Bran per bnBh 20. cts per Ton .... 22 1 Maa t.'iat may 2 ar.g up orn?9 e m'W MliVgan and ars!sied by o'her friends will ... 1 25 aud Wife, by WilkieOollins, 20c. her o:d or new towns Four mora twine (ad we lava skkd..... 23 The bv up work of t is c'u-- . ) an br.t man and tl?e man towtht . 1 25 Suire'b Legacy, Marv C. Iiay, 20c. before the manuscriit he " Town e::e'ent less Flax Sesd 21 Too Wa giii it Hu'I on Iiiday evening, Rheumatism, Diphtheria, Never Late To Mend, bv C. Xleane, 20c cc. garves & pub'UheJ TBI Prr.o year. now ner in waich he le. out this work waa sat 25 Lf.dy Adelaide's Oath, bv Mrs. II. Wood,... 10c. The volume will give a history of the railroads of Mccarty an Ententu'rnent Mnr srt"g in Music, Bee 2iJ who in isfactory Meeiorereenback Central Conimltle Dyspepsia, Sciatica, Aurora Floyd, by Misa M. E. Bradtlon,. 20c. tbe county, of the newspaper pres, of the several apou ALL ate arrears to pay itat-'on- to 'all. f call Pan, n'me, J '.' elephonic exbib 27 Victor anu'uoquishcu, bv M. C. Hay, 10c county scat struggle r ierr in connec- AT THE SIGN OF THE n 35 A Iaughtof lieth, by Wiliiam Blak,.... 10c. tion with the var o; 1812. ihe Mexican war, and KED B(MT. by time the erp'rej. We tit. AxA Neuralgia, Toothache, a f vp the n. 7 e beau Ci nta of the months Every body buys o. There wiil be a meeting rf the Green- 23 Nora's Love Test, by Mary Cecil Hav, r.. 10c. the war of 1861. aVj, i jit as information can be their ra'fens at X't J 83 Her Dearest Foe, by Mrs. Alexander, 20c. procured, a sepaa disVnct account of each continue to keep on hand a full line jt and w.lh s aud ad of rt MUST HAVB THE MOSEY acd cin re.aouj ij tableaux because tbey are so cheap. Slbs. for "5 eta back Central Comfit eat juic :on City, Pleurisy, Sore Throat, 31 Love Me Little, Love life Long, by C. Reado 10c Chu ch society jecou ;.n.l Shoes, l adle's Jltesesa id Cliiidren's - - 82 The Queen of Hearts, by Wilkie Co'bus,. 10c. Asextra-h- it. will contain a chap- any ill t a Iead'ng Mt k 'js feature. Rec- on Thursday . JS.8, :or the i ire not listen to excuse f ora any ooe ai Febra. :4! Swollen Joints, Chilblains, 33 Handy Andy. Samuel Lover, 20t. ter upon the v., 1 otfrT wealth, and upon, quickly aid cheaply done. itat.'ons and soiir will bi give t by te:e- - If you widh the finest bottle of perfum purpose of appointing "de" s to', the 31 A Simpleton, by Cnaries Reade, i?c. tne future f pe:s oi je county.
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